The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 332 Record the night, face the night

Chapter 332 Record the night, face the night

"The first season of "Crossover Actor" has come to a successful conclusion. Let's sing that familiar song and look forward to the next reunion!"

On the stage, the fifteen contestants from the first season lined up, and as the familiar melody sounded, they sang that familiar song again.

"The world is a gorgeous stage, everyone can be an actor, the sun tells me to set off, and the stars illuminate my existence..."

Su Yun held the championship trophy of the first season of "Crossover Actor" and sang the theme song "Life Actor".

When the show premiered, the theme song was sung by fifteen contestants participating in the show, and Su Yun was the first singer at that time.

Now, in the last episode of the show, Su Yun won the championship, and she is still the first to sing, all of this seems to have been predestined.

This time, Su Yun looked in the direction of the director team while singing, her eyes were full of gratitude and tenderness, the goddess turned into a little woman at this moment, and the female killer's heart seemed to be melted by something.

Many people thought that Su Yun was so happy after winning the championship, but only a few people knew that Su Yun was actually looking at her husband.

Because there, Xu Jie stretched out his hand high and gestured for a thumb.

This is an affirmation and congratulations from my husband.

"The ratings have dropped." Jiang Hai, who was at the side, read the real-time ratings graph, turned his head and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, congratulating: "Xiao Xu, congratulations!"

"Same joy, same joy!" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Same joy? What's my joy?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Ratings." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai laughed immediately when he heard it, and it was indeed a joy to say that.

"3.637, the highest rating has reached 3.637! I have never seen a variety show with such a high rating." Zhou Zhengliang said excitedly: "As far as I know, when the first season of The Voice of China started, it had the highest rating. The ratings are only around 3.1."

Everyone couldn't help but think of the situation when Brother Channel held the first season finals of "The Voice of China".

At that time, the drool that other TV stations were envious of was also the beginning of music variety shows becoming popular. Even Beijing TV Station had launched similar music programs, but because of the low ratings, it ended in a bleak end after only one session. So far, the station is embarrassed to mention that the previous director of the Arts and Programs Center was transferred after this incident.

But now, everyone is no longer envious of the variety shows of other channels, regardless of whether they are singing or dancing, performing sketches or playing house, in front of "Crossover Actors", they are all younger brothers.

The highest rating of 3.637, if you don't see it with your own eyes, who would believe it?

This is a new record for the highest ratings for a variety show!
Of course, the ratings I see now are not very accurate, but even if the difference is not too big, it will fluctuate by 0.1 in the end, but how will this affect the popularity of the show?

"Xiao Xu, you are the biggest contributor to the show's success." Lu Hong praised without hesitation.

The others nodded in agreement after hearing this, but no one refuted.

What Director Lu said is indeed correct, Xu Jie is the biggest contributor to this show.

The idea of ​​the program is someone else's idea, without the other party, there would be no program, and from the beginning of the broadcast to the present, from the performance process to the actor's script, Xu Jie is in charge, and there are many wonderful links, all of which are Xu Jie proposed.

Take today's finals as an example, Xu Jie came up with the untitled performance content. Postponing the finals and turning the recording into a live broadcast was also Xu Jie's first proposal. There is also the biggest highlight of tonight, Su Yun's performance It can be said that without Xu Jie, this show would not exist, and even if someone could think of this show, it would not have achieved such a great success.

"I can't do anything by myself, it's the result of everyone's hard work." Xu Jie said modestly.

After the show has been aired for so long, everyone knows who has contributed the most. There is no need for him to stand up and fight. No one can deny his contribution to "Crossover Actor".

"Haha, just because of Xiao Xu's current attitude, he can still improve." Feng Dekun said with a smile: "Would you like to come to my New Era Media, where I specialize in the operation of large-scale events, and it is the most suitable for displaying your talents. "

"To go is also to go to my Beijing Television Culture. You must know that we are responsible for the variety shows and evening parties of Beijing Television Station." After hearing this, Yu Kuan said unconvinced, who doesn't like people?
"Go, go, don't be shameless, Xu Jie is mine, no one can take it away!" Jiang Hai shouted loudly.

Dare to blatantly rob people, and don't take him seriously.

In the art program center, anyone can leave, except Xu Jie. If Xiao Xu leaves, what will he do?What will happen to the art program in the future?Hasn't it become a shortcoming of Beijing TV Station again?
You know, now the art programs of Beijing TV Station are all supported by Xu Jie.

That's right, on your own!
"Xiao Xu, the show is over, so don't stand here with us, go find Su Yun, by the way, I remember to come to the celebration banquet later." Lu Hong said to Xu Jie with a smile.

Xu Jie nodded, quickly left the director's group, and couldn't wait to go backstage.

At this moment, Su Yun is receiving congratulations from other stars.

Compared with the scene of being squeezed out by actors at the Shenzhou Film Festival, all the people present today are singers, both seniors and juniors. Although there is more or less competition between some people, no one will be in this kind of situation. Occasions will cause trouble for others, not to mention that everyone is a person with a head and a face and an ID card, so superficial skills should be done.

"Sister Yun, congratulations on winning the championship." Jin Qianqian said with a smile.

She is from the Prosperity Economic and Cultural Company. Speaking of which, both of them belong to the same company. Although they don't have much contact with each other, they can be regarded as their own.

When people are in an unfamiliar environment, especially when there are many people, they usually silently perform social ranking in their hearts, such as giving priority to classmates and colleagues.

Su Yun won the championship, so she naturally wanted to be happy.

As for jealousy, not really.

She knows her acting skills very well, she is considered very lucky to be in the top six, champion?She dared not even think about it.

But envy is real.

"Thank you!" Su Yun replied with a smile.

"Su Yun, what are your plans in the future? Are you planning to officially enter the film and television industry?" Dai Qingqing asked.

Although she was a little disappointed in not being able to win the championship, she also knew that her performance was indeed not as good as Su Yun's, and as a senior, she had to be gracious. Still in the film and television industry, there is no competition. Without competition, there is no conflict of interest, and the relationship is naturally better.

"It's not official, it depends on whether there is a good script." Su Yun replied.

"I wish you smooth sailing and greater glories in your future development in the film and television industry." Dai Qingqing sincerely wished.

"Thank you, Miss Qingqing."

Su Yun chatted with other singers for a while, and then left the stage with the excuse of changing clothes.

She returned to the rehearsal room, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw a person sitting in the room, it was Xu Jie.

"Why are you here?" Su Yun's eyes lit up, surprise written all over her face.

"Come and take a look." Xu Jie stood up and stretched out his hand towards the opponent, "Congratulations, you have won the championship, and you have lived up to my training partner."

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie's hand, and immediately opened her arms to hug him.

"I don't even look at who wrote the script for me." Su Yun flattered her.

She knew very well that without Xu Jie's script, she might not be able to win the championship tonight, because according to her previous conservative thinking, she would definitely not be able to compare with Dai Qingqing today. Dai Qingqing's mother played really well, and she Today can be regarded as a surprise victory.

Huang Xiaorong on the side looked at this scene with a smile on her face. Su Yun won the championship, and the topic and traffic soared. There must be a lot of work in the future. As an assistant, she is naturally happy for the boss. After all, the boss is popular, so her bonus is high. The boss Cool, she has nothing to do.

She couldn't help sighing in her heart: Fortunately, she didn't resign at the beginning, otherwise she would regret it now.

Tonight, at this very moment, there are indeed a lot of people who are regretful.

President of Huaxia District of an international skin care brand.

When she first learned that Su Yun was married, she was the first to stand up and announce the termination of the contract with Su Yun, and she did not hesitate to pay a sum of money for this. However, now, watching Su Yun, who won the championship in the finals of "Crossover Actors" on Beijing TV, the feeling in her heart I regret it.

The news that Su Yun won the championship of "Crossover Actor" has been on the hot search, and has become the target of all major media's scrambling to report. The popularity remains high, and the ranking is still rising.

If Su Yun is still the brand spokesperson, then this time will definitely become a very good publicity opportunity, and the brand promotion will be completed without any effort.

But now, it's too late to talk about anything.

She was a little puzzled in her heart. When female celebrities get married, most of them will be cold. Even if they are famous, no one will look for them. This kind of celebrity is very common, but they seem to be very popular, but they have no job. She can't figure it out. Why is Su Yun popular again?
Also puzzled is the editor-in-chief of the "Taste" fashion magazine.

It was at the beginning of November last year, and it had been verbally negotiated with Su Yun's studio that Su Yun would shoot the cover, and it was the cover character in January of the new year, and the final contract was short of it.

As a result, at the end of November, when Su Yun officially announced to register for a marriage certificate, she immediately stopped filming, and finally chose another female star to replace Su Yun.

Because of this incident, the two parties were still very unhappy, and she was also infamous for breaking her promise, but for the sake of magazine sales, she did not dare to take this risk.

But now, Su Yun was standing on the stage with a radiant face and a happy spring breeze. The audience's warm applause of "Papa Papa" was as piercing as a slap in the face to her ears.

Su Yun's winning the championship has turned into a face-slapping night. Those brands that have terminated or given up on her regret their original decision.

Brands rely on celebrities, and celebrities rely on popularity.

But now, Su Yun is the most popular star in all of China, but at this moment, there is nothing wrong with them.


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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