The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 313 God's Will?

Chapter 313 God's Will?

On Friday, after a week of preparation, the latest episode of "Crossover Actors" officially started recording. Whoever advances in today's competition will get tickets to the finals.

Just after noon, people lined up outside the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station. Although it was still the original admission time, the audience couldn't wait to see the performance of the actors today.

The face-to-face confrontation between actors and the important moment of deciding who will enter the finals is exciting and exciting just thinking about it.

"What time is it? Isn't it time to enter the venue?"

"It's coming soon, it's only ten minutes away."

"I don't know how the actors are preparing. I'm a little nervous. I'm nervous about my Yu Dong. God bless him and let him enter the finals!"

"Yu Dong and Dai Qingqing are the most suspenseful group today. Judging from their previous performances, they each have their own performance characteristics. It's really hard to say who will advance,"

"What do you mean by that? Do you look down on my Sissy? Let me tell you, my Sissy is an explosive actress, a contestant in a big competition, and she will be the one who advances today."

"I didn't mention her by name. How do you know I'm talking about Jin Qianqian? Oh, I see. You don't have confidence in Jin Qianxi either, do you?"

"What are you talking about? Who has no confidence? My Jin Xixi is the best."

"Be careful with what you say, don't look at the occasion when you brag, your Sissi is the best? Have you asked Su Yun?"


Before the show even started, the audience began to argue fiercely.

The staff looked at the time on the watch, and it was only 5 minutes before they could enter the arena. They couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "The time is coming soon, and the audience will fight if it doesn't come..."

At the same time, the atmosphere in the rehearsal room of the Grand Theater was also very tense.

The assistant actor was nervous, worried that his poor performance would affect the performance of the two lead actors, and the lead actors were also nervous, worried about both themselves and their opponents, worried about some mistakes in their performance, and worried that their opponents would overshadow their performances.

The three rehearsal rooms seemed to be calm, but undercurrents were surging. Everyone was cautious and suppressed their emotions, for fear of disrupting the current situation. After all, there were always cameras recording nearby.

"We'll be on stage soon, everyone, relax and don't be nervous."

In the first rehearsal room, director Lin Xiaolong comforted the actors while doing the final mobilization.

"We have rehearsed many times in the past few days, and you have memorized the content by heart, so there is no need to be nervous at all, as long as you can perform at a normal level." Lin Xiaolong said kindly.

In fact, after this week of getting along with each other, he is very clear about who is performing well. Although he will give guidance one by one when he finds deficiencies, but everyone has different perceptions and talents. The performances are also different.

But these words must not be said now, it will affect the mentality of the actors, and if they are said, they must be said in the final comment.

In fact, he already had an answer in his heart, and the next step was to watch the actors perform on the spot, but they performed without makeup on stage, so no one knew what the result would be.

Maybe the two actors hid and didn't try their best during the rehearsal, so as to paralyze their opponents. They just waited for their acting skills to explode on stage, win a lot of applause, and deal a fatal blow to their opponents. They are both comrades-in-arms and opponents. That's the beauty of this campaign.

To be honest, he is also very much looking forward to the next performance, wondering if the two actors will surprise him.

Su Yun and Lu Xue turned their heads at the same time and looked at each other. Sparks seemed to collide at the place where their eyes met. At this time, neither of them would show weakness. Now that they are weak, it will not be easy to bring up this momentum when they take the stage.

The cameraman obviously saw that the matter was serious, and immediately pointed the camera at the two to record this moment. After working together for so many days, they finally felt like rivals. The air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder.

This is good!
As for the two actors, no matter how good their usual relationship is, they dare not relax at this time, because they will be opponents next, which is related to who will enter the finals, no one will choose to back down, no one will have regrets Leaving, let's get older, today's performance will even affect the future acting career of the two of them, if they don't do their best, they may regret it for the rest of their lives.

"Let's cheer for each other!" Su Yun said generously to Lu Xue, no matter how she is regarded as the other party's senior, she naturally wants to show her broad mind.

"Well, Sister Yun, we all have to work hard!" Lu Xue clenched her fists and made a cheering gesture. "

After rehearsing for a week, who will go to the end will soon be decided.

As the time passed by every minute and every second, the start of the show was getting closer and closer.

Director group.

Lu Hong looked around, but did not see Xu Jie.

"Hey, where's Xu Jie?" Lu Hong asked Jiang Hai beside him.

"I don't know, is this kid afraid to watch again?" Jiang Hai glanced at the recording scene, but he also didn't see Xu Jie.

He began to worry. Today is the most important competition before the finals. As a consultant and planner, Xu Jie has been in control of the rhythm of the entire show. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the real director behind the scenes. At this moment, suddenly Disappearing, it is inevitable that people will have a feeling of bottomlessness.

Just as Jiang Hai was about to use the walkie-talkie to call, he saw Xu Jie coming from the side door. He immediately waved at the other party and asked, "Where are you going? I thought you didn't dare to look at it again. "

"I went to the bathroom." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Is it because of nervousness?" Jiang Hai asked with a smile.

"Nervous? What are you nervous about?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course it's your wife."

"I have confidence in my wife!"

Jiang Hai was a little surprised, the other party didn't dare to look at it in the previous few rounds, but today is the sun coming out from the west?
Of course the sun didn't come out from the west, Xu Jie just felt that in such an important competition, he had to stand up and let Su Yun see him, it was considered cheering.

Xu Jie glanced at the time, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Attention all departments, the recording time of the program is coming soon, and today we will be recording six to three. To be fair, as long as there is no problem with the assistant, then the three performances will be recorded in the middle of the performance." There will be no call to stop, so all departments must cheer up and don’t be negligent, especially the camera department, not only need to take more shots, but also take pictures of every detail of the actors’ performances, so that there can be more in the later cuts. More material makes the show more exciting..."

This round is a direct confrontation between the two actors, so there will be no re-shooting for the effect of the program like before. In this episode, mistakes will also become part of the effect of the program, allowing the audience to see the most authentic state of the actors.

"Yes, Master Xu."

"The set is fine!"

"The lighting is fine."

"Planner Xu, each camera team is at the command of the director team at any time."

In the case of not stopping, the job of the cameraman becomes extremely important, because they have to shoot what the director wants according to the director's requirements, not only the performance on the stage, but also the expressions of the judges, the audience The reaction, as well as the psychological state of the actors in the background, these will make the show even more exciting.

"The staff is ready, the judges are ready, the actors are ready, the host is ready, the countdown is now: 3, 2, 1, recording starts, the host is on stage!"

With the appearance of the host Jin Wei on the stage, "Crossover Actors" officially began.

The first ones to play today are Su Yun and Lu Xue from Lin Xiaolong's group. The show they are going to perform is called: Sisters. It is a short drama script written by Lin Xiaolong on weekends. It takes about 10 minutes.

The content of the story tells the two sisters who have undergone tremendous changes in their lives because of different choices. The purpose of the story is to remind people to cherish the people around them, cherish the life in front of them, cherish every life choice, and don't regret it afterwards.

Lin Xiaolong first worked in a magazine, wrote novels, and also worked as a screenwriter. Later, he transformed into a director. Therefore, his skills in writing stories and scripts are still very solid. The stories seem simple, but there is a lot of deep meaning behind them.

And how the actors can perform the connotation of the story is the biggest test for them. Whoever can do this will be recognized by Lin Xiaolong, which is equivalent to stepping into the final stage with one foot.

After Xu Jie, who was sitting in front of the monitor, figured out the relationship between the characters in the short play, he couldn't help feeling a strange feeling in his heart. Could it be God's will?

Why did he have such an idea?
Because before "Crossover Actor", Su Yun made a movie called "The World", and this movie tells the story between sisters, and the content expressed is four or five points similar to Lin Xiaolong's script.

This feeling is like being bet by the teacher in advance on the composition questions of the college entrance examination.

Not only do you have experience, but you also have a template prepared in advance. In this case, it is difficult not to get a high score.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Su Yun's acting is very smooth, especially when she plays the scene of sisterhood, she is very focused and devoted, as if she is integrated into the role.

In contrast, Lu Xue was obviously weaker in front of Su Yun, and she also wanted to redeem some disadvantages through her role, but the more she thought about it, the easier it was for her to use too much force when performing, and the result was that the performance The traces are too heavy, obviously stealing the show.

In the process of performing, if you want to defeat the opponent, you don't rely on stealing the scene, but on the degree of devotion to the character. The audience is not a fool, and whoever is distracted can tell at a glance.

One is natural, it seems true; the other is deliberate, it seems hypocritical, it is self-evident that one is better and the other is worse.

Xu Jie watched halfway, and his heart returned to the original feeling. Although the performance was not over yet, he knew very well that Su Yun had already won.


(End of this chapter)

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