Chapter 327 Make It Bigger

Xu Jie is the author of the script, and no one knows the content and connotation of the story better than him, so the job of director naturally falls on him.

He is not at ease because it is mainly guided by others.

He has never directed a big movie, but he is still very good at directing short plays. You must know that he has directed dozens of short plays for an episode of "Delicious History".

The four assistant actors were stunned immediately after hearing Xu Jie's words.

Although they knew that Xu Jie was the husband of Goddess Su, they didn't expect that the other party would personally direct Goddess Su's final work. After all, the other party has another identity, the consultant and planner of "Crossover Actor", shouldn't they avoid suspicion?

But after thinking about it, it seems that there is no need for that. It is just directing the show, and it is not a leak. Besides, the finals are broadcast live. The judges can tell who is good and who is not good. The audience in front of the TV can also tell. It can be seen that what kind of black-box operation is really going to be done, and it will not be drowned by the public's saliva?

Xu Jie first gave a brief speech to the assistant about the whole story, so that everyone can quickly enter the story, and then said what he wanted to express, to strengthen everyone's understanding of the story, and finally explained the image and personality of each character , positioning and characteristics to help everyone deepen their understanding of the role, so that they can quickly enter the state of performance.

The four assistant actors listened very seriously, and none of them wanted to lose the chain on the stage of the finals.

Although Su Yun is the real protagonist, for these assistant actors, why not a chance to show their faces?
Even if he can't become popular, at least he can become acquainted in front of the national audience.

The rehearsals are in full swing, and the publicity has not yet fallen. The official Weibo of "Crossover Actors" posted a set of photos, which are the doors of the rehearsal room of the three actors who entered the finals, and the camera of preparing equipment and preparing to leave. Teacher, with a word attached to it: The camera teacher withdrew from the rehearsal room. No one knows what story or role the three actors will play, and we don't know either...

A simple microblog directly filled the audience's curiosity, and netizens left messages in the comments.

"Why not let me shoot? Is it because you are afraid of leaking the content of the performance?"

"It's too secretive, even my own people are not spared."

"Tell me the location, I'll smash the door!"

"What the hell are they going to play? Please tell me."

The actors appeared in the rehearsal room, indicating that they had prepared the script, and many audiences couldn't wait to know the script and roles of the three actors.

And this has become the biggest selling point of the finals.

Time passed day by day, and it was Saturday in a blink of an eye.

Although it was the weekend, the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station was full of busy scenes. Being in it, one could clearly feel the tense atmosphere around, all because today was the live broadcast of the "Crossover Actors" finals.

In the morning, Xu Jie came to work in Su Yun's nanny car. When he got out of the car, he saw Feng Dekun of New Times Media directing the staff to hang banners on the wall.

He let Su Yun go first, and leaned over to look at the content of the banner. It turned out to be a promotional slogan, which read: The finals of "Crossover Actors" will start tonight, the battle of the peak, so stay tuned.

There are many similar banners, but they didn't have time to hang them. Xu Jie even saw the huge posters of the three actors, which were as big as three or four floors.

"President Feng came very early." Xu Jie walked over to greet Feng Dekun.

"Xiao Xu is here." Feng Dekun responded with a smile.

"President Feng, what are you...?" Xu Jie pointed to the banners and posters. This is the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station, and under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to hang things casually.

"Surprised, isn't it?" Feng Dekun immediately understood Xu Jie's meaning, and explained: "The stage attaches great importance to the finals of "Crossover Actors". A drone will be used to shoot from high altitude for publicity."

"So grand? Then there should be a red carpet ceremony. After all, the three judges and fifteen actors will appear tonight." Xu Jie said casually.

"Well, that's a good idea."

At this time, a voice came from behind. Xu Jie turned his head and saw that it was Lu Hong, the director of the Art Program Center. He should be the deputy editor-in-chief Lu now.

"Morning Editor-in-Chief Lu." Xu Jie said hastily, sighing inwardly that in a place like a TV station, you really can't talk nonsense, or the walls have ears.

"Morning!" Lu Hong nodded to Xu Jie, and then said, "You had a good idea just now. Having a red carpet ceremony at the entrance is not only formal enough, but also can elevate the level of the finals."

Tonight's final is not only the last scene of "Crossover Actor", but also the climax of the first season, so it should be held more grandly.

The bigger the influence, the better, and the more people you follow, the better.

When the second season is launched next year, the sponsorship fee can also rise.


Xu Jie was speechless, and the other party took it seriously when he said it casually.

"Old Feng, I will leave it to you to set up the stage and lay the red carpet, and I will report to the director." Lu Hong said to Feng Dekun, then picked up the phone and walked aside.

After a while, Lu Hong came over and said, "The director agrees, Lao Feng, I must design it well, and when the time comes, we will intersperse the live broadcast on the satellite TV channel, and then report it in the news, the publicity effect will be achieved immediately!"

"Yes." Feng Dekun hurriedly arranged for someone to do it.

At this moment, Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Xiao Xu, what else do you think?"

Xu Jie hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I think since we want to do it, let's make it bigger, invite some celebrities to walk the red carpet, and let them watch the finals of "Crossover Actor" on the spot."


Lu Hong was slightly taken aback when he heard it. This idea was bold enough, and the finals directly became a crowd of stars.

But isn't it too late to invite at this time?

Besides, other variety shows invite celebrities as mentors and guests, and "Crossover Actor" invites celebrities as audiences, can they come?

"Is it too urgent?" Lu Hong asked.

"There are so many celebrities in China, there will always be one who is free tonight. Besides, editor-in-chief Lu, who dare not give face to those film and television companies and brokerage companies in Beijing?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

Lu Hong nodded. There was nothing wrong with Xiao Xu's words, but in this way, he always seemed to be bullying others. After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, the finals of "Crossover Actors" will hold a red carpet ceremony outside the Grand Theater. I hope to invite some famous people in the entertainment industry. I will leave this matter to you. That pot of good tea is yours..."

If it is inconvenient for him to come forward, let Jiang Hai, director of the Art Program Center, come forward.

Xu Jie was speechless after hearing the words of deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

My first thought added a lot of work to Mr. Feng, and my second thought directly put Director Jiang in a trap. If Director Jiang knew that he came up with this idea, I don't know what he would think.

Lu Hong put down his phone, smiled and asked Xu Jie, "Is there any more?"

Xu Jie shook his head like a rattle, "No more."

He didn't dare to have any, otherwise he would be asking for trouble.

"Well, that's it. Whenever you have an idea, call me." Lu Hong said.


After Xu Jie finished speaking, he hurried to the Grand Theater. If he said anything else, the final of "Crossover Actors" would become the Beijing Film Festival.

He walked into the gate and was about to find Su Yun when he was suddenly stopped by several cameramen.

"Plan Xu, wait."

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"Did you forget? We're going to interview the assistant today." A cameraman said.

Of course Xu Jie did not forget such an important matter.

He checked the time, and it was already 09:30, and there were less than twelve hours left before the broadcast of the program. In order to be able to use it during the live broadcast, he directly brought the camera team to the rehearsal room.

"Dangdang!" Xu Jie rang Dai Qingqing's rehearsal room.

"Who?" The voice inside was full of vigilance.

"Xu Jie."

Xu Jie's name here is the passport, but in order to avoid suspicion, he did not enter the rehearsal room of Dai Qingqing and Lu Dayu during the few days when he was directing the show for Su Yun, so he didn't know what the two would perform.

After a while, the door opened, and it was Dai Qingqing's assistant.

The other party only opened the door about the width of a palm, revealing half of his face, and asked, "Planner Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Jie thought it was funny, and he was cautious enough, then pointed to the cameraman behind him, and said: "The program team is going to interview the assistant, please cooperate."

The assistant turned around and repeated it to Dai Qingqing, and opened the door only after obtaining consent.

Xu Jie led someone in, looked at Dai Qingqing and said, "Sister Qingqing, sorry to bother you, we will leave after the interview."

"It's okay, let's interview." Dai Qingqing said with a smile.

There are five assistant actors in Dai Qingqing's group. Xu Jie looked at these people and said: "The program team will interview you later and ask you how you feel about Sister Qingqing's script. Don't reveal your roles, let alone the content of the performance. , you can answer this way: the script is very exciting, the role is difficult, and it is the most difficult one to act... Simply put, it is a detour, adding a sense of mystery to the performance of the show, and raising the curiosity of the audience, understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Several assistant actors said in unison.

Xu Jie looked at the cameraman. The cameraman had adjusted his position and nodded to Xu Jie. Xu Jie asked the assistant actors to sit in a row, stood outside the camera, and asked assistant actor A: "What do you think of the script produced by Sister Qingqing?" ?”

Assistant A: "It's great, it has a story, it has connotations, and it's very touching."

Xu Jie looked at another assistant actor and asked, "Is the performance difficult?"

Star B: "It's very big and very challenging."


After Xu Jie interviewed several assistant actors, he suddenly felt that the leading actor should also show up, so he pointed the camera at Dai Qingqing and asked, "Sister Qingqing, are you sure about tonight's performance?"

"Yes!" Dai Qingqing said.

"Miss Qingqing is so confident? Then do you have anything to say to the other two actors?" Xu Jie asked.

Dai Qingqing thought for a while, looked at the camera and said, "The champion is mine!"


Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, the harsh words were put out, um, the program has achieved its effect.


(End of this chapter)

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