Chapter 337 Distrust?
On Tuesday, Xu Jie came to the Forbidden Film Company with the written script. After these few days of anger, he finally finished the script.

But Xu Jie didn't feel a little relaxed. At this time, he felt like the examinee who handed in the paper. The paper was finished. As for whether he passed the exam or not, everything was still unknown.

When Xu Jie came to the front desk, he thought that as expected of a film and television company, even the beauties at the front desk were as beautiful as celebrities.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Guo, we have an appointment." Xu Jie said.

The beauty at the front desk looked at Xu Jie for a while, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she said with a smile, "You are Director Xu, right? Mr. Guo has already told you to come with me."

After speaking, he led the way ahead.

Xu Jie followed the other party, and was not surprised that he was recognized. No matter how "Delicious History" has been broadcast for more than half a year, his face is still highly recognizable.

Because of this show, many people have changed their names for him.

When they were recognized before, people would say, "Look, this grandson married Su Yun, and all the cabbage was made to be a pig." Accompanied by gnashing of teeth.

Now that he is recognized, people will say: "Look, it's Lao Xu, the man who married a female celebrity by cooking." With envious eyes.

Therefore, he is very grateful to the show for making him no longer a grandson!
The front desk took Xu Jie upstairs, and then the secretary led him into the general manager's office.

The office is spacious and bright, very grand, and besides Guo Chuan, there are two other people.

"Xiao Xu, you are finally here." Guo Chuan stood up to meet him.

For him, the arrival of Xu Jie symbolizes that the shooting of the movie "Mulan" can finally be put on the agenda, and with the script, everything will no longer be empty talk.

"Mr. Guo, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so many days. The script has been written, please read it." Xu Jie took out the printed script from the bag and handed it to the other party, feeling uneasy in his heart, wondering if he needed it or not. Need to modify.

After Guo Chuan took it over, he pulled Xu Jie to the front of the two middle-aged men, and said enthusiastically to Xu Jie: "Xiao Xu, you came just in time. Let me introduce you. This is Zhang Weiqiang, who appeared in the movie "Flower The director of Mulan, next to him is Song Wen, Director Zhang's old partner, and a very famous screenwriter in the industry."

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Song." Xu Jie greeted the two politely, but was secretly surprised.

In fact, he recognized Director Zhang from the moment he entered the door. The other party is a first-line commercial film director in China. The cooperators are all big stars, and the films they produce are all blockbusters.

Guo Chuan was able to invite Zhang Weiqiang to be the director of the movie "Mulan". It seems that Mr. Guo still attaches great importance to this movie.

Xu Jie was secretly happy for Su Yun.

In fact, he has always been worried that Guo Chuan was just a whim, and the filming of "Mulan" was just to catch the popularity of "Crossover Actor", but now that the great director Zhang Weiqiang is in charge, there should be no problem in the quality of the film.

Zhang Weiqiang and Song Wen nodded slightly to Xu Jie, and at the same time, kept looking at the young man in front of them.

As for why Forbidden Films suddenly wanted to make the movie "Mulan", the two still had some understanding. It was because of this young man's program that Mr. Guo had this plan.

So young, okay?
The two doubted the young man's screenwriting ability.

Although the other party is the planner of "Crossover Actor", being able to write a short play does not necessarily make a good movie. From 10 minutes to two hours, it is not just as simple as increasing the time.

The overall framework of the movie is larger, and the relationship between the characters will be more complicated. There may be only a few actors performing skits on the stage, but there will be dozens or hundreds of actors in the movie. If these people are connected together, this is amazing. It is not an easy task, and it is absolutely impossible to do it without a certain foundation.

This is also the reason why Zhang Weiqiang recruited his old partner Song Wen.

He didn't understand why Mr. Guo insisted on handing over the script to this young man, could he just hand it over to Song Wen?
Anyway, he is not at ease.

Therefore, in order to prevent the relationship between the characters in the script from being chaotic and the plot unreasonable, he recruited his old partner to teach young people a lesson.

Guo Chuan knew Zhang Weiqiang's concerns, so he passed the script directly to Song Wen and said, "Look at how Xiao Xu's script is written, and give me some advice."

When he said this, he was afraid that Xu Jie would misunderstand, so he looked at Xu Jie and explained: "Xiao Xu, don't get me wrong, it's not that I can't trust you, but that you can only stay on the set two days a week. It's really difficult to discuss the plot. Inconvenient, Song Wen has rich experience, and Director Zhang is an old partner, do you understand what I mean?"

"Mr. Guo, I understand." Xu Jie nodded.

To put it bluntly, Song Wen in front of him is the teacher of this "criteria". Whether his script is up to standard, whether the film can enter the next stage, depends on the other party's evaluation.

However, Xu Jie still felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Since there is a screenwriter, why let him write the script?Didn't the link of "grading papers" be saved by letting the person surnamed Song write it?
In the end, he was so tired that he didn't want to. It was really taking off his pants and farting, which cost him twice.

Song Wen took the script and flipped through it on the spot.

Zhang Weiqiang at the side saw that the atmosphere was a bit cold, so he was going to take this opportunity to test the young man.

"Have you watched the previous versions of Mulan movies?" Zhang Weiqiang asked lightly.

"I've seen it." Xu Jie replied after hearing it.

When he first wrote the short play script for the show, he watched all versions of the Mulan movie once, and later, in order to write the movie script, he watched it many times, carefully researching and perfecting the story and characters.

"Can you talk about your views on the 09 edition?" Zhang Weiqiang asked.

Xu Jie looked at Zhang Weiqiang, and then at Song Wen, feeling slightly annoyed.

Is this going to be an interview, a written test?

He said that his script was not well written, and he admitted it. Who told us that we are laymen who have become monks halfway?But if you test him with questions, isn't that just distrusting him?

Who asked who to write the script in the first place?

Calling you a teacher is polite, do you really consider yourself a teacher?
Xu Jie pretended to look down at his watch, then looked at Guo Chuan at the side and said: "Mr. Guo, it's getting late, there is still something to do at the unit, I'll go back first, you read the script first, if you have any questions, let's call. "

Zhang Weiqiang was taken aback when he heard it, thinking that he hadn't finished talking yet, why did he suddenly leave?Class hasn't started yet.

Guo Chuan was also very surprised. He didn't expect Xu Jie to leave so soon. He also planned to let the other party talk to the director more. The director and screenwriter can make a good movie, right?

But the problem is that the other party is not from his own company, so he can't manage it, and he's not from the entertainment industry, so he doesn't need to look at his face to eat. It can be summed up in two words: no way.

What's more, people say that there is something wrong with the unit, so he can't let the other party go, right?The work of the TV station is much more important than his work here.

"Okay, you go back first, after reading the script, I'll contact you." Guo Chuan said, and at the same time glanced at Zhang Weiqiang who was at the side intentionally or unintentionally, as if he understood why Xiao Xu had to leave.

"Goodbye Mr. Guo, goodbye to the two teachers." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he turned and left Guo Chuan's office.

He always remembered Director Jiang's words.

When he was out on errands, he represented the Beijing TV station, so he must not be looked down upon, otherwise he would embarrass the station and the art program center.

Xu Jie walked out of the gate of the Forbidden Pictures, looked back upstairs, obviously begging him to write a script, but it turned out that he came to submit the script to find a job.

Do people in the entertainment industry have such a high sense of superiority?

After making a few blockbuster movies, you really consider yourself an ambassador and an artist?

Xu Jie was about to get in the car, but stopped again.

Will it have any impact on Su Yun if I just leave like this?

He could quit, but Su Yun continued to make this movie.

But then I thought about it again, this movie itself is a tailor-made character for Su Yun, if Su Yun wears small shoes, will this movie still be made?

As for substitutions, it's even more impossible.

You must know that Mr. Guo decided to shoot the movie "Mulan" because he took a fancy to the success of Su Yun's version of Mulan and the audience's approval. It can be said that this movie was made to catch the show's popularity. If the heroine was changed, who?Will the audience still buy it?
Thinking of this, Xu Jie got into the car with peace of mind.


"Mr. Guo, how can this young man just leave?" Zhang Weiqiang said with a little dissatisfaction, but the other party hadn't answered his question yet.

"Why can't you leave? Xiao Xu doesn't work here. If he wants to leave, can I stop him?" Guo Chuan sat down and poured tea while saying, "Director Zhang, I know you are always very interested in scripts. I also know that you don't trust him, but you have to give young people some chances, even if you don't trust him, you don't have to be so obvious, right?"

Zhang Weiqiang felt a "thump" in his heart, but he didn't expect Mr. Guo to see all of this.

Don't look at these big directors who are famous outside, have a box office of hundreds of millions, and walk the red carpet, but in front of these film and television company bosses, they are just temporary workers, and they dare not offend.

"Mr. Guo, I just want to see how much he knows about movies. There is no other meaning. After all, movies and TV are still very different." Zhang Weiqiang straightened his body and explained.

"Oh?" Guo Chuan took a sip of tea, and then said, "I don't care if you have other intentions, but you have to know that Xiao Xu is from Beijing TV Station, understand?"

Zhang Weiqiang nodded immediately.

The Forbidden Film Company is the industry of Beijing Radio and Television Station. It is equivalent to one working at the headquarters and the other working in a subsidiary. People from the head office come to the subsidiary to help. As a result, the people in the subsidiary not only do not thank them, but also trust them. not to go?

It seems that I have underestimated this person!
Zhang Weiqiang thought to himself.

If it was an ordinary employee, Mr. Guo would not be so serious.

(End of this chapter)

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