Chapter 329 Finals

"Hello, audience friends, you are watching the finals of the reality show "Crossover Actors", a large-scale celebrity crossover competition show. I am the host Jin Wei, and I am broadcasting live for you at the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station... "

With much anticipation, the finals of "Crossover Actors" officially began.

"After more than a dozen rounds of competition, [-] contestants fought against each other. In the end, three contestants successfully broke through and boarded the stage of the finals of "Crossover Actors"..."

At this time, the camera was shown on the twelve actors who had been eliminated, and on the last three actors, Ding Lingyi, Bai Yu, Chen Kaijie, Zhu Yuan, Zhang Zhen, Zheng Anqi, Zhou Zhou, Liu Zhongyuan, Jin Qian Qian, Yu Dong, Zhao Chengxian, Lu Chengpeng, as well as Dai Qingqing, Su Yun and Lu Dayu.

These familiar faces can't help but remind the audience of the performances of these people in the past dozen episodes. Some of them were eliminated after only one performance, while some fell outside the gate of the finals, while others stood In the end, but no matter how many times they acted, they were all part of the show.

As singers and laymen, if they have the courage to stand on the stage of actors, they have already succeeded.

While the host was trying to enhance the atmosphere of the show, the directors were all staring at a screen, which was a monitoring curve of real-time ratings. Everyone was waiting for the first ratings to appear, because that would be " The opening ratings of the finals of "Crossover Actors" represent the attention of the program.

Not long after, an upward curve suddenly appeared on the screen, and at the same time, a number appeared at the highest point.


Seeing this number clearly, all the people sitting in the director's group were not calm.

"Out, out, 2.325."

"Really, so tall?"

"I thought it would be pretty good to break 2. I didn't expect it to be 2.325. I underestimated our show."

"According to this start, today's average ratings will definitely not be low, and maybe it can break the ratings record of the six-in-three episode."

"It's definitely going to break, you have to know that today's live broadcast is the finals!"

The bosses here are very happy. The ratings of 2.325 are undoubtedly a dream start. More people watched the finals than expected. Next, we will watch the performance of the three actors. As the protagonists of the show, the performance of the three actors will directly Determine the final ratings of the finals!
"Xiao Xu, the live broadcast has already started, can you tell us what Su Yun is playing?" Jiang Hai asked eagerly.

As the chief director in the past, he knew the content of the entire program like the back of his hand, but this time, he was worried, and even felt a sense of anxiety, because he didn't know the content of the program at all. You must know that this is the finals.

"Killer!" Xu Jie said lightly.

"What?" Jiang Hai and the bosses around him were all stunned.

"Xiao Xu, what do you think your wife is playing?" Lu Hong couldn't believe his ears, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"A female killer." Xu Jie looked at the deputy editor-in-chief, director, and boss, and replied clearly.

Hearing the answer, everyone was surprised from ear to ear, and everyone looked like they couldn't believe it.

How to play the killer?
What can I play?
You won't show the killing process again, will you?Such content is not harmonious.

"I see, Su Yun definitely wanted to bring a surprise to everyone, right?" Jiang Hai asked.

Xu Jie nodded. As expected of the Director of the Art Program Center, he could understand his thoughts.

"But there are so many surprise roles, why would you choose to play the female killer? You know it's the finals now, isn't it too risky to do so? Xiao Xu, didn't you persuade Su Yun?" Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou Zhengliang slightly Frowning, he was excited by the ratings just now, but now his face is full of worry.

won't mess it up, will it?
"This is my idea." Xu Jie said after hearing it.


Zhou Zhengliang had question marks all over his face, and so did the others. No one thought that it would be Xu Jie's idea for Su Yun to play a female killer.

"Xiao Xu, why did you choose the role of killer?" Lu Hong asked curiously.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and said: "Actually, at the beginning, my wife and I planned to take a safe route, and we would play whatever role we had the most confidence in. If you do that, you will overlap with the roles you have played before, and the performance will inevitably make the audience feel tired, and there will be no bright spots at all..."

Lu Hong kept nodding his head. The safe course is indeed too conservative. What the finals need is a wonderful performance, and the mediocre content and performance are obviously not worthy of the finals.

"In order to surprise the audience, add highlights to the finals, and increase the ratings of the show, I decided to let Su Yun play a brand new and challenging role. As for the role of the female killer, it was an inspiration entirely by accident. , Rang felt that Su Yun was very suitable, so he wrote a script about the story of a female killer." Xu Jie said.

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized, and their frowning brows relaxed.

It turned out to be for the show!
Thinking about it carefully, what Xiao Xu said was not unreasonable.

If you perform a role you have played before or a similar role on the stage of the finals, the play will be stable, but there will be no bright spots.

Assuming that the three actors all adopt a steady old dog strategy in tonight's performance, then the finals will be a failure, and "Crossover Actor" will be a failure.

There can be no bright spots in the previous episodes, but the finals must have bright spots, even if it is risky, even if it is extreme, so as to bring ratings to the show and increase the topicality.

Is it going to be a final that will have no waves after it is broadcast, and you even have to spend your own money to buy hot spots, or a final that will be popular after the broadcast?
It doesn't matter what the actor plays, the important thing is to bring topicality to the show, even if he loses.

After all, "Crossover Actor" is essentially an entertainment variety show, the stage is not an examination room, and no one wants to watch a serious examination.

Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie appreciatively, but Xiao Xu was still thoughtful.

And for the effect of the show, even his wife was sacrificed, what kind of spirit is this?
This is a kind of dedication and dedication.

Although no one thinks that Su Yun is suitable to play a female killer, since Xu Jie wrote the script, the content must be unusual, and they believe Xu Jie.

"Do you know what Dai Qingqing and Lu Dayu's program is?" Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie and asked.

Xu Jie shook his head.

"As far as I know, Dai Qingqing listed a set of living room furniture in the list of props." Yu Kuan said.

Living Room Furniture?

Is it a family ethics drama?

Xu Jie probably already guessed the role Dai Qingqing was going to play.

"The first show is about to begin." Jiang Hai pointed to the direction of the stage.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at the stage, and saw the host Jin Wei take out the program list from the sealed envelope. This is a small link deliberately arranged by the program group to prove that no one knows the content of the upcoming performance except the actors. , the host is no exception.

"The first contestant, Dai Qingqing, will be invited next. The program she will perform is: Mom!" Jin Wei said while looking at the program list.

As the curtain slowly opened, a family scene appeared on the stage, and then, a woman dressed as a housewife walked onto the stage, it was Dai Qingqing!
Seeing this situation, Xu Jie thought exactly what he thought.

Dai Qingqing wants to play the role of mother.

Dai Qingqing is in her 40s. In terms of age and image, the most suitable role is undoubtedly a middle-aged woman, and she herself is the mother of a child, so it can be said that she is acting in her true colors.

Judging from the role Dai Qingqing chose to play, when she chooses a script story, the first thing she thinks of must be to play steadily, otherwise she would never choose the role of Nian's mother.

On the one hand, as far as Dai Qingqing is concerned, this role may not be too brilliant, no matter how exciting the story is, it will not be too amazing.

On the other hand, the script about family ethics, this kind of content has appeared in the previous rounds of competitions. Maybe the content of the story is different, but such a setting appears in the finals, which is inevitably a bit too plain.

What do finals viewers want to see?
Not only superb acting skills, but also wonderful story content, and unexpected characters.

Under the condition of an untitled competition, whoever makes the audience guess the content of the performance will lose.

Expected things can not give people a sense of surprise.



During the performance, there was constant applause.

Angry, sympathetic, abusive, and moved.

The expressions of the audience were all broadcast live.

Especially the stars who were invited to watch the finals, which is also one of the highlights of the finals.

After a 10-minute performance, the first competition finally came to an end.

The content of Dai Qingqing's short play is very simple. The hardworking mother, the rebellious son, the son was arrested for making mistakes, and the mother influenced the son with love. The ending of the story is very warm and touching. The whole play will show Dai Qingqing's maternal love Dai Qingqing's performance was impeccable.

"The short play just now is not a simple performance. 80.00% of the content in the play actually happened to me, so I want to dedicate this play to all mothers in the world..." Dai Qingqing said seriously.

As the first person to appear on the stage, she was under a lot of pressure. Because of this, she temporarily added a testimonial after the performance, playing the emotional card, hoping to impress the judges and audience and avoid After the latter two performed, everyone forgot about her performance.

When it was the judges' turn to comment, the three judges all gave a very high evaluation of Dai Qingqing's performance, and praised Dai Qingqing for showing the greatness of maternal love, which was very moving.

Just listening to the comments, Dai Qingqing seems to be the champion.

However, when the host Jin Wei took out the program list from the envelope, the next sentence directly stunned the audience and all the audience in front of the TV, even Jin Wei.

"The second contestant, Su Yun, is invited. The show she brought us is... The killer is not cold!?!"


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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