The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 323 1 serious nonsense 8

Chapter 323 Serious nonsense

Xu Jie came to the unit, because the final of "Crossover Actors" was postponed to next week, so he didn't have to go to the next-door theater to record the program today, but he was not idle, and was arranging Song Huanhuan to be in charge of "Delicious History" After post-production, he and Qin Yan came to the editing and editing room to process "In-depth Film and Television Talk".

Qin Yan only watched a few clips, and couldn't help asking worriedly: "Is yesterday's interview too gossip, too explicit, and too much?"

She felt that it was too much when she asked questions, and now that she revisited the interview process, she felt that it was too much. She has never seen such a gossip show.

"I don't think so at all." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Director Lu, can they agree?" Qin Yan asked.

"You should ask Director Lu about this question." Xu Jie is too lazy to answer this question. This is not the first time Qin Yan asked this question. The other party also had such worries before the interview yesterday, but he is not Director Lu. How could he Know the answer?

In fact, the content of gossip only accounts for one-third of the feature film, and the remaining two-thirds are related to the content of the movie. After all, this is a talk show to promote the movie. , just like a woman, no matter how beautiful she is, who will pay attention to her package?At least show your face, legs, or waist, so that everyone will go to see and understand.


Qin Yan didn't dare to ask, because Director Lu's words were the final verdict, and she wanted to give herself some hope.

Several people were busy all morning and finally finished the film.

The content of the two-hour interview was only kept for 10 minutes in the end. Xu Jie finally deleted some content that was too explicit. After all, it was going to be reviewed by Director Lu. ,, It is not too late to add ingredients to the feature film.

Before Xu Jie went to director Lu, he decided to show the film to director Jiang. As the director of the art center, he would definitely be able to speak up during the review.


Xu Jie knocked on the door of Director Jiang's office.

"Please come in."

Director Jiang's voice came from inside.

Xu Jie opened the door and walked in. Jiang Hai saw that it was Xu Jie, followed by Qin Yan, with a smile on his face, he asked, "You guys came together?"

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hai pointed to the chair opposite, motioning for the two to sit down.

"Director, the first episode of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" has been finished, do you want to watch it?" Xu Jie asked.

"So fast?" Jiang Hai was slightly taken aback, thinking that Xu Jie is worthy of his work efficiency. He is busy with two programs at the same time and can produce new programs. The entire art program center can't find a second one. He immediately went to The other party stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically, "Quick, show it to me."

Xu Jie took out the USB flash drive, and Jiang Hai couldn't wait to install it on the computer. He wanted to see what kind of surprise Xu Jie could bring him this time.

"How did you settle the production costs? Have you found a sponsor?" Jiang Hai was curious about this question. The station didn't pay for it, and it wasn't confirmed whether it would be broadcast or not. He couldn't imagine how the other party invited the film crew to participate. Could it be that he left? Su Yun's relationship?It seems that Su Yun is from the music circle, not the film and television circle.

Qin Yan's heart tightened, and her nerves tensed up. Thinking of Xu Jie's method of making money, she couldn't help feeling guilty. If the boss knew about it, wouldn't she be scolded?
She secretly glanced at Xu Jie beside her, and saw that the other party looked calm, as if he had already thought of an explanation.

"It was paid by the film crew." Xu Jie said.

"What?" Jiang Hai was stunned, wondering if he heard it wrong, "You mean, you invited the film crew to participate in the show, and the film crew gave you money back?"

"No, the film crew asked me to promote their film with money." Xu Jie explained.

"Get you money to promote it? Isn't your show not confirmed yet? Why are they willing to pay?" Jiang Hai asked suspiciously.

How can you promote it without being on TV?

Qin Yan looked down at the ground, she was ready to be criticized, she had already boarded Xu Jie's pirate ship, and it was too late to jump now.

"Can't get on the Beijing Satellite TV channel, can't you also get on the Beijing Literature and Art Channel?" Xu Jie said lightly.

Jiang Hai froze in place when he heard it, he understood what the other party meant.

"You, how could you kid do this? Aren't you pulling a tiger's skin to make a big banner, a white wolf with empty gloves?" Jiang Hai asked in surprise. Not bad.

"Director, it's not what you said, except for the production fee, will you fully support me?" Xu Jie said with an innocent face.

"But, but I didn't promise you to broadcast it on the art channel." Jiang Hai regretted those words, but who would have thought that this kid would be so courageous?
"Director, don't pay the production fee, don't broadcast on the stage, and let people make the show. What's the difference between wanting cows to produce milk and not feeding them grass? Who the hell is empty-handed?" Xu Jie said He stretched out his foot and kicked Qin Yan who was at the side.


Qin Yan was shocked, and quickly echoed: "Yes, boss, what we say on Director Lu's side doesn't count, but the art channel is not something you nod your head on? We don't want any prime time, as long as the rebroadcast time You can just give us one, this will not delay other programs, but also add an original content to our art channel. The most important thing is that not only does it not cost the station a penny, but it can also generate income for the station. Why not Why not?"

Jiang Hai thought about it, and it seemed to make sense.

Qin Yan saw that the boss was moved, so she continued: "Director, in fact, we are just buying insurance. Judging from Xu Jie's ability to produce programs in the past, the chances of the program being broadcast on the satellite TV channel are still quite high. If you want "In-depth Film and Television Talk" to be broadcast on the Literature and Art Channel, Director Lu may not agree."

Jiang Hai nodded slowly.

Not to mention, with Xu Jie's ability, and the fact that Lao Lu likes Xu Jie very much, maybe the show will really be on the satellite TV channel.

"How much did the crew pay?" Jiang Hai asked.

"20 million." Xu Jie said truthfully.

"Two, 20?" Jiang Hai swallowed involuntarily, although the money is not too much, it may be a skill to fool around.

He didn't say anything more, clicked to play the video, let's watch the content of the program first.

If the show is really good, let alone 20, 40 and 50 are fine.

the first few minutes...

Jiang Hai nodded frequently. The content of the interview revolved around the theme of the movie, highlighting the connotation of the movie, and showing a common cultural phenomenon in today's society.

The most important thing is that Qin Yan's questions are very sharp, and the crew also know everything to say. The combination of the two makes the whole interview very exciting. It is indeed more brilliant than other film and television interviews, and it also makes people understand better. This movie, and has a strong interest.

He continued to look back, but when he saw the interview with the heroine, his brows gradually frowned.

"Being in love with the male protagonist because of the play..."

"Will you hide your relationship..."

"Shall we talk about the script when we go back to the hotel..."

Jiang Hai pressed pause, looked up at Xu Jie opposite and asked, "What's going on with Liu Qing's interview?"

Everything was fine before, why did the content suddenly change?It's like enjoying delicious food in an elegant environment. At this time, the chef suddenly brought a bowl of Mala Tang. Not only the content has changed, but the atmosphere has also changed.

He wondered if Xu Jie copied the wrong video file.

"Fans like to watch interviews about actors' status and life during filming." Xu Jie explained calmly.

"Don't you think this interview doesn't match the previous one?" Jiang Hai asked.

"No, our program will not only talk about movies, but also about actors. This is what distinguishes our program from other movie programs." Xu Jie said.

"Really?" Jiang Hai looked at it for a while, and the more he looked at it, the more he frowned, and he couldn't help saying, "These questions you asked...are they too vulgar?"

A few years ago, Radio and Television made it clear that they should fully resist the vulgar style of radio and television. This interview always feels a bit like committing crimes against the wind.

Qin Yan thought to herself: Director, Director, if you see the cut-out questions, you will feel that the questions you see now are pediatrics.

"Director, are you too sensitive? Isn't this just an ordinary chat, and you catch up after chatting? Besides, what are we talking about, is it vulgar? It's about caring about the hero and heroine, clarifying some rumors for them, correcting Those unhealthy tendencies in the society that spread rumors and create things out of nothing are full of positive energy." Xu Jie said seriously.

Jiang Hai was taken aback, didn't he?Is that true?

"Director, in fact, I despise the shameless act of fabricating a relationship between a man and a woman. On the surface, this interview is about the private lives of the male and female protagonists in gossip movies. In fact, it is to clarify the rumors circulating in the society and let people focus on it. Regarding the works of actors, don't believe those rumors." Xu Jie said seriously, his whole body was filled with righteousness.

"Our program not only promotes movies and movie culture, but also shoulders certain social responsibilities, resolutely cracks down on Internet rumors, and says no to those who use actors and actresses to attract attention..."

"Our program is to eliminate those rumors, let the actors tell the truth, don't let fans misunderstand, don't let audiences misunderstand, don't let people who don't know the truth misunderstand..."

"Eliminate the rumors and give everyone the truth."

Qin Yan was dumbfounded, but felt that Xu Jie was so serious and nonsense, if he didn't know that the other party wanted to use these questions to attract attention, he would have almost believed it.

Looking at Jiang Hai, the whole person was shocked by the righteousness exuded by Xu Jie, and his heart was even filled with deep guilt, apologizing for his thinking that he only looked at the surface of the problem.

"Okay, I agree, you can go and show it to Director Lu." Jiang Hai returned the flash drive to Xu Jie, and said, "If Lao Lu hasn't reviewed it, you can take it back and put it on our art channel."

With such subordinates, why worry about the construction of spiritual civilization?


 Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the Lonely Fog!
(End of this chapter)

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