The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 336 Can't I do it without me?

Chapter 336 Can't I do it without me?
In the early morning, Xu Jie was woken up.

He knows everything about men.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a beautiful face, with a rosy face and exquisite facial features, which made people unconsciously have an impulse to "get her done".

Why is she here?

Xu Jie looked around, it was his room, his bed, his wife also belonged to him, but the problem was how could his wife go to his bed?
The two have had three chapters of agreement, and they have always shared the same room and different beds.

Even when sleeping in the living room, one person sleeps on the sofa and the other on the floor.

Besides, the villa is so big, there are several floors, and there are more than a dozen rooms. The other party doesn't go to other rooms, so why come to his room?
Well, there is a problem!
He looked at the sleeping woman, could it be that she was greedy for his beauty?

Xu Jie recalled carefully, and remembered that after a day of hard work, the script of the movie "Mulan" was finally written, and then... Xu Jie was stunned, and then he couldn't remember anything.

At this moment, the woman next to her suddenly turned over, and her knee happened to be on the point of Tai.

Xu Jie instantly turned into an earthworm, curled up and grinned.

"Huh? Are you awake?" Su Yun rubbed her dry eyes, then sat up from the bed, looked at Xu Jie suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay." Xu Jie got out of bed, walked out with legs crossed, and horoscoped all the way.

Su Yun had a question mark on her face.

Is that all right?

She stroked the long hair on her forehead with her hands, and was about to spread the quilt, but found that this was not her bedroom. Thinking of what happened last night, her face turned red, not because of last night Sleeping here, but when I woke up just now, I talked to the other party very naturally.

She walked out of the room immediately, and Xu Jie also came out of the bathroom at this time, his posture was obviously not the same as before with his tail between his legs.

"last night……"

As soon as Xu Jie opened his mouth, he was immediately interrupted by Su Yun.

"Hmph, I came back last night to see you fell asleep on the table, and I kindly helped you to sleep on the bed, but you hugged me and didn't let go." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie pretending to be angry and asked, "Say, you Were you pretending to be asleep at the time?"

"is it?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, his face full of bewilderment.

And this thing?

"Although I can't remember what happened, I definitely didn't pretend to be asleep." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "If I was pretending to be asleep, I would reward you for your thoughtful behavior."

As soon as Su Yun heard the word "reward", she immediately thought of the kiss that rewarded the other party yesterday, her face turned red immediately, and she walked upstairs and said, "For the sake of your hard work writing the script , Let’s forget about it, and go to work quickly.”

Xu Jie glanced at the clock, it was past eight o'clock, he immediately went back to his room, changed his clothes, and left home in a hurry.

Come to the unit.

At the moment of clocking in, the time was just right.

Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a long time since he sprinted with all his strength. The last time he participated in the city's sports meeting was when he was in high school.


At this moment, a hand was put on his shoulder suddenly, Xu Jie was startled, and when he looked back, it was Director Jiang.

"Xiao Xu, this time our capital TV station can finally feel proud in front of the brother station." Jiang Hai said with a smile, his face flushed. If it wasn't for the smell of alcohol, Xu Jie would have thought the other party had drunk it.

"Director, why are you so happy?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

He has been coming to the Arts Program Center for so long, and he has never seen the other party so... smug!
I feel like my whole body is floating!

"Of course it's the ratings of "Crossover Actor". Didn't you read the WeChat message I sent you?" Jiang Hai asked.

Xu Jie was confused.


What WeChat?
He stared blankly at Director Jiang, when something suddenly sounded.

In order to avoid being disturbed while writing the script, he turned his mobile phone to silent. As a result, he was too absorbed in writing, and he fell asleep and forgot to check his mobile phone.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and found the WeChat message from Director Jiang. The content of the WeChat message was very simple, with only one line: ratings 3.213, highest ratings 3.611...

Seeing this, he finally understood why Jiang Hai was so happy.

Beijing TV Station has always been weak in star variety shows, but the appearance of "Crossover Actor" has broken this embarrassing situation for the station leaders.

"Crossover Actor" not only became popular, but also exploded, and its ratings even broke 3. This should be the most-watched episode of a star variety show in recent years.

No singer finals, no comedy finals, nothing compares.

This sky-defying ratings alone is enough to brag about for a while.

"Director, calm down, it's just a variety show. If there are more excellent variety shows, then it will be truly elated." Xu Jie said.

For him, no matter how good the show is, it has already become a thing of the past. People have to look forward and cannot always indulge in the past.

The old saying is good: who doesn't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year?

A flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers blooming together makes the garden full of spring.

What's more, the first season of "Crossover Actor" is over, who will fill in the gap in the second half of the variety show?At that time, the programs of Beijing TV Station may not be on the list again.

"Well, you're right. The station is also preparing to hold a seminar on excellent variety shows to provide suggestions for the variety shows in the second half of the year. Lao Lu invited you to participate." Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and said.

Although Xiao Xu has only come to Beijing TV Station for a little over two years, who made the other party create two popular programs?So in this meeting, no one can lack Xu Jie.

Without Xiao Xu, it means that there is no keynote speaker.

"Director Jiang, please spare me. I already have two programs. After "Crossover Actor" is finally finished, I still have to write a script for Mr. Guo. How can I have time to attend some seminars? Forget it Already!" Xu Jie said with a bitter face.

Although "Delicious History" was his idea, "Crossover Actor" was purely an accident, and he didn't want to worry about variety shows anymore.

"Although you are mine, I really can't make the decision on this matter." Jiang Hai said after hearing it, it was fine before, but now that Lao Lu has become the deputy editor-in-chief, some things really can't be the same as before Feel free.

Xu Jie returned to his work station, took out the USB flash drive that stored the movie script and inserted it into the computer, and only one day passed within the three days agreed with Mr. Guo. It's a joke.

"Director Xu!"

Song Huanhuan came to Xu Jie's station and said, "Next month's show is ready, will you go and watch it with us?"

These days, Xu Jie is busy with "Crossover Actor", so he handed over the work of "Delicious History" to Song Huanhuan.

"No, I believe you can do well." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

There is no need to be suspicious, and there is no need to be suspicious of the employer. Besides, everyone has done dozens of episodes together along the way, so there is nothing to worry about.

Xu Jie felt that he had to learn how to employ people and be lazy, otherwise he would not be useless by these bosses of the TV station just by himself?Anyway, he feels that his hair loss has been getting worse recently.

If it continues like this, you will have to be bald before you reach thirty.

Joining is for women, so it's worth it, the key is for work, it's not worth it.

"No, you have confidence in us, but we don't have confidence in us. Director Xu, you should go and have a look." Song Huanhuan couldn't help saying, pulling Xu Jie's clothes and pulling them out. The other people in the program group pushed behind. Thought it was kidnapping.

Xu Jie came to the art program center and watched the film made by Song Huanhuan and others. The overall style is still the same as before, but some details are not handled well enough.

It took an hour to finish revising "Delicious History". Xu Jie was about to go back to the Art Center when he was suddenly stopped.

"Xiao Xu, wait!"

It's Lu Hong.

"Editor Lu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

""Crossover Actors" is over, and the variety show for the second half of the year has not yet been decided. Everyone is discussing in the conference room. Come with me to participate. Do you have any good ideas to share." Lu Hong said and pulled Holding Xu Jie's arm, he was about to kidnap him again.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it. Director Jiang had just told him about this in the morning, and it took only two hours before he was about to be arrested by Director Lu.

Is this trying to squeeze his brains out?

"Editor Lu, I haven't finished writing Mr. Guo's script, and there is only one and a half days left, why don't you let me finish writing the script first, and we'll talk about the variety show later?" Xu Jie asked tentatively.

Lu Hong was stunned. He knew about Xu Jie writing the script for Forbidden Pictures. Mr. Guo also mentioned it at the program celebration banquet a few days ago, and Xu Jie had promised Guo Chuan for a long time. If you don't finish writing, it's really a bit unreasonable.

Speaking of which, Forbidden Films is also a TV station's industry, so we can't delay!

"Okay, I'll see you again in a few days." Lu Hong let go of Xu Jie's arm and walked towards the conference room.

Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and left the satellite TV program center as if fleeing, and ran into Qin Yan as soon as he entered the door.

"Xu Jie, why do you think my eyelids keep twitching?" Qin Yan put her face in front of Xu Jie.

Xu Jie frowned, completely speechless.

It's fine to talk to him about the show, but why should I talk to him about eyelid twitching?Does he look like a doctor?

"Which eye is jumping?" Xu Jie asked casually.

"Left eye, I've been dancing since I got to work today." Qin Yan suddenly looked at Xu Jie while talking, and asked, "Hey, do you think there will be something wrong with our new show?"

"The show hasn't aired yet, what are you worried about?" Xu Jie said angrily, "Besides, the left eye is a blessing, and the right eye is a disaster. Even if something happens, it's a good thing."

"Oh!" Qin Yan responded, and looked at the small mirror in her hand, "Can the left eye really dance?"

How the hell did I know.

Xu Jie thought to himself.

You guys, can't you do without me?

(End of this chapter)

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