The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 300 Long face for the stage

Chapter 300 Long face for the stage

After the second round of "Crossover Actors" was broadcast, the relevant actors were on the hot search again. From modeling to acting skills, they were all compared with the original version in all aspects. Some forums even initiated voting, so that Netizens voted on the performance of the actors. In short, the latest issue of "Crossover Actors" has achieved a double harvest of ratings and word of mouth.

On Monday, when Xu Jie came to the unit, he was stopped as soon as he entered the gate.

"Director Xu, I want to ask you something." A hostess from the satellite TV program center approached Xu Jie.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked, he now spends half of his time in the satellite TV program center, so he is very familiar with the people there.

If the art program center is his eldest wife's home, then the satellite TV program center is his little wife's home.

The hostess looked around, and then said mysteriously: "Hasn't "Crossover Actors" progressed to nine to six? I want to ask what will be the next round of six to three competitions."

Every round of "Crossover Actors" has a different competition method, and the more exciting it gets to the end, so now everyone is not only concerned about the performance of each actor, but also very concerned about what competition method will be chosen for the next round and the finals .

"You shouldn't ask me about this, you should ask your boss, Director Lu." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"I dare not. Besides, who doesn't know that you are the planner of "Crossover Actor"? Who doesn't know that you came up with those competition methods? Now our TV station, you are the only one who has a lot of tricks." The hostess smiled. Said.

"Thank you, but it's too early for you to ask. I haven't figured out how to compete for the next one. I'm thinking about the show together. When I think about it, I will be the first to tell you." Xu Jie walked into the building after speaking. .

In fact, the competition method for each round has been decided before the filming of the show, but in order to bring more surprises to the audience, it has not been made public. Only five people in the entire program group know about it. The two chief directors and Three planners.

Xu Jie came to the art program center, just returned to his station and sat down, other members of the program group surrounded him.

"Director Xu, the post-production of our show has been completed, can everyone relax this week?" Song Huanhuan asked softly.

The others also looked at Xu Jie expectantly, all of them looked very happy, because Xu Jie once told them that as long as the next month's program can be completed, then the rest of the month can not work at the unit, as long as one morning It is fine to clock in at the unit when you come late, but you must keep your mobile phone unblocked and be on call.

"Okay, you can leave after the morning meeting." Xu Jie said.

He did this to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for work. It is much better to finish the program in advance than to fish and work in the unit one by one and wait until the end of the month to complete the program.


Everyone cheered, then returned to their workstations, one by one began to plan where to go during the day.

Soon it will be time for the morning meeting.

All the program groups came to the meeting room to listen to Director Jiang's summary of last week's work, and at the same time make arrangements for this week's work, of course, except for the "Delicious History" program group.

The first in grade will receive preferential treatment from the head teacher, and the head teacher will not disturb the study of the first in grade.


Halfway through the meeting, Xu Jie's cell phone vibrated, and he hurriedly took it out to check, it was Shen Zi again.

He didn't answer, and hung up the phone directly. At the same time, he found a very legitimate reason to tell the other party why he couldn't answer the phone through a text message: I was in a meeting.

Shen Zi replied in the text message: "I'm outside the TV station, looking for you to discuss the program."

Xu Jie frowned, and the two discussed the program twice, one time in person and one time over the phone, but they broke up on both occasions.

What made him frown was that the other party not only didn't stop contacting wisely, but continued to come to him. Did this woman think that she was helping others and saving the lost youth?

Dogs meddle in their own business with mice!

"The meeting is going to be very late." Xu Jie replied.

Although the words were very euphemistic, he felt that anyone who knew something could understand what he meant.

"It's okay, I'm here, I'll wait for you." Shen Zi said.

Really ignorant!

Xu Jie thought to himself.

It won't be long before the meeting ends.

"Xu Jie, pay attention." Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie immediately looked back at the team members and said, "Go back and wait for me, I have something to tell you."

Everyone nodded and left.

After everyone left, Jiang Hai said with a smile, "Xiao Xu, you've done a good job for our TV station."

"Director, which time did you say that?" Xu Jie asked, he gave the stage too many times, and Director Jiang said this without beginning or end, and he didn't know what the other party was talking about.

"Of course it's "Crossover Actor"." Jiang Hai came to sit down beside Xu Jie, and said excitedly, "Did you know? Although "Crossover Actor" has not finished broadcasting yet, its influence has expanded to foreign countries , I heard from Lao Lu that there is already a foreign TV station preparing to introduce our program, although the money is not a lot, but you have to know that it is not about money, do you understand?"

Xu Jie looked at Jiang Hai in a daze, is it true?
Jiang Hai nodded, really.

Xu Jie was surprised, can you hear my heart?
Jiang Hai smiled slightly, your eyes have betrayed you.

Xu Jie froze for a moment, Jiang was still hot.

Jiang Hai continued: "In the past, domestic variety shows were imported from abroad. This time, foreign countries imported variety shows from our country. As far as I know, this is the first time. It is unprecedented. Even the superiors are very happy. , you just wait for a good harvest.”

"What a bumper harvest?" Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang suspiciously. Are foreign TV stations planning to give him gifts?

No, just a little more money.

"Of course it's a great harvest." Jiang Hai said: ""Delicious History" and "Crossover Actors" are now the two highest-rated programs on our station, whether it is the work award in our station or the excellent program in the capital area Awards, even national awards, will surely be indispensable to you, and then you just wait for the limelight."

"Are there any bonuses?" Xu Jie asked, he was not interested in showing off, he was more interested in bonuses.

Although he is considered a little famous now, he has only shot one commercial so far. If the fame cannot be converted into money, then the name is a false name.

"There must be bonuses, but there are not many, but you have to know that this is not a question of bonuses. With these awards, you will have honor, and you will rise in the future. These are capital, understand? Lao Lu is because of "Crossover "Actor", promotion to deputy editor-in-chief is basically a certainty."

When Jiang Hai said this, he showed an envious expression on his face. In fact, as another chief director of "Crossover Actor", he also had an extra honor. It's just that he has not been able to show it in the past few years in the Arts Program Center. What a decent show, so all the current promotions are out of his turn.

Xu Jie was finally moved when he heard this.

In the face of money, he is more interested in promotion, because having power means having everything.

"Director Jiang, I must make better programs in the future." Xu Jie said seriously.

Jiang Hai nodded in satisfaction when he heard it, "Well, don't be arrogant or impetuous, that's great. Just tell me what program you want to do in the future, and I will definitely support you with all my strength."

For him, Xu Jie can produce a good program, and he, the director, can also be honored. After all, it is under his "leadership" that such an excellent program can be produced, and the producer column at the end of the program will also It's his name, and that's enough!
"Go and do your work," Jiang Hai said.

The effect of this conversation was very good, what he wanted was Xu Jie's attitude.

Xu Jie walked out of the conference room, and when he returned to the office, the team members immediately surrounded him.

"Mr. Xu, what do you want to tell us?"

Xu Jie looked at the time on his watch, then forgot to glance out of the window, and said: "In the second half of the year, the sponsor of our show will change. This time, the sponsor sent a representative to guide our work. Now The person is downstairs, and I will invite him up after a while, so that we can get to know each other well, so that we can start work in the future."

"What? The sponsor sent someone to guide our work? What's going on?" Liu Jinbao said in surprise.

"That's right, what do they know, that they even know about our work, and our show is the number one in ratings, how can we use them to guide us?" Song Huanhuan frowned tightly.

"Isn't this layman guiding experts?"

The crowd kept protesting, very dissatisfied with the sponsor's behavior.

"Don't get excited, let's have a look first." Xu Jie said lightly.

He couldn't contact the sponsor's representative one-on-one. He had to let everyone in the program group see that Manager Shen. In this way, if anything happened to the program in the future, everyone would know who to blame.

He is not a person who escapes responsibility, he will take responsibility, but he will not take the blame.

"Hao Bo, go down and invite someone up. We'll wait for you in the small meeting room." Xu Jie said, "By the way, it's a woman named Shen Zi, with a poker face, as if someone owes her money."

Tian Haobo was taken aback when he heard that, is there such a description of people?It seems that the boss doesn't like this Manager Shen either.

"Good teacher Xu."

After speaking, he hurriedly left the office.

"They are just sponsors, and they didn't buy our TV station. Who gave them the courage to guide them?"

"It's the same at the top, and you agree to this kind of thing?"

"So many programs with poor ratings are not directed, but we, the No. [-] rated program, will not be able to come up with this idea within ten years of cerebral thrombosis."

Everyone came to the small meeting room full of complaints, and within a few minutes, Tian Haobo led a woman into the room.

"Let me introduce to you." Xu Jie stood up, pointed at the woman and said, "This is the marketing manager of Qiandu Best, and also Shen Zi, the representative of Qiandu Best. Manager Shen, the purpose of her coming here today is It is to guide our work, come, let us welcome Manager Shen to speak with warm applause."

Everyone gathered firewood, and he wanted to let all the team members know Manager Shen's thoughts. In this way, everyone persuaded and refuted together. The so-called public anger should not be violated.


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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