Chapter 302
Xu Jie came out of the conference room, went directly to the program center of Satellite TV, and found Director Lu Hong Lu. "Delicious History" is a program personally designated by Director Lu to be broadcast on the TV channel, and the other party will be the deputy editor-in-chief of the station in the future. He is one of the several big bosses in the game, so he has to be consulted for this matter.


"Come in!"

Xu Jie pushed open the door and walked in.

Director Lu was the only one in the office, and he was on the phone right now.

After Lu Hong saw Xu Jie, he nodded at him, and then pointed to the chair opposite, signaling him to sit first.

"Yes, yes, director, don't worry, I will definitely check the program and improve the quality and ratings..."

Lu Hong was very happy. His promotion to the deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station had been finalized. According to the organizational procedures, it would be announced in half a month. After working hard for so many years, he finally got what he wanted.

After a few minutes.

When Lu Hong put down the phone and looked at Xu Jie, the lucky star, he showed an amiable smile and asked, "Xiao Xu, what's the matter?"

"Director Lu, I'm not sure about something, and I want to report to you." Xu Jie said with a serious expression.

They said it was a report, but they actually came to Director Lu to make decisions.

If you don't take him as a little program director seriously, you can't take the TV station's leaders seriously, right?
Since you can't communicate if you speak well, let the leader communicate with you!

"Oh? What's the matter?" Lu Hong asked with a smile.

"Director Lu, it's like this. Didn't "Delicious History" change sponsors in the second half of the year? This time, the sponsor sent a representative to guide our program, telling us not to film traditional Beijing cuisine in the second half of the year, but I went to shoot some popular Internet celebrity food, I thought that the content of the program would be changed too much, and I was worried that it would affect the ratings, so I reported to Director Lu, should I listen to the representatives of the sponsors, or should I not listen to the representatives of the sponsors?" Xu Jie threw the question to Director Lu.

That's right, he is looking for someone to take the blame!
The show's ratings were high, and Director Lu followed suit. Now the sponsors in the station are interfering in the production of the show. If the ratings drop, someone has to take the blame.

As for himself...

He didn't get a promotion, and he didn't get more money. He didn't take the blame, otherwise it would be a stain on history.

"What? There is such a thing?" Lu Hong was taken aback when he heard it, and then frowned.

"Yes, director. She is the representative of the sponsor, and I dare not disobey her, so I can only ask you for instructions." Xu Jie showed an aggrieved look.

Lu Hong's face darkened, and his smile disappeared.

The program "Delicious History" is to tell the stories behind the food and the food at a small scale, and to promote the traditional food culture of the capital. This is not only a food program, but also a cultural program. One of the important links of external publicity.

Take the May [-]st Labor Day at the beginning of this month as an example. Many tourists who come to Beijing intentionally taste the delicacies that appear in the program, and at the same time, they don’t forget to buy more to bring to their families. This not only drives the catering industry in Beijing, but also drives In addition to the tourism industry, the economic benefits generated are immeasurable.

The traditional cuisine of the capital, or the cuisine of each place, is actually unique. Even if there are other places, the taste is definitely not comparable to the birthplace of the cuisine. As the old saying goes, one side of the water and soil nourishes the other, and the water and soil are different. The ingredients produced are also different, and the taste of the products will naturally be different.

And now the popular Internet celebrity food can be found all over the country, and it is even impossible to trace its exact origin and birthplace, let alone whether it is authentic or not. What is the history?What culture are you talking about?Isn't it delicious to eat at home, why come to the capital?So the purpose of the program must not change.

"Sit down and wait for a while. I'll call the advertising department and find out what's going on." Lu Hong said to Xu Jie, then picked up the phone on the table and made a call.

He knew about the change of sponsor of "Delicious History". After all, such a large sponsorship fee set a new record for food show sponsorship, but he didn't know the specific sponsorship details.

In fact, it is very common for the sponsor to send representatives to participate in the program. It is very common in celebrity variety shows. The advertising and publicity during the filming process is determined by the sponsor, and the program team will also listen to the sponsor's opinions. After all, it is the God of Wealth. As long as It doesn't affect the program, you can do whatever you want, but as a food culture program, the sponsor sends representatives and interferes with the shooting content, which is somewhat incomprehensible.

If it's a new program, the interference will also interfere with the content, but "Delicious History" has been on the air for half a year, it is a very mature program, and the ratings are very high, how can it be changed just by changing it?

As a local TV station, there are not many programs that can be accepted by audiences in other places. Apart from celebrity variety shows, there are only TV dramas. make life difficult for.

Lu Hong found someone from the advertising department to find out about the situation. The answer was very simple, they agreed that the sponsor would send a representative, but they didn't know about the interference in the content of the filming. Finally, they directly told him the phone number of the person in charge of the sponsor.

At that time, the person who came to the TV station to sign the sponsorship agreement was Chen Sheng, the vice president of Qiandu Optimal. Lu Hong didn't hesitate and called directly.

No matter how rich your sponsor is, you can't mess with our program, and it's still a trump card program. This is the bottom line, otherwise, it's not an advertising sponsor, but a program inserted in the advertisement.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Hello, I'm Lu Hong, director of Beijing Satellite TV Program Center, are you Mr. Chen Sheng, vice president of Qiandu Optimal?" Lu Hong asked

He met this person on the day of signing, but he didn't leave his contact information at that time.

"Hello Director Lu, I'm Chen Sheng." Said the other side of the phone.

"Mr. Chen, thank you for your sponsorship of our channel "Delicious History". It is because of your support that we can make the show better."

Lu Hong was polite at first. After all, he was the sponsor, so he couldn’t ask the teacher to blame him immediately. What’s more, it was unknown whether the change of the program content was the intention of Qiandu Optimal Company. Sometimes the people below were bullying others outside. I don't know.

"It is also an honor for us to be able to sponsor such an excellent program as "Delicious History", just like the advertising slogan: group food, only Qianduyou. Our combination is definitely a win-win situation." Chen Sheng smiled He said that it is very necessary for a company to have a good relationship with the TV station. After all, the TV station is needed to promote the company.

"Mr. Chen said well, win-win. I wonder if your company has any comments on our program, such as content and form." Lu Hong asked.

"No, "Delicious History" is doing so well, and our company decided to sponsor it because of the influence of this show. How could we have any objection?" Chen Sheng said.

"Is that so..."

Lu Hong's voice was hesitant, and it was this hesitation that caught Chen Sheng's attention.

"Director Lu, what's the matter?"

Chen Sheng asked curiously. Listening to the other party's voice, he seemed to have doubts about what he just expressed. In addition, the other party took the initiative to call today. As the director of the satellite TV program center of Beijing TV Station, it is absolutely impossible to call him for no reason. Chatting on the phone is so boring, so he judged that the other party must be busy.

"Since Mr. Chen asked, then I will say it." Lu Hong glanced at Xu Jie, and then said to the phone: "That's right, the representative sent by your company wants to change the content of the program and replace the traditional Beijing cuisine It’s replaced with internet celebrity gourmet food, does Mr. Chen know about it?”

"What? Is there such a thing?" Chen Sheng asked in surprise, but at the same time he was still a bit dazed.

Lu Hong narrowed his eyes slightly. This reaction was exactly the same as his reaction just now. It seems that Mr. Chen didn't know about this matter.

"Yes, "Delicious History" has always been the No. [-] rating in the evening. It is not only loved by local audiences in Beijing, but also attracts many audiences from all over the country, because it tells not only about food, but also about a kind of culture. The local food culture in the capital city is the trump card program of our capital TV station, if it is modified according to the wishes of your company representative, the culture will disappear, Mr. Chen, what do you think?" Lu Hong asked in turn.

"Director Lu is right. The purpose and soul of the show must not be lost."

Chen Sheng was sweating. This was a big misunderstanding. He could hear the serious tone of Director Lu's last words, and he was obviously very angry about this matter.

He quickly explained: "I really don't know about this matter. The purpose of the company sending representatives is to deepen the cooperation between us and build a bridge that can communicate at any time. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. Please rest assured, Director Lu. There is no intention to interfere with the content of the program."

"Oh, then I don't worry, I thought your company was dissatisfied with our program content." Lu Hong said with a smile.

"No, absolutely not. I will call the representative now to find out the situation." Chen Sheng said, and then ended the call.

Lu Hong put down his phone, looked at Xu Jie who was pricking up his ears, and said, "Okay, Qiandu Optimal has promised not to interfere with the content of the program, now you can rest assured, you can concentrate on your program in the future, don't worry about it." other people."

"I know the director, then I'll go back first." Xu Jie stood up while speaking.

As expected of the director of the satellite TV program center, a man who will become the deputy editor-in-chief of the station in a while, not even afraid of sponsors, when will he be able to take this position?

Thinking about my resume and my achievements, it seems that I have to work harder!
"Is the company representative of Qianduyou still with you?" Lu Hong asked.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

"Then you go back a few minutes later and let them communicate with Goudong first." Lu Hong said.

"I'll go and see the situation, and avoid them doing one thing in front of the other." Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong smiled, then waved at Xu Jie, "Go."

"Good director." Xu Jie left Director Lu's office quickly. He couldn't wait to see Manager Shen's expression when he received a call from his superior. He was so awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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