The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 328 Whoever believes in me will win the championship

Chapter 328 Whoever believes in me will win the championship

At six o'clock in the evening, Xu Jie hurried downstairs after changing in the office.

At this time, the Beijing TV station was already full of people, including celebrities, media reporters, and fans holding banners. They gathered here for only one purpose, to watch the finals of "Crossover Actors".

"Xiao Xu, here!"

Downstairs, Jiang Hai waved at Xu Jie.

Xu Jie walked over quickly, and said embarrassedly while arranging his clothes: "I'm sorry, Director, for keeping you waiting for a long time."

In addition to Director Jiang, there are also deputy editor-in-chief Lu Hong, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou Zhengliang, Feng Dekun from New Era Media, Yu Kuan from Jingshi Culture, etc., all of whom are big bosses in Beijing Radio and Television Station. But at this moment, they appear here with another identity, that is, the chief director, executive producer, and producer of "Crossover Actor".

Standing among them, Xu Jie was obviously out of place, but as the representative of the "Crossover Actor" program group, he was indispensable as the chief planner and consultant.

It's a lot of pressure!

Not only because there are big bosses around, but also because the live broadcast of the finals of "Crossover Actors" is about to start. You must know that the live broadcast is his idea. If there are any problems during the live broadcast, then his good idea will change. It's a bad idea.

In fact, good ideas are called good ideas because they all succeed in the end. There are many ideas that are also called bad ideas before they are implemented, but they succeed in the end, and bad ideas become good ideas.

The so-called winner is king, winning is 36 tricks, losing is bullshit.

"It's okay, there's time." Jiang Hai said.

"Xiao Xu, is it okay if you don't walk the red carpet with Su Yun tonight? Why don't you go and accompany Su Yun." Lu Hong said.

The opening ceremony of the finals of "Crossover Actors" is being held now, and it will be the part of walking the red carpet. According to the order, first the stars will appear, then the delegation of the program group will appear, and finally the actors will appear. Xu Jie is not only the actor's family, but also He is a member of the delegation, so who to go with has become a problem.

"Yes, Xiao Xu, don't force it, be careful not to let in when you get home." Feng Dekun joked.

"Haha!" The big bosses next to him also laughed, and the tense atmosphere became more relaxed for a while.

In fact, it wasn't just Xu Jie who was nervous, these bosses were equally nervous.

After all, it is a live broadcast, and no one can guarantee that it will be as foolproof as the recorded broadcast.

"Business is public, private is private, and now it's work. Besides, my wife is not so stingy." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Many people around have noticed this place. Seeing Xu Jie talking and laughing with the big guys, they can't help being surprised. They recognized it. They didn't expect Xu Jie to have such a good relationship with the big guys. They didn't recognize it. They were curious about this young man. Who is a person? After all, a young man in his twenties standing among a group of middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s, the visual impact is too strong.

Some celebrities and celebrity managers not far away are also silently watching over there. The reason why they come to be viewers is for these big bosses. No one wants to have a good relationship with the TV station leaders, let alone the capital The leaders of the TV station, these are at the backer level.

"Hey, isn't that Lu Hong, Director of the TV Program Center of Beijing TV Station? I saw him at the Spring Festival Gala."

"Now he is the deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station."

"President Yu from Beijing TV Culture is also here, and I don't know what variety shows will be in the second half of the year. Is there any shortage of people?"

"Hey, who is that young man among them, why does he look so familiar?"

"If you don't know other people, you can understand it. If you don't know him, it's a bit outrageous. Isn't this Xu Jie, the director and star of "Delicious History", have you forgotten?"

"Oh, come to think of it, it's still Su Yun's husband, right? It's strange, how could he stand with the leaders of the Beijing TV station?"

"He is the chief planner and consultant of "Crossover Actors". It is said that he came up with this show, and there are competing content."

"Really? It looks very ordinary, how could Su Yun fall in love with him?"

"Don't underestimate him. He is now a popular TV station in Beijing, and he is also a key training target. Otherwise, can he stand with all the big shots?"

"It's no wonder that Su Yun became popular again after losing her resources. So she found a backer."

"That's right. At first, everyone thought that Su Yun was marrying a young reporter. Who would have thought that this young reporter would suddenly become popular. Su Yun has the vision. Stop talking, it's your turn to walk the red carpet."


red carpet.

A reporter from a satellite TV channel stood in front of the camera and reported on the entrance.

"Hello, audience friends, I am at the entrance ceremony of the finals of "Crossover Actors". The familiar faces you see now are the stars who came to watch the finals. There is the famous performing artist Mr. Li Xuehong. There is Mr. Chen Wei, the emperor of TV, and Xu Xin, the queen of the movie..."

"Now coming to us is the delegation of the "Crossover Actors" program group. They are the chief director Lu Hong, the chief director Jiang Hai, the director system, and the chief planner Xu Jie. To see such a wonderful show, we must Thanks to their silent efforts behind the scenes..."

"Next on the red carpet is Zhang Zhen, the singer who participated in "Crossover Actor". Although he has been eliminated, his singing left a very deep impression on us..."

"Now what everyone sees is Jin Qianqian, who is known as the little Chinese queen. She also had a wonderful performance in "Crossover Actor"..."

"Attention, she is here. She is one of the protagonists today. After many competitions, Su Yun, the Chinese singer who finally broke into the finals, I believe that everyone who has watched "Crossover Actor" will be impressed by Su Yun. Have you ever been amazed by the wonderful performances? Whether she plays Hua Mulan or Bai Suzhen, they are all very memorable. Let us look forward to her performance tonight..."

For the red carpet entrance ceremony of the "Crossover Actors" finals, in addition to the Beijing Satellite TV, the Art Channel has been broadcasting live. At the same time, Internet TV is also broadcasting live. 10,000+ people have joined, and the barrage is even denser.

"Wow, Ding Lingyi is so beautiful today."

"Among so many celebrities, Bai Yu is still the most handsome."

"Su Yun is the most beautiful, Su Yun is the champion, and I don't accept rebuttals."

"Singing King Lu Dayu, singing king Lu Dayu, singing king Lu Dayu, say the names of important people three times!"

"Dai Qingqing's aura is too strong!"

"Dai Qingqing is in very good shape today. She doesn't look like someone in her 40s at all. I think she can win to the end."

"Lu Dayu is the most stable, I support King Lu Ge."

"You all stop talking, I don't recognize anyone who wins the championship except Su Yun."

In front of the stage, behind the stage, online and offline, there was a lot of excitement.

Although there is still some time before "Crossover Actor", everyone's heart has already flown to the scene, just waiting for the show to start.

some company.

"Going to the bar after get off work? I found a newly opened bar with a lot of beauties. I promise you will gain something if you go there."

"Not tonight, I'm going home to watch TV tonight."

"What? Watching TV? Young people nowadays don't watch TV. Wouldn't it be nice to just watch real beauties?"

"I am a fan of Lu Dayu in the final of "Crossover Actor"."

"Cut, it's boring!"

a restaurant.

"Honey, what are we going to do after dinner, how about watching a movie?" the man looked at the woman and asked.

"No, tonight's "Crossover Actor" finals, I'm going home to watch." The woman said while eating.

"Ah? Then what should I do?"

"If you're not afraid of my dad, just go home and watch it with me."

"Cough, forget it, I'd better go home and watch."

A live broadcast platform.

"Baby, I have something to do tonight, live broadcast until nine o'clock."

"What's the matter? Watch "Crossover Actor"."

"Everyone watch it together? The computer screen is too small, and there is a delay on the Internet."

"In order to apologize, let me sing a song for everyone."

Inside the Grand Theater.

The staff is busy and busy with the final equipment debugging.

All three actors and assistants have entered the rehearsal room and started to put on makeup.

Live broadcasting is no better than recording and broadcasting. Recording and broadcasting can be stopped during the shooting process, and makeup can be made up at any time if the make-up is not good, but live broadcasting cannot, because there is no pause in live broadcasting, and everything must be prepared.

In contrast, the twelve actors who have been eliminated are relatively relaxed. They sit backstage in costumes and only need to show their most glamorous and beautiful side in front of the camera.

And those invited actors were already sitting at the scene, accepting interviews from the media.

Director group.

Xu Jie stood up lightly.

"Xiao Xu, where are you going?" Jiang Hai asked after seeing it. Time was running out. Without Xu Jie's plan, he was always a little uneasy. After all, the program process was arranged by Xu Jie. He, the general director, is more important.

"Hey, look around to see if there is any problem." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Jiang Hai saw Xu Jie hesitating, and he knew what the other party was going to do at a glance.

Definitely going to see Su Yun.

"Well, let's go!" Jiang Hai pretended not to know.

Xu Jie hurriedly left the director's group and came to Su Yun's rehearsal room.

Everyone has changed clothes and is doing makeup, mainly for the camera.

"How's it going, are you nervous?" Xu Jie asked the assistant with a smile.

In fact, the purpose of his coming here is not to watch Su Yun, but to watch these assistants. He knows that these people must be nervous too, but nervousness is the enemy of acting. He must help these people eliminate their nervousness!
"Kind of!" said an assistant speaker.

"A little bit? Don't you have confidence in my script?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"No, no, I'm worried that I can't act well." The assistant quickly explained.

"It seems that I don't have confidence in my directing ability." Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party, then looked at the four people in front of him and said, "You have all been personally guided by me. If you don't have confidence in your acting , that means you don’t have confidence in my guidance, do you have confidence in me?”

"Yes!" Who dares to say no?

"Well, that's good!" Xu Jie said seriously: "You don't need to believe in yourself, but you must believe in me. Those who believe in me will win the championship!"


The assistant actor didn't know what to say, and couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face. Is this to comfort others?How can there be such comfort?

(End of this chapter)

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