The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 325 I Want To Report Myself

Chapter 325 I Want To Report Myself

"Director, since the deputy editor-in-chief Lu has agreed to broadcast "In-depth Film and Television Talk" on the satellite TV channel, did you say anything about the production fee of the program? How much does the station plan to pay for one episode?" Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang and asked. After confirming the star, then the next thing is the question of money.

Although talking about money hurts feelings, but if you don't talk about money, you will have no feelings. He can't generate electricity for love all day long, not to mention that he is not the only one in the program group. Everyone's salary and year-end bonus are counted on him.

As for things like "Midsummer Love Story" paying out of his own pocket for the promotion of the show, it is not a long-term solution. The reason why "Midsummer" is willing to pay for it is because he took advantage of Yuan Ou's anxiety to promote the movie, and it is The fat meat delivered to the door by oneself, other crews may not necessarily do that.

The program will be aired next week, and the partner for the next episode of the program has not yet been found. In addition, the program has no sponsors for the time being. If you don’t ask for money from the station, who do you ask for money?

"Well...cough!" Jiang Hai hesitated for a moment, then smiled and stretched out five fingers.

"Fifty thousand?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face.

As a talk show, the production fee of [-] yuan is quite sufficient. As for the invitation of the crew, the crew may not be willing to pay for it out of their own pockets, but it seems that no crew will refuse to promote the film for free. Anyway, it will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV.

Jiang Hai shook his head and said slowly, "No!"

"Fifteen?" Xu Jie frowned.

"None means nothing." Jiang Hai explained.

Xu Jie stared blankly at Director Jiang when he heard it. Seeing the embarrassment on the other side's expression, he immediately understood that the other side was not joking.

Without saying a word, he turned around and walked out.

"Hey, Xu Jie, where are you going?" Jiang Hai asked in confusion.

"Go to Director Lu, I think the scale of the program is too big, I want to report myself." Xu Jie said loudly.

Just now he was thinking, when did Taili become so generous with the production fee of 5 yuan, could it be because of his famous brand?However, it turned out that he was thinking too much!
Really want him to generate electricity for love?
Jiang Hai saw it, and quickly chased after him, pulling him back before Xu Jie's door.

"Xiao Xu, don't get excited, I haven't finished yet." Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang, what else did he say?It's all gone, can something be created out of nothing?

If you want me to hatch chicks, give me an egg anyway, and give me nothing, where will the chicks come from?

"Xiao Xu, listen to me, didn't the film studio give you promotional fees for publicity? What the station means is that the production fee comes from the promotional fee." Jiang Hai explained.

"Director Jiang, according to what you said, if no film crew is willing to pay for the promotion, will the show be stopped?" Xu Jie asked with a frown.

He didn't expect that the film studio would make a fuss about the promotion fee paid by the film studio. The reason why the film studio of "Midsummer" was willing to pay was because of Yuan Ou. When the other party went to talk to the film studio, the film studio would naturally not refute Liu Qing's manager's face. , However, success in fooling once does not mean success in fooling every time in the future.

"It depends on whether the program can attract businessmen. You also know that there are only about ten days before the new program is broadcast. It is still unknown whether businessmen can be recruited in such a short period of time. Naturally, it is the best. Taili will also provide you with the production fee according to the amount of the sponsorship fee, if you still can't recruit, then the production fee can only be relied on by yourself." Jiang Hai said.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, explaining so much, why didn't he pay?It's fine if you don't pay, and you still want the show. Isn't this letting them, the workers, pay for it?
"Actually, the new program is not as good as I said. The content is too gossip and vulgar. After it is broadcast, it may teach children badly. I'd better report it to the deputy editor-in-chief Lu. Such a program is not worthy of our TV station!" Xu Xu Jie said seriously, and he was about to leave after speaking.

This time Jiang Hai was well prepared and grabbed the other party.

"Xiao Xu, the show will only start attracting investment next week. Don't be in a hurry. Besides, even if you can't recruit before the show starts, once the show airs, there will be ratings. No one will pay for it? So don't be so anxious. Let’s talk about it after the first episode airs.” Jiang Hai said earnestly, the tea in Lao Lu’s office really wasn’t that good.

"Xu Jie, why don't we wait and see?" Qin Yan asked.

I finally had an opportunity to host a program on a satellite TV channel. If I gave up so easily, I would be a bit unwilling. I'm afraid I'll have to wait until the Spring Festival Gala next time, and I'll still read commercials.

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan, and then at his colleagues in the "In-depth Film and Television Talk" program. In fact, he didn't want to give up.

Forget it, wait.

"Director, I listen to you." Xu Jie said.

Anyway, the first issue has already been finished, and it would be a waste if it is not aired, and there is no way to explain to Yuan Ou and the film crew of "Midsummer Love Story", after all, the publicity fee has already been accepted.

He regretted telling the story about the sponsorship fee from the film studio. Originally, he wanted to play the white wolf with empty gloves, but he didn't expect that the remaining sponsorship fee might not be able to keep after the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole.

In fact, he didn't want to fill his own pockets, he just wanted to seek some benefits for his colleagues in the new program group, so that he could cooperate with his work well in the future, right?
"That's right." Jiang Hai said with a smile, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He, the director of the art program center, is most afraid of two things.

The art program center really has no money. Those who have money are those variety shows that cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions in sponsorship. Although he is the chief director, he can use the money, but it is only limited to program production. Don't even think about taking money away, let alone belonging to the cultural program center.

If Xu Jie puts down the pick, let alone the finals of "Crossover Actor" is coming soon, even "Delicious History" can't play without Xu Jie. He is the soul of the show. If he picks up the pick, the soul will be gone.

Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "Director, I will make a detailed list of the production costs of the new program and hand over the remaining money to the station, but you must know that not all producers are willing to spend this money. .”

"I understand this." Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, "The news has already arrived, so I will go back first." After speaking, he walked towards the office.

As soon as Director Jiang closed the door, Qin Yan immediately asked Xu Jie worriedly: "Xu Jie, do you think our program can attract business?"

"I don't know, even if I recruit, I won't be able to recruit any big sponsors." Xu Jie is not optimistic.

"Why?" Qin Yan asked.

"The essence of our program is to promote film and television dramas. It is not as entertaining as celebrity variety shows, nor is it as profound as normal talk shows. Unless the ratings are good, don't expect big sponsorship." Xu Jie analyzed. .

The reason why he interviewed the male and female protagonists and asked some large-scale questions is that he hopes to add some entertainment to the program, and use this as one of the selling points to attract more viewers. Otherwise, what is the difference from other movie programs?
Qin Yan pondered for a while, and felt that what Xu Jie said was not unreasonable. Throughout the country, there are not many well-known talk shows, let alone dialogue shows.

"If there is no big one, there is no big one. Small ones are fine." Qin Yan said, as long as the production fee can be paid by the station, as long as the program can continue to be broadcast, she will be satisfied. As for performance salary and so on, she doesn't think about it at all.

Xu Jie was also a little depressed. The show was a star, but the production fee was not paid. What's the matter?

To make a show, but also to find a way to pay for the production fee, isn't this a difficult task?

The other colleagues in the program group all showed disappointing expressions, and they expected to follow Director Xu to eat delicious food and drink spicy food, just like living in the "Delicious History" program. I have to disband, so many days of joy in vain.

When Xu Jie returned to his work station, the more he thought about it, the more unbalanced he became, and he directly sent a message in the Wechat group of "In-depth Film and Television Talk".

"At noon today, the Four Seasons Roast Duck Restaurant is chatting about the show!"

The colleagues in the program group were all stunned when they saw the information, and they couldn't help turning their heads to look in Director Xu's direction. Going to the roast duck restaurant to chat about the program?
Is it the wrong group?
It should be the "Delicious History" program group, right?
For film and television talk shows, you should go to the conference room.

So, someone replied: "Director Xu, this is the "In-depth Film and Television Talk" work group, not the "Delicious History" work group, you sent it wrong..."

Sigh, looking at the "Delicious History" program group, it's really enviable to go to the roast duck restaurant to talk about the show. It's all director Jiang's fault. Why didn't they be arranged in the "Delicious History" program group in the first place?
Xu Jie replied: "No mistake, I just called you."



Everyone was confused, did they make a mistake?
That's weird!

Why did the chat show go to a roast duck restaurant?Could eating roast duck inspire you?

Or, is this Director Xu's work habit?Are you used to chatting about work at a roast duck restaurant?
Qin Yan was also very curious, but instead of sending a message in the group, she sent a WeChat message to Xu Jie alone.

"Go to the roast duck restaurant to talk about work?"

"I lied to you." Xu Jie replied.

"???" Qin Yan asked a series of question marks. It seems that today is not April Fool's Day. Why did you lie to everyone and tell her so frankly?
"The crew of "Midsummer" still has a lot of publicity fees left, so I really don't want to hand it in like this, so please go out and have a meal, maybe the first episode will be disbanded after the broadcast, so let's treat it as a breakup meal." Xu Jay wrote.

Qin Yan was taken aback for a moment, it turned out to be the case.

"How to pay the bill?"

"Invite the actors to eat, communicate with the actors, and facilitate interviews."

"That's okay too?"

"The production fee is not paid, what else do they want?"

Qin Yan understood that Xu Jie was out of balance and vented his anger on the roast duck, but what the other party said was right, the production fee was not paid, and businessmen had not yet been recruited. Would you be ashamed to ask for the money the program team had won?
No weight loss today!


 Thanks for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Nai Yu!Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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