The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 318 The idea that came out

Chapter 318 The idea that came out
The noodles are finished, and the seafood is also finished, but the content of the script has not yet been finalized.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie quietly, her crystal eyes full of anticipation.

She didn't urge, good scripts are not made by urging, and she didn't make a sound, for fear of interrupting the other party's train of thought.

The other party is her reliance!
Xu Jie had noticed Su Yun's eyes a long time ago, but he didn't say anything. Although there were some contents in his mind that could be written into a script, those were not what he wanted.

Now he is not only the screenwriter behind the contestants, but also the consultant and planner of the show. He does not allow the show he made to go high and low, and anticlimactic, so he has to take care of both sides. As a result, the difficulty of the script also increases up a few grades.

Su Yun lightly removed the plate from the coffee table.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the other party, leaned on the sofa uncontrollably, closed his eyes and thought seriously, and emptied his whole brain.

"Tragedy, tragedy..."


Su Yun came out of the kitchen, and when she saw Xu Jie, she was stunned.


what's the situation?
Close your eyes and rest?Close your eyes and meditate?
She walked over, stared at the other person's tightly closed eyes, listened to the sound of even breathing, and gradually, she finally noticed it.

This guy... fell asleep!
Who is this, talking about business, how can you fall asleep?
Because of the script and the characters, she didn't sleep much last night. As soon as she closed her eyes, various characters would appear in her mind, even ghosts and ghosts. If it wasn't for the special training in haunted houses a few days ago , must be scary.

and many more!

Su Yun was taken aback suddenly, she just didn't sleep much, but at least she took a few naps intermittently, and the other party didn't seem to sleep at all.

This... is too much!
How can you let the cows work and not let the cows rest?

She went back to the room to bring a blanket, gently covered the other person's body, sat next to her, took a notebook and searched for touching stories on the Internet, maybe she could find inspiration.

Xu Jie slept until six o'clock in the evening.

He woke up by smelling the smell. If his nose didn't lie to him, Su Yun should be frying steak. There is a saying in "Bite of Tongue": High-end ingredients often only need the simplest cooking frying steak has become The most photographed dish for dinner, fried and sprinkled with black pepper, it's done.

Xu Jie got up and went to the kitchen, and the woman's graceful back immediately entered his eyes. She wore a tank top, sports shorts, and an apron. It was very simple, but very deadly.

Summer is good, women wear less.

Xu Jie suddenly woke up.

"When you wake up, the steak is ready, let's sit down and eat together." Su Yun turned her head to see Xu Jie, and handed him two plates of steak.

Xu Jie took it and brought it to the table. In addition to the steak, there were also poached eggs, broccoli, mushrooms, and pasta, which looked very appetizing.

After teaching him a few desserts, the cooking level of the other party has greatly improved. He used to swallow the rest raw and left the rest to his stomach. Now he can chew.

"I found a few short stories on the Internet, and I think they are pretty good. You can read them later, you can adapt them for a surprise, and maybe you will have new inspiration." Su Yun said to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie picked up the notebook and read it while eating. He slept all afternoon, and he didn't have much time to waste. After all, he didn't move a single word. Even if he could think of a story, he still had to write it into a script, right?
One story, two stories, three stories...

Xu Jie shook his head while watching.

It's not that the stories are bad, but that none of them meet his requirements.

He can write a lot of tragedies like this in a day, but is it useful?


"What, isn't it good?" Su Yun looked at the man. She spent an afternoon picking out these from countless short stories, and she just shook her head like that?

She thinks her appreciation level is still very good.

"It's not that it's bad, but it's that there are no surprises." Xu Jie sighed softly.

"Surprise? What kind of surprise?" Su Yun asked suspiciously. Didn't you agree to act steadily?Why did you suddenly ask for a surprise again?
"The stories you showed me are similar in content to the skits you performed on the stage before. If you still want to play such a role, what do the judges think? What do the audience think? What's the point of repeating performances without surprises? Meaning? How can you be worthy of the title of champion?" Xu Jie said seriously.

"I know, but aren't tragedies all about these things?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie suddenly raised his head to look at Su Yun, his eyes opened wide.

Su Yun was taken aback by Leng Buding's look, swallowed unconsciously, and asked guiltyly, "I, did I say something wrong?"

Xu Jie didn't speak, and continued to look at Su Yun. The other party's words just now gave him a reminder, and an idea popped up in his mind, but this idea was fleeting, like the wind blowing by him. He obviously felt it, but what? I can't catch it.

Su Yun was so stared at, she looked down at herself, and lifted her vest up to cover the deep ditch and high barriers.

Xu Jie looked at it for a long time, and suddenly grabbed his hair with his hands like crazy, and his brows were deeply frowned.

"What's wrong with you?" It was the first time Su Yun saw a man go crazy, and she had never been so drunk when she drank too much.

"A flash of inspiration!" Xu Jie said.

"Really? And then?" Su Yun's eyes lit up, and she seemed to see hope.

"I didn't catch it." Xu Jie said truthfully.


Su Yun was speechless for a moment, thinking that the other party had thought of the story, but judging by the other party's appearance, if she really thought of it, she wouldn't be mad at the same place.

"Don't worry, think about it slowly." Su Yun comforted her with a caring smile on her face, mainly because she was worried that the other party didn't come up with the script and became mentally disturbed instead.

Xu Jie sighed, closed his laptop, and ate his steak silently with his head down.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the two left home after watching half of "Crossover Actors", and drove to the slaughterhouse.

Even if the script can't be figured out, even if Su Yun can't win the championship, the movie "Mulan" still needs to be filmed, so the murderous spirit must continue to be practiced, and the pig must continue to be killed.

After more than a month of training, when Su Yun decomposed pigs, she was able to keep her face unchanged, treat pigs like meat, and her movements were clean and neat. butcher.

After Su Yun disassembled the third pig, Xu Jie walked to the other side and said, "Okay, let's change to another place."

"Where are you going?" Su Yun was very surprised, and wondered if she had become an apprentice?You know, the last time I came here, I dismantled a total of ten pigs.

"Next door, kill a live pig." Xu Jie said lightly.

Su Yun trembled all over. All she did now was disassemble the dead pig, and she finally reached this point.

She took a deep breath and followed Xu Jie to the next door. She found that she was able to look at the stunned pigs very calmly, without fear or nausea at all.

"Come on!" Xu Jie said.

Su Yun nodded, observed the old master beside her for a while, then picked up the knife and stabbed at the pig.

This knife is steady and ruthless.

Show all the results of this more than a month of training.


The blood sprayed on Su Yun's body. She wanted to hide, but she didn't. She just frowned slightly, and then walked aside to wash it off.

Although her heart trembled a little, she was quite satisfied with her performance just now, otherwise the muscles on her arms would have really grown for nothing, and the butcher would almost have a unicorn arm.

"Continue!" Xu Jie said to Su Yun: "Twenty goals for tonight!"

Su Yun was startled, at first she felt that twenty was too much, but when she saw the old master cut one at a time, she immediately didn't think it was too many.

In fact, as long as you pass the barrier in your heart, everything after that will become easy and simple.

Standing aside, Xu Jie looked at Su Yun who was gradually getting used to it, and gradually showed a smile on his face. How could he let the other party complete the task so easily?

He walked to Su Yun's side calmly, and at the moment before Su Yun was about to use the knife, he stabbed the pig's body with a knife. The wound was very shallow, but he woke up the pig that passed out from death!


Xu Jie stepped back quickly and looked at Su Yun at the same time, "Come on!"

Su Yun stared at Xu Jie with wide eyes: You tricked me!

Now she finally understood why Xu Jie said that when she first came to the slaughterhouse, the stunned pig would wake up when it came to her.

This was the first time she faced a live pig, and her heart immediately jumped into her throat. Facing a stunned pig was completely different from facing a live pig.

Previously it was possible to treat a stunned pig as if it were a dead pig, but now it is not possible to do so.



She knew that Xu Jie was deliberately testing her. If she avoided it now, she didn't know how long she would stay here in the future.

Even if she is used to it, she doesn't want to come here.

She gritted her teeth tightly, carefully observed the live pig with her eyes, and stared at the place where the knife should be cut for a long while. Seeing that the live pig was about to run past her, she stabbed it cruelly.


The knife hit!
However, the pig was still wriggling, and the strength was so great that Su Yun's knife was released directly.

not dead?

Su Yun was a little panicked, looking at the pig with a knife stabbed in it and bumping into it, her heart became nervous again.

It's over, I'm going to have another nightmare tonight!
To say that the old master had experience, he quickly reached out to grab the knife and pulled it out, and then made another knife, and the pig died quickly.

Su Yun took the knife to clean it, and then stood back to her original position. Xu Jie was still standing beside her. Su Yun knew that the other party was going to make a hole again!

In this way, one of the two was responsible for waking the pig up, and the other was responsible for sending the pig to the last journey. The couple became a nightmare for the pig.

In the middle of the night, the two returned home.

Xu Jie was about to go back to his room after taking a shower, when he found that Su Yun had made the floor for him in the living room again.

You don't need to ask, you know, if you killed a live pig tonight, you must be scared again!

Xu Jie lay on the ground and fell asleep before Su Yun came.

I don't know how long it took.

Xu Jie was sleeping soundly when he suddenly felt a heavy object hit his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw Su Yun lying on top of him, holding her hands tightly, swinging her arms slightly, exerting all her strength. stabbed him.


Xu Jie was stunned. What kind of posture is this? Helping others, masturbation?
It's the first time I saw a woman having a erotic dream!

He wanted to watch for a while longer, but the opponent's strength was getting stronger and stronger, and his flesh hurt from being stabbed. Is this going to be smashed to ashes?
He helped the other person to sit up, and then gently hugged the other person back to the sofa.


Su Yun woke up in a daze. Seeing Xu Jie beside her, she couldn't help frowning, and made a doubtful voice.

"Hey, wasn't I killing a pig just now? When did you go home?"


Xu Jie was taken aback, killing a pig?
Thinking of the way the other party stabbed him, it turned out that he was not masturbating, but killing a pig!
What the hell!

Fortunately, he didn't have a knife, otherwise he would be like those pigs, turning into a lump of meat in a daze.

Su Yun grabbed his hand, curled up, and soon fell asleep again.

Xu Jie broke out in a cold sweat, but seeing the other party's pitiful appearance, his heart quickly recovered.

Xu Jie paused, and the fleeting thought of the day came up again, but this time, he caught it.

Got it!


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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