The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 283 Predict in advance

Chapter 283 Predict in advance
Xu Jie returned to the director team after chatting with director Xu Shenghua.

At this point the first performance has ended and the second performance is in progress.

Jiang Hai saw that Xu Jie had been away for a long time, so he asked with concern: "Is your stomach uncomfortable? There is medicine in the backstage."

In order to deal with emergencies, the backstage usually prepares various emergency medicines for the stars, but it has never been used since the broadcast started.

Xu Jie shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Hai asked again.

Xu Jie didn't want to talk in such a hurry at first, but since Director Jiang asked, he decided to communicate with the other party first. After all, the investment amount proposed by director Xu Shenghua just now is not small. In the end, Director Jiang had to be invited to come forward.

"Director, I called Xu Shenghua just now." Xu Jie said in a low voice.


Jiang Hai was surprised at first, and then showed a surprised expression.

He really didn't expect Xu Jie to be able to contact Xu Shenghua. Thinking of the way the other party refused to accept Su Yun as a lobbyist in the morning, could this kid be planning to give them a surprise?
Others behave in a low-key manner and do things in a high-key manner, while the other party behaves in a low-key manner.

"How about it, does she agree to postpone it?" Jiang Hai asked.

Although it is nothing for him to make a movie, but the show and actors are put on the big screen, which can expand the influence of "Crossover Actor", the next season can attract more people's attention, and the advertising sponsorship can also directly take off.

He wished that all the actors could get the chance to act in a movie through this program. When the time came for an interview, who would not thank "Crossover Actor"?
"Agreed is agreed, but it is conditional." Xu Jie stretched out three fingers, "She said that the investment should be at least this amount."

Jiang Hai was taken aback when he saw it clearly. With Xu Shenghua's reputation as director, 300 million would definitely not catch his eye, and the other party would not dare to ask for 3000 million, so these three fingers represented [-] million.

"A lot." Jiang Hai frowned.

If you use 3000 million to invest in commercial films, it’s not much, really not much, but if you use 3000 million to invest in literary films, it’s too much, too much.

It’s not that the production cost of a commercial film is higher than that of a literary film, but that investing in a commercial film has a higher chance of returning its capital and making money, while investing in a literary film basically means losing money. It’s just a matter of paying more and paying less. The more you invest, the less you pay.

"Yeah." Xu Jie sighed softly, "I don't know if President Guo will agree."

"You didn't negotiate the price with Director Xu?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Director, can we still bargain on this matter?" Xu Jie looked shocked.

"Of course, investment is business, and if it is business, you can bargain." Jiang Hai said.

"Even if I can talk about it, but I don't know Mr. Guo's low price, so I can't make the decision. What should I say? If I talk from 3000 million to 2000 million, Mr. Guo still thinks it's high. How can I explain to Director Xu Shenghua?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile
Jiang Hai thought for a while, and felt that what Xiao Xu said was correct.

If someone who can't be the master negotiates the price, isn't that equivalent to fooling people?

"Director, why don't you ask Mr. Guo how much he can pay at most, so I can talk to director Xu Shenghua based on the amount he gave, or else it's not appropriate for me to say anything in front of Director Xu." Xu Jie showed a embarrassed expression .

Jiang Hai nodded, then talked to Lu Hong beside him, and left the director team.

Xu Jie looked at the monitor screen. About ten minutes later, Director Jiang finally came back. Xu Jie looked over expectantly. Whether the Mulan movie can be made depends on this moment.

"Mr. Guo said that the maximum investment is 2000 million." Jiang Hai said in a low voice: "Although it is for social responsibility, but for a loss-making business, of course the less the loss, the better. What do you think?"

"I understand, spend less and do more, but is it a bit too much to lose 1000 million in one fell swoop?" Xu Jie asked.

He talked more casually with Director Jiang. If Mr. Guo was here, he would never say such a thing.

"You may not know that the film and television companies like TV stations are usually very cautious in investing in literary films. The 2000 million investment can be settled by Mr. Guo alone, but if there are more, an internal meeting of the company is required. What? Changes may occur as soon as the meeting is held, do you understand what I mean?" Jiang Hai said.

Of course Xu Jie understood.

What was supposed to be a simple matter becomes complicated when it is discussed in a meeting.

"Be careful. If you can help Mr. Guo get this done this time, Mr. Guo will definitely think of you and arrange a role for your wife if there are any big projects in the future." Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

"Okay, then I'll try. If we can't talk, don't blame me." After speaking, Xu Jie stood up and left the director team.

He came to the bathroom again, holding his mobile phone and said, "Hello, Director Xu, I'm Xu Jie..."

He walked through the individual rooms, and after seeing no one, he took the phone away from his ear.

The screen was black, and he never called director Xu Shenghua at all.

As for why...

It's very simple, because he made up 3000 million yuan, and director Xu Shenghua only asked for 2000 million yuan.

The reason why he did this was to make Mr. Guo feel better.

2000 million is not a small amount. It is completely possible to independently produce a film, let alone invest in a literary film, and it is still ranked third. I will inevitably feel uncomfortable and wonder if I can invest less.

Xu Jie lied that 3000 million was based on this consideration. If he had said 2000 million from the beginning, Mr. Guo might think it was too much, and he would not be able to explain to Xu Shenghua, but he said 3000 million, even if Mr. Guo Want to bargain, he also set aside 1000 million leeway.

To put it bluntly, this is called: Prejudgment.

He predicted Mr. Guo's thoughts, so he responded in advance.

As for whether the matter will be revealed, he is not worried.

On the one hand, Mr. Guo has said it himself, and he is not familiar with director Xu Shenghua. On the other hand, Mr. Guo is the general manager of the Forbidden Film Company. How could he do such a shameful thing like negotiating the price himself?

The best way to sigh this kind of thing is to leave it to a middleman.

And Xu Jie is the middleman.

He stayed in the bathroom for a while, pretending that it was difficult to talk, and left the bathroom when he felt that it was almost time.

Returning to the director team, Jiang Hai immediately asked, "How is it?"

Xu Jie sighed, and when Jiang Hai frowned, he nodded and said, "Director Xu agrees, but I have offended Director Xu badly."

Jiang Hai smiled and said: "It's okay. When Director Xu uses this investment to solve urgent needs in the future, she will think of you. Even if you offend Director Xu, it's okay. Don't you still get Mr. Guo's appreciation? I Now go and ask for credit for you." After saying that, he left.

Looking at Jiang Hai's back, Xu Jie was overjoyed, and Zhuge Zhuge from Nangou Village still had the same demeanor.


 Thanks to book friend Yu Min for the reward of 200 starting coins, thanks for the subscription, thanks for the reward, and thanks for voting!

(End of this chapter)

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