Chapter 303

When Xu Jie returned to the conference room, Shen Zi was looking down at his phone. Seeing him coming back, he immediately cast a questioning look. Seeing the other party's appearance, Xu Jie probably hadn't received a call from his superior, so he went to the other party and sat down. Get down and let the signal fly for a while.

Shen Zi looked at the man beside him strangely, what does it mean to say nothing?She agreed to say something, and she couldn't help asking: "Is the report over?"

"Yes." Xu Jie replied lightly.

"What's the result?" Shen Zi suspected that the other party belonged to toothpaste, and squeezed out a little.

"You'll know in a while." Xu Jie said.


Shen Zi was startled when she heard it, what do you mean you will know after a while?If you don't say it, will the answer pop up by itself after a while?

"I know you have opinions on me, but you must be courageous in doing things. Only bold attempts can..."

Shen Zi had just finished speaking when the phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and found that it was a call from the vice president Chen Sheng. She was about to tell the man next to her to wait a moment, but she saw that the man next to him had a serious expression on his face. With a faint smile, she seemed to be proud or gloating, as if she knew that there would be a call, she couldn't help standing up and walking to a corner of the meeting room, and then connected the call.

"Mr. Chen..."

"Are you at Beijing TV Station?" A deep voice came from the phone.

Shen Zi was taken aback, President Chen even knew about this?

"Yes," she replied.

"What are you doing there?" Chen Sheng asked.

"Communicate with the "Delicious History" program team about the filming content." Shen Zi said truthfully.

"What content?" Chen Sheng asked again.

"The exploration from traditional food to popular food." Shen Zi said.

"Who asked you to interfere with the shooting content?" Chen Sheng asked coldly.

Shen Zi's whole body was shaken, her back straightened involuntarily, and her heart "thumped".

Mr. Chen's voice was so serious and obedient, as if he was very angry about this matter. She couldn't help but wonder, why did the vice president care about such trivial matters?Also, the call came at the right time, right?
She suddenly remembered Director Xu who came back just now, and after going out to report to the leader, he looked okay, as if the whole thing had nothing to do with the other party. Gradually, she understood that the other party said "you will find out in a while" Meaning, no, the answer really jumped out by itself.

Shen Zi unconsciously turned her head to look at the man, only to find that the man who was sitting in the distance had come to her side at some point behind her, and when she turned her head, her eyes met.

"What are you doing?" Shen Zi was startled, and looked at the other party nervously.

Xu Jie picked up the broom in his hand, motioned for it, and replied: "Sweep the floor!"

Shen Zi frowned, could she not tell if she was really sweeping the floor or not?The house is so clean, there is nothing on the ground, what to sweep?Sweep the air?
She avoided the man, walked to the other side of the conference room, and whispered to Mr. Chen: "Mr. Chen, didn't you arrange for me to assist the program team? I think their shooting content is a bit old-fashioned, and they should innovate and seek breakthroughs." ..."

Chen Sheng finally got angry when he heard this. It seems that Director Lu of Beijing TV Station did not lie.

"I asked you to assist the program group to provide convenience for the program group and strengthen the connection and communication between the two parties. Who asked you to interfere with the shooting content? Who asked you to add chaos to the program group? What can you do yourself? Don't you know? Are you qualified to direct a program with the highest ratings?"

Chen Sheng mercilessly scolded Shen Zi loudly on the phone. Others are ashamed and thrown at home, but the other party is good, and she is ashamed to go to the TV station. Is this because he is afraid that others will not know?
"The company decided to sponsor this program because of the influence of "Delicious History". If you want to change the content of the program, have you obtained permission from the company's senior management? Our company is a sponsor, not a client. We are sponsoring TV programs. , instead of entrusting a TV station to make a program for the company, do you know how bad your actions have brought to the company?"

The more Chen Sheng thought about it, the more angry he became. The director of the TV program center of the dignified Jingcheng TV station called himself. It is conceivable how disgusted the TV station and the program team are towards Shen Zi, and they don't even plan to give face to the sponsor.

The TV station is also looking for money. If this does not force the program crew to a certain level, people will call?On the surface it is an inquiry, but in fact it is a complaint.

Shen Zi trembled and didn't dare to speak, but felt very wronged in her heart, it's because you didn't explain the matter clearly, blame me?
She turned around with a sullen face, only to find that Xu Jie, the director of the program group, appeared behind her without anyone noticing. She opened her eyes wide, stared at the other party fiercely, and condemned the other party's eavesdropping behavior .

Xu Jie didn't care about this, and continued to sweep the floor beside the woman with a broom.

Shen Zi was worried that the man would hear the scolding, so she came to the window again, but Xu Jie quickly swept to the window, Shen Zi came to the door again, Xu Jie swept to the door again, Shen Zi simply opened the door and walked out of the meeting room, Xu Jie also swept all the way to the outside of the meeting room. In short, wherever Shen Zi went, Xu Jie would sweep there.

Shen Zi thought: Why is this person so annoying, is he a follower?
Xu Jie knows that he must be very annoying in the other party's heart, but compared to everything the other party has done, his annoying index is less than one-thousandth of the other party's.

What to hide, aren't you awesome?

"Come back to me now, immediately." Chen Sheng said loudly on the phone: "By the way, tell the director of "Delicious History" that Qianduyou will never interfere with the filming of the program again."

"Ah? This..." Shen Zi hesitated, feeling ashamed.

"What is this, do you want me to go in person? Huh!" Chen Sheng hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Shen Zi put away her phone with a grumbling expression. She knew that her arms couldn't twist her thighs, so she turned around and said to Director Xu...Huh?Where is Director Xu?
She turned her head and looked around. Director Xu was here sweeping the floor just now, why did he suddenly disappear from the world?
She went back to the meeting room before, and sure enough, she saw Director Xu here. The other party stopped sweeping the floor, but sat at the front of the meeting table, as if waiting for her.

You don't need to ask to know that Mr. Chen's phone call just now must be related to this man.

"Come back, sit down." Xu Jie pointed to the seat on one side and said, "Let's continue talking about the show."

Shen Zi gritted her teeth. The other party obviously knew everything, but pretended that nothing happened, and continued to talk about the show with her. Isn't this adding salt to the wound?It was just humiliating her.

so bad.

"Don't talk about it, the company won't interfere with your program in the future." Shen Zi said coldly.

"Oh, really? Thank you for your company's respect for this program." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Aren't you proud?" Shen Zi asked the man while putting away the documents on the table.

"Proud? What do I have to be proud of?" Xu Jie said calmly: "I just saved my child. No one will be proud of this kind of thing. Not only am I not proud, but I am also very worried, worried about some people. Will you not give up and have thoughts about my child?"

Xu Jie has already given the other party a lot of face, and gave the other party a downhill. Since the other party has already said this, there is no need for him to take the other party's face into consideration.

"Manager Shen, you have to be clear about one thing. Your company sponsors our program in the hope of expanding the popularity of your company's products through the influence of our program. In essence, you pay for it, and we are responsible for giving you Advertising doesn’t mean we’re selling you the show, understand? Could it be that your company hired a spokesperson and gave her plastic surgery? I hope we can respect each other.” Xu Jie said seriously.

Shen Zi bit her lip tightly, staring at the man intently, after sorting out the report, she took her bag and walked out, leaving only one sentence: "Goodbye!"

Xu Jie didn't want to see the other party goodbye, but he got up politely and said, "I'll see you off."

"No need!"

"You're welcome."

Xu Jie and Shen Zi left the conference room, and just after they walked out, they saw Jiang Hai happily running over from the outside, shouting, "Little Xu, Xu Jie!"

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"It's a big deal, come with me to see the director." Jiang Hai said out of breath.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and went to see the director?

He has come to the TV station for so long, and he only met the director during some important meetings and evening parties, and he watched from a distance, let alone being called to see the director alone.

"Director, what's the big deal?" Xu Jie asked. Seeing Shen Zi at the side, could it be that he made a small report to Director Lu, and Qianduyou directly made a small report to the director, right?

"Good thing, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism is planning to invite you to be the ambassador of the city's food promotion." Jiang Hai said.

"What?" Xu Jie has heard of city promotion ambassadors, tourism promotion ambassadors, and this is the first time he has heard of food promotion ambassadors.

Shen Zi next to her was also stunned. She kept denying the content of the other party's program, but the other party was invited by the city to be a food promotion ambassador in a blink of an eye. Isn't this a slap in the face for her?

Her face was hot for a moment, and she even faintly heard a "slap" slap on the face.

Xu Jie was stunned for a while, looked at Director Jiang, and then at Shen Zi who was at the side, and immediately understood what Director Jiang meant, and it must be for Shen Zi to watch.

"Understood Director Jiang, I'll send Manager Shen away." Xu Jie said cooperatively.

"What to give, no, Manager Shen needs you to deliver it?" Jiang Hai turned his head and shouted at everyone in the office area: "Xiaotian, come and take Manager Shen downstairs." Then he said to Shen Zi: "Manager Shen , sorry, let's go first."

After speaking, he pulled Xu Jie away.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang and sighed in his heart that Jiang was still old and hot, killing people and punishing his heart, and his acting skills were so good, it seemed real.

Shen Zi looked at Director Xu's back. Fortunately, President Chen called her to go back, otherwise it would have been even more embarrassing.


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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