The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 306 Head-on collision

Chapter 306 Head-on collision
"Director Xu, do you think that next Thursday's appointment ceremony for Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador will be shown on TV?" Yuan Ou asked with concern.

"Yes." Xu Jie said with certainty.

"It's just an appointment ceremony, and it's not a formal cultural and tourism conference, so it's worth appearing on TV?" Liu Qing said while eating.

Although the man is not handsome, but she has to admit that the other party's cooking skills are quite good, really delicious!

In her heart, appearance is justice, and if the other party is not handsome, he is not worthy of Sister Yun.

"In the past, this kind of news really wasn't worth being on TV." Xu Jie said lightly.

"What about this time? What's different from the past?" Yuan Ou asked puzzled.

"Isn't there me this time?" Xu Jie said.

Yuan Ou was taken aback when he heard that, isn't that too arrogant?But thinking about the other party's reputation in the capital TV station, it is not impossible.

"Bragging!" Liu Qing spoke bluntly, saying whatever came to mind, "No matter how famous you are, can I be famous like me?"

The corner of Yuan Ou's mouth twitched, how could one be more arrogant than the other?

She couldn't help kicking Liu Qing again, this kid is good at everything, he is pretty, and he is also very good at acting at a young age, but sometimes he is childish and likes to bicker and stubborn.

She encouraged Liu Qing to play mahjong tonight, in fact, she wanted to take the opportunity to get to know Xu Jie, because Liu Qing will have a new movie that will be released during the summer vacation, and she would like to ask the Beijing TV station to help promote it. Interview or something, but Liu Qing's mouth... Sigh!

Xu Jie smiled lightly, and said, "No matter how famous you are, can you have me close to Beijing TV Station?"

In fact, what he said just now was just a joke. The station will broadcast this news, but it is not because of him, but the director of the station, who will promote the follow-up report of this cultural tourism activity.

Liu Qing opened her mouth for a long time, but didn't say a word.

That's right, the other party is from Beijing TV Station, so it's not up to the other party to report it or not?

"It's amazing to work in a TV station." Liu Qing said with a curl of her lips.

"That's right!" Xu Jie nodded seriously to the other party, and said, "Working in a TV station is really amazing."

It may be nothing in front of other industries, but in front of people in the entertainment industry, it is amazing.

Liu Qing couldn't find a reason to refute, so she hummed and bowed her head to eat.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Ou couldn't help worrying in his heart, originally wanted to talk about something, but was disturbed by Liu Qing, what would she say?
Forget it, look for another chance later.

After the meal, several people didn't continue to play mahjong. They chatted briefly, and Yuan Ou took Liu Qing to leave.

"Xiaoqing, I kicked you several times under the table, why don't you know how to shut up?" Yuan Ou said while driving.

"Oh, that's right." Liu Qing turned her head to look at her manager and asked, "Sister Ou, why did you kick me during dinner?"

Yuan Ou was furious after hearing this.

"Why? I wanted to ask Director Xu for something, but you made the atmosphere stiff. How could you ask me to speak?" Yuan Ou said angrily, "It's not like you don't know how fierce the film competition is this summer. Nowadays, romance movies are not very popular, if we don’t promote them well, what will happen to the box office?”

"The works that return human feelings don't have to be too serious." Liu Qing said indifferently.

She is very clear about this movie, the content is sincere and mediocre, if it is not for the favor, she will not accept a script of this level even if she does not start work for half a year.

"You know, others don't know, once the box office hits the market, investors will be very cautious when choosing you when there are similar scripts in the future." Yuan Ou said earnestly.

"It's better not to look for me, I don't want to make romance movies for a long time." Liu Qing said.

"Don't talk nonsense, at your age, why don't you make romance movies? Make comedies? Make police movies? That's the world of male actors. Besides, do you have a talent for funny? Do you know action scenes? So, be honest. In line with the promotion, the box office does not need to be high, as long as it exceeds [-] million." Yuan Ou said.

"But that man is just the director of a gourmet show. We want to promote a movie. Can you find him?" Liu Qing asked suspiciously.

"Is that okay? Could you please remove the word ?, you underestimate him too much. He is the director of "Delicious History" yes, but he is also the consultant and planner of "Crossover Actor". From this point we can see Showing how much he is valued in the art program center, you don't know what Sister Hua's position in the circle is, why did you come to play cards with me today? Didn't you want Director Xu to take care of her artist Jin Qianqian? Jin Qianqian's It's not like you haven't missed the performance, at least half of the eliminated people have better acting skills than her."

"An inside story?" Liu Qing asked.

"You, you are still too young. Could the man Su Yun likes be an ordinary man? At the end of last year, everyone in the entertainment industry thought she was going to die. How did it turn out? First participate in "Delicious History", After participating in "Cross-Boundary Actor", he was abruptly picked up by this man. It is rumored that Forbidden Films is preparing to shoot a new version of Hua Mulan. Su Yun is the heroine, and behind Forbidden Films is Beijing TV Station. You Say Director Xu is not good enough for Su Yun? I don't think so!"


On Saturday, the last competition of "Crossover Actors" was officially staged. So far, the last two seats in the top six have also been settled. They will start a new round of competition from next week. To compete for the final three places in the final.

As the competition enters the final stage, the audience is paying more and more attention to the program, especially at the end of the program, when the host announces the next round of six-in-three elimination methods and competition content, the real-time ratings curve jumps directly. It has risen a lot.

Different from the previous rounds where each actor performed a short play individually, this time the actors will be in pairs, and the judges will specify the content of the performance. The two actors will stage a direct confrontation in the same short play, and the winner will enter the finals .

This is the first time that "Crossover Actors" has staged an in-play confrontation between actors after entering the knockout round. Such a face-to-face strong confrontation directly ignited everyone's enthusiasm for the show and their expectations for the next round.

Who doesn't want to see actors collide head-on?

Who doesn't want to see actors face-to-face?
We are both actors in the same play and are competitors, will we quarrel during the rehearsal?Will you steal your lines when performing?It's exciting just thinking about it.

In fact, the audience has been looking forward to the arrival of this scene, but this kind of face-to-face confrontation can only have the greatest effect when it appears in the six-in-three round.

On the one hand, in the first few rounds, the actors have just joined the show and may not be able to enter the state; way, it retains more hope for the actors.

On the other hand, the finals will come after the sixth entry and the third. While this puts pressure on the actors, it can also bring greater motivation. Among the actors participating in this show, who would not want to be on the stage of the finals?

After the previous rounds of competition, each actor is now in the best condition. A head-to-head confrontation at this time can not only arouse their fighting spirit, but also arouse their competitive spirit, because at this point, everyone Don't want to be eliminated.

With this wave of operations, the audience directly gave the program group full marks.

And after the show ended, some websites, forums, and Weibo started voting for actor duels. Netizens had already started warming up for the show before the six-in-three show started.

The first group: Su Yun vs. Lu Xue.

The second group: Dai Qingqing vs. Dong.

The third group: Jin Xiqian vs. Lu Dayu.

"I think apart from the suspense in the second group, the first and third groups must be Su Yun and Lu Dayu. The performances of the two have always been very good."

"I voted for Su Yun, Dai Qingqing and Lu Dayu, who is in favor? Who is against?"

"Not necessarily, it mainly depends on what script the judges give them. If they meet a suitable character, they will definitely perform well. If they meet an unsuitable character, they may be eliminated. Just like Jin Xiqian, she performed very well in the previous two rounds. Average, but later I met a character like Little Swallow, not only entered the top six, but also received a lot of praise."

"In addition to the actors in this round, the content of the performance given by the judges is also very important. Unfortunately, the show was not revealed at the end, so it is impossible to guess. This is also the biggest variable in this round of competition. Who can advance and who will be eliminated, everything changes. became an unknown.”

"Hurry up, hurry up, come next Saturday, I can't wait, I'm really worried."

"Is there anyone who knows the program group, can you give us a spoiler about the content of the competition in the six-in-three round?"

"Ask for spoilers for the next episode!"


The audience is busy guessing, and the actors are busy rehearsing.

For the previous rounds of competition, the actors only needed to rehearse with the assistants on Friday morning, and this time, the actors had to go to the Grand Theater for rehearsal from Monday until the official recording of the show on Friday afternoon.

If there is no time, you can communicate with the opponent and the judges, and arrange another rehearsal time. Of course, no one does that, because for every actor, there is nothing more important than the show.

For this rehearsal, Xu Jie didn't go, although his work place and Su Yun's rehearsal place were both in the same compound, but for the sake of fairness, he didn't show up.

In the past, one actor performed one play, and he could freely enter the rehearsal room of each actor, but now it is two actors and one play, and they are competitors. If Xu Jie goes to see Su Yun at this time, Su Yun’s opponent It is inevitable that you will feel uncomfortable, and you will not be convinced if you lose. Xu Jie did this entirely to avoid suspicion.

Of course, Xu Jie didn't have time to pay attention to the rehearsal, because in June, "Delicious History" will also start in July, and he has to be busy with his own program.

In "Crossover Actor", although he is busy, he is only a consultant and planner, but "Delicious History" is different. This is his show. He is the director, planner, and starring role. The results are also his.

As a migrant worker, his ideal is very simple, nothing more than promotion and salary increase, marrying Bai Fumei.

But now, he has already done it by marrying Bai Fumei, and he only needs a promotion and salary increase to reach the pinnacle of his life.

If he wants to gain a foothold in the TV station, he must first do a good job in the program. At this critical moment, Xu Jie dare not be careless. After all, he is not the only young talent in such a big TV station in Beijing.


(End of this chapter)

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