Chapter 305
In the evening, when Xu Jie came home, he heard the sound of "crash clatter" as soon as he entered the door.

This is... playing mahjong?

Xu Jie was full of doubts. Usually, there were very few people at home. How could someone come to play mahjong today?
Who is here?
Could it be Su Yun's brothers and sisters?

Could it be that you are not reconciled to losing money during the Chinese New Year and want to win back your money?
This time, you will lose all your pants!

He followed the sound and saw four women sitting in the living room. Besides Su Yun, there were also Liu Jinghua who hadn't been here for a long time, and the star Liu Qing who had met once at the Shenzhou Film Festival. I don't know one.

"Honey, you're back." Seeing Xu Jie, Su Yun immediately waved happily, "Let me introduce you, Liu Qing, you've seen her before. This is her manager, Sister Yuan Ouou."

Xu Jie nodded at the two of them. He had a pretty good impression of Liu Qing. Although the other party had run on him a lot when he was in Shenzhou and said that he was not good enough for Su Yun, but he was able to get so close to Su Yun when she was cool. He can also be regarded as a man of temperament, he will not care about the little things.

"Director Xu, won't you disturb your rest?" Yuan Ou looked at Xu Jie and asked.

Xu Jie came behind Su Yun and said nonchalantly, "No, usually few people come to our house as guests. I'm too happy if you can come and play cards for my wife. I haven't even eaten yet. I'll do it now." , let you have a taste of my craft."

When there are outsiders, the love must be shown.

"Thank you Director Xu, then we will not be polite." Yuan Ou said with a smile.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie turned and walked into the restaurant.

To be honest, Xu Jie was very happy to see these people.

It's not because of how hospitable he is, but because someone came to play with Su Yun!

The entertainment industry is a very realistic place. When you are cool, everyone wants to step on your feet. When you are popular, everyone wants to play with you.

A few days ago, when Su Yun lost her fans and lost her endorsement, the stars of several lines dared to run a few words when they saw her. Now, they received endorsements, appeared on shows, and shot magazines. .

What does this mean?
It means that Su Yun's popularity has risen again, her commercial value has also begun to recover, and everyone has gathered around her again.

Could he be unhappy?

Gotta make a few good ones tonight.

Seeing the man walk into the kitchen, Yuan Ou turned to look at Su Yun and said, "Yunyun, I already knew that your husband is a good cook, and today I can finally taste it."

"Delicious History" is the hottest gourmet show right now. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the hottest show without the word "food". As the leading actor of this show, every episode has him Showing off his cooking skills and cooking delicious food, who in China doesn't know that he is good at cooking?

"Sister Ou, I'm not showing off, my husband's cooking skills are better than those private chefs outside." Su Yun said, her expression was both proud and proud.

"Yunyun, actually, I have always had a question. Are you really making the delicacies you cook on the show?" Yuan Ou asked curiously.

"Of course." Su Yun said after hearing it.

"When did you learn it? We've known each other for so long, why didn't I know you could make snacks?" Yuan Ou said, looking at Liu Qing who was beside him and asked, "Xiao Qing, do you know?"

Liu Qing shook her head and said sourly, "I don't know."

Every time she watched the show and saw Sister Yun making snacks for that man, she felt very uncomfortable.

In her heart, Sister Yun is not only an idol, but also a goddess. How can a goddess cook for an ordinary person?
"Sister Hua, what about you?" Yuan Ou looked at Liu Jinghua again.

Liu Jinghua also shook her head. She has known Su Yun for ten years and has never seen him cook, but she can roughly guess why Su Yun suddenly ruined it. It must be taught by the man in the kitchen. In this way, she felt that there was true love between Su Yun and that man, otherwise Su Yun would cook for an irrelevant person?

Su Yun glanced in the direction of the kitchen, then smiled and said, "My husband taught me."

"Really? You are so affectionate." Yuan Ou showed an envious expression.

Su Yun smiled, with a happy smile on her face.

"If he treats Sister Yun well, can Sister Yun marry him?" Liu Qing said while playing cards, "Don't forget, Sister Yun married him at the peak of her career. If he treats Sister Yun badly, I don't even agree, one tube."

"Die!" Su Yun pushed down the cards.

"Oh, it's firing again, Sister Yun, you're really lucky today, you've already drawn three times in a row!" Liu Qing said with a bitter face.

"Hee hee, give me money." Su Yun rubbed her hands happily.

"Actually, what I admire most is Yunyun's courage. She chose to marry at the risk of losing her career. How many female stars in the industry can do this?" Yuan Ou looked at Su Yun seriously and asked, "Yunyun, can I marry?" Let me ask you, why did you choose to marry him in the first place? Is it really because of love? Could it be that for love, can you really not even have a good career? Don’t you worry about your career declining after marriage? "

Su Yun smiled while collecting the money and said: "If you want to be with him, get married. How can you have so many complicated ideas? If you have to look forward and backward in everything you do, I don't think you can do anything. As for career and so on, ship It’s natural to go straight to the bridge, at worst let him raise me, I’m in charge of being beautiful, and he’s in charge of earning money to support the family.”

The other three people were stunned when they heard it. They didn't expect such a big thing to be so simple in Su Yun's eyes, and they couldn't help feeling a little envious in their hearts.

Whether it's love or marriage, it's better to be pure.

In the kitchen, Xu Jie rummaged through the refrigerator, and finally decided to cook eight dishes based on the contents.

There are dishes, but the simple cooking method obviously can't meet his current demand for pretense and coercion, so in order to show his affection in place, he decided to add a "shape" on the basis of color and fragrance.

The so-called shape naturally refers to the shape, and it is also called fancy showmanship, such as assembling fish fillets into peony flowers, carving a mandarin duck out of carrots, all in all, pretending, otherwise it would be a shame for his title of "Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador" !

After more than an hour, Xu Jie brought the prepared dishes to the table one after another.

"Honey, dinner is ready." Xu Jie shouted.

"Understood, thank you husband." Su Yun's response directly filled the sweetness, and then looked at the other three people at the table and said: "Let's eat first, and then play cards after eating."


Others also wanted to see with their own eyes whether Chef Xu on TV had real skills, so they came to the restaurant one after another. When they saw the dishes on the table, one of them was stunned.

"Isn't this too beautiful?" Yuan Ou exclaimed.

Even Liu Qing, who always thought that Xu Jie was not good enough for Su Yun, was shocked at this moment. The dishes are so exquisite, if it was in a restaurant, it would be fine, but this is home, and how do you feel when you look at it? Does it look better than in the restaurant?

She suddenly thought of a sentence, if you want to keep a man's heart, you must first keep his stomach. This sentence is also applicable to women.

In contrast, Liu Jinghua is no stranger to the surprise, the man brought him too much surprise, she has long been used to it, but every time she sees this, it is a blow to her, because it proves again She missed it.

"It's nothing, just doing something casually." Xu Jie looked calm on the surface, but he was thinking in his heart: I'm awesome, I'm awesome, say it out loud!

Su Yun was also taken aback when she saw it. The other party showed all her housekeeping skills. When filming "Delicious History", she didn't see the other party working so hard.

While feeling emotional, I couldn't help but feel a little proud, especially after seeing the expressions of the other three people, did you see it?My husband can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, take him out and bring him back
"Sit down and eat, it's just a common meal." Su Yun said casually.

Several people sat down one after another. Everyone looked at such an exquisite dish, and no one was ashamed to move their chopsticks, and couldn't bear to destroy the artwork on the plate.

"Eat, you're welcome." Xu Jie pointed at the dishes on the table with his chopsticks.

"Well, it seems that you are the most suitable ambassador for the food promotion in this capital." Yuan Ou said with a sigh.

"Huh?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, looked at the other party curiously and asked, "How do you know that I became the ambassador of the food promotion in Beijing?"


Several women looked at Xu Jie in unison, their eyes full of surprise.

"Husband, what did you say? Are you the ambassador for Beijing Food Promotion?" Su Yun asked.

"Yes, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism just finished looking for me and gave me an invitation letter to attend their engagement ceremony next Thursday." Xu Jie took out the invitation letter and asked: " You're not talking about me? Who is that?"

He looked at the four women present. Liu Jinghua and Yuan Ou are managers, so they should not be selected, so only two stars, Su Yun and Liu Qing, are left.

At this moment, Su Yun pointed to Liu Qing who was beside her, and said, "Xiaoqing also received the invitation today, next it June 6th?"

Xu Jie nodded.

"It's such a coincidence." Yuan Ou said pleasantly: "You are a big name in gourmet food. At the job fair, you must take care of Xiaoqing, especially when there are reporters interviewing."

"Don't worry, our capital TV station will also send an interview team. Everyone is for the cultural tourism of the capital and will not ask embarrassing questions." Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing and couldn't help asking, "You know how to cook?" ?"

"What do you mean? If you don't know how to cook, you can't be a food promotion ambassador? The organizer is interested in my influence. I have influence, you know?" Liu Qing said unconvinced.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with a smile, she just said that she would not let her colleagues ask embarrassing questions, and then you asked if you can cook, is this polite?
Xu Jie also realized that what he asked was indeed inappropriate, as if doubting whether the other party was qualified, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Eat, everyone eat!"

Yuan Ou stretched out his foot under the table and kicked Liu Qing next to him, and at the same time, he winked at the other party, indicating that the other party should pay attention to his attitude, and then said with a smile: "Director Xu, then I will not be polite, um, that's good eat!"


(End of this chapter)

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