The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 335 The entertainment industry is the most realistic place

Chapter 335 The entertainment industry is the most realistic place

On Sunday morning, Su Yun came to the studio. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she saw all the employees lined up in two rows. Liu Jinghua, who was standing at the front, was holding flowers and handing them to her.

"Yunyun, congratulations!"

"Congratulations to Sister Yun for winning the "Crossover Actor" championship!" The employees said in unison, followed by warm applause.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

At this moment, everyone's face is filled with delighted smiles. In their view, what the boss has won is not only a trophy, but also traffic, topics, resources, and commercial value. Everyone's busy morning is the best. prove.

"Thank you."

Su Yun sniffed the flowers in her hand, they were very fragrant, and she hadn't received them for a long time.

"Yunyun, you are finally here." Liu Jinghua said excitedly: "Did you know that since you won the championship of "Crossover Actor" last night, my cell phone has been ringing all the time, and they are all people who want to cooperate with you. There are magazines, TV stations, entertainment companies, and famous brands..."

What is breaking and then standing?
From her point of view, Su Yun is now breaking down and then standing up.

After being abandoned by the capital, Su Yun was favored by the capital again, and it only took half a year to restore her previous popularity, and let people accept the reality of her getting married. This is not something that can be done casually. arrived.

How many female stars have no works after getting married?
How many female stars can return to the top after getting married?

"is it?"

Su Yun handed the flowers to her assistant Huang Xiaorong, and walked into the studio.

"Of course it's true. Can I still lie to you?" Liu Jinghua took out a stack of documents from his bag and said, "This is some work I've screened for you. There are magazine covers and product endorsements. What do you think of this opportunity to organize a national tour for you?"

She felt that "Crossover Actor" had just ended, and now was the time when Su Yun's popularity was at its peak, and the filming cycle was too long, so it was better to shoot commercials and do tours for a short period of time to see money quickly.

If you don't cut the leeks while the heat is hot, I'm afraid there will be no leeks to cut when the heat is over.

Isn't that how the entertainment industry works?

"Magazines and endorsements are fine. As for the tour, I have no plans within a year." Su Yun said after receiving the documents.

"Why?" Liu Jinghua asked puzzled.

"I've already signed two films, one for the second half of this year and one for the first half of next year."

Su Yun looked at the document in her hand while talking, and immediately frowned when she saw the top one, and returned the document to Liu Jinghua casually, saying, "This one won't work."

Liu Jinghua looked down, and asked in surprise: "Why not? This is an international big name, many celebrities are vying to be its spokesperson, and they have cooperated with you before, have you forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten." Su Yun said after hearing this: "I remember that when I officially announced my marriage, the brand not only canceled the activities that had been negotiated, but later asked me to terminate the contract and even demanded compensation."

Liu Jinghua was slightly taken aback, and then realized that the other party was brooding over the termination of the contract.

"Xiaoyun, you can't blame them for this matter. Who made you suddenly announce your marriage without even giving a notice in advance? If it were me, I would... Cough, these are all in the past, it doesn't matter, We have to look forward to everything, no one has trouble with money, right? You must know that this brand can enhance your status and commercial value in the fashion circle." Liu Jinghua said earnestly.

The most important thing is money!

"No!" Su Yun said with a firm attitude: "A good horse will never turn back. You said that if I officially announce the divorce someday in the future, will I still have to terminate the contract for compensation?"

"Don't talk nonsense, what kind of divorce, bah bah, aren't you and Xu Jie on good terms now? Besides, Xu Jie is now a big celebrity in the Beijing TV station, and the future is limitless." Liu Jinghua said seriously.

Although divorce is the norm in the entertainment industry, it can't be a joke for the people who eat melons, can it?

Besides, looking at Xu Jie now, he is simply the future star of the capital TV station, chatting with the bosses, is this the treatment that ordinary employees can have?
Su Yun stopped and squinted at Liu Jinghua.

I remember that when the official announced their marriage, the other party had a lot of objections and said a lot of bad things about Xu Jie, but now...

Hold high and step down!

The entertainment industry is indeed the most realistic place.

"This brand is not bad. Although the contract was not renewed after the expiration, it did not make things worse. It is to be determined."

"This magazine is not good. It broke its promise. At the beginning, it promised to leave the January cover to me, but finally found someone else."

"This one doesn't work either!"

Su Yun screened one by one, but only four were selected in the end.

"Sister Hua, I will keep these four copies, and take the rest back."

The implication is that everything you take back will not work.

The corners of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched involuntarily. You must know that these are all business cooperations carefully selected by her. Whether it is money or style, they are all very high.

"Are you planning to settle accounts after the fall?" Liu Jinghua asked with a wry smile.

I can't get along with money, is it because I found Xu Jie's backer?Is the big pig farmer not short of money?
"I'm just an artist, how can I have the right to settle accounts with them?" Su Yun said lightly.

Liu Jinghua shook his head, you are not qualified to settle accounts with them, but you rejected them.

"I'm going back to the company, call me if you need something." Seeing that Su Yun had made up her mind, Liu Jinghua stopped persuading her. She should go back and think about how to explain to these brands.

"Well, goodbye sister Hua." Su Yun said with a smile.

Liu Jinghua took a deep look at Su Yun. In the past, the other party would not refuse the job she arranged, but today, the other party refused.

This made her feel a little worried.

The contract between the other party and the company is less than one and a half years left. If the other party no longer chooses to sign with her prosperous company after the contract expires, it will be a very big loss for the entire company. .

Especially when the other party became popular again, the movies he participated in followed one after another. If he didn't violate the law, there should be no problem with being popular for two or three years. She could get a share of it, but now, everything becomes an unknown.

Could it be that the other party is still dissatisfied with her failure to arrange a job in the first half of the year?
It seems that I can only find opportunities to make up for it in the days to come.

Liu Jinghua turned around and walked out.


The door is closed.

At this moment, Su Yun got up and went to the window, silently lowered her head and looked downstairs, until she found that Sister Hua's car had left, then turned and walked out of the office.

Her appearance immediately caused commotion in the office area. Five or six employees left their workstations and rushed to the boss.

"Sister Yun, I have a job to report to you!" said Wang Chenxi, who was in charge of brand endorsement.

"Sister Yun, I also have a job, which is very important." Liu Zhenzhen, who is in charge of film and television, also came to the boss.

"Sister Yun, I have sent you invitations for several events..."

"I still have two variety shows here, I hope you can participate..."

Su Yun was a little overwhelmed. She thought that many people would invite her, but she didn't expect there to be so many. It seems that some people are busy today.

"Wait, come one by one." Su Yun looked at Liu Zhenzhen and said, "You go first."

Liu Zhenzhen said excitedly: "Recently, the studio has received a lot of scripts, all of which hope that you can play the leading role. There are movies, TV dramas, small productions, and large productions. There are more than a dozen in total. I will write all of them. Downloaded to this USB drive."

After speaking, he took out a black USB flash drive.

Su Yun glanced at it, and then said to Liu Zhenzhen, "You print out all the scripts and put them on my desk."

"Received." Liu Zhenzhen hurried to print the script.

Su Yun looked at Wang Chenyi, "Say it."

Wang Chenxi handed in a list of brands and said, "These brands want you to be their spokesperson."

Su Yun took a glance, and then said: "Delete all the brands that have a history of termination of contracts with us."


Su Yunyou then reported to the rest of the people one by one.

She hasn't been this busy for a long time.

Do not!
It's like it's never been so busy.

In the past, whether it was endorsement or commercials, opportunities appeared one by one, but now, all the work is concentrated together, exceeding the total amount of previous years.

This is the importance of exposure, and this is the importance of popularity.

Busy from day to night, from dawn to dark, Su Yun didn't leave the studio until after nine o'clock in the evening.

Go home by car.

It was very quiet in the house, without any sound.

Su Yun came to Xu Jie's room curiously, only to find that Xu Jie had fallen asleep lying on the table.

Seeing the man's tired face, Su Yun couldn't help feeling distressed, and at the same time felt a little bit of self-blame. If it wasn't for her, the man wouldn't be working so hard.

She came to the man's side, gently lifted one of the man's arms, then put her arms around the man's waist, and helped the man up from the chair with all her strength.

The effect of the special training on killing pigs was revealed at this time.

These days, pigs are not killed for nothing. It is not an easy task to disembowel a pig weighing more than 200 kilograms. It is often necessary to drag the whole pig. As a result, she has developed two unicorn arms, revealing her T-shirt On the outer arm, the existence of muscles can be seen faintly.

Xu Jie slept deeply. Although his feet were walking unconsciously, he never woke up.

It took Su Yun the strength to kill a pig to help Xu Jie to the bed beside him, then put his arms around the other's neck, and gently put the other's body down.

Just as she was about to let go and get up, an arm hugged her tightly and directly pushed her down on the bed.

Su Yun was startled, and wanted to break free, but found that it was useless at all. The man's arm was like a steel bar, but it was not loose.

"Are you awake?" Su Yun asked softly.

Xu Jie didn't speak, just moved his body, adjusted a more comfortable posture, and put his head in Su Yun's arms...


Su Yun wanted to say something more, but her heart softened very quickly. She gradually relaxed her body, and the hand that she didn't know where to put was finally placed on the man's waist, and gently patted...

Go to sleep, go to sleep, my dear...


 Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for rewarding 1500 starting coins!Thanks to the book friend Wuyin Lonely for the 100 starting coins, and thanks to the book friend I Bengui for the 100 starting coins,
(End of this chapter)

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