The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 321 A messy question?

Chapter 321 Messy questions?
In the new week, Xu Jie devoted himself to busy work again.

On Monday and Tuesday, I filmed "Delicious History" at the film and television base for two consecutive days. On Wednesday, I finished editing the wonderful review of "Crossover Actors" this week. On Thursday, I started the recording of the new program "Deep Talk on Film and Television".

In the afternoon, before the recording of the program, Qin Yan found Xu Jie.

"Old Xu, are you sure you can ask these questions?"

Qin Yan held the interview draft in her hand, some of which were questions that she thought of, and some of them were questions that Xu Jie thought of. Although they were all questions, in comparison, Xu Jie's questions were too bold, and it was even easy for people to imagine things. For example, there is a question for the heroine: Do you actors talk about scripts together at night when you are filming during the day?
Talking about scripts is originally an unremarkable job, but talking about scripts at night... Is there not much news about actresses chatting with directors about scripts in hotels late at night?
"Why can't you ask questions?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"Your questions are easy to cause misunderstanding." Qin Yan explained.

She has interviewed some celebrities before, let alone ask these questions, she dare not even think about it, it is no different from an electric powder keg.

"What misunderstanding? These are serious questions related to movies and actors. The misunderstanding is their random thinking. Haven't you heard a sentence? Thinking in the heart, seeing with the eyes, the heart is a Buddha, and the world is viewed with the eyes of the Buddha , Wherever you see, there are Buddhas everywhere, and your heart is full of shit, if you look at the world with dog eyes, everywhere you see is dog shit." Xu Jie said lightly.

"That's what I said, but... Huh? Why do I feel like you're scolding me?" Qin Yan frowned and asked.

She was worried that the actors would be misunderstood, and she was worried that the audience would be misunderstood. She must have thought of possible misunderstandings, which is why she has such worries. Doesn't this mean that she is dirty in her heart, so she also looks dirty?

"Look, you misunderstood me again." Xu Jie spread his hands, looking innocent.

"..." Qin Yan shut her mouth obediently, and if she asked any more questions, she would really be a piece of shit.

Not long after, the crew of the movie "Love Story in Midsummer" came to Beijing TV Station. Xu Jie sent Tian Haobo to pick him up and bring him to the studio.

"Director Xu, Xiaoqing and the crew are all here." Seeing Xu Jie, Yuan Ou immediately walked over and said politely, "Thank you so much for being able to help us promote the movie this time."

"It's nothing, our "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is also a new program, so let's make each other better." Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, you are too polite." Yuan Ou said with a smile: "Please rest assured, I have already explained before coming here, and I promise to cooperate."

Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Qin Yan: "Sister Yan, show the interview script to the crew, so that they can have an idea."

After hearing this, Qin Yan looked in the direction of the crew. There are still many stars in the crew. The heroine Liu Qing is a first-line floret. Although the male protagonist Hou Jun is not well-known, he is also a very popular little fresh meat. The others The supporting role is also well-known, are you sure this interview will not offend anyone?
She glanced in Xu Jie's direction again, and saw that the other party was busy, so she gritted her teeth and walked towards the crew, thinking that it was useless to worry, after all, this was what the director meant.

"Hello everyone, I'm Qin Yan, the host of "In-depth Film and Television Talk". This is the interview script for the recording of the show. Please take a look. If you can ask questions, let's communicate in advance." Qin Yan held the script in his hand sent to the crew.

The content of interview drafts is different for different roles. For example, directors and leading actors have more interview content than other cast members, and they are also the key subjects of program interviews.

Liu Qing read the interview script, and after a while, she frowned.

"What kind of messed up questions are these?"

The questions she saw at the beginning were normal, they were all related to the content of the movie, but after watching it, the content changed, from movie content to personal content, and even very gossip, like some unscrupulous paparazzi Same.

The leading actor Hou Jun looked at Liu Qing and didn't say anything.

In fact, he also felt that some issues were a bit out of the circle, but isn't this the case for all movie promotions?Use hype to increase the selling point of the movie, thereby attracting fans to go to the cinema to watch it.

Moreover, he is very happy to be tied up with Liu Qing to hype. After all, Liu Qing is well-known, and he can get traffic on the other party.

Director Cheng Lei didn't react much, as if he was used to it. In his opinion, the more exciting the content of the interview, the higher the popularity of the movie, and the purpose of promoting the movie would be achieved.

Qin Yan smiled awkwardly, then gave the other party a pen, and said, "If you think any question is inappropriate, you can cross it out with the pen."

Liu Qing took the pen and swiped and clicked on the interview draft, "This question is not acceptable, and this question is not acceptable. Is this a TV station or a gossip newspaper, and you can't ask all kinds of questions for the attention of bloggers."

"Let me take a look!" Not far away, Yuan Ou saw the situation on Liu Qing's side, hurried over, said sorry to Qin Yan, and then looked at the interview manuscript in Liu Qing's hand.

During the filming process, did you ever fall in love with the leading actor?
I heard that many actors like to chat about scripts late at night, is it because they have no time during the day?Or is it because it's quieter late at night?

When filming an intimate scene, was surrounded by so many people, did you feel embarrassed?

Yuan Ou finally knew why Xiaoqing was angry. There were many other questions like this, and there were even more explicit ones later. As an actress and a young actress, how could she have the nerve to answer them?
"Mr. Qin, these questions don't seem to have anything to do with movie promotion. I think it's better to interview more questions about the movie itself." Yuan Ou said to Qin Yan. say.

Liu Qing returned the interview draft to the hostess. After Qin Yan took it, she saw that half of the questions on the two sheets of paper were hung up, but she was not surprised or dissatisfied, because all the questions that were crossed out were Xu Jie's. , this result was completely within her expectations.

But she didn't think so, but what about the director?Would the director agree to delete so much?

"I'm going to communicate with the director." Qin Yan said, looking at the other people in the crew, and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

None of the crowd said a word. They knew that Liu Qing was incomparable in terms of coffee status, so they didn't dare to express their dissatisfaction in front of the staff of Beijing TV Station. In fact, they wished that the host could ask more questions. It would be nice to have more scenes in the show.

"If not, I will ask questions according to the contents of the interview draft later, and please think about your answers." Qin Yan walked towards Xu Jie after speaking.

Liu Qing looked at the leaving hostess, turned her head and said to her manager, "Sister Ou, did you hear that? It turned out that the person surnamed Xu made the problem, did he do it on purpose?"

"Hush!" Yuan Ou quickly reached out to cover Liu Qing's mouth, and said in a low voice, "Grandma, please keep your voice down, this is a TV station, not a crew, so be careful when you speak."

After finishing speaking, she carefully looked around. The TV station is not a place for them to be free and unrestrained. They can communicate with each other if they have problems, but temper tantrums are absolutely not allowed, let alone the Beijing TV station.

"Who has a problem with the interview script?" Xu Jie came over with the scratched-up interview script, and his eyes fell directly on Liu Qing's face.

"Me, what's wrong?" Liu Qing raised her head and asked.

"Director Xu, it's like this." Yuan Ou gave Liu Qing a hand, motioned for the other party to stop talking, and then explained with a smile: "Xiaoqing has always been called a young girl by the outside world, and the questions that were crossed out just now are detrimental to her. Image, we are here to promote the film, so we would like to answer some questions related to the film.

"What do you mean by that? Don't these questions have anything to do with movies?" Xu Jie asked with a frown.

Yuan Ou was stunned for a moment, listening to the other party, could it be that these questions were really thought up by the other party?

"What do you think?" Liu Qing asked back: "Have you ever had an affair with the male protagonist because of the drama? Is this related to the movie?"

"Of course it's related!" Xu Jie said solemnly: "Now there are rumors on the Internet that you and the male lead had an affair during the filming. We are asking the audience for the audience. If it is true, we want to know if you are too involved in the film. If it’s not true, our program can also clarify it for you, it’s out of good intentions, why are you biting Lu Dongbin so hard, you don’t know good people?”

"Who do you call a dog?" Liu Qing straightened her back and stared at her eyes.

"What did I say, did I say you are a dog?" Xu Jie asked.

"That's what you mean." Liu Qing said.

"How do you know what I mean? Could it be that you are that thing in my stomach?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"You call me a roundworm?" Liu Qing pointed at Xu Jie.

"Can you be reasonable? You're a dog for a while, and you're a roundworm for a while. Whatever you say is what it is?"

The people around were speechless after hearing it, and it was the first time I saw someone who cursed so righteously.

Liu Qing stomped her feet angrily, "Sister Ou, look at her, I won't record it!" After speaking, she made a gesture to leave.

"Whatever, anyway, the cost cannot be less." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Yuan Ou hurriedly grabbed Liu Qing, thinking: Why do these two people quarrel when they meet?We are all friends, can't we live in harmony?
"Xiaoqing!" Yuan Ou pulled Liu Qing aside, and said earnestly: "You are gone, what about the crew? This is the opportunity I have worked hard to get from Director Xu. Cherish it."

Liu Qing said dissatisfied: "But those problems just now are really..."

"Isn't this communicating? Everything has to go through a process. In fact, I think what Director Xu said is not unreasonable. We can use this program to clarify the rumors on the Internet. Although they raised the problem, their mouths are open." On you, how to answer what you say counts, right?" Yuan Ou persuaded.

Liu Qing thought about it, and it seemed that she was right.

"Are you still filming? If not, I will withdraw!" Xu Jie said loudly.

"Shoot, slap!" Yuan Ou pulled Liu Qing back.

"If you want to shoot, you should have a correct attitude." Xu Jie gave Liu Qing a white look, and then said loudly to the staff in the studio: "All departments are preparing, the show will start soon, the host, the content of the interview will not change, according to the original plan conduct!"


Qin Yan never thought that Liu Qing would agree, if so, then the show would be interesting!


(End of this chapter)

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