Chapter 307 Owe Too Much

Xu Jie worked for three days in a row, and finally finished filming the part of the urban scene. On Thursday, he gave the program team a two-day vacation, because he was going to attend the appointment ceremony of the Beijing food promotion ambassador in the afternoon, and he had to record on Friday "Crossover Actor", so the shooting task of "Delicious History" can only be postponed.

Early on Thursday morning, because there was no filming task today, Xu Jie did not leave early. Instead, he chose to go with Su Yun who needed to go to Beijing TV Grand Theater to rehearse the program.

The person in charge of Su Yun and Lu Xue's program is the great director Lin Xiaolong. He is not only the screenwriter, but also the director. Because of this, Lin Xiaolong is very serious about the rehearsal. After all, it will be his program that will be performed at that time. Su Yun and Lu Xue If he plays the content well, he will have face as a judge. If he fails to perform the content well, he will also lose face. Those who don’t know may think that there is something wrong with the script he gave. You must know that this is "Crossover Actor" It was the only show that required the cooperation of judges and actors, even he didn't dare to be careless.

The nanny car stopped slowly outside the TV station, and Xu Jie saw an acquaintance outside the gate as soon as he got out of the car.

"Honey, isn't that your Ma friend?" Xu Jie turned to Su Yun and said.

"Mayou?" Su Yun looked suspiciously in the direction Xu Jie pointed, and saw Liu Qing's manager, Yuan Ouou, standing there, looking inside with her head stretched out and her feet raised, as if she was waiting for someone.

What a friend!
"Sister Ou!" Su Yun took the initiative to walk over.

"Yunyun? Why are you here?" Yuan Ou looked at Su Yun in surprise, and when he saw Xu Jie behind Su Yun, he immediately greeted him politely: "Director Xu, good morning."

Xu Jie nodded politely, "Good morning."

"I'm going to record a program at the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station this week." Su Yun explained, "Why are you here...?"

"Oh, I'm here to find someone, Director Tao of the Art Program Center." Yuan Ou said.

"Tao Jing? Deputy Director Tao?" Xu Jie asked after hearing this. There are three directors in the Arts Program Center, one director and two deputy directors, and only one deputy director is named Tao.

"Yes." Yuan Ou nodded.

"She's on a business trip, and she won't be back until some time later," Xu Jie said.

I remember that Deputy Director Tao left last Wednesday and led a team to do a follow-up interview, which is expected to take about 20 days.

"Really?" Yuan Ou frowned after hearing this, with a slightly anxious expression.

"Sister Ou, why are you looking for Director Tao? Xu Jie is also in the Art Center, so if you tell me, he might be able to help you." Su Yun said to Yuan Ou.

When playing mahjong last time, the other party introduced her to a resource of a fashion magazine. In the past few days, they have basically negotiated with the magazine and confirmed the August cover.

Although it's not a timely help, it is still of great benefit to her image, so I am a little anxious to see the other party, and I want to see if I can help the other party. It can be regarded as an exchange of resources. It's normal to circle, throw a peach and return a plum.

Yuan Ou looked at Su Yun, then looked at Xu Jie, hesitated and said: "That's right, Xiaoqing has a movie that will be released in the summer vacation, I want to ask Director Tao to help promote it in the news, and make a small An exclusive interview, or a variety show or something like that.”

Su Yun nodded understandingly. This is a routine operation for film promotion. Although the Internet is very developed now, such as video websites and short videos on mobile phones are very active, TV is still the most important means of publicity, such as entertainment news, variety shows, and even You can simply and directly broadcast movie promotional videos for advertising.

Regarding this matter, she definitely couldn't help much, but someone could help, so she turned to look at Xu Jie beside her with a questioning look.

Xu Jie was saying hello to a colleague passing by at work, when he suddenly noticed that Su Yun was looking over, of course he understood what the other person meant, but this matter didn't seem to have anything to do with him, he was really too lazy to meddle in other people's affairs, so he pretended not to understand and said : "What do you think I am doing? Deputy Director Tao is out of town, and I can't find her."

Su Yun took Xu Jie's arm and said in a low voice, "I didn't ask you to find Deputy Director Tao, aren't you in the art program center? Can you tell your colleagues to help Sister Ou and Xiaoqing to make a publicity?"

Xu Jie smiled wryly and said, "Honey, you think highly of me too. I'm just a little reporter, a little program director, not a director. Except for the people in the program group, who would listen to me?"

When Su Yun heard the man's words, she immediately understood what the man meant. Either the man could not help, or he didn't want to help, or he was not interested.

"Husband, just help Miss Ou and Xiaoqing, they are not outsiders." Su Yun grabbed the man's hand and shook it back and forth, like playing with a pendulum.

Xu Jie is a strong-willed person. This level of beauty tricks is useless to him, and it is not even as good as practicing at home.

"Morning Director Xu!"

"Mr. Xu, good morning."


People passing by kept saying hello to Xu Jie.

At this time, it was the rush hour for work, and there was a constant stream of colleagues coming in and out. When they saw the big star Su Yun acting like a baby to Director Xu, they all showed envious and jealous expressions.

Xu Jie was overwhelmed after being greeted a few times, feeling uncomfortable all over. It’s okay to show affection outside, but isn’t showing hatred on TV?

He is now considered a moderate celebrity on the TV station, standing at the gate during working hours, who can stand the ratings?Moreover, the people who work here are either reporters or hosts. That mouth...

"Okay, stop swinging here, I'm not a swing, I'll go in and ask later, you just wait for my news." Xu Jie broke away from Su Yun's hand while speaking.

When Su Yun heard this, a bright smile appeared on her face, and she said sweetly, "Thank you husband, I love you!"

Xu Jie looked at the other party speechlessly, did he act a little too much?

Okay, I'll take care of things, favors are yours.

In fact, he also wants others to owe him favors, but the question is, what can Yuan Ou do if he owes others favors?It can't help much, so it's better to give the favor to Su Yun.

"Thank you Director Xu, I really don't know how to thank you." Yuan Ou showed a grateful look on his face, his heart was already full of joy, and he sighed secretly: Today is finally not in vain.

In fact, she came here today because she didn't want to drink. It was false to seek Deputy Director Tao, but it was true to seek Xu Jie.

When she went to play mahjong at Su Yun's house last time, she wanted to tell Director Xu about it, but at that time Xiaoqing kept talking back to Director Xu, which made her embarrassed to speak, and finally had to swallow all the words that came to her lips Let it go, let it go.

In fact, she had already been to Beijing TV Station yesterday, and she found out that Director Xu had gone out to shoot a program early in the morning. In order to catch people, she deliberately came early today. I promised to help, and the wait of more than an hour before was worth it.

"Director Xu, this is my business card." Yuan Ou handed over the business card he had prepared a long time ago, and said, "If you have any news, you can contact me, or you can ask the program team to contact me, and I will be on call."

The purpose of her and Liu Qing's return to the capital this time is to promote the movie, which is currently the top priority.

Xu Jie took the business card and put it in his pocket.

He remembered the scene where Liu Qing was serious with him during the last meal, he should really let the other party see how humble his manager looks in front of the TV station.

and many more!

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes suddenly, sized Yuan Ou up, and asked, "Is this the reason for playing cards last time?"

"Ah?" Yuan Ou was taken aback when he heard it, his body froze immediately, and then asked pretending not to understand: "What?"

"It's nothing." For Xu Jie, it doesn't matter whether the other party answers or not, because he has already got the answer from the other party's reaction.

Recalling the scene that day now, this Miss Ou was not only polite to him, but also kept praising him for his cooking skills when eating. It stuck on his face, and after listening to the other party's words today, he understood everything.

Looking for Deputy Director Tao?
Under normal circumstances, if you ask for help, should you call in advance to make an appointment?On the one hand, it is to avoid empty-handedness, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent the other party from running out of time.

Besides, since you are asking for help, how can you tell others casually?It's not something glorious.So Xu Jie guessed that the other party came to him, or that the other party knew that Deputy Director Tao was on a business trip, so they came to ask him for help instead.

"Don't come to the TV station to find someone to do business in the future, it's not good, go back and wait for the call." Xu Jie looked at Yuan Ou and said, then said goodbye to Su Yun, turned and walked into the TV station gate.

Looking at the man's back, Yuan Ou couldn't help showing embarrassment on his face. He didn't expect to be guessed so easily by the other party. Could it be that his acting skills are too bad?Or are your intentions too obvious?

She thought about it seriously, and thought that she had been very reserved just now, and only said the purpose of coming here today to find Deputy Director Tao, and didn't say a word more about it.

If there was a trace of unnaturalness in the question, it was after the other party said the words, she didn't react for a while, and the little bit of astonishment in her eyes, although very short, was still considered a flaw.

As expected of Su Yun's man!

"Yunyun, just now... I'm sorry." Yuan Ou was a little embarrassed. After all, after knowing each other for so many years, it is inevitable to feel embarrassed if they are still playing tricks in front of each other.

"It's nothing, let's help each other, he's a straight person, don't mind." Su Yun said with a smile.

In fact, she also vaguely guessed something, but she didn't tell the truth. Otherwise, why would the other party introduce fashion resources to her?She also saw through this point, so she begged Xu Jie for help, which was considered a repayment of the favor.

As for Xu Jie's favor, she will pay it back slowly in the future. After all, she owes him too much so far. If she really wants to pay her back all at once, she really doesn't know how to pay it back.

Anyway, the debt is not too heavy, and the worst is to pay him off.


(End of this chapter)

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