Chapter 317

When Xu Jie came to the canteen of his unit, he was a little absent-minded. He ordered a few dishes and found an empty seat to sit down. Now his mind is full of writing scripts for Su Yun.

Since it was the finals, it was definitely not possible to just write about it casually, but it was not an easy task to be suitable for Su Yun in terms of roles and exciting enough in terms of content.

Xu Jie frowned tightly, feeling that it was not so difficult to write the composition for the college entrance examination back then. Chinese for the college entrance examination was a propositional composition, and the content of the final in "Crossover Actor" had no proposition.

Alas, self-inflicted evil cannot live!

The problems he posed to the actors turned out to be problems for himself.

"Recently, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism held an appointment ceremony for Beijing Food Promotion Ambassadors. Ten elites from various industries gathered together to speak for Beijing Food..."

The capital news being broadcast on the wall-mounted TV attracted Xu Jie's attention. It was the appointment ceremony of the Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador held at the Beijing Hotel yesterday.

Ten Beijing food promotion ambassadors stood on the stage, and the camera scanned their faces one by one, including Xu Jie himself, and there was a personal interview of more than ten seconds.


"How does it feel to be on the capital news?" Qin Yan asked Xu Jie as she sat down.

"I don't feel anything." Xu Jie said truthfully after hearing this.

Showing up a few minutes after the news is no big deal, showing up a few minutes before the news makes a whole difference.

"Pretend, keep pretending, the capital news can't hold you anymore, can it?" Qin Yan rolled her eyes at the man, but after thinking about it for a while, there will be a show "Delicious History" directed and starred in by the other party tonight, and there will be the other party tomorrow night The planned program "Crossover Actors" really couldn't fit the other party in the news.

"Don't say that, I still want to improve." After the news was over, Xu Jie looked at the woman across from him and asked curiously, "Why haven't you got off work yet? What time is it already?"

"I'm on duty tonight. By the way, I've prepared some more questions. I'll send them back to you. Delete the inappropriate ones. I'll think about it over the weekend. But now there is a very important issue that needs to be resolved, that is, the program. What should I call my name? I thought about a few, such as: Film and Television Information Station, New Film and Television Report, and Film and Television Preview, all of which don’t sound attractive enough.” Qin Yan showed a tangled expression.

She thinks it is very important to name the program. The name should be attractive and easy to understand, so that people will know what the program will talk about when they hear the name of the program.

Of course, it can’t be too straightforward, it’s easy to lose interest. After all, it’s a program produced by the Art Center, and the content of the talk is related to film and television dramas, so it’s best to listen to a bit of a literary style...

Anyway, she struggled with the name of the program for a long time, but she still couldn't come up with an answer that could convince herself.

"The name doesn't matter. Whether the show is good or not depends on the content. Just like a beautiful woman, it doesn't matter what her name is. Wen, Fei, Li, and Yan are all common to the public, don't they? Isn't she a beauty?" Xu Jie had his own understanding.

"Are you saying that my name is very popular?" Qin Yan asked, frowning.

"I mean, although your name is very popular, you are very beautiful." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan's brows gradually relaxed after hearing this, which is more or less the same.

"Since you think it doesn't matter, then you can come up with a name." Qin Yan said, she couldn't think of a good one anyway.

Xu Jie didn't think about it, and just opened his mouth, "It's called "Interesting Film and Television Interview", how about it?"

"What?" Qin Yan was stunned.

The name is too insignificant, right?
You must know that what you are doing is TV programs, not online programs. Even the names of online programs are not so random.

"Your name... is straightforward enough, but the higher authorities will definitely not pass it." After Qin Yan finished speaking, she looked at the other party carefully. Could this man be joking with her?
She has been on the show for so many years, and she has never seen such a name.

"Then it's called "In-depth Talk on Film and Television"" Xu Jie said after thinking about it.

"In-depth talk?" Qin Yan was taken aback.

"Yes, it's deeper than the interview!" Xu Jie explained.

Qin Yan thought about it seriously. Although the name sounds weird, it is better than the first one.

While continuing to eat, she looked at the man puzzled. Isn't the man very good at naming?Like "Delicious History", she thought that the other party would name it, so she asked the other party to name it. If she had known this, she might as well have called it "Movie Information Station".

After eating, Xu Jie came to the program center of Satellite TV and started the post-production of "Crossover Actor".

Not long after, he received a WeChat message from Qin Yan, and the other party sent out the questions he had thought about for in-depth discussion.

Xu Jie simply glanced at it and deleted more than half of it, leaving only a small half to let the other party continue to think about it. As for the reason...not deep enough, sorry for the name of the show, it will be suspected of deceiving the audience after it is broadcast.

After working overtime all night, Xu Jie returned home at noon on Saturday.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Su Yun eagerly took his bag, and then grabbed his arm and dragged him into the living room.

"Have you eaten yet? I'll prepare seafood noodles for you. Let's chat while eating." Su Yun said enthusiastically. Now she can rely entirely on the script of the other party. Whether she can win the championship or not, the script is very important.

Xu Jie sat down, and the other party’s seafood noodles were as simple and rude as ever. A bowl of cooked instant noodles with fresh shrimp and fish board, and a pot of steamed shrimp, abalone, scallops, clams, etc., you can put what you want in the noodles , who dares to say that this is not seafood noodles?
"I've thought about it, and I still think tragedy is more suitable for me." Su Yun told Xu Jie her thoughts.

There are only a few types of short plays, comedies, tragedies, and dramas. If you want to win the finals, your performance must be contagious. Plain stories and serious atmosphere are not suitable for such an important competition as the finals, so There are only two options left, comedy and tragedy.

For her, acting in comedy will have a certain burden, and beautiful people can’t act in drama. Looking at various comedy movies and sketches, most of the beauties in them appear in the role of vases, and it is easy for people to ignore their acting skills , the most important point, she thinks she has no talent for comedy, so tragedy becomes the only choice.

In "Crossover Actor", she has acted in tragedy more than once. For example, the first round of sibling drama was a tragedy, and the later white lady is also a tragedy, so she is familiar with acting in tragedies, especially crying scenes, never mind Crying a lot, pear blossom crying with rain, or crying with tears, she can do it easily.

Xu Jie nodded while eating noodles. Judging from the opponent's performance in the past few rounds, although the various roles played are very brilliant, but the ones that can be easily controlled are tragedies.

In the arena of the finals, it is natural to play your best role, which is safe and will not overturn, and the tragedy can arouse the emotions of the audience, allowing the audience to go deep into the plot, as long as they are infected, their eyes will turn red and shed tears , the champion is almost inseparable.

It's just that in this way, it will test him as a screenwriter.

Whether or not a script can be written that touches people's hearts is the key to success. No matter how good an actor's acting skills are, without a good script, no matter how good the acting skills are, it's useless.

"What are you writing?" Xu Jie frowned.

I have written too many scripts these days, and almost all the stories I can think of have been written. It is really a headache for him to write a touching story now.

"Siblings have acted, sisters have acted, mother and daughter..." Su Yun narrowed her eyes and looked at Su Yun.

Su Yun immediately shook her head when she heard it, "I'm still a child, so I can't act as a mother!"

If you are not a mother, how can you act out the greatness of a mother?Some feelings cannot be performed by understanding alone.

"You can play the daughter and tell the sad story of a mother and daughter who live alone... No!" Xu Jie denied it himself as he spoke.

He felt that in the finals, it was not suitable to perform this kind of skit with educational significance, and blindly sensationalism might be counterproductive, which was disgusted by some audiences.

Forced sensationalism is the most embarrassing, once the degree is not well grasped, the performance will become an embarrassing performance.

Xu Jie thought about it, and suddenly felt that the past tragedies were not suitable for this finals, and Su Yun had already acted in it, and performing similar tragedies would easily make the audience fatigued.

This kind of situation is not uncommon. Many actors are criticized by the audience because they play too many roles of the same type.

Just like the silly, white and sweet characters in urban dramas, when an actress plays the role for the first time, the audience will feel that she has performed the role very well, but if she always plays such a role, what will the audience do?They will even label the actors themselves as silly, white and sweet. When it comes to silly, white and sweet, they will think of a certain actress.

Although Su Yun is only participating in a competition variety show, Xu Jie doesn't want to set up a character like Su Yunli anymore. Thinking about it now, such content is insurance, but there is no surprise. Once a tragic character is formed, Then it will also have a great impact on Su Yun's future acting.

As far as he knows, among the scripts that Su Yun has received recently, many of them are about siblings.

And from the perspective of program planning, if the three actors choose to play steadily and play their best roles, it will not be a good thing for the program, and it can even be said to be a disaster.

No audience wants to watch something that can be guessed, and no audience wants to watch a mediocre live broadcast. Same star cast.

Once the finals lose surprises, the entire season of "Crossover Actor" will become anticlimactic. In this way, even if the previous programs are wonderful, they will be labeled as boring in the end!

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun again. Apart from family affection, what else is suitable for her?


 Thank you book friend Wuxuan Daozun for the 200 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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