Chapter 334 Rewards
The celebration banquet went on until twelve o'clock in the evening.

After Xu Jie greeted the leaders of the stage one by one, he left the theater and got into Su Yun's nanny car to go home together.

Su Yun took the championship trophy and looked at it carefully. This was the first time she looked at it so seriously after winning the award. There was a ball above the crystal cylindrical trophy, shining under the light, and it said "Beijing Satellite TV" Su Yun, the overall champion of "Crossover Actor", is a few words.

"It's so beautiful!" Su Yun praised with joy.

"Of course, this is custom-made, 50 yuan each." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He also inadvertently heard from the staff that a total of three trophies have been set, and the winners are the three contestants who entered the finals. Whoever wins the championship in the end will take out the trophy with whose name is engraved on it, and the rest The next two trophies are thrown away.

The corner of Huang Xiaorong's mouth twitched in the co-pilot's mouth. It was a trophy that was obviously very tall, but when the other party said that, it instantly felt that the championship won by the boss was worthless.

"The meaning of a trophy is always greater than its value, just like an Olympic gold medal." Su Yun played with it, loving it.

She has won many trophies, such as Best Singer, Most Popular Female Singer, Outstanding Artist, etc. There are dozens of them together, but she likes the one in front of her very much, because it is the one with her and the people around her. obtained by men.

That's right, this trophy is half as big as a man's.

The road in the middle of the night was very smooth, and the car quickly drove into the villa area and stopped at the door of the house.

"Come pick me up at ten o'clock tomorrow morning." Su Yun said to Huang Xiaorong before getting out of the car.

She hasn't been to the studio for a long time.

"Crossover Actor" is finally over, and she also successfully won the championship. At this time, there will definitely be many people who contact her. Before the filming of the movie "Mulan" starts, she will deal with it intensively and arrange the work for the second half of the year. it is good.

"Okay Sister Yun." Huang Xiaorong nodded, then got into the car and left.

Xu Jie walked into the house carrying Su Yun's clothing box, and stopped at the stairs on the first floor.

"Here, take it up yourself." Xu Jie said.

"Why?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

"I can't go up to the second floor." Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and then she pretended to reach out to carry the suitcase, with a strenuous look on her face.

"It's too heavy, I can't lift it, please help me carry it up."

Su Yun finished speaking and walked upstairs.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's back.

Can't hold it?
Huang Xiaorong can get it, but you can't?

He carried the suitcase to the second floor, and then went downstairs to take a shower. First, to wash off the sweat on his body, and second, to wake himself up. He was going to explode tonight.

When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Su Yun sitting in the living room, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand, and two wine glasses on the coffee table.

"Have a drink?" Su Yun shook the red wine in her hand, and extended an invitation to Xu Jie, as a celebration of her winning the "Crossover Actor" championship.

Although this is just a trophy for a variety show and has no gold content, it will bring her popularity and resources, and these are exactly what artists lack, and they cannot be bought with money.

In fact, when she did not win the championship of this show, many investors handed her the script, and many brands hoped to sign contracts with her for endorsement. Now that she has won the championship, one can imagine that the people who look for her in the future will more and more.

This is why many entertainers are willing to participate in variety shows.

It can increase popularity, and maybe usher in a second spring in career.

"Okay." Xu Jie walked over and picked up a wine glass.

Su Yun poured a glass for Xu Jie, and then poured another glass for herself.

The smell of red wine is intoxicating.

Xu Jie raised his wine glass to Su Yun, and said, "Borrow your wine, congratulations on winning the championship, and get back the lost popularity."

Because of the registration with him, Su Yun lost a lot of fans on Weibo, but after participating in the program "Crossover Actor", the other party's fans began to increase again. After winning the championship, the number of fans has surpassed that of Su Yun. Before registering the marriage.

For Xu Jie, this is definitely something worth drinking and celebrating.

he made it!

"Thank you!" Su Yun said with a smile.

Two cups clink together.

Xu Jie raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

The troubles, sorrows, and resentments that were pressing on him before were all drowned by this glass of wine at this moment, and the whole person felt much more relaxed.

At this moment, it seemed that he had returned to that snowy night again, but his whole mood had changed.

Xu Jie was about to put the wine glass back when Su Yun poured him another glass.

"I respect you for this cup." Su Yun said, "Thank you for your help. Without you, I would not have won that trophy."

Xu Jie didn't want to drink at first, because he had to write a movie script later, but after listening to the other party's words, he seemed to have no reason to refuse, so he clinked another glass with the other party.


After Xu Jie drank it, he looked at Su Yun and said, "It's getting late, you should go back to your room and rest early, don't you have to go to the company tomorrow?"

Su Yun drank the last drop of wine in the glass, then looked at Xu Jie and asked: "Why, is my wine not good? Or, is it because I am afraid that I will put medicine in the wine?"

"I'm not afraid of drugging. Anyway, I don't suffer any disadvantages. In fact, if you need it, you don't need to put drugs in the wine. Just tell me. I will cooperate and pass out." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

However, he felt that the probability of such a good thing happening was extremely low.

These days, it is only heard that a man puts medicine in a woman's wine, but I have never heard of a woman putting medicine in a man's wine.

Su Yun smiled.

"You rest, I can't sleep a little bit, sit here and be calm and peaceful."

He said and poured himself another glass.

"Well, then go to bed early." Xu Jie instructed.

He can understand the mood of the other party. After being cold for half a year, he is now popular again, and unexpectedly succeeded in entering the film and television industry. The movie is scheduled for next year. Who will be unhappy?

It's like the emperor's harem. They were all thrown into limbo at first, stepped on and abandoned, but after more than half a year, they began to be favored again. Su Yun became Niu Hulu and Su Yun directly. Not only happy, but also Still have to do a big job.

Xu Jie returned to the room and continued with the unfinished movie script.

So far, he has written three-quarters of the plot, and only one quarter remains.

But the movie script, the more difficult it is to write.

Because the end of the script is often the climax of the whole movie. Only after the ending is written can the whole movie be sublimated in quality, otherwise it will be a bad ending.

"Crossover Actor" is over, and Su Yun has also won the championship. At this time, Xu Jie has no distracting thoughts in his mind, and is completely immersed in the story in the script. The wonderful episodes appear in his mind one after another. Ten fingers tapped on the keyboard quickly, feeling like they were tap dancing.

The sky is bright.

Xu Jie couldn't take it anymore, got up in a hurry and ran to the bathroom.

It was already five o'clock.

He has been writing from twelve o'clock in the middle of the night until now. Although he has not slept all night, he does not feel sleepy at all, and even has a little excitement.

Once the feeling of creation comes, it is like a rising tide, which cannot be stopped.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Xu Jie felt that at this speed, it would take less than three days to finish writing in one day.

He pulled up his pants and walked out of the bathroom, ready to finish writing the script in one go.

When he passed the living room, he found that Su Yun was leaning on the sofa and fell asleep, the glass was empty, and the wine glass fell on the ground.

Probably because of drinking, Su Yun's pretty face was flushed, and there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Really, I'm not afraid of catching a cold!"

Xu Jie shook his head, went back to the room, took a blanket, and covered him up.

Although Xu Jie's movement was very light, it still alarmed Su Yun, who slowly opened his eyes, dazed.

"Am I asleep?" Su Yun asked softly.

"Hmm." Xu Jie responded in a low voice.

"What time is it?" Su Yun asked again.

"Five o'clock." Xu Jie said.

"Aren't you asleep yet?"

"Well, write for a while."

"The sofa is not comfortable at all, take me back to the room." Su Yun closed her eyes after speaking, and then opened her arms, as if begging for a hug.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. It seemed that no man would refuse this request.

And seeing the other party's dazed look, he was really afraid that the other party would stumble when going upstairs and roll down the stairs.

Xu Jie hugged the opponent's back with one hand, and his leg with the other, and picked him up from the sofa with a little force, while Su Yun's hands seemed to have eyes, and directly hugged his neck .

"Am I sinking?" Su Yun asked with her eyes closed.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said, "Haven't you heard a saying, a man can't lift two bags of rice, but he can lift a bride of the same weight."

"Bride? Are you taking advantage of me?" Su Yun asked.

"How can this be considered an advantage? We both have certificates." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

When he came to Su Yun's room, Xu Jie bent down and gently put her on the bed. When he wanted to get up, he found that she didn't let go.

"Here we are." Xu Jie said softly, "Sleep, I'll call you at nine o'clock."

Su Yun opened her eyes slightly, squinted her eyes and looked at Xu Jie's face. Suddenly, she raised her head with her arms hard, kissed Xu Jie's lips lightly, and then quickly kissed Xu Jie's face. Let go.

"Reward you!"


Xu Jie opened his eyes wide and stared blankly at the other party.

I was kissed by a woman?
Isn't this what he should do as a man?

Is this meeting a domineering female president?

My first name!

"What about you, we both have certificates." Su Yun turned her back after speaking.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, although the other party's words were harsh, but his ears were red, he could see clearly.

"I know, I want to..."

"Don't think too much, it's just a reward." Su Yun closed her eyes and said.

Xu Jie licked his lips, as if the remaining warmth of the other party remained.

"I also want to give you a reward." Xu Jie said.

"Don't even think about it!"


 Thanks to the book friend 20200806140729899 for the 200 starting coins, and thanks to the book friend Wuyin Lonely for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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