Chapter 333

At around 11:[-] in the middle of the night, a celebration banquet was being held in a conference room in the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station.

In addition to the staff of the "Crossover Actors" program, there were also stars from all walks of life who came to help out, and there were more people than expected, which also made the originally spacious room a little crowded.

Many leaders of Beijing TV Station also participated in the celebration banquet.

In fact, under normal circumstances, they would not come, but tonight's "Crossover Actors" is really too successful. The average ratings and the highest ratings will create new records for domestic star variety shows, so we also They all put down their bodies and celebrated with the staff.

It is also for this reason that those celebrities who were planning to leave after watching the live broadcast changed their minds. Who would not want to take the opportunity to climb up to the leadership of Beijing TV Station?

You must know that you can't meet in person even if you want to meet, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Hey, have you heard that tonight's ratings are going to break 3." A well-known manager in the Beijing circle whispered to his artistes and several entertainment company executives.

"Is it that tall?" A senior executive of an entertainment company asked in surprise.

If the ratings of breaking 2 is the criterion for judging whether a variety show is popular or not, then breaking the ratings of 3 is definitely a phenomenon-level hit show.

"I looked online just now, half of the top ten most searched, the popularity is too scary, even if it can't break 3, it's not far away." Another agent said.

"It's really awesome. Before the broadcast, no one thought that the show would be so popular. I remember that many people bad-mouthed the show at that time, thinking that it was the double rating of "Crossover Singer" and "Crossover Comedian" by Beijing TV Station. It was a helpless move after the failure, but it turned out to be even more popular than the two previous variety shows, it's really not as good as God!"

"Who said it wasn't? There were not no acting variety shows before. The variety show called "I Am an Actor" launched by Zhejiang Hangzhou Satellite TV was not so popular. Gao, where can I go to reason?"

"In my opinion, it is still a matter of content. The script of "Crossover Actor" is good, every short play is very exciting, and the performance of the actors is also remarkable, so the audience will like it. In fact, I also like to watch it. .”

"Well, there is also Su Yun. Although she is expected to win the championship, but before the show started, I really didn't think she would win."

"Yeah, I remember that at the end of last year Su Yun was making a fuss because of the official announcement of marriage registration, and all kinds of resources were completely cold. I didn't expect that it would be popular all over the country in the past six months."

"I heard before that Su Yun has plans to enter the film and television industry. After this program, the road to film and television in the future should be smoother than before."

"Hey, deputy editor-in-chief Lu and the others are here, do you want to go over and say hello together?"

"it is good!"

The purpose of everyone participating in the celebration party is to get close to the leaders of Beijing TV Station. Now that the leaders are here, if you don't go to say hello, wouldn't it be a waste of time tonight?

"Editor Lu, tonight's show is really good."

"Director Jiang, congratulations on the record high ratings."

"Mr. Yu, if there are any variety shows after get off work, don't forget about our company's artists."

Everyone was chatting, and not long after, the door of the meeting room opened, and Su Yun, who was dressed in a black exquisite dress, walked in from the outside holding Xu Jie's hand.

The show was over, so the two no longer shy away from anything, and appeared openly in front of everyone.

"The main character is here!"

Jiang Hai raised his voice at this time, and said loudly: "Let us welcome Su Yun, the overall champion of the first season of "Crossover Actors."


"Wow wow wow..."

There was applause in the meeting room.

Although tonight is the celebration banquet for the successful conclusion of "Crossover Actor", but as the championship, if there is no outstanding performance by Su Yun, how can the finals be so exciting?

"Thank you!"

Su Yun responded with a smile.

Xu Jie brought Su Yun to the director's side and introduced Su Yun one by one. The bosses of the brokerage company and the entertainment company walked away knowingly.

"Xiao Su, thank you for bringing us a wonderful performance." Lu Hong said to Su Yun.

Su Yun's contribution to tonight's finals was so successful.

During the time period of her performance, the overall ratings are much higher than the other two competitors, which is not something any actor can do.

"Editor Lu, I'm just acting according to the script, and my husband's script is better." Su Yun leaned towards Xu Jie's side while speaking.

Knowing that all the leaders in front of her were Xu Jie's leaders, of course she wanted to put the credit on Xu Jie.

"Haha, you two, one said it was because of the good acting, and the other said it was because the script was well written. You really hit it off." Lu Hong said with a smile.

"This is what a husband and wife want to cut through money." Guo Chuan, the general manager of Forbidden Pictures, looked at Xu Jie and Su Yun and said, "Now that "Crossover Actor" is over, the movie "Mulan" Is filming also on the agenda? The crew is ready, Xiao Xu, and now we are waiting for your script."

Xu Jie was a little embarrassed when he heard it, and agreed to finish writing the script before the end of "Crossover Actor", but the show was postponed for a week, and he still didn't finish writing the script.

There is no way, either busy with the show, or busy with Su Yun, basically can't write much during the day, and at night I have to accompany Su Yun to butcher pigs, how can I have time to write?

In fact, if he followed the standard of the short play script of "Crossover Actor", he could finish writing it ahead of time, but he wanted to establish a classic role for Su Yun, so he put more thought into the content of the story, and the result was that the writing Slowed down and took longer.

After all, everything is for the movie, for Su Yun.

"Mr. Guo, give me another three days, just three days, and I will definitely finish writing!" Xu Jie said confidently, "Crossover Actor" is over, and he can finally devote his main energy to writing the script .

"Old Guo, you can't blame Xiao Xu for this." Jiang Hai said seriously at this time: "He is the chief planner of "Crossover Actor", and he is inseparable from the show inside and outside. Now "Crossover Actor" is over Yes, if you can spare a lot of time, you will give him three days, and you have waited for two months, and these three days are not bad, what do you think, Editor-in-Chief Lu?"

Jiang Hai was worried that he wasn't strong enough, so he recruited Lao Lu. Lao Lu is now the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station. He is under one person and above ten thousand.

"Yeah, Xiao Xu is too busy these days." Lu Hong echoed, Xu Jie is his hero, so naturally he has to speak for the other party.

"Okay, that's three days." Guo Chuan said after hearing that, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang had both spoken, and this must be given.

Besides, it's useless even if he doesn't agree, he's the screenwriter, without the other's script, the crew can't shoot.

Find another screenwriter?

It will take more than three months.

"Thank you Mr. Guo."

Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Guo Chuan suddenly came to a turning point.

Xu Jie's heart immediately rose again.

There are many easy things in the world, but after one failure, it becomes difficult.

"When the crew is filming, you have to follow the crew." Guo Chuan said.

"Ah?" Xu Jie was taken aback.

If he is only a film screenwriter, of course there is no problem with the team, but the problem is that he is not only a film screenwriter, but also an employee of a TV station, a TV program director, and it takes at least a few months to shoot a film, how could he Follow the group all the time?
"Old Guo, this is not allowed!"

Before Xu Jie could speak, Lu Hong couldn't help it.

"Although Xiao Xu's work in "Crossover Actor" has come to an end, he still has two programs in his hands, and both will be broadcast on the satellite TV channel. If there is no him, what will happen to these two programs?" Lu Hong said.

"Is that so..."

Guo Chuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that "Crossover Actors" had already finished broadcasting, and Xu Jie actually had two programs on the satellite TV channel. Could it be that this kid contracted the Beijing Satellite TV channel?

He thought about it, and then said: "In this way, you don't have to follow the group, but you must be in the group at least two days a week. Xiao Xu, I am not embarrassing you, but during the filming process, you may encounter some problems related to the script. The problem needs to be discussed and resolved together, but don't worry, the crew will cover all the round trip expenses!"

Xu Jie thought about it, and knew that after the screenwriter finished writing the script, he couldn't be a shopkeeper. Maybe he would have new ideas, so he said, "Okay, no problem."

The big deal is to go to work on weekdays and go to the crew for two days on weekends.

A smile appeared on Guo Chuan's face, he reached out and patted Xu Jie's shoulder, and said, "Then let's make an agreement, I'll wait for you, haha!"

After seeing this scene, the people at the banquet couldn't help being a little surprised.

Everyone thought that the protagonist of tonight's celebration banquet would be Su Yun, but no one thought that the bosses of the Beijing TV station were going around Su Yun's husband.

"Look, isn't that Mr. Guo from Forbidden Pictures? He seems to be very familiar with Su Yun's husband. What is the background of Su Yun's old man?"

"Yes, isn't he the director and lead actor of "Delicious History", why is he still related to Mr. Guo?"

"You said that Su Yun won the championship this time, does it have anything to do with her husband?"

"Shh, you can't talk nonsense about this. Besides, Su Yun's performance is obvious to all. She definitely deserves to win the championship. Don't talk nonsense."

Some people quietly shifted the focus of discussion to Su Yun's husband.

Look at who Su Yun's husband is around: the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station, the director of the art program center, the boss of Forbidden City Films, the boss of Jingshi Culture, the boss of New Era Media...all of them are from the art circle of Beijing. boss.

Among these people, any one of them is a celebrity's fawning target, but now, Su Yun's husband is standing with these big shots, who can't be surprised?
Who is the protagonist?

 Thanks to book friend 20200603152710478 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, and thanks to book friend LY丨SW for the reward of 400 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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