The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 312 Super Popularity

Chapter 312 Super Popularity

When the time came to 14:[-] in the afternoon, the appointment ceremony of Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador officially began.

According to the usual practice, the leader's speech is indispensable for the opening.

First, the leader of the publicity department will give a speech, then the leader of the Culture and Tourism Bureau will explain the significance of holding food promotion activities, and then the president of the Beijing Cuisine Association will explain the history of Beijing cuisine...

After finishing this set, an hour passed like this, and finally it was the turn of today's highlight, the appointment ceremony of the food promotion ambassador.

As the host read out the names of the food promotion ambassadors one by one, the ten people sitting in the first row came to the stage one by one to accept the appointment letter of "Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador".

Xu Jie held the letter of appointment in both hands, and this feeling brought him back to the time when he was studying. He remembered that he participated in the competition and won the prize. That’s how he was called to the stage by the principal to receive the certificate and accept the applause of the whole school. A small letter of appointment, but it also represents an honor.

After the appointment ceremony, the on-site reporters interviewed the food promotion ambassadors. Because of the limited news time, they could only selectively interview ten promotion ambassadors, and Xu Jie, as a "person of his own", was naturally indispensable.

"Thanks to the organizer for granting me this honor. As a native of Beijing, I feel extremely proud. In the days to come, I will definitely do my best to make better food shows and let more people Learn about the cuisine of the capital, understand the culture of the cuisine of the capital, let everyone fall in love with the cuisine of the capital..."

Liu Qing, who was about to leave, looked at the man standing in front of the camera and talking seriously, and couldn't help curling her lips, showing a disdainful expression.

Really can act, even better than her!
He is obviously a liar, but he acts like a gentleman.

The interview ended quickly, just when Liu Qing was about to step forward to run on the man, someone walked up to the man before her.

"Director Xu, my parents are fans of your show, can you take a photo with me, and I will show it to my parents when I go back?" The person speaking was a middle-aged man in his 40s, his parents , the age can be imagined, this is no longer a fan of parents, but a fan of grandparents.

"Yes, thank you for their support." Xu Jie thanked, then stood in front of the camera with a smile, and took a photo with the middle-aged man.

Next, another old man stepped forward, held Xu Jie's hand tightly, and said, "You are Xu Jie, right? I like your program very much, and I watch it regularly. Thank you for promoting the traditional food culture of Beijing." contribution." After speaking, he gave Xu Jie a thumbs up.

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." Xu Jie said.


There was an endless stream of people taking pictures with Xu Jie, and they even formed a circle to take pictures.

Most of the people present today are from the catering industry in Beijing, and Xu Jie, as the director and leading actor of "Delicious History", has become a signature figure of Beijing's gourmet food. He hangs a group photo in the restaurant of the restaurant, posing as a lucky cat Fortunately, the lucky cat may not be able to attract money, but Xu Jie's photos will definitely attract many customers.

Liu Qing was pushed back again and again, getting farther and farther away from Xu Jie.

what's the situation?
Am I out of shape?

Am I not beautiful?

Is the clothes I'm wearing today not good-looking?
Haven't you seen any of my movies?

I'm the real celebrity, okay?

Liu Qing's face was full of disbelief, and her heart was filled with deep doubts, and she even began to doubt her life.

At any rate, he is also known as one of the "Four Little Actresses", and the movie box office has accumulated billions of dollars, so he is not as popular as a food show?

In fact, it's not that Liu Qing is not famous, nor is she not beautiful, but that she came to the wrong place.

Although the content of today's conference is the appointment ceremony of the Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador, the theme is to promote the Beijing food culture. In this regard, Xu Jie is of course more famous and more influential than her.

And those who like her are all young people. Looking at the entire banquet hall, most of them are middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s and older people. Many of them don't watch movies, let alone movie stars.

Even if someone wants to take a photo with Liu Qing, who would be willing to go?For such an elderly person, he ran to take a photo with a young female celebrity and spread the word. Besides, if his wife knew about it, wouldn't he kneel on the washboard when he returned home?
So even if someone has a wicked heart, they don't have the guts.

Liu Qing looked at the men in the crowd jealously, knowing that usually that position belonged to her.

What a bunch of foodies, even beauties are turned a blind eye.

Fortunately, this kind of scene wasn't captured by those eventful entertainment reporters, otherwise wouldn't she be written as cool?

Just when she was about to leave, she suddenly saw a man walking towards her. As for why she knew that the man was coming towards her, it was because of the way they looked at each other that told her.

Liu Qing immediately slowed down, and the jealousy just now was also swept away, with a cute look on her face, but she yelled excitedly in her heart: Who said I don't have fans?Isn't this coming?

The man stopped in front of Liu Qing, and opened his mouth to ask, "Qingqing, have you watched Director Xu's program "Delicious History"?"

"Okay, let's shoot." Liu Qing said with a smile.

"What? What are you shooting?" the man asked puzzled.


Liu Qing's body trembled, and only then did she realize what the other party asked just now.

Not looking for a photo?Not here for an autograph?

I agree!
"Look, I've seen it." Liu Qing said with a stiff expression.

The man continued: "Every episode of "Delicious History" will invite a star to star. I wonder if Liu Qing is interested in acting in Director Xu's show?"

The corner of Liu Qing's mouth twitched, she just wanted to find something to cover the opponent's mouth.

Will you speak?If you can't speak, don't speak.

The beauty is right in front of you, can you get down to business?

Liu Qing sighed to herself, she was depressed, she still had to keep a smile on her face, after all, she was in a public place, to avoid being said to be a black face playing big names.

"It depends on Director Xu's intentions. If he invites me, I will act." Liu Qing said, but she was thinking in her heart: Fuck that, I won't act.

The man didn't say anything after hearing it, and walked directly to the crowd in front.

Liu Qing stood there in a daze, and just left?Isn't that rude?
She gritted her teeth and looked at the man surrounded by the crowd.

These are your fans, they have no quality at all, hum!
Then he turned around and left the banquet hall angrily.

Xu Jie kept taking photos with people, one after another. As for how many photos he took, he didn't know. Anyway, when he finished taking photos with the last person, there were not many people in the banquet hall.

Xu Jie hurriedly took the opportunity to leave the venue, which is why he didn't want to be a star.

So fucking tired!

In fact, he wanted to leave a long time ago, but he was embarrassed to leave, and he couldn't bear to refuse, let alone express dissatisfaction. After all, they are all his fans, they all like his shows, and they are also people in the cultural industry of the catering industry in Beijing. You will be able to meet them when you shoot "A Delicious History" in the future.

He secretly made up his mind in his heart that he would never play the leading role in the show except "Delicious History" in the future.

It was almost five o'clock when Xu Jie returned to the TV station.

"Xu Jie, come here!" Qin Yan hurriedly waved to Xu Jie, she had been waiting for him for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked as he walked over.

Qin Yan handed the printed sheets of paper to Xu Jie, and said, "This is the program copywriting, which is mainly in the form of questions and answers. Whether it is the starring role or the director, I have prepared all the questions."

"So fast?"

After Xu Jie got it, he looked at it seriously.

one page...

two pages...

He nodded while watching, thinking that he is indeed the head of the literary channel. He has done entertainment news for so many years and interviewed many celebrities. He is familiar with the flow of this kind of question-and-answer program.

Xu Jie quickly read the last page.

"How?" Qin Yan asked anxiously, her eyes full of anticipation.

"Not bad, but I don't think it's deep enough." Xu Jie said after reading it.

"Not deep enough?" Qin Yan looked down at the questions in the copywriting.

"That's right." Xu Jie said: "The questions you wrote are also asked by other programs that introduce film and television dramas. If we still ask these questions, how is it different from other programs? What we want to do is to be different, so Be more bold in terms of content, like this question to the heroine: What is the biggest problem encountered during filming... What is the point of this? Who cares about this kind of problem? You might as well ask directly: When filming Have you ever had any conflicts with the director, have you had any disputes..."

Qin Yan was stunned when she heard it. Why does this question seem to provoke discord?Isn't this creating contradictions?

"Isn't that bad? Both actors and directors will be very embarrassed." Qin Yan smiled wryly. She had interviewed many celebrities, but she never asked such questions, and even deliberately avoided such questions.

"They're all old performing artists, what's so embarrassing? Besides, isn't the conflict between the explosive actors and the conflict between the explosive actors and the director a common propaganda method for film and television dramas? It's just that we move all these to It’s just on the TV show, our show should not only reflect the film culture, but also not lack the spirit of entertainment, this is called grasping with both hands, and both hands must be tough.” Xu Jie said.

"This..." Qin Yan has never tried it, and she doesn't know how to ask.

Xu Jie saw Qin Yan's difficulty.

"If you don't know what to ask, you can ask your colleagues one by one to see what they want to ask, or simply go to the street to interview passers-by, and let the stars and crew answer the questions raised by passers-by. The masters of the problem are among the people, and I believe the masters of creating problems must also be among the people." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Qin Yan was dumbfounded.

Are you promoting a movie?

You are obviously fanning the flames, lest the world will not be chaotic.

"This, can this pass the trial?" Qin Yan asked worriedly.

"It's Director Lu's problem to pass the review. What we need to do is to make the show exciting. Besides, only controversy can attract people. I believe that as long as we grasp the main theme of the show, promote film and television culture, and put some entertainment content in the middle, there should be no problem." what is the problem."

Qin Yan gritted her teeth, since she had already boarded the pirate ship, she had no choice but to go all out and follow the captain!

"Okay, I'll go outside for an interview tomorrow!"


(End of this chapter)

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