Chapter 309

Xu Jie spoke for more than ten minutes at a stretch. Although his original intention was to promote Liu Qing's movie, and it was even just a preliminary idea, he felt that this sudden idea was very promising. Liu Qing is not the only one who promotes movies and TV shows on TV, and this program can meet the needs of this group of people. In the long run, it can even promote Su Yun's movies in the future.

Jiang Hai listened carefully for a while, but was a little disappointed in his heart. He thought that the other party had some good ideas for variety shows. It turned out that it was just a program to promote film and television dramas. It sounded neither as novel as "Delicious History", nor as good as "Crossover" is as entertaining as it gets.

"To promote film and television dramas, such programs seem to already exist. For example, "Light and Shadow Podcast" and "Movie Full Explanation" on the movie channel of China TV Station, don't they all introduce film and television dramas to the audience? And their broadcasting platforms are also awesome. Watch it Besides, we are a cultural program center, is this taking the jobs of the film and television program center downstairs?" Jiang Hai said with a frown.

"Whatever is up for grabs, whoever makes the program will own it." Xu Jie said after hearing it: "As for the two programs you mentioned just now, Director, they introduced movies and TV dramas that were released or released, and I The program mentioned is to promote the film and television drama before it is aired, and to conduct interviews with the entire crew."

"But the programs of our art channel can only be seen by audiences in the capital area, and they are not broadcast to the whole country. Will the crews of those film and television dramas come?" Jiang Hai asked worriedly.

Although he is the director of the art program center, he is still very self-aware. He knows that the temple of his art channel is small, and he really can't invite any big stars.

And the purpose of publicity is to let more people know, so the platform is extremely important, especially for film and television dramas, it doesn’t make any sense to publicize in one place, just like the film crew’s road show for film promotion, it’s never just going to one place Cities, but dozens or hundreds of cities.

"So, we still need Director Jiang to take us to persuade Director Lu." Xu Jie said with a smile.


Jiang Hai was stunned.

He thought that Xu Jie wanted to make a new program on the art channel, but he didn't expect that the other party wanted to broadcast the program on the satellite TV channel.

"Xiao Xu, isn't your ambition too big?" Jiang Hai asked in surprise: "Are you so confident in this program? At least try it on the Art Channel."

"Director, the basis for making this show is to have an influential platform that can be seen by audiences across the country. Otherwise, no crew and stars are willing to come, and this show will not be established." Xu Jie explained.

"Are you sure you can invite celebrities as long as it is broadcast on the satellite TV channel?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Yes!" Xu Jie said affirmatively.

Jiang Hai didn't expect Xu Jie to be so confident, and he was moved for a while, after all, the other party had never missed.

Or try to find Lao Lu?

Seeing that the director was still hesitating, Xu Jie turned his head and gave Qin Yan a wink.

Qin Yan immediately understood that she couldn't just be a spectator in this matter, because it was related to whether she could host a program on the satellite TV channel.

Can hosting a program on a satellite TV channel have the same influence as hosting a program on a literary channel?

"Director, are you worried that Director Lu will not agree? We are also making suggestions for the programs in the station. If we agree, we will do it. If we don't agree, we will not do it. There will be no loss. Don't you want our art program center to do more? Contribute some programs to the satellite TV channel?" Qin Yan immediately joined the persuasion team.

One is for the show, and the other is for myself.

Jiang Hai looked at Qin Yan, and the last sentence was in his heart. The more programs the art program center contributed to the satellite TV channel, the more important it was to show the importance of the art program center. As the art program center, he Director, of course, also contributed a lot.

Seeing that Lao Lu has become the deputy editor-in-chief of Taili, he can't keep standing still, can he?
Although the director of the cultural program center is also good, if he can improve, who wants to stay where he is?
"Okay, go find Lao Lu!" Jiang Hai made up his mind, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Although I don't like this show, I like you. If you want to do this show, then I will support you."

After speaking, he stood up and walked out of the office.

The three of them came to the satellite TV program center and blocked Lu Hong who was about to go out. Lu Hong knew something was wrong when he saw Jiang Hai's posture, so he went back to the office.

"Old Jiang, come here early in the morning, what's the matter?" Lu Hong asked with a smile.

"Old Lu, do you feel that our station lacks a certain type of program?" Jiang Hai showed a thoughtful look, as if he was worried about the station.

As soon as Lu Hong heard it, he knew that the other party had new ideas, so he immediately became interested and asked, "What program is missing?"

Jiang Hai pondered for a moment and said, "Film and TV."

"Film and TV? Doesn't our station have a TV channel? And don't forget, the prime time is TV dramas." Lu Hong reminded.

"I'm talking about professional film and television promotional programs."

"Professional film and television promotion?"

Lu Hong still didn't understand what the other party wanted to express.

Jiang Hai was waiting to be praised, but when he saw Lao Lu's appearance, he felt helpless, didn't he understand?
"It's like this..." Jiang Hai opened his mouth, he was going to say, but he was worried that his expression was not accurate enough, which would spoil Xu Jie's thoughts, so he turned his head and said to Xu Jie: "Little Xu, tell me."

Lu Hong looked at Lao Jiang, then at Xu Jie, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

No need to ask, this idea must be Xu Jie's again.

No wonder Lao Jiang seemed to take it so seriously.

"Good director."

After hearing this, Xu Jie repeated to Director Lu what he had said to Director Jiang before.

On the way from the art program center to the satellite TV program center, he thought about it carefully again, so what he said to Director Lu now had to be more refined, and he could accurately grasp the key points.

Lu Hong listened carefully.

In his impression, film and television promotional programs are generally broadcast on film and television channels. Compared with cultural programs, they are more like advertisements. According to Xiao Xu, this advertisement has become more detailed and professional, so Commercials become programs.

This feeling is a bit like the medical advertisements broadcast on some TV stations.

It is obviously an advertisement, but it has been made into a talk show. A so-called medical expert is invited to list the origin of the medicine, the ingredients of the medicine, the function of the medicine, and the effect of the medicine one by one during the interview.

The audience saw it, shit, there is such a good medicine, so they bought it, and the ultimate purpose of Xiao Xu's program should also be to let the audience marvel that there is such a good movie, and then wait for the movie to be released.

"Although it is a film and television promotion, we must highlight the film and television culture in the program, and show the connotation of the film to the audience without involving spoilers. Isn't there a word called cultural invasion now? In the past, it was mainly based on books. , Now we mainly rely on film and television dramas, and we also want to tell the audience about our own film and television drama culture, maybe a certain TV drama will be spread abroad, and it can be considered as a contribution to cultural dissemination, which is very meaningful.” Xu Xu Jay said seriously.

Lu Hong nodded frequently when he heard the last one. The TV station itself is a platform for cultural dissemination, and TV programs can't just talk about entertainment without content.

Moreover, people from top to bottom are demanding to resolutely resist the pan-entertainment phenomenon. A few days ago, the General Administration issued a document mentioning this matter. Under such circumstances, the cultural propaganda Xu Jie mentioned hits the point.

Seeing Director Lu nodding his head, Xu Jie felt confident.

In fact, it wasn't that he thought the program was rich in culture and connotation, but that he had figured out Director Lu's thoughts.

From the vigorous revision of Beijing Satellite TV at the beginning of the year, he can clearly see Director Lu's thoughts. The other side focuses on the fact that Beijing is a cultural center, hoping to create a cultural platform that integrates communication and innovation. In this way, "Delicious History", which promotes the food culture of the capital, dug from the art channel to the satellite TV channel.

So when he talked about the program, he emphasized culture from the beginning to the end. It cannot be said that he is following his own preferences. It can only be said that he is using the psychology of the other party to create a cultural platform to realize his own personal ideas.

As for the ratings, he doesn't know, but if he doesn't even have the chance to be on TV, how can he prove that his idea is good?

"Well, the idea is good." Lu Hong said after listening.

Satellite TV channels have never lacked entertainment programs, but they have always lacked programs with novel and unique content and cultural connotations. The idea proposed by Xu Jie is exactly what satellite TV channels currently lack.

Although becoming the deputy editor-in-chief is a certainty, he is still the director of the program center of the satellite TV. Naturally, he hopes that the programs of the satellite TV channel will get better and better, not to mention that this idea was proposed by Xu Jie.

Who is Xu Jie?His lucky general.

And judging from the resume of the other party's program production, it is perfect, and there is no reason to refute the other party. If it is someone else, it may be more cautious.

Xu Jie?He is relieved.

Xu Jie was very happy when he heard Director Lu's affirmation, but he didn't get carried away. After all, the other party just said that the idea was good, and there was still a long way to go before making the show. In fact, everyone has ideas, but how many of them can really be realized? indivual?
"Director Lu, then this program..." Xu Jie took the initiative to ask if it is possible to shoot, and what needs to be done, give me a quick talk.

Lu Hong thought for a while, and then said: "How about this, you first make a show and bring it to me, and I will bring the show to an internal meeting for public discussion, and finally decide whether to be a star."

He attached great importance to Xu Jie's ideas, but he also showed enough caution about new programs. After all, compared with "Delicious History" and "Crossover Actors", promotional programs for film and television dramas are indeed rarely broadcast on satellite TV channels, such as Beijing Satellite TV. , and other TV channels as well.

"no problem."

Xu Jie readily agreed.

However, Jiang Hai and Qin Yan at the side are a little bit in trouble
Do the program first and then approve it?
What if it has not been reviewed?
Most importantly, who pays for it?

 Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for rewarding 1500 starting coins! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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