The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 315 Untitled wins with title

Chapter 315 Untitled wins with title

Soon, the three competitions of six to three were all over, and finally Su Yun, Lu Dayu and Dai Qingqing advanced to the final finals.

For such a result, many people have already guessed, after all, the performances of the three actors in the past few rounds are there, even if they are fans of other actors, they can't open their eyes and talk nonsense, can they?
You can say that your idols acted well, but you have to admit that these three actors acted better, and as a competition show, the better ones will naturally come to the end.

During the break, Xu Jie came backstage and found three actors.

"Congratulations to the three who have entered the finals of "Crossover Actors". The wonderful performances of the three in our program are obvious to all, and they are well-deserved to enter the finals." Xu Jie said with a smile: "In order to attract more audiences , In order to respond to some people's doubts about your acting skills on the Internet, the program team made an impromptu decision to postpone the recording and broadcasting of the finals on next Friday to Saturday night next week, and broadcast the whole process live..."


When the three actors heard it, they all showed surprise, and the other supporting actors around them were also stunned, doubting their own ears.

In fact, before the start of the sixth stage and the third stage, the actors were told that they would not stop in the middle of the performance, and that every performance was completed in one go, but the change from recording to broadcasting to live broadcast still made all the actors feel a lot of pressure.

Compared with recorded broadcasting, live broadcasting will make people more nervous during the performance. This is no exception for veteran actors who have been on stage for a long time, let alone newcomers to performances like them. If they are not careful, they will become A show accident, which no one wants to see.

"What's the matter, everyone, why do you seem unhappy? This is a good opportunity to prove yourself. Isn't there someone who suspects that your performance was edited in a later stage? This time, let's cover the mouths of these people with the facts." Xu Jie Seriously speaking, at the same time waved his clenched fist to the actors to encourage everyone.

Since it is the last issue, of course it must end satisfactorily, without leaving any regrets, let alone giving Heizi any chance.

"Live's a bit stressful." Lu Dayu said with a wry smile, expressing the feelings of others.

"Live broadcasting has always been a test for the program team. It doesn't have much impact on your actors, right? Take today's performance as an example. Isn't it great that you didn't stop the whole process?" Xu Jie asked.

Has little effect?

It's too big!

thought the actor.

It is a psychological effect, invisible, intangible, but real.

Changing from recording and broadcasting to live broadcasting, I feel that the difficulty of performing has increased!
"But what if there is an accident during the performance?" Dai Qingqing asked worriedly.

"It's okay, accidents are also part of the show." Xu Jie said indifferently: "However, there is one thing that the three actors can rest assured. Our ability to assist in acting is beyond doubt. I believe they can properly solve problems when they encounter problems. , and in order to guarantee the performance of the assistant actors, our program team has also made a lot of preparations..."

If Xu Jie dared to propose the idea of ​​live broadcasting, he would definitely be fully prepared. You must know that he is more worried about performance accidents than any actor or staff member. Such an explosive show fell into his own hands.

"Although the recording has changed to a live broadcast, everyone will have an extra week to prepare. I thought that on the day of the finals, everyone will perform better." Xu Jie glanced at everyone's faces when he said this. With a glance, he asked indifferently: "So, has anyone quit?"

The three actors were taken aback.

What a joke!
After so many rounds of competition, one opponent after another has been eliminated, and they have all entered the finals. Who will withdraw at this time?Doesn't this mean giving up the chance to win the championship to others?
And as a singer, it's not like he hasn't participated in live broadcasts before, but this time he turned his status as a singer or a judge into an actor.

"I have no problem." Lu Dayu said.

Among the three actors, he is the oldest. What storms have you not seen?Stress can also be turned into motivation.

"I'm fine, I've participated in the Spring Festival Gala." Dai Qingqing also swept away her previous worries, showing a confident look.

Competitors are right by your side, so you can't show weakness at this time. Besides, quitting now, isn't it considered a joke?

When asked why she quit, the answer was because of the live broadcast, those who didn't know thought she was lip-syncing before.

"The two seniors have already set an example, how can I back down as a junior?" Su Yun said with a light smile.

She thought very clearly that even if she wanted to quit, her husband would not let her quit.

Su Yun took a deep look at Xu Jie: You think so, husband?

"Since the three actors agree, then the matter is settled. I hope that you will not be surprised when you hear the content of the final on stage. Congratulations again." Xu Jie smiled and left the stage.

The three actors were slightly taken aback. What did the smile mean when they left at the end?How is it like gloating?Laughing, they feel uncomfortable all over.

"Su Yun, what is your husband laughing at?" Dai Qingqing came to Su Yun's side and asked.

"I don't know." Su Yun shook her head, and then said: "I guess it has something to do with the content of the final, didn't he let us not be surprised?"

"What is the content of the final?" Dai Qingqing asked.

"Sister Qingqing, in fact, like you, I don't know the content." Su Yun said with a bitter face.

"According to the content of the competition that Xu planned in the previous rounds, the difficulty of the final finals should be higher than the previous rounds, but I really can't figure out what it is." Lu Dayu said
Although he has already entered the finals, but looking back, he has been tossed a lot by this planner Xu along the way, and he doesn't know what tricks he will change this time, but judging from the smirk when he left, it must be more difficult than before Still big.

Not long after, three actors were invited to the stage, and a lottery was drawn to determine the order of the final performances.

When they opened the ball in their hands and unfolded the note inside, the content on it was immediately seen by everyone.

"1" was written on the note in Dai Qingqing's hand, "3" was written on the note in Lu Dayu's hand, and "2" was written on the note in Su Yun's hand, which means that the final order of appearance in the final is, Dai Qingqing is the first, Su Yun is the second, and Lu Dayu is the third. However, what makes people feel strange is that there are only numbers on the note, and there is no competition content.

In the past when drawing lots, the name of the skit would be written on the slip of paper, but this time, the place where the name should have been written was blank.

"what's the situation?"

"Why didn't you see the content of the performance?"

"Did the program team forget to write it? Or did they take the wrong ball?"

"Although it's a recording, it shouldn't be such a low-level mistake, right?"

The audience immediately started talking.

You must know that the finals are coming up next, and everyone is full of expectations for what the three actors will perform in the finals. As a result, they haven't seen anything now.

The three actors on the stage also looked shocked, with question marks written all over their faces.

What does it mean?
Could it be to let the actors stage a ball in the finals?This is a big joke.

But they quickly thought of what Xu Jie said to them before, shouldn't they be surprised to hear the content of the final?Is there another mystery?
The three actors rubbed the strip of paper with their hands. There was indeed only one piece of paper. They held the strip of paper and pointed it at the light.But no pencils.

Why is the content of a competition acting like a confidential document?
We are too difficult!
The host Jin Wei looked at the actors on the stage and said: "I can guess from the bewildered faces of the three actors that you must be very curious about why there is no performance content on the note, right?" Then she looked at the audience and asked Said: "I think you must also want to know, right?"

"Yes!" The audience shouted in unison.

"Actually, the answer lies on these three pieces of paper." Jin Wei said.

Everyone was even more confused, there was nothing on the paper, how could it be on this paper?Host, are you nearsighted?

Jin Wei showed a mysterious smile at this time, and then said loudly: "The note is blank, and the program team has not arranged for the three actors to compete. That is to say, in the finals, the three actors need to prepare the script by themselves. Play your own script!"


Hearing the host's words, there was an uproar at the scene. The actors prepared the script themselves?Doesn't this mean letting the actors write, direct and act on their own?
Is this too difficult?

However, it sounds very exciting!
Since the broadcast of "Crossover Actors", the three actors have played too many roles, including roles in famous books, classic film and television dramas, and roles arranged by the judges, but it's interesting to play the roles they arranged for themselves.

"I'll go, can you still arrange it like this? The program team is too good at making arrangements, right?"

"The plan really did not disappoint me!"

"I really want to see what roles the three actors will arrange for themselves."

The audience was enthusiastic.

Jin Wei continued: "The blank is to let the three actors play freely. You can challenge the roles of classic film and television dramas, or you can prepare your own scripts and arrange roles that suit you. You can choose to play steadily, or you can choose to challenge yourself. All in all, I hope the three actors To be able to show my best form and present a wonderful performance for everyone..."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was applause at the scene.

The arrangement of the program group has brought enough surprises to everyone. The content of this final is indeed something that everyone did not expect. Who would have guessed that the program group of "Crossover Actors" who played tricks on the competition method before will be in the finals. What about "putting down the pick" suddenly?But this also just gives people more room for imagination. What will the three actors play?

This is probably the legendary "no trick wins, there is a trick"!

No title is better than a title!

 Thanks to book friend Wang Erde for the reward of 500 starting coins! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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