Chapter 310
The three left Director Lu's office and returned to the Arts Program Center.

"Xiao Xu, why did you agree to Lao Lu's proposal? It's too hasty!" Jiang Hai said to Xu Jie, while secretly calling Lao Lu an old fox.

They kindly offer advice to each other, but the other party asks to do the program first, and even the copywriting is not good. In fact, it doesn't matter to do the program first. The problem is the production cost. Can you explain it clearly?Isn't this an empty glove white wolf?

"Director, what's the matter? Didn't Director Lu just promise that as long as he passed the meeting, he would be able to become a star?" Xu Jie was very excited. Not everyone can get such a promise, and many people don't even have this opportunity.

"Having said that, what about the production cost? You have to hire stars and crews, and the cost is definitely indispensable. If it is rejected at the meeting, won't the related costs be in vain?" Jiang Hai's face was full of sadness.

If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know how expensive firewood is.

Although the station encourages various program centers to innovate, but the financial support for new programs is very limited, otherwise he would not have paid Xu Jie a production fee of several thousand for an episode of "Delicious History".

Qin Yan couldn't help worrying when she heard that, the appearance fees of the current stars are very high, without the support of Taili, there is simply not so much money to invite.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, the station guarantees that the show will be starred, so that the program group can find sponsors by themselves, and when the star knows that the show will be starred, the appearance fee will also be reduced.

But the problem is that Director Lu didn't make any promises, so finding a sponsor by himself won't work.

How to do it?

Is my dream of being a host of a satellite TV channel shattered like this?
I only did it for half an hour, I'm not reconciled.

"Fee?" Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang suspiciously, and said, "Of course the celebrity pays for the fee."

"What?" Jiang Hai was stunned when he heard it, and looked at Xu Jie in disbelief, wondering if this kid was crazy? "You invite celebrities to participate in the show, and you want the celebrities to pay for it?"

Xu Jie shook his head and said, "It's not that I invite celebrities to participate in the show, but that the stars and crew spend money on the show to promote their own movies and TV shows."


Jiang Hai and Qin Yan were dumbfounded. They looked at Xu Jie in a daze. How could the same thing be reversed when it was said by the other party?

This power of turning black and white is nothing, but after thinking about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with what the other party said.

"Take the money to go on TV, are you sure someone will come?" Jiang Hai asked worriedly. Even though he is the director of the art program center and knows the art circle in Beijing like the back of his hand, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty at the moment.

"There will definitely be." Xu Jie said confidently.

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie with complicated eyes. If the other party was not his favorite general, he would have slapped him on the back of the head long ago. What are you bragging about!
Maybe, the other party really has a way.

"I will leave this matter to you, and you can use the people and equipment as you like," Jiang Hai said.

Support can't just be said with words, but also with practical actions. Although the stars' appearance fees can't be paid out, there is still no problem with people and equipment.

"Thank you Director Jiang." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you, I'm all from my own family." Jiang Hai waved his hand, and then walked to the office.

In fact, he was somewhat ashamed in his heart. After all, he did not help with the most critical point of "funding". As the director of the cultural program center, he felt both incompetent and humiliated.

No, I have to think of a way for Xiao Xu.

Xu Jie returned to his work station, found the business card that Yuan Ou handed him before, and called the other party according to the mobile phone number on it. The other party seemed to be waiting for his call, so the connection was quickly connected.


"Is it Miss Ou? I'm Xu Jie."

"Director Xu, it's me, Yuan Ou." The voice of the microphone was obviously very excited. If Xu Jie walked out of the TV station at this time, he would find that Yuan Ou had not left, and had been waiting for his news in the car.

"Sister Ou, our TV station is preparing to launch a new program. The name has not been decided yet, but the purpose is to provide an opportunity and platform for publicity for excellent movies and TV dramas, so that the audience can better understand the story and connotation of the work, as well as the purpose of creation. , I am the director and planner of this show, I wonder if you are interested in letting Liu Qing and her film crew participate?" Xu Jie said lightly, trying his best to pretend that "I have given you the opportunity It's like whether you love to come or not."

Qin Yan, who was about to look for Xu Jie, was frightened when she heard these words, her eyes were both startled and panicked.

Director Lu hasn't agreed yet, so you just let it go?This, isn't this a lie?

She walked quickly to Xu Jie's side, gestured and winked at him, and signaled him not to make trouble, if the station or the celebrity knew about it, wouldn't she be fired from the TV station directly?
Xu Jie didn't take it seriously, and waved his hand at the other party, signaling the other party to stay away, so as not to delay him from cheating, no, it's work.

When Yuan Ou on the other side of the phone heard it, his face immediately showed joy.

A program dedicated to promoting movies?
And such good things?

It's like pie in the sky when you're hungry, Coke in the sky after drinking, whatever you want.

"Yes, of course!" Yuan Ou said quickly, fearing that the other party would regret it, "I don't know where the show will be filmed, when it will be filmed, what is the requirement for the number of people, and what we need to prepare..."

"I'll talk about the rest later, just prepare the money first." Xu Jie was very direct, which caught people off guard.


After Yuan Ou froze for a moment, he asked puzzledly, "What money?"

If it wasn't for Director Xu's voice coming from the microphone, she would have thought she had been scammed by a phone call.

"Ask knowingly, of course it's the promotion fee. You think it's a white promotion to help you promote movie stars on the satellite TV channel? Do you know how many people and TV dramas want to be on this program? This is a whole issue of special promotion. Let's go You can't find a second TV station with this program in the whole of China." Xu Jie said loudly.

Yuan Ou thought about it, and what the other party said seemed to make sense.

"I don't know how much promotion fee it will cost?" Yuan Ou asked. Since it is a movie promotion fee, it should be included in the total investment of the movie, and the movie investor will pay for it. It doesn't matter much.

"As far as I know, general film promotion costs are in the tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. We are acquaintances, and I won't ask you for more. The price of friendship is 100 million." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan's eyes widened instantly, and the eyeballs almost flew out.

100?Still a friendly price?
How dare you.

Could this be the legendary "killing familiarity"?
That's right, people nowadays are so smart, and if you don't lie to your acquaintances, you really can't deceive them. Like those celebrities who have been scammed, which one was not deceived by their acquaintances?
At this time, she suddenly became a little nervous. She is the host of this show, and she knows that Xu Jie is deceiving people, so are the two of them accomplices now?

Teacher Luo, tell me quickly!
"Are you crazy?" Qin Yan whispered to Xu Jie. In her eyes, Xu Jie had become Zhang San, an outlaw.

Xu Jie ignored it when he heard it, turned around and continued working.

"100 million?" Yuan Ou frowned. Although the opportunity is rare, for a medium-budget film with an investment of only tens of millions, 100 million is not a low promotion fee.

"Why, too much?" Xu Jie said again: "How about this, for the sake of Liu Qing calling my daughter-in-law Sister Yun, I will give you another family price, [-], how about it?"

Yuan Ou sand sculpture.

From 100 million to [-]?

Is the fee flexible?
But if it's only [-], then she can agree to it for the investor.

"Okay, [-] is fine!" Yuan Ou said with a face full of joy, thinking that Director Xu is really a good friend, and he really did not find the wrong person.

"Then it's settled, let Liu Qing and the crew prepare, it will probably be at..." Xu Jie looked at the calendar card on the table, and then said: "Probably the program will be recorded next week. I will notify."

"Good Director Xu, thank you Director Xu." Yuan Ou was very grateful.

Xu Jie put down his phone, and was happy to settle the production fee and invite celebrities, but Qin Yan slapped him on the shoulder with "One Finger Zen"!
"Are you crazy? How can you lie to Yuan Ou? Do you know what the consequences will be?" Qin Yan whispered through gritted teeth, afraid that people around would hear it. I became friends in an instant, and I was extremely upset.

"Why did I lie to you?" Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan with an innocent face. We are a good man who talks about five things, four beauties and three loves.

"You still don't admit it?" Qin Yan was so angry that she finally decided not to save face for the other party, and asked directly: "Director Lu just asked us to do a program to see the effect first, and then we have to go through the leadership Discussion, whether it can be broadcast on the satellite TV channel is still unknown, how can you tell Yuan Ou that our TV station is going to release a new program?"

"I'm preparing, am I wrong?" Xu Jie asked back.

"But if you ask Yuan Ou for sponsorship fees, it will give people the impression that it will be broadcast on TV. Isn't that a lie?" Qin Yan asked.

"That's right, it will definitely be broadcast on TV." Xu Jie said.

"Are you that confident?" Qin Yan frowned, feeling that the other party had surpassed the scope of self-confidence and was walking further and further on the road of arrogance.

"Yes!" Xu Jie nodded.

"What if Director Lu doesn't approve?" Qin Yan asked.

"Then put it on the art channel. Anyway, I only said that the TV station is going to release a new program, and I didn't say that it will be broadcast on the satellite TV channel. Director Lu does not agree. We can find Director Jiang. Director Jiang will never refuse. Right?" Xu Jie said slowly.


Qin Yan was shocked, and stared blankly at the man in front of her, can she still explain it like this?Can you still do this?Is the trick so deep?

In an instant, she felt like she was on a thief ship!

 Thanks to Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for rewarding 1500 starting coins! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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