The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 316 Husband and wife are of one heart

Chapter 316 Husband and wife are of one heart

The recording of "Crossover Actors" is finally over. The audience walked out excitedly. Obviously, today's performance brought them too many surprises. One is the wonderful performance of the actors, and the other is the actors who entered the finals Announcement, the third is the performance content of the finals, each of which is enough for them to discuss for a long time, but it is a pity that there is a confidentiality agreement and they cannot share it with those around them.

Because of the change from recording and broadcasting to live broadcasting, the workload of the entire program group has also doubled invisibly. Although there are still two weeks, in order for the program to be broadcast live smoothly, everyone started to take action to prepare for the finals. Prepare for live broadcast.

The busiest person at this time is the publicity director. The modification of the program broadcast method directly disrupted the original publicity plan, and the live broadcast will be one of the selling points of the "Crossover Actors" finals. How to maximize this selling point and attract Getting more viewers to watch is something she, the publicity director, needs to be busy with next.

TV advertisements, video website advertisements, mobile short video advertisements, portal website advertisements, as well as radio, newspapers, etc., as long as they are publicity methods that can be imagined, they must be used. Use this overwhelming publicity method to pass the message to everyone.

It doesn't matter whether you have watched the program "Crossover Actors", but you must watch the advertisements for the finals of "Crossover Actors", otherwise the promotion is not in place.

The chief director, Lu Hong, did not hesitate to allocate a sum of publicity funds for the publicity department again, and the goal he set was also very clear. Before the broadcast of "Crossover Actor" tomorrow night, the publicity advertisement must be made, and then The news of the live broadcast of "Crossover Actor" spread to every corner of the country.

After Xu Jie was busy at the Grand Theater, he was about to go to the cafeteria for dinner, when he suddenly received a text message from Su Yun, which contained only two words: Get in the car.

Xu Jie didn't know why, but he came to the parking lot, found Su Yun's nanny car, opened the door and got in.

"What's the matter? Miss me?"

As soon as Xu Jie closed the car door, someone grabbed his ear severely.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Xu Jie quickly grabbed Su Yun's hand.

This woman's attack is too dark, it's okay to sneak attack by surprise, and she is so ruthless. There has always been a saying in their village: people with soft ears will be afraid of their wives in the future.

If this makes his ears soft, won't he be afraid of his wife in the future?He still wants to be number one.

"Tell me, is the way of competing in the finals an idea you came up with?" Su Yun asked fiercely.

Prepare the content of the show yourself?

This kind of final competition must be full of surprises and expectations for the audience, but it is full of malice for the actors.

In the past, it was enough to just act according to the script, but now it's good, and I have to worry about the script. The difficulty can be imagined.

"Look at what you said, it seems that the previous idea was not what I thought." Xu Jie said while rubbing his ears.

As the consultant and chief planner of "Crossover Actors", he has always been proud of being able to come up with so many different competition methods. You must know that this is one of the most exciting parts of the show. Every time the next round of competition methods is announced Sometimes, it will arouse heated discussions among the audience, bringing traffic to the show and the actors, and you don't even need to buy hot searches.

"Why do you have so many tricks?" In fact, after Su Yun heard that the host announced the content of the finals, she guessed that all of this must be Xu Jie's idea, and only this man can come up with such a bold idea. , Others dare not think about it, even if they think about it, they dare not say it.

"Hey, not only do I have many tricks, but I also have many poses." Xu Jie said triumphantly.

It was not the first time he had heard such praise from others. Even Director Lu and Director Jiang praised him for his ideas after being surprised.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, did she take her words as a compliment?

Seeing the man's complacent look, she wished she could be a widow. It was so irritating. Could it be that she couldn't even tell that she was angry?
"Are you trying to play us to death?" Su Yun asked.

As singers, acting is already very difficult for them, and now they have to prepare the script by themselves, isn't this embarrassing for them?

And they are only given two weeks. Where can they find a screenwriter in such a short period of time?Besides, when a screenwriter creates a script, can he write it if he wants to?

Although the acting skills of actors are very important, the script is also very important.

This script must not only be suitable for the actors, but also have wonderful content, so as to attract the audience, otherwise, no matter how good the actor's acting skills are, the audience will definitely blame the actor for not knowing what the content is after watching the short play .

As a singer, she has no problem finding a composer and lyricist, but looking for a screenwriter, she hasn't made a guest appearance in a few movies, so where can she find a screenwriter?

Make it up yourself?

She can write lyrics and compose music, but she can't be a screenwriter.

"Don't say that." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "I dare not play with them."

Su Yun frowned. What he said, the other party didn't dare to play with Lu Dayu and Dai Qingqing, dare to play with her?
and many more!

When Su Yun got angry, a thought suddenly flashed in her head, it felt like a cerebral thrombosis had passed.

She stared at the man's face for a long while, screenwriter?Isn't the one in front of you a ready-made screenwriter?
Although the other party is not a professional, the great director Xu Shenghua asked this man to add content to the script. The film company also invited this man to write the script for "Mulan". hands, and the story script in the "Delicious History" program, who else would he use?

"Okay, just play, but after playing, remember to clean up." Su Yun said with a smile.

Xu Jie was startled, and looked at the woman in surprise, is she so generous?

I didn't expect to say that casually, but there are unexpected gains.

But as soon as Mei got a big snot bubble, he became vigilant, and the cognition of living with the other party for half a year told him that the other party was neither a casual woman nor a woman who could play casually.

He began to think carefully about the other party's words.

After playing, remember to clean up?

"Cleaning up you mean..." Xu Jie felt that the other party seemed to have something in his words.

"Write me the final script." Su Yun said.

"I'm not playing anymore!" Xu Jie opened the car door and got up to get out of the car.

He has too many jobs to count now, so how can he have the time to write scripts for the other party?Seeing that the filming of "Mulan" is about to start, he has only just finished half of the script.

"Are you sure?" Su Yun asked loudly, she didn't go down to chase her, and she also showed a confident look on her face.

Xu Jie paused, looked back at Su Yun and asked, "Why?"

Her intuition told her that the other party meant something!

Su Yun pretended to be cute and pitiful, and said: "If you don't write for me, I'm not a screenwriter, so I can only write and act casually."

"What?" Xu Jie closed the car door directly, sat back in his seat, looked at the other party seriously and said, "How can you be so casual? Are you worthy of your fans? Are you worthy of the audience who have always supported you?"

It seems that what Xu Jie is sitting under is not an airline seat, but a commanding height of morality.

"You don't even care about your own wife, are you worthy of your wife?" Su Yun asked
Xu Jie's throat tightened, and the other party was waiting here.

He couldn't help but have a painful mask on his face. Isn't this shooting himself in the foot?Why didn't I think of this at the beginning?

"You know, I became a monk halfway through my career as a screenwriter, so I had no choice," Xu Jie said.

It was a complete accident to embark on the path of screenwriting, and the reason is simple: poor.

Because he was poor, he couldn't afford to hire a screenwriter, so when he filmed the first issue of "Delicious History", he had to write it himself, and then he embarked on a road of no return.

"But the short plays you wrote are very exciting." Su Yun said after hearing it.

"But this is the finals." Xu Jie emphasized.

"Because it's the finals, I feel more at ease in handing over the script to you, because you won't cheat me!" Su Yun said with a smile.

"What if the script is inferior to others? What if you can't win the championship because of the script?" Xu Jie repeated the seriousness of the problem.

"What else can I do? I can only take care of the family law, let you go home and kneel down on the durian." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie's legs trembled, "How can you say such cold words from your 37-degree mouth?"

Su Yun smiled and added: "Durian meat."

Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief immediately, the durian meat was not too bad.


I don't even kneel down on durian meat!

At this time, Su Yun grabbed Xu Jie's hand and said seriously: "I was joking with you just now. I chose you because I believe in you. The ancients said: Husband and wife are of the same heart, and their benefits cut through gold. After such a long time, don't you Don't you think we get along very well?"

Xu Jie met the other party's trusting eyes, and the word "believe" seemed to have infinite magic power, so he directly took him down.

In fact, he also felt that they got along very well. Since the two of them got their certificates, he has also been successful, and the other party has also been successful.

"Double row?" Xu Jie asked.

"En!" Su Yun nodded.

"Are you sure you want me to play as a support?" Xu Jie asked again. He has always been an assassin, playing by surprise, attacking the unprepared, and finally a big surprise.

"Yes!" Su Yun said.

Xu Jie sighed, he really couldn't leave the other party alone.

You must know that he was the one who encouraged the other party to participate in this show, and since participating in this show, he has been at home as a training partner for the other party in almost every performance. After more than three months of hard work, the other party finally broke into the finals At this critical moment, when the other party needs him, how can he have the nerve to reject the other party and be a bystander?


"Okay, I promise you!" Xu Jie looked at the other party and said, he has helped the other party so many times, and this time is not bad.

And the meaning of his efforts now is not to hope to help the other party?
"Thank you!" Su Yun said sincerely.

"Go home and think about what kind of role is suitable for you, and then think about what kind of short play is suitable for the finals. I will go home tomorrow and we will study together." Xu Jie opened the door and got out of the car.

"good husband."


(End of this chapter)

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