The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 314 There are so many tricks

Chapter 314 There are so many tricks
"Thank you to the three judges for their wonderful comments. I announce that Su Yun won the first round of competition and became the first contestant to enter the finals of "Crossover Actors"!"

As the host Jin Wei's voice spread throughout the recording site, deafening applause erupted in the hall immediately. While the audience was conquered by Su Yun's acting skills, they were also happy that Su Yun had successfully advanced to the finals.

"Great, Su Yun has entered the finals!"

"I've said long ago that the first group is the least suspenseful."

"Actually, Lu Xue's performance is not bad, but it's a pity that she met Su Yun."

"That's right, whoever teams up with Su Yun is out of luck."


It can be said that Su Yun's victory was well-received by everyone, and no one doubted it.

From the first round of the competition, Su Yun's acting skills have been online. Whether it is her sister or Hua Mulan, they have performed very successfully. Even Bai Suzhen in the classic role "Legend of the New White Snake" made the audience very happy. Accept, impress, and get unanimous praise from all three judges.

The audience is looking forward to Su Yun's performance, and every performance of Su Yun can bring surprises to the audience. Facts have proved that Su Yun can not only amaze the world with the images of Hua Mulan and White Snake, but also conquer the audience with natural and devoted performances. audience.

Just like the evaluation given by the great director Lin Xiaolong: "Su Yun will study the role very seriously, which enables her to blend into the role every time she performs. This is her most valuable part and also her most unique The place."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Non-stop applause!

"Sister Yun, congratulations!"

Backstage, Lu Xue generously congratulated Su Yun and gave her a hug.

This result was within her expectation, so she could accept it.

In fact, when the six people were drawn into groups, she silently prayed in her heart not to be in the same group as Su Yun. Whoever is in the same group as Su Yun is equivalent to eliminating half of them. This is not what she said, it is everyone. I discussed it in private, but it turned out that when the lottery was drawn, it was only this size, and she was in the same group as Su Yun. At that time, she knew that she was finished.

"Thank you." Su Yun patted Lu Xue's back lightly to express her comfort.

"Competing with Sister Yun on the same stage is really too stressful. Now that I'm fine, I can finally relax." Lu Xue spoke out what was in her heart.

"Am I that scary?" Su Yun said with a wry smile.

"Yes, you are simply a big devil. Playing with you, I feel like being dominated. Maybe this is called crushing." Lu Xue said.

In the previous few rounds, everyone performed in their own way. Although they knew that the other party performed well, they had no other feelings. But when they really stood face to face with Su Yun on the same stage, they realized that the only thing they could do was to be led by the other party. .

After a short break, it was soon the turn of actress Zhou Li's second group, Lu Dayu and Jin Qianqian.

At this time, Xu Jie was more relaxed, and when he looked at the monitor, he also had a smile on his face.

"See if you're happy, can you restrain yourself a little bit." Jiang Hai whispered to Xu Jie.

"Am I happy?" Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang and asked.

"Hehe, when you look in the mirror, the corners of your mouth almost reach your ears." Jiang Hai gave Xu Jie a blank look.

"LOL, really?".Xu Jie quickly rubbed his face with his hands and forced himself to calm down. He looked at Su Yun in one of the monitors, and suddenly a bold idea popped up in his heart.

"Director Jiang, I have an idea about the finals. I don't know if I should say it." Xu Jie approached Director Jiang and said in a low voice.

"Special nonsense, talk quickly." Jiang Hai said bluntly. He hated Xu Jie's secretiveness with him the most. Others can be better, because others don't have any ideas. Jay, I can't figure it out.

"I want to turn the originally planned recording of the finals into a live broadcast." Xu Jie said seriously.


Jiang Hai's face was full of surprise, and his voice raised a little unconsciously, instantly attracting the attention of other members of the director's team.

"What's the matter?" Lu Hong looked over curiously and asked, the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou Zhengliang, Yu Kuan and Feng Dekun all looked over.

Surprised, is there something wrong with the performance on stage?Didn't see it!
Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie in a daze, then swallowed a mouthful of spittle, turned to Lu Hong and said, "This kid is crazy, he wants to turn the recording of the final into a live broadcast."

"What?" Lu Hong was also shocked, and even the others were shocked by Xu Jie's bold idea.

We must know that there are many uncertainties in the live broadcast, and these uncertainties also bring great risks to the program. Once any problem occurs, it will be exposed to the eyes of the national audience, which will become a live broadcast accident.

In contrast, recording and broadcasting is much safer, and it can also be reshot for the effect of the program, so "Crossover Actor" has always used recording and broadcasting.

"Xiao Xu, why do you suddenly have such an idea?" Lu Hong asked. He knew Xu Jie well and believed that the other party didn't just bring it up for no reason.

"There have always been a group of people questioning our program on the Internet, thinking that our program has a script, everything follows the script, and the actors who are promoted are all internally appointed, directly denying the performance of the actors, so I think if Arrange a live broadcast, so that we can not only answer the doubts of these people, but also attract more viewers." Xu Jie said something suddenly came out, "By the way, our station's "Crossover Singer" Isn't the finals of " live broadcast?"

"The problem is that singing is easy, but acting is difficult." Jiang Hai said while frowning.

It only takes a few minutes to sing, but it takes more than 20 minutes to perform a short play. No one knows what will happen during this period.

Moreover, singing is a matter for one person, and acting is a matter for a group of people. Once there is a problem with the assistant and affects the actors, what should we do then?

Xu Jie knew what Director Jiang and others were worried about, so he said: "I don't think we need to worry about the actors. Since it is the finals, to decide who is the champion of "Crossover Actors", every actor must It’s really a skill, like forgetting words or something, that’s their problem, not our show’s problem, and accidents will make the show more exciting. As for the supporting actors, the show has been filmed for so many episodes, and those supporting actors can be regarded as time-honored On the battlefield, I believe that they can adapt to the situation when they encounter problems, and as for the actors who are acting in the opposite role, isn’t this a kind of test for them?”

The performance on the stage was still going on, but everyone in the director's team was watching Xu Jie. How could the performance accident become a highlight in this kid's eyes?
But then again, if you're an audience, it's really not a big deal to watch the fun!
Lu Hong was a little moved. As Xiao Xu said, many finals of competitive variety shows are now broadcast live, and while "Crossover Actor" received high ratings, it did receive some doubts.

As for the performance accident, he was not very worried, after all, he had experience in broadcasting other shows live.

"There are a lot of things to prepare for the live broadcast, and the content of the finals is the show prepared by the actors. Will the time of one week be too hasty?" Lu Hong asked.

"Then prepare for two weeks!" Xu Jie gritted his teeth and said.

"Two weeks? What about next week?" Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Next week, I will make a review of the highlights of the previous rounds, especially the three actors who entered the finals. I will make a short film of their changes along the way, similar to a documentary, so that everyone can look forward to the finals even more. If I am a viewer, and I would rather wait a week longer than the recorded broadcast, and I want to watch the live broadcast." Xu Jie said.

After hearing this, Lu Hong fell into deep thought for a while, while other people around expressed their opinions one after another.

"I think it's too risky to do so, it's better to be steady and steady." Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou said cautiously.

"In fact, the live broadcast is just a gimmick to attract more viewers and increase the ratings, but the ratings of our program are already very high, and the finals has its own blessing effect, so there is no need for a live broadcast. "Feng Dekun echoed.

"Are you satisfied with this rating? Can you be a little ideal? Is the rating too high?" Although Jiang Hai is Zhou Zhengliang's subordinate, he firmly chooses to stand by Xu Jie at this time, "I started I also feel that the live broadcast is not very reliable, but after hearing what Xu Jie said just now, I think what he said is correct. If it were you, would you like to watch the recording or the live broadcast? The recording is something that has been processed, and the live broadcast There are many certainties, which will make the audience have a kind of expectation in their hearts, looking forward to surprises and accidents, Lao Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Hong looked at Zhou Zhengliang, and then at Jiang Hai. The final of "Crossover Actors" was the last of the first season. If possible, he also wanted to give it another go, to see how high the ratings could be. The matter of deputy editor-in-chief has been decided, and he has nothing to worry about now, maybe he can break a record or something, as the chief director, he is also honored in front of his peers, isn't he?
"I think it can be changed to a live broadcast." After serious thinking, Lu Hong said: "First, our station has experience in live broadcasting large-scale events, so don't worry about accidents. Second, the live broadcast can be used as a highlight to attract more The audience is watching, three times... don't you want to see how much the highest ratings of "Crossover Actor" can be broken?"

He is also a person with pursuit and ambition!
Everyone looked at Lu Hong, it was obvious that Director Lu had made up his mind.

It's hard for everyone to say anything, after all, he is the biggest here.

"Since you don't have any doubts, then it's settled!" Lu Hong said to Xu Jie: "Hurry up and write a manuscript to the host, and let her tell the news that the program finals will be broadcast live at the end of the program. time, there should be no problem."

Although this kid is a bit of a toss-up, he has so many tricks!

"Yes, Director Lu!" Xu Jie agreed, took out a pen and notebook, quickly wrote a manuscript, and then left the director's team to hand it to the host Jin Wei.

The moment Jin Wei saw the manuscript, she was stunned.


Is this a test for actors?Or test her?


(End of this chapter)

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