The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 304 Food Promotion Ambassador

Chapter 304 Food Promotion Ambassador
Xu Jie followed Jiang Hai into the elevator, and the moment the elevator door closed, Xu Jie immediately said to Director Jiang in admiration: "Director, you still have a deep knowledge, and you can shut Manager Shen's mouth tightly with one mouth."

Jiang Hai was taken aback when he heard it, and quickly said seriously: "Xu Jie, what are you talking about, I am already so old, don't make scandals about me."

It was only then that Xu Jie realized that there was something wrong with his description, so he changed his words and explained: "I mean the name you made up to be a food promotion ambassador is really good. I don't know if you noticed Manager Shen's expression at that time, blushing. Like a monkey butt, I wish I could dig a hole and bury myself."

"What? Made it up? I didn't make it up." Jiang Hai said.

At this time, the elevator stopped on the floor where the director's office was located, Jiang Hai walked out, and waved at Xu Jie who was standing in the elevator, "What are you doing standing there, hurry up."

Xu Jie: "Don't make trouble, Director, Manager Shen should have already left, let's stop acting, take the elevator back quickly, what if the director bumps into him?"

Jiang Hai stretched out his hand and dragged Xu Jie out of the elevator, and said, "Who played with you? It's true, someone from the Culture and Tourism Bureau really invited you to be the ambassador of Beijing's food promotion. The person is in the director's office. Are you Don't believe it, or can't believe it?"

Xu Jie scratched his head and saw that the director looked serious and didn't seem to be joking with him, so he was completely confused. He really couldn't believe that someone would ask him to be a food promotion ambassador.

What did I do and I was chosen as the ambassador for the city's gourmet food promotion?
"Don't dawdle, let's go, the director and the people from the Culture and Tourism Bureau are waiting."

Jiang Hai grabbed Xu Jie's clothes and carried him directly outside the director's office.


"Come in."

Jiang Hai looked back at Xu Jie, saw that the other party was still looking dull, and quickly patted the back of the other party's neck with his hand, and said in a low voice: "Hey, be more energetic, don't lose face of our station."

Xu Jie was startled, straightened his clothes quickly, and nodded to the director to show that he was ready.

Jiang Hai was relieved when he saw it, and stretched out his hand to push the door open.

Xu Jie followed Director Jiang into the door. This was the first time he came to the director's office. There were several people in the room, except for the director Zhao Juncheng and the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou Zhengliang, there were three other people. Looking at the face, it should be the person from the Bureau of Culture and Tourism that the director said.

"Director, I brought the person here." Jiang Hai said, and then pointed to Xu Jie behind him.

Zhao Juncheng, the usually serious director of the station, showed an easy-going and friendly smile at this time, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xu Jie, let me introduce to you, the comrades around you are comrades from the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, they are here today You, I have something great to tell you."

Xu Jie turned to look at the people from the Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

"Hello, Director Xu." One of them stepped forward, shook hands warmly and said, "I'm Shao Mingshun, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and I'm here today to invite Director Xu to be a food promoter for our cultural tourism activities in the capital." ambassador."

"Gourmet promotion ambassador?"

Although Xu Jie had heard about it from Director Jiang, he was still very surprised.

Promotion ambassadors usually invite celebrities and rely on their popularity to expand their influence, but he is just... Hey, no, he seems to be a celebrity too.

"Delicious History" has long been number one in the audience ratings. It is said that Lao Xu, the star of the show, is the hero of the show. Can you say that he is not a celebrity?cannot!
Anyway, you have to wear a mask when you go out.

Alas, it's not long since I became a celebrity, and I haven't gotten used to the setting of being a celebrity.

"Can I do it?" Xu Jie asked. Since he started working, he has never been awarded any honors, and he doesn't know what this food promotion ambassador will do.

"Of course, the food culture program "Delicious History" you directed and starred in has made outstanding contributions to the promotion and dissemination of Beijing food, so you are the most qualified person to be the ambassador of Beijing food promotion." Shao Mingshun said with a smile .

Hearing what the other party said, Xu Jie couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. If it was because of the program that he was selected as the food promotion ambassador, then he really deserved it, and the ratings are the best proof.

"Director Xu, it's like this. The summer vacation is coming. In order to promote the development of the capital's tourism industry, our Bureau of Culture and Tourism is planning to launch a number of high-quality cultural tourism activities this summer, and food culture is one of our main activities. Do you know if Director Xu is willing to be our food promotion ambassador in Beijing?" Shao Mingshun asked.

"I am willing!" Xu Jie said immediately after hearing it.

This is not only an affirmation, but also an honor. How could he refuse to contribute to the cultural tourism of his hometown?Among other things, this consciousness is still there.

"That's really great." Shao Mingshun said happily.

"Shao Ju, just tell me if you need anything in the future, I will never refuse." Xu Jie expressed his attitude.

"In a few days, there will be a promotion ambassador appointment ceremony. Director Xu will be invited to attend. This is the invitation letter." Shao Mingshun handed a red envelope to Xu Jie.

After taking it, Xu Jie took a look. It contained the specific time and place for the appointment ceremony of the Beijing Cultural Tourism Promotion Ambassador. It will be held on June 6th, that is, at 5:14 next Thursday, at the Beijing Hotel. His name was also written in the person column, and it seemed that he had long expected that he would agree. Honor is something that no one would refuse.

"I will definitely go back!" Xu Jie said.

Director Zhao Juncheng said at this time: "The city also attaches great importance to this cultural tourism activity. Let me express my opinion here. Beijing Radio and Television Station will fully support this activity, and will also send an interview team to report on the activity. , Taili will also strongly support Xiao Xu's work."

"Thank you Director for your support." Shao Mingshun thanked.

After leaving the director's office, Xu Jie returned to the art program center.

"Xiao Xu, congratulations." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"Director, it's just a food promotion ambassador." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Jiang Hai looked around, and then said in a low voice, "You've already got a name with the director, so it won't be easy for you to get promoted and raise your salary in the future?"

"No way? Just because of this incident?" Xu Jie asked.

"What do you know? This is a manifestation of social influence. What TV stations value most is this. Although the food promotion ambassador sounds nothing, but not everyone is elected, and those who can be invited They are all iconic figures from all walks of life. In addition, I have a gossip. In response to the call of the country to improve the talent system, our Beijing Radio and Television Station is preparing to promote a group of young people. It should be next year. You have both achievements and achievements. Honor, you will definitely be indispensable at that time." Jiang Hai blinked after finishing speaking.

"Really?" Xu Jie was shocked.

"Can I lie to you? Personnel has already taken action, otherwise you think why I don't let you offend the sponsor? It's all for your own good." Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang, if it was true what the other party said, then this time it was really a bargain!

He never dreamed that he would be able to shoot a food promotion ambassador in Beijing for a food show.

What does this mean?
Does giving always pay off?
Not necessarily.

It shows that what Su Yun said is correct.

which sentence?
It is the sentence "I can prosper".


(End of this chapter)

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