The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 308 Crazy thoughts?

Chapter 308 Crazy thoughts?
When Xu Jie came to the art program center, he was attacked by all his colleagues as soon as he entered the door.

"Director Xu, we know that you and Goddess Su Yun are very affectionate, but there is no need to spread dog food at the gate of the unit early in the morning, right?"

"That's right, after watching it for a long time, it's killing me!"

"This is the first time I saw a goddess acting like a baby. This dog food is enough for me for a year."

"Director Xu, you are a full man who doesn't know a hungry man, you can't do this again next time."

"That is, why do you make us single dogs feel so embarrassed?"

"Loving animals is everyone's responsibility!"

Ordinary people would definitely feel embarrassed facing such accusations, but who is Xu Jie?She's thick-skinned.

"Can you blame me? Who told you not to get married? Now that older single unmarried youths have become a serious social problem, you can't hurry up and get married to save the country's heart? Or turn your heads around and look at each other. Hurry up to get the marriage certificate, and it can be considered as a contribution to the country." Xu Jie said.

Showing affection, he admits, but abusing a single dog, he firmly refuses to admit it.

"Mr. Xu, as you said, isn't it too hasty?" Tian Haobo smiled wryly, and it was too ruthless to attack single dogs like them from the social and national levels.

"That's right, according to what you said, it's not early marriage and early childbearing, but early marriage and early divorce." Xiao Wei retorted.

"Well, now that the divorce rate is so high, I can no longer burden the country. I would rather be short than come. Maybe there will be better things in the future?" Song Huanhuan said with an expectant expression.

"I found that there is a problem with your thinking. Everyone seems to think that there will be better ones later, and you don't think about it. Can the good ones be saved until the end? They have been snatched up long ago. If you don't snatch them now, you will snatch them up later. No idea, what are leftover men and leftover women? Everyone picks the leftovers, do you understand?" Xu Jie said solemnly: "Look at me, haven't I been snatched away at a young age?"


Everyone was speechless after hearing this, not only saying that everyone was picked out, but also becoming unreasonable to praise themselves for their excellence, and not to bully others like this.

However, when these words are spoken by other people, everyone may vomit collectively, but when they are spoken by Xu Jie, there is really no way to vomit. After all, he is really outstanding, otherwise he would not be favored by the goddess Su Yun.

Oh, it hurts!
At this time, Xu Jie found Qin Yan, the anchor of the entertainment broadcast, and asked, "Hey, are you short of news recently?"

Qin Yan said with a smile after hearing this: "The most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is news. Why, do you want to provide us with some exclusive news clues?"

Speaking of which, the two had collaborated at the beginning, when Xu Jie was still in the life program center, he provided Qin Yan with gossip about the entertainment industry, and Qin Yan reported more about Su Yun in the news.

"There is news about Liu Qing, she has a movie to be released in the summer vacation." Xu Jie said.

"What kind of news is this? I knew it at the beginning of the year." Qin Yan glanced at Xu Jie, then narrowed her eyes and asked, "Is there something wrong with you? Just now I saw you and Liu Qing's manager in the Together."

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan in surprise after hearing this, and said in surprise, "You even know Liu Qing's manager?"

Qin Yan rolled her eyes at Xu Jie directly, and said: "I have been broadcasting entertainment for so many years, and I have hosted countless evening parties and award ceremonies. How can I be a famous manager like Yuan Ou? Haven't seen it? Don't underestimate me, okay?"

"Hey, then I won't hide it from you." Xu Jie bent down and whispered, "It's like this, my wife and Liu Qing have a good relationship, Yuan Ou asked my wife to promote Liu Qing's movie, so my wife After finding me, do you think I can not give my wife face in front of outsiders? So I pretended to be forced to take it down, can sister Yan help me?"

"It's okay to help, but what benefits do I have?" Qin Yan asked with a smile, and stretched out her hand at the same time.

Xu Jie thought about it seriously, please eat?There seems to be no sincerity; a gift?He didn't know what the other party liked, and it was too vulgar. After thinking about it, he suddenly remembered something, so he lowered his voice and said, "If there are any variety shows in the future, I will definitely recommend you as the host."

Qin Yan's eyes lit up after hearing this. Although this sentence is suspected of being empty-handed, it depends on who said it. If it were other people present, it would be just to hear it, but it came from Xu Jie's mouth. , the meaning is completely different.

The other party is currently a hot figure in the station, and the two programs he is in charge of are both number one in ratings, which is unique in the history of Beijing TV Station.

Moreover, the first season of "Crossover Actors" is coming to an end soon. Taili will definitely have new moves in variety shows. Once Xu Jie becomes the planner again, who should seriously consider his suggestions?
"Deal!" Qin Yan clenched her hands into fists, then stared at Xu Jie and asked, "How do you want to promote Liu Qing?"

"Being on your entertainment broadcast is definitely indispensable. It is best to do an exclusive interview. Of course, it would be even better if you have the opportunity to participate in variety shows." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Qin Yan frowned, thought for a while and said, "It's okay to be on the news and do an exclusive interview, but if you want to be on a variety show, I can't say that, and you know the star variety shows on our station. There is only one other than your "Crossover Actors", and they are all regular actors, there is no part of inviting guests, unlike Huxiang Satellite TV's variety shows, where you can invite different celebrity guests in each episode."

Xu Jie counted several variety shows on the capital TV station in detail. As Qin Yan said, they were all starred by fixed stars, and there was no way to put stars in for publicity.

This is how to do?
Just go back and tell Su Yun?
But just the entertainment news doesn't seem to have much effect.

A bold idea suddenly popped up in Xu Jie's mind. He looked at Qin Yan and said, "Since there is no such variety show, can we make such a variety show?"

Qin Yan was stunned after hearing the man's words.

In order to promote Liu Qing's movie, you actually want to open a variety show?
This idea is so insane!

Simply unheard of!

"Who is Liu Qing to you, little wife?" Qin Yan couldn't help but ask, Gege in the Beijing circle didn't get this kind of treatment.

"What are you talking about? I can't even get busy with one wife, let alone find another one." Xu Jie said, "I really think this idea is feasible. After all, our station really lacks such a program. Of course, it's not If it’s not a variety show, it can also be a talk show, a talk show, serving movies or TV dramas, so that the audience can better understand the content of movies and TV dramas, and at the same time give filmmakers and TV people a way to promote it, and make it professional..."

The more Xu Jie talked, the more he couldn't stop.

Although there are many channels in China that can be used to promote film and television dramas, such as some variety shows, some movie channels, TV drama channels, etc., they are all superficial, not professional, and the time is very short, with a few words and a few questions It was taken lightly, and the audience was completely unsatisfied after watching it.

With the continuous development of the film and television drama market in recent years, the related industries and the economic benefits generated have become a very large number, and it brings not only economic benefits, but also cultural benefits, so he feels that this program Still very clever.

Qin Yan gradually became fascinated. At first, she wondered if the other party was crazy, but the more she listened, the more she felt that the idea was good. Anyway, she had never heard of any TV station that had a special promotion program for film and television dramas.

Of course, there is the most important point, if this program can be made, will she be the host?One must know that Xu Jie had personally promised her just now.

"What are you two talking about? It's so lively?" Jiang Hai saw Xu Jie and Qin Yan together as soon as he came to the art program center. thing.

Xu Jie turned his head and saw Director Jiang, nodded immediately and said, "It's something!"


Jiang Hai was immediately stunned.

What's wrong with these two?

No, I must have thought wrong.

If there is such a thing, who will admit it?That's an extramarital affair. It's a fart to get a promotion and a raise next year. It's already pretty good if you don't get suspended without pay for self-reflection.

Jiang Hai looked around, waved at Xu Jie and Qin Yan, and said, "Come to my office."

These two are his favorite generals, and he doesn't want to see whoever has an accident, let alone an accident together, which is similar to a regiment.

Blood pressure feels elevated.

When he came to the office, Jiang Hai closed the door, then returned to his seat, looked at Xu Jie and Qin Yan and asked, "What's the matter with you two?"

As soon as Qin Yan heard it, she knew that the boss had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Xu Jie has an idea for a new program."


Jiang Hai was stunned for a moment, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Ever since he dug Xu Jie under him, the other party had two ideas in total, one idea was to make "Delicious History", the other idea was to make "Crossover Actors", and now the other party has an idea for a new program , he seemed to see the ratings skyrocketing again.

"Come on, sit!" Jiang Hai quickly pointed to the opposite chair, motioning for the two to sit down, then looked at Xu Jie and said, "What do you think, tell me!"

Xu Jie said: "Just now I talked with Sister Yan about the promotion of film and television dramas, and suddenly found that our station, even in China, does not have a professional promotional program for film and television dramas, so I was thinking, if we do such a program, what will happen? Wouldn't it be welcome?"

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie in a daze, and thought: Don't ask me, how would I know, I want to listen to you now, brother!

Xu Jie continued: "Now the domestic film and television drama industry is very mature, the box office of movies has reached tens of billions every year, and hundreds of TV dramas are produced every year. The scale of this market is immeasurable. My idea is to create a A program that introduces movies and TV dramas to the audience in an all-round way..."


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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