The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 301: Standing and Saying You Have No Back Pain

Chapter 301


"Crack!" "Crack!"

In the meeting room, applause was sparse. Those who clapped looked at the others who did not applaud, and finally stopped applauding. The atmosphere was deserted and awkward for a while.

On the one hand, everyone hates that sponsors send people to intervene in their work and interfere with their freedom of filming; on the other hand, the arrival of sponsors disrupts everyone's plans for today, and the wonderful day of skipping work is gone. Comfortable?
Shen Zi glanced around in the conference room, she didn't care about the cold reception she received, in her position, she was already used to such cold eyes, who made her be Party A?
"I'm here today to tell you my views on the show."

She didn't expect that Director Xu would gather all the staff of the program team to welcome her, but this is also good, she can pass on her ideas to everyone, so as not to waste words in the future, maybe someone will support her ideas .

"I conducted a market survey last weekend. The content was what kind of food people usually like. This is the survey report. You can take a look."

While speaking, Shen Zi took out a stack of documents from her bag and distributed them to those present. In order to convince the program director, she came here today with preparation.

Xu Jie glanced at the investigation report, a sneer appeared on his face.

I thought it was something new, but it turned out to be what I said before, it seems that the other party still hasn't given up the idea of ​​"inserting".

"This is an online questionnaire about whether the audience prefers traditional food or popular food. There are as many as [-] netizens who participated in the voting. Let's take a look at the voting results." Shen Zi looked at Xu Jie after she finished speaking, which is to speak from the facts.

Everyone looked at the survey results, which showed that [-]% of them liked popular food, and only [-]% liked traditional food.

"What do you mean? Does it mean that our program is niche?" Xiao Wei asked.

"Manager Shen, I know what this vote means, and I don't know what you mean by showing us this vote." Song Huanhuan threw the report on the table and said dismissively, "What is traditional food? What is it?" Popular food? Can’t traditional food be popular? Isn’t the popular Qingtuan traditional food?”

"That's right, there are still many popular delicacies that evolved from traditional delicacies. I think this poll survey is not rigorous enough, and the difference between June [-]th and June [-]th is not very big, so it doesn't explain anything." Liu Jinbao also said

"You can't say that." After hearing this, Xu Jie said solemnly: "This information is the result of Manager Shen's hard investigation. How can it be said that it is useless? How can it be said that nothing can be seen? At least it shows that everyone is right. Food cares."

Everyone was stunned. At first they thought that Director Xu was standing by Manager Shen's side, but some people couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

What he said, on the surface, seemed to be speaking for Manager Shen, but in fact he directly denied the investigation report.

"Whatever you laugh, be serious. It's a meeting. Anyone who laughs will get out." Xu Jie said angrily, and then looked at Shen Zi, "Manager Shen, go ahead and analyze this situation carefully for everyone." Find out the results of the investigation, and then talk about your thoughts, they are too dull, so just say what you have to say."

Shen Zi was speechless.

Everyone disagrees with this survey, and let her analyze it?

No more analysis, just the conclusion!
"Compared with traditional food, netizens are more concerned about popular food. As a food program, our program should not only talk about tradition, but also combine it with fashion. This is called keeping pace with the times. We should actively make changes in content. , to meet the needs of all kinds of food lovers." Shen Zi said seriously.

Everyone frowned after hearing this. What they said negated all their previous work.

Our programs are not keeping up with the times?Our show doesn't satisfy food lovers?
Is this here to guide the work?
It's clearly here to mess things up.

"Manager Shen, do you know the ratings of our program?" Song Huanhuan couldn't help asking. She is a loyal follower of Director Xu, and as the temporary person in charge of Director Xu when he is no longer, she firmly does not allow others Negate this show.

"I know, the ratings are always above 2." Shen Zi replied.

"Then do you know how difficult it is for a program to achieve a rating of 2 or more?" Song Huanhuan asked again: "Do you know that many star variety shows do not reach 2 ratings? You said that the content of our program is not good enough. Okay, so what’s the deal with the ratings? The ratings should be more revealing than the survey you did on the Internet.”

The others echoed after hearing it.

"That's right, our program has always been the number one in ratings. How can we say that the audience doesn't like it?"

"Manager Shen, how many programs can you find that have ratings above 2?"

"You Qiandubao sponsored our program, isn't it because of the high ratings of our program? If we change the content, once the ratings drop, who will be responsible for it? Are you? Can you take responsibility?"

Xu Jie did not speak, because he was very satisfied with the performance of the team members, which is called more support than support.

You can guide if you want, but you can't guide indiscriminately.

You can intervene if you want, but you have to convince everyone.

Listen to people's persuasion, eat enough, be good, okay?

Just when Xu Jie thought Manager Shen could change his mind, Shen Zi looked calm, and after everyone had finished speaking, she said, "Are you satisfied with the current ratings? Don't you want to put the show on the show?" Can you do better? Can you guys be a little more aggressive? What happened to the ratings exceeding 2? Don’t you want to pass 3 or 4?”

Everyone here was shocked by these words. Everyone finally knew what it means to be ignorant without fear, and what it means to stand and talk without back pain.

Over 3 over 4?

Are you used to bragging online?

The Spring Festival Gala of Beijing TV Station is only over 3. How many celebrities are there at the Spring Festival Gala?And there is only one episode of Delicious History.

Before, everyone thought that this manager Shen might not understand their program, but now everyone finally understands that the other party doesn't understand, or doesn't understand at all.

"Why, don't you have confidence?" Shen Zi asked with a sneer.

Everyone was not angry when they heard this, and they talked about where to go after the meeting.

"Haha!" Liu Jinbao suddenly laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at? Is what I said funny?" Shen Zi frowned and asked.

"Manager Shen, don't get me wrong. I didn't laugh at you. Didn't Director Xu just say that whoever laughed out went out? I laughed, and I went out by myself." Liu Jinbao stood up after speaking, turned and walked out of the meeting room.

When everyone saw it, they were stunned.

And this hype?

So they followed suit.

"Hee hee, I'm going out too." Song Huan walked out with a smile.

"It's nothing funny, but I really want to laugh now, haha."

"Haha, I can't control myself either."


In less than a minute, only Xu Jie and Shen Zi were left in the conference room.

"Hey, come back, you are too shameful!" Xu Jie said angrily, you are all gone, what should I do?It's too outrageous, who will take me away!

Xu Jie sighed pretentiously, then looked back at Shen Zi and said, "Manager Shen, I'm sorry, they are all people who don't seek to make progress. I am different from them. I am very motivated. I not only want to reach 3 , I still want to achieve 5, surpassing the news broadcast of China TV. People who watch my program hide more than those who watch the news broadcast. What kind of feeling does that feel? Manager Shen, my ideal depends entirely on you, you must help I."


Shen Zi frowned, she is not stupid, she can still understand what is being said and what is being said, not to mention that the ratings want to surpass the news network, how is it possible?The Spring Festival Gala can't be surpassed.

"It seems that everyone can't accept my idea for a while." Shen Zi said indifferently: "But I can understand them. After all, they have been doing this program for a long time, and they have feelings. Suddenly they want to change the content. It is definitely unacceptable..."

Xu Jie sneered, big sister, are you consoling yourself, are you finding steps for yourself?
Admitting mistakes is not a shameful thing, it is shameful to hold on to mistakes.

In fact, he also understands the other party very well. With so much money for sponsorship, but no one listens to his suggestions, who would feel better?
But understanding belongs to understanding, and principles cannot be lost.

"It will start up next month. I think they will understand my painstaking efforts when they see the effect of the filmed program." Shen Zi continued.


Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, and he was still going to do it his own way?
There was a sudden sense of defeat in his heart.

He called the team members together in the hope that everyone could work together to change each other's thinking, but now it seems that he was whimsical.

"Manager Shen, are you really planning to continue filming? Do you have a script?" Xu Jie asked: "You have seen what happened just now. It is basically impossible for those team members to write it, and the production of the program is only one month. If the effect of the produced program is not good, there is no chance of re-shooting. I think it is better to be like this. Let's divide into two groups, you shoot yours, I shoot mine, and then find some viewers to try it out, whose effect How about broadcasting it to someone else?"

Anyone who has an opinion is an opinion, and anyone who has an opinion is an opinion, but he didn't want the show to be delayed, so he came up with this method and let the other party play by themselves.

"Divided into two groups? How can this work? The personnel are scattered, the technology is scattered, and even the production cost has to be divided into two. No, we need to concentrate our efforts on big things!" Shen Zi said.

Xu Jie looked at the other party, "Excuse me, is this your idea, or your company's idea?"

"You mean, I'm the company representative, so my thoughts are naturally the company's thoughts." Shen Zi said arrogantly.

"I think the program has been changed too much, which will affect the effect of the program. You'd better report it to your leader, maybe..."

"Don't bother them with such a small matter, I can make the decision!"

"You can make the decision, but I can't. I need to report it." Xu Jie said, he couldn't make fun of his own show.

"You go, I'll wait for you here." Shen Zi said.

Xu Jie frowned, looking at the other party, as if he had her decided.

OK, you wait!


 Thanks to book friends magician and Lian for the 5000 starting coins! ! !Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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