The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 326 Save the mystery for last

Chapter 326 Save the mystery for last

As long as the working day is, so short is the rest day.

The two days of the weekend passed in the blink of an eye, and Xu Jie was a little caught off guard, and the accounts for the production cost had not yet been prepared.

Su Yun's nanny car slowly drove into the parking lot of Beijing TV Station, Xu Jie opened the car door and jumped out, turned back and said to Su Yun: "You go to the Grand Theater first, give the script to the assistant, and I will go to find you after the morning meeting. "

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.

Xu Jie came to the art program center, spent half an hour writing out the production fee, and then printed it out and handed it to Director Jiang.

Although the program is broadcast on the satellite TV channel, in theory, "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is still a program of the Art Program Center, so the production cost has to be reported to the director.

Jiang Hai is still very relieved about Xu Jie, after all, "Delicious History" has been done for so many episodes, and there have been no financial problems.

But when he saw the last item, his eyes immediately showed confusion.

"23500 food expenses?" Jiang Hai raised his head, looked at Xu Jie in surprise and asked, "What's the matter with this food fee? Isn't the program recorded in our station?"

It stands to reason that the show was recorded on a TV station, and it only took half an afternoon, so there was no need for food expenses at all, and even if there was, it wouldn't cost so much, right?You must know that Taili has clear regulations on food subsidies for employees.

"This is the fee for me to invite the crew to dinner. It is mainly to contact the relationship and facilitate the next interview. Otherwise, will the actors answer such large-scale questions seriously?" Xu Jie said eloquently.

There are a total of eight people in the program group, and it would definitely not cost so much to eat roast duck alone, so I ordered a few more lobsters and opened a few bottles of good wine to satisfy everyone's desire to "eat delicious food and drink spicy food" with him.

"You mean to use the film studio's money to treat the crew to dinner?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Yes, everyone works for the film studio, so we have a lot of common topics. After a few drinks, we spent the money." Xu Jie said, "If you don't believe me, you can go to Liu Qing. Put it in your pocket."

"No, no, why don't I believe you." Jiang Hai said with a smile, Xiao Xu's wife is a big star Su Yun, why would she be greedy for such a small amount of money?

Besides, in their line of work, sometimes going out to dinner and socializing is indispensable, which is understandable.

"Okay, go get busy," Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie nodded and walked out the door.

At the moment when he returned to the work area, his eyes looked over at the same time, Xu Jie nodded calmly, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as it's okay.

I ate too much roast duck and lobster that day, and now I burp with the smell of roast duck mixed with lobster. When you usually watch short videos on your mobile phone, you can often see some self-media saying: What does it feel like to eat so-and-so, Friday That day, they felt what it was like to eat roast duck and lobster, the feeling of stuffing duck.

After the morning meeting, Xu Jie explained to Song Huanhuan and hurried to the big theater next door.

There are still six days before the live broadcast of the "Crossover Actor" finals. Starting from this Monday, the entire program group has been completely busy.

The actors began to rehearse, and the camera team was responsible for following the records. In order to pursue the live broadcast effect, the scene had to be re-arranged, and the entire theater was filled with a tense atmosphere.

Xu Jie came to the rehearsal room where Su Yun was. In addition to the assistants, there were people from the camera crew in the room.

Su Yun sent the script to the four assistants, and then said: "In the short play I want to perform, besides me, there are four characters, the policeman, the colleague killer, the boss and the target, and the policeman and the target are women. , the colleague killer and the boss are men, after you read the script, you can choose the roles yourself."

Su Yun did not take the initiative to arrange roles for several assistant actors. Since it was the finals, in order for the assistant actors to perform well, she left the choice of roles to the assistant actors. Interested characters can perform well in the show.

The room was quiet, and the four assistant actors were carefully reading the script. As time passed, the expressions on the assistant actors' faces also changed with the development of the plot. Anger, frustration, nervousness, sadness, all of them Immerse yourself in the story.

The camera team on the side quietly pointed the camera at the assistants and recorded the expressions on their faces. Nothing can arouse the curiosity of the audience more than these shots.

Xu Jie thought that Su Yun's words just now should have been captured by the camera, and those words might reveal the content of Su Yun's performance, so he motioned for the camera to go out, and then called out the cameramen from the other two rehearsal rooms.

"From today onwards, you don't need to record their rehearsal process," Xu Jie said.

The cameramen were all stunned. You must know that the rehearsal process has always been one of the essential parts of the show. It is played before the actors perform. This will allow the audience to understand the rehearsal status of the actors and give the audience a greater understanding of the actors. expectations.


"The rehearsal has always been the highlight of the show. Without a rehearsal, it would be one less highlight. This is the final."


The cameraman didn't understand Xu Jie's intention at all.

After Xu Jie waited for everyone to finish speaking, he explained: "In the past, we recorded the rehearsal because everyone knew what the actors were going to play, and it was okay to broadcast it in advance, but this time in the finals, no one knows what the three actors will play. , This is also the content that the audience is most looking forward to. If it is broadcast in advance, even if a few words or a small clip are exposed, it will lower this expectation, so I decided to cancel the rehearsal and replace the rehearsal with an interview with the assistant. Let’s talk about the script and how you feel about the role you will play. Of course, you still have to keep the plot and the role a secret, and leave this sense of mystery to the end..."

After hearing this, the cameramen suddenly realized.


The finals are not the same as the previous games.

The content of the finals is determined by the actors themselves. Before they go on stage, no one knows what they will play. This is also the biggest highlight of the finals. Now the whole network is guessing what the three finalists will play. In the previous process, the rehearsal content was played before the actors performed, so the audience's expectations for the program may be reduced.

It's still planning Xu's thoughtful thinking!
They almost made a big mistake.

"Planner Xu, what are we going to do now?" a cameraman asked.

"It's a holiday." Xu Jie said, "Come back on Saturday to interview the assistant."


Several videographers immediately left with the machine.

As soon as Lu Hong and Jiang Hai arrived at the Grand Theater, they saw the cameraman setting up the equipment, and they were all stunned for a while.

"Why did you leave? Who told you to leave?" Jiang Hai stopped one person.

"Xu planned to let us go." The cameraman replied.

"Why?" Jiang Hai asked puzzled.

At the same time, I thought to myself: Xiao Xu won't still be worried about the fact that the stage didn't pay the production fee, right?So the camera team was disbanded directly?
But I thought about it again, Xiao Xu's wife was in the finals, even if he didn't think about the show, he still had to think about his wife, right?If Su Yun can win the championship, the exposure in the future will definitely increase greatly, which will be of great benefit to entering the film and television industry.

"Plan Xu said that there is no need to broadcast the rehearsal for the finals, and the sense of mystery must be kept until the end..." The cameraman repeated to Jiang Hai and Lu Hong exactly what Xu Jie had said to them before.

Lu Hong nodded, secretly sighed that Xiao Xu was thoughtful, why didn't he think of this?

Jiang Hai was even more guilty, it seemed that he had misunderstood Xiao Xu.

"Let's go!" Jiang Hai said to the cameramen.

After the cameraman left, Lu Hong said slowly, "Xiao Xu, you are talented!" After speaking, he stared straight at Jiang Hai with a hint of request in his eyes.

Jiang Hai immediately turned his head when he saw it, pretending not to see it, how could he not know what Lao Lu was thinking?This is to ask him for someone.

Hmm, don't even think about it!

Xiao Xu is going to hang out with you at the satellite TV program center, what should I do?
Director Li of the Life Program Center has already regretted it, so he doesn't want to.

Xu Jie returned to Su Yun's rehearsal room, and the assistants finished reading the script one after another, but they were all frowned tightly while being moved, and there was a trace of worry on their faces.

The story is a good story, but is it too risky to perform a killer skit on the stage of the finals?
This is not only a test for the leading actor Su Yun, but also a considerable test for their assistants. After all, they have never played these roles before, and they don't know how to play them.

"Have you finished watching? Let's talk about what role you want to play." Su Yun looked at Ding Mengni and asked, "Mengni, tell me first."

"Me?" Ding Mengni thought for a while, and then said: "I want to play the target!"

The target, that is, the target that the female assassin played by Su Yun is going to kill, has the second most roles in the whole short play, but when it comes to the lines, it is the first. It is also because of this assassination target that the female assassin That cold heart was shaken, it was the beginning of her struggle, but it was also the end of her tragedy.

Su Yun nodded. In fact, she thought so too. After all, she had cooperated with Ding Mengni for a long time in the movie "The World" earlier, and she played the role of a sister, so she had a certain tacit understanding. It is very important in the opposite scene. In addition, Ding Mengni's image of a good girl is also very suitable for this role.

Another actress said: "Then I'll vote the police."

The policeman is the character with the fewest roles and will appear in the last part of the skit. The actress chose this role not because she likes it, but because it is safer. She does not want to make mistakes in the finals.

The remaining two roles, the colleague killer and the male boss, were quickly chosen, and the five characters that appeared in the script were all confirmed.

"Next, let me tell you about this script!"

Xu Jie stood up.


 Thanks to the bookworm surnamed Duo for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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