The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 322 I'm Not Targeting Whom

Chapter 322 I'm Not Targeting Whom
"Qingqing, there are rumors that you fell in love with the leading actor Hou Jun during the filming of this movie. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Facing the camera, Qin Yan showed a professional smile on her face, but she kept muttering in her heart, wondering how Liu Qing would answer, whether she would stand up and slap her when she got angry.

There is no way, who made these questions listed by Xu Jie too unreasonable?If she were the subject of the interview, she would definitely have a bad face all the way.

"No, I'm a professional actor. I know when to get into a play and when to act. I'm still single now." Liu Qingfeng said calmly, and glanced at the director standing behind the camera. With a touch of provocation.

Are you not a gossip?I have a showdown, so don't ask about matters between men and women.

Qin Yan glanced at the interview script, and continued to ask: "Single? Really? Some actors hide their relationships and even their marriage history for the sake of their careers. Would you do that?"

Liu Qing's expression froze, and when she looked at the director, her eyes were full of hatred.

I make a movie, you say that I have an affair with the male lead, and I say I am single, and you say I am married in secret. I didn’t do that. Is this an interview, or is it embarrassing?
Xu Jie met Liu Qing's eyes and showed a faint smile.

Did you think the showdown topic would be over?

too naive!

Xu Jie thought to himself.

He has already predicted the opponent's prediction in advance, so in the special interview draft in Qin Yan's hand, each question has a prediction of the interviewee's answer, and then according to these answers, enter the next different question, you can It is said that one question is surrounded by another question, and the layers are in-depth, and the links are intertwined, otherwise it would not be called "deep talk".

If the other party dares to lie, then in the future, this interview will be used to slap the other party in the face severely. This is called video evidence.

"No, if one day I have a boyfriend or get married, I will definitely announce it officially, just like the characters in the movie, I am not afraid of others' words and be myself." Liu Qing said in a sonorous and forceful tone, Bold and brave, set up a character set for yourself.

"You mentioned the characters in the movie, so is your current behavior the result of getting too involved in the movie?" Qin Yan asked.

At this time, her palms were full of sweat, and she didn't even ask such a question. While she was wary of Liu Qing's anger, she secretly admired Xu Jie. It was amazing that she could even predict these things.

"Me, I just like this character more. I think it is because I am more like the character that the director will think of me when choosing actors." Liu Qing said without changing his face.

"So, the director chose you to play this role?"


"But as far as I know, you are the No. [-] female designated by the investor." Qin Yan said.

Yuan Ou on the side almost knelt down, how could he ask such a question?Is there any vendetta?Isn't this forcing people to die?

She hurried to Xu Jie's side and whispered, "Director Xu, there are no such questions in the interview draft."

After hearing this, Xu Jie said lightly: "This is a question derived from the interviewee's answer. Besides, it's just recording now, try to make as much content as possible, and it can be cut later. Don't worry, some sensitive issues will not The reason why the questions were broadcast on the spot was also to guide the interviewees.”

Yuan Ou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine not to broadcast, as long as it doesn't broadcast, there is no problem with answering anything.

"It was the director who recommended me to the investor." Liu Qing gritted her molars and said, inevitably yelling at the man again in her heart, it was hard to guard against.

"I see. It seems that Director Cheng Lei is very optimistic about Qingqing's role in this role. Do you often discuss scripts together?" Qin Yan asked.

"Yes, we will discuss the role together. If we magnify the character characteristics of the character, Director Cheng helped me a lot in the process of playing this role." Liu Qing began to carry out regular business mutual praise. I felt that there was a problem with this question, so the expression on my face eased a lot.

"Did you talk about the script while filming, or did you talk about the script when you returned to the hotel?"


Liu Qing frowned slightly, why did this sound a bit awkward?
In the past, when talking about actors and directors going back to the hotel to chat about the script, they would praise the actor for his dedication and forgetting to eat and sleep. Now going back to the hotel to chat about the script together will make people have ambiguous thoughts.

Don't be angry. Getting angry at this time can easily be regarded as anger from embarrassment, and you don't ask yourself.

"In the city, the actors of the crew often discuss the plot and roles after returning to the hotel, hoping to add luster to the movie." Liu Qing said.

"It seems that Qingqing attaches great importance to this role, so let us look forward to Qingqing's wonderful performance in the movie." Qin Yan secretly heaved a sigh of relief. The interview with Liu Qing finally came to an end. Afraid of driving the other party into a hurry and making a big fuss in the studio.

After asking Liu Qing, she then looked at the director and said, "Next, let's interview the director Mr. Cheng Lei, Director Cheng, can you give us a spoiler, what kind of story is "Summer Love Story" about? What about the story? What does it express?"

"Ah?" Cheng Lei was taken aback for a moment, and then said seriously: "Our story..."

He thought that the host would also ask him some questions between men and women, and the answers had already been thought out, but he didn't expect to go from gossip directly to movies, which caught him off guard. Fortunately, it was about movies, so he wouldn't make a fool of himself .

Liu Qing felt very uncomfortable.

Ask yourself gossip, gossip, director movie questions?
This is typical discrimination!
Deliberately, it must have been deliberately arranged by that man, the purpose is to target her, this is public revenge!

After interviewing the director, the program paused recording and entered a short break.

Liu Qing charged in front of the director aggressively, and asked Xu Jie, "Why are you targeting me on purpose?"

"Aiming at you?" Xu Jie looked down at the other party, "I am not targeting anyone, everyone present interviewee, why do you think I am targeting you?"

"Why? Even a fool can see it." Liu Qing saw that the other party didn't admit it, so she said angrily: "In the interview just now, why did you ask me about the relationship between men and women, and the director asked me about the movie? content?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The director must be the person who knows the movie best in the entire crew. If I don't ask him, who should I ask? You? Do you dare to say that you know the movie better than the director?" Xu Jie asked back.


Liu Qing froze for a moment and got stuck.

What the other party said was indeed correct, she really did not understand the movie as well as the director.

In fact, because of the favor, she didn't pay much attention to this movie. Although she has been working, she is not as serious about the script and characters as before.

"You are the heroine, a popular little actress, and the whole movie uses you to attract traffic and promote the show. Of course, you have to ask something different when interviewing you. This is not targeting, it is called private customization. If you don't Convinced, I can make up for you later to talk about my views on the movie." Xu Jie said.

"No need!" Liu Qing quickly shook her head.

The director has already finished speaking, and if she is asked to speak at this time, it's fine if she speaks well, but if she speaks badly, with the director's comparison, doesn't it seem that she is very careless?

"Hmph, you're being passionate!" Xu Jie snorted coldly, then turned to watch the replay just now.

Liu Qing's face was full of embarrassment, facing the man's ridicule, she could only smash her teeth and swallow it in her stomach.

Could it be that I am too sensitive?
"Little aunt, grandma, just calm down and stop looking for trouble, okay?" Yuan Ou hurriedly pulled Liu Qing aside, and said with a bitter face: "What Director Xu said is right, if you ask all the actors a question, why not How do you show the level of the program? If you think he is targeting you, stay away from him and don’t approach him, this is his home court, can you beat him?”

Liu Qing was depressed, what does it mean to "get close to him"?Said it as if she had a problem.

Hmph, if you don't make it, you don't make it!
Here, I can't afford to offend, can I still hide?
"Got it!" Liu Qing left.

After a while, the interview continued, this time it was the actor's turn to interview.

"Hou Jun, you and Liu Qing acted as a couple in the movie, so you must know each other well outside the movie, right? Is she the type in your mind?"

Qin Yan's question turned into gossip again, this time Liu Qing felt much more at ease, at least it showed that the man was not targeting her.

After more than two hours of interviews, the recording of the first issue of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" ended successfully.

"Director Xu, you have worked hard." Yuan Ou stepped forward immediately. She deeply knew that live recording is only the first step, and post-production is the key. For many interviews, live recording is a situation. into another situation.

"You seem to work harder than me." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said.

Yuan Ou froze for a moment, knowing what the other party meant, she not only needed to appease Liu Qing, but also wiped Liu Qing's ass, which was indeed very tiring.

"Director Xu, I'll leave it to you for the rest." Yuan Ou said sincerely, hoping that the other party would not worry about things during the break.

"Don't worry, as a new program, I'm more worried than you that it won't do well." Xu Jie said.

If the program is well done, Director Lu can pass it and broadcast it on Beijing Satellite TV, otherwise it will be a one-day trip to the Art Channel.

At this time, the film crew also came over.

"Director Xu, I've caused you trouble."

"Director Xu, thank you for promoting our movie. At the end of the month, there will be a screening of our movie "Summer Love Story". Please come and attend."


Xu Jie nodded the whole time without saying anything. It is not certain whether the program will be broadcast on the satellite TV channel. He dare not promise this or that. type it out?
So before going to the stars, it's better to keep a low profile.

Wretched development, don't wave!

(End of this chapter)

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