The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 324 Heroes see the same thing?

Chapter 324 Heroes see the same thing?
After leaving the director's office, Qin Yan suddenly stopped walking.

"Xu Jie, I still won't go." Qin Yan said with a guilty conscience.

"Why?" Xu Jie asked.

"I'm not familiar with Director Lu, and I'm too nervous now, my heart is beating wildly, let me wait here for your good news." Qin Yan showed a pleading look, clasped her hands together and bowed to Xu Jie, "please!"

In front of Director Jiang, she could still keep calm and help Xu Jie fool around, but in front of Director Lu, she dared not talk nonsense.

"Okay, wait for my good news." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then walked outside.

Compared with Qin Yan, he is not nervous.

The result of going to Director Lu is nothing more than two: agree, disagree!
If you agree to broadcast the program on the satellite TV channel, that would be the best. If the review fails, there is no need to be disappointed. Anyway, I have tried my best. The content of the program basically represents his original ideas, and Director Jiang has already agreed to put it on the art channel Broadcast, there is an explanation to the film crew.

When he came to the satellite TV center, Xu Jie was about to knock on the door when the door opened suddenly and almost bumped into Director Lu.

"Hey, Xiao Xu, why are you here?" Lu Hong froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Director Lu, I've already made the sample of the show you asked me to make, and I'll show it to you for review." Xu Jie said.

"Really? The efficiency is fast enough." Lu Hong looked at the time on his watch, and then turned back to the office.

Xu Jie walked in and handed the USB flash drive to Director Lu.

Lu Hong took it and said, "Let me take a look first, and if it's good, I'll discuss it at the meeting. Don't stand, just sit." After speaking, he turned on the computer, plugged in the USB drive, and started watching the program seriously.

Xu Jie stared at Director Lu intently, hoping to see something from the expression on the other's face, so that he could make mental preparations in advance.

Lu Hong fast-forwarded the whole process, and watched the half-hour video in just a few minutes.

""In-depth Film and Television Talk", is this your new program?" Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"En." Xu Jie nodded, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Although there was no obvious expression on Director Lu's face, it was precisely this appearance that made Xu Jie feel that something was wrong. If the other party thought the program was well done, he would be very happy. The satellite TV channel will have a high-quality program again, but Now……

"Have you, Director Jiang, seen it?" Lu Hong asked after thinking about it.

"I've seen it." Xu Jie replied.

"Oh? What did he say?" Lu Hong asked curiously.

"Director Jiang thinks it's good, let me show it to Director Lu immediately." Xu Jie said.

"Really?" Lu Hong was startled, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes fell on the computer screen.

Although Xu Jie couldn't see the screen, he could guess that Director Lu must be watching again.

The reason why he showed the film to Director Jiang before sending it to Director Lu was that he hoped to find a heavyweight helper, one with the right to speak, so that everyone would review the film repeatedly instead of jumping to conclusions. Although the impact is limited, at least it can give the film one more chance.

In fact, Xu Jie's guess was right. Lu Hong did read it again, and at the same time he kept muttering in his heart, thinking: Does Lao Jiang have a brain problem?Although the content is very attractive, is the scale too big?

TV programs are very influential and have a wide audience, so they will strictly control the scale and not be too entertaining. However, the sample of the program Xu Jie gave him obviously exceeded that scale.

Lu Hong watched it again, thought for a while and said to Xu Jie: "Well, the program is good, it's getting late now, I will discuss it at the meeting next Monday, you go back and wait for my news."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, not bad?

This answer was beyond his expectation, and also seriously inconsistent with the expression on the other party's face.

What's happening here?
Do you want to broadly seek everyone's opinions?


It's about the new TV channel, so we should really ask for more people's ideas. Even if you become the deputy editor-in-chief, you still have to be democratic, right?
"Director Lu, I'm going back then." Xu Jie walked out of the office after speaking.

Lu Hong looked at the young man's back, and didn't frown until the other side closed the door.

The reason why he didn't show it in front of Xu Jie was because he didn't want to discourage the other party's enthusiasm for work. After all, the other party is also his favorite general, and Lao Jiang said it was very good, how could he deny it?Maybe everyone has a different point of view on things, and you can't deny a good program just because he thinks it's out of line.

He grabbed the phone on the table and dialed a number.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, I have good tea here, do you want to have a cup? Well, hurry up."

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.

Lu Hong walked over to open the door, saw it was Jiang Hai, and immediately went to the office to greet him.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, are you looking for me?" Jiang Hai walked into the office.

"Stop doing this." Lu Hong rolled his eyes at the other party. If someone else called him that, he would have agreed. However, the two were too familiar, and the other party suddenly changed his words, and he was still flattering. Comfortable.

Jiang Hai laughed twice, then sat down on the sofa, while Lu Hong made a cup of tea and held it in front of the other party.

"Lao Jiang, have you watched Xiao Xu's new program?" Lu Hong asked.

"I've seen it, you should read it too, isn't it pretty good? Xu Jie, this kid, can always come up with surprises inadvertently." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Lu Hong bowed his head and took a sip of tea. He didn't expect Lao Jiang to have such a high evaluation of the new program, and even described it as "surprise". Could it be that he really doesn't understand these cultural programs?
"That's right, I was really surprised, but do you think the scale of the topic is a bit big?" Lu Hong came to Lao Jiang to discuss this issue.

The theme is indeed fine, but the scale is problematic.

"I understand what you mean, isn't it just the interviews with the male and female protagonists? But I think this scale is still acceptable. A kiss on the lips is fine on a TV show, but discussions in the show are not enough? And many problems can't just be looked at on the surface, they have to be Look at the essence through the phenomenon." Jiang Hai said seriously.

"Essence?" Lu Hong was even more confused, what is the essence?Entertainment first?

"Yes, don't you see Xiao Xu's intention?" Jiang Hai asked.

Lu Hong was completely confused, and even wondered if what the two of them were watching was the same video, wasn't it just a movie interview?Being said so by the other party, it feels more difficult to understand than the articles of the ancients.

"What's the purpose?"

"Eliminate the rumors, correct the unhealthy trend, and let the audience focus on the movie itself..." Jiang Hai repeated what Xu Jie said to him just now here.

The current entertainment industry is too impetuous. Once upon a time, actors no longer competed in works, acting skills, but hype. This direction is wrong and wrong. Xu Jie dared to bring these questions into the show and asked the actors directly , Not everyone has this kind of courage. You must know that other talk shows dare not even ask, but Xu Jie's show not only asks, but also asks a lot. It really deserves the word "deep talk".

Lu Hong didn't expect Lao Jiang to have such a deep understanding of the program, and he couldn't help admiring him. He is indeed the head of the cultural program center. His understanding of cultural programs is different, deep, too deep, and he is superficial.

Of course, these words must not be said out loud. If I say it, it will appear that my level is too low. After all, I am also the deputy editor-in-chief.

So after Jiang Hai finished speaking, he nodded and said, "Well, so you think the same way, it seems that we want to go together."

"Really? It seems that heroes see the same thing, haha!" Jiang Hai laughed, but felt a little guilty. Fortunately, he had heard Xu Jie's explanation before, otherwise he would have to lose face in front of Lao Lu.

As expected of a person who can become a deputy editor-in-chief, his ideological realm is different. It seems that he has to study harder.

"Next Monday, I will bring Xiao Xu's program to the regular meeting of our satellite TV program center for discussion. You can attend then." Lu Hong said to Jiang Hai.

"Okay." Jiang Hai readily agreed.


In a blink of an eye, it was Monday, and Lu Hong left the brains of the satellite TV program center to broadcast Xu Jie's new program for everyone to watch.

Everyone had different expressions after watching the show, but they were all shocked by the interview scale of the program. Beijing TV Station, no, no TV station in the country could find a program like this.

How can anyone directly ask whether it is true that celebrities have sex because of drama?

How can you ask if this kind of news spread before the release of the star movie was deliberately hyped up by you?

The most important thing is that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu actually showed it to them. What does this mean?It means that Director Lu should agree, otherwise he would have been killed long ago and would not have been discussed at the meeting.

Moreover, Director Jiang from the Art Program Center also came, obviously Director Jiang pushed it over.

One is the deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station and the director of the satellite TV program center, and the other is the director of the art program center. Both of them are big bosses. Since both of them have recognized and agreed, are the ideas of their subordinates still important?It doesn't matter anymore.

Because the idea of ​​the boss is the idea of ​​their subordinates.


Whoever opposes it will go to debate with the boss, whoever opposes it will do a similar program, and whoever does it will go on it.

After the meeting, Jiang Hai hummed a ditty and returned to the art program center. He didn’t expect that today’s discussion would go so smoothly. Everyone recognized Xu Jie’s program and rushed to analyze the advantages of the program. He was a little embarrassed to say that. Oh, why didn't I see it at the beginning?

"Director, why did you come back so soon? Is the meeting over?" Qin Yan quickly came to the director, her face full of anticipation and nervousness.

"It's over!" Jiang Hai said with a smile, and contributed another program to the satellite TV channel. This year, his art program center can be regarded as a satellite broadcast.

"Xu Jie, the boss is back!" Qin Yan yelled at Xu Jie in the corner of the office area, and then asked Director Jiang with a trembling voice, "Why, how is it?"

"Guess?" Jiang Hai was in a good mood, so he played it off.

"Director, you want to kill me. I'm about to have a heart attack." Qin Yan clenched her fists tightly. In fact, she was not stupid. Seeing the smile on the director's face, she vaguely guessed the result, but she I still hope Director Jiang can say it himself. Who knows whether the other party is happy because the program passed, or because he got promoted and made a fortune?

"Haha, it's over, every Thursday night at 21:28." Jiang Hai announced the answer.


Qin Yan happily grabbed Xu Jie's arm and jumped on the spot. Although it was a weekly broadcast, it was definitely a happy event for her to be able to broadcast on the satellite TV channel. People all over the country can see her in the future.

Apart from being happy, Xu Jie was also a little surprised. Is it okay to have such a large scale?If I knew it earlier, I would add a little more.


(End of this chapter)

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