The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 311 What kind of bike do you want!

Chapter 311 What kind of bike do you want!

In the afternoon, Xu Jie left the TV station and went to the Beijing Hotel to attend the appointment ceremony of the Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador held there.

It was the first time for him to participate in this kind of social activity as a protagonist, so he was inevitably a little nervous, and he didn't know whether to take the left foot first or the right foot when he came on stage.
When Xu Jie came to the Capital Hotel, he saw the sign-in office set up by the organizer at a glance. He walked over and took out the invitation letter, and the staff immediately showed him the way.

The ceremony was held in the hall on the sixth floor. The banquet hall is very large, covering thousands of square meters, and it is not a problem to accommodate hundreds of people. Flowers are full of ritual.

The staff led Xu Jie to a seat in the first row. There was a piece of paper pasted on the back of the chair with two words written on it: Xu Jie.

"Teacher Xu, please take a seat." The staff pointed to the seat politely, and then said to Xu Jie: "If you need anything, you can contact the staff in the venue, and they will provide assistance and coordinate various matters."

"Thank you." Xu Jie nodded to the other party.

After the staff left, Xu Jie began to observe the surroundings. There were already many people in the banquet hall. Judging from the number of people, this appointment ceremony was not small. Ministry, which makes the level of the entire appointment ceremony much higher all of a sudden.

No wonder the Satellite TV Program Center sent a team of reporters to report on the appointment ceremony and record the entire banquet. After all, the TV station is under the management of radio and television, and the radio and television is under the management of publicity. In the final analysis, it is their own business.

"Teacher Xu!"

At this time, a middle-aged woman walked over and said, "I am your fan and a loyal viewer of your show, can we take a photo together?"

Xu Jie was taken aback, there are actually his fans here?

It seems that he is really hot.

"No problem." Xu Jie agreed with a smile.

The woman immediately happily took out her mobile phone and handed it to the nearby staff, who asked them to take pictures of the two.

Xu Jie stood beside the woman, clasping his hands together in front of him.

The staff returned the mobile phone to the woman after taking the photo. The woman looked at the photo and thought about it. She thought it was good, so she thanked Xu Jie and left happily.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man came again, looked at Xu Jie cheerfully and said, "Mr. Xu, I am also your fan. This is my business card. Can I take a photo with you?"

Xu Jie took it over and took a look. Liu Guodong, general manager of Liuji Catering Company, vice president of Beijing Catering Industry Association...

He is now the sweet pastry in the eyes of catering bosses. Many of the shops that appeared in "Delicious History" have a photo with him. Today is the appointment ceremony of the Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador. The catering industry association and cooking Among these people, he is more famous than those movie and TV stars.

After taking a photo with the seventh person, he got up and left his seat to go to the stage. His colleagues in the satellite TV program center were adjusting the equipment. He said to the female reporter who was watching the conference process: "Sister Li, are you leading the team today?"

Wu Li nodded when she saw Xu Jie, and said with a smile: "Well, I have to interview all the food promotion ambassadors later, have you thought about what to say?"

"Is there even a need to think about it? Something that comes as soon as you open your mouth." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Although his current job is directing and planning, he is a reporter. He has participated in many activities and interviewed many people, so he knows exactly what to say on what occasion. Talk about responsibility after thanks.

"Be serious, it will be on the news tomorrow." Wu Li reminded in a low voice.

"Really?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up.

His program has completed a great leap from life channel to literary channel and then to satellite TV channel. Unexpectedly, the reports about him will also span from life news to entertainment news and then to social news. Even he himself began to admire himself up.

"Old Hu, remember to take pictures of me later." Xu Jie said to the cameraman.

"Haha, no problem." The cameraman said with a smile.

Xu Jie returned to his seat. Not long after, he suddenly saw a group of people walking in from the door, and then he saw Liu Qing making his debut surrounded by the crowd. The other party was wearing a simple white shirt and black skirt , high heels, neat and sexy, exuding a youthful atmosphere all over the body.

Out of politeness, Xu Jie wanted to say hello to the other party, but when he thought about the other party's attitude towards him, he quickly dismissed this idea, took out his phone and looked down, pretending not to see it.

As a result, the crowd stopped suddenly when they passed by Xu Jie. Xu Jie looked up curiously, and saw a group of people wearing pants surrounded by a person without pants, and the person without pants was at the end of a seat away from him position to sit down.

Although Liu Qing is not tall, but her body proportion is good, so her legs look very long, the most important thing is that she is white, straight and thin, which attracted the attention of many men present, but Xu Jie still likes Su Yun, after all, she That's really long.

Soon, the seat between the two was also occupied by a bald old man in his 60s, wearing a Tang suit and cloth shoes, looking like a master.

Xu Jie glanced at the name on the chair, and then searched it with his mobile phone. It turned out that he was a culinary master with many titles, the first batch of Chinese cooking senior technicians in China, special first-class cooks, national professional skill competition referees, etc. and many more.


At this time, Liu Qing's shout suddenly sounded in his ear.

Xu Jie didn't take it seriously, and he didn't call names. Who knows who the other party is called?What's more, the other party's voice sounds arrogant, he doesn't owe the other party money.

"Hey, the one playing with the phone."

Xu Jie turned his head and looked around. Among the people sitting in the front row, he seemed to be the only one playing with his mobile phone.

While putting away his phone, he looked at Liu Qing, "Hey what, I don't have a name, can you be a little more polite."

Liu Qing said straightforwardly: "I forgot."

"Forgot? Even if you forgot, from Su Yun's side, shouldn't you call me brother-in-law?" Xu Jie asked.

"Cut, don't put gold on your face, I don't recognize you." Liu Qing said with a curled lip.

"It's no use if you don't admit it, my wife's own brother has admitted it." Xu Jie said indifferently, "By the way, what are you calling me for?"

The old man sitting in the middle looked at the two young people beside him, why are they still arguing?One sentence into the left ear, and another sentence into the right ear, feeling the buzzing in the head.

"I heard about the show from Sister Ou, is your new show going to work?" Liu Qing asked suspiciously.

As a new program, it has no audience base and has not passed the market test. She is really worried about the effect of publicity.

Originally, she didn't care much about the box office of this movie, but after hearing what Sister Ou said a few days ago about how the box office would affect her future filming, she had to be forced to do business to promote the movie.

"That depends on the performance of you and your crew." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Since it is a program to promote the movie, the protagonist is naturally the film crew.

"How do we behave?" Liu Qing asked.

"First of all, you must respect the director. Otherwise, if the director gets angry, he will take the meaning out of context when editing the film later, and then you will definitely be popular." Xu Jie said.

The corner of Liu Qing's mouth twitched, is this what a program director said?She wished she could stretch her legs and kick the opponent's feet, but it was a pity that her legs were not long enough.

"What do you mean by that? Don't forget, the film studio paid [-] yuan for publicity. If the publicity doesn't work well, I'll..."

"What about you?" Xu Jie interrupted the other party and said, "For a promotion fee of [-] yuan, the day you went to my house to play mahjong, the limited edition bag in your hand was more than [-] yuan, right? The price of a broken bag, what do you want?" How big a publicity effect do you need? Let everyone on the earth know? Internet celebrities can advertise in a short video on a mobile phone for more than this price, and it would be good to be on TV. What kind of bicycle do you want!"

"You and I..." Liu Qingxing's eyes widened. Although the other party was right, 10 yuan would be able to be on the show to promote a movie, but there was always a feeling of being cheated in her heart. If the other party didn't work in a TV station, the size would be considered A famous person, she has already called the police.

"Don't you, me, me, we don't know each other well, and you'd better cooperate when recording the show. If it's still the way it is now, don't blame me for the poor effect of the show." Xu Jie said coldly looked at each other and said.

OK, found the pot!
Even if the program was not approved by Director Lu, there is still a legitimate reason to reply to the film party.

It's not that we don't broadcast the program, it's that you are too uncooperative.

I am so talented!
Xu Jie thought to himself.


However, this made Liu Qing grit her teeth angrily, clenched her fists tightly, and her thin arms kept trembling. She had nowhere to vent, just like the sequelae of cerebral thrombosis.

"Ahem!" The old man sitting in the middle coughed twice at this moment, and then said, "You two, although I don't know what conflicts there are between you, but since you are relatives, it's better for everyone to think peace is the most important thing."

"He and I are not relatives!" Liu Qing said through gritted teeth.

The old man was at a loss, just now he clearly heard that his brother-in-law is not a relative, what is it?Did I hear wrong?
"Uncle, it's like this. I married one of her older sisters, and she didn't think I was good enough for her older sister, so she didn't recognize me as her brother-in-law." Xu Jie simply explained to the old man.

After hearing this, the old man suddenly realized, and finally understood the contradiction between the two. He looked at Liu Qing and said, "Little girl, since your sister has chosen this man, as a younger sister, you should bless first. Considering your situation just now, I think she will be sad, after all, one is her lover and the other is her family."

"Uncle, thank you, but she has always been like this, and I'm used to it." Xu Jie sighed softly, with a pitiful look on his face.


Liu Qing's eyes widened, you, you play me!


(End of this chapter)

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