The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 338 Live Streaming Selling Goods?

Chapter 338 Live Streaming Selling Goods?

Xu Jie drove back to the TV station. As soon as he entered the gate of the unit, he happened to meet Director Jiang driving away. When the cars crossed, they stopped and lowered the windows at the same time.

"Did you send the script to Lao Guo?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Well, I just sent it over." Xu Jie said.

"Why did you come back so soon? Are you taking over?" Jiang Hai asked with concern.

"Director Zhang Weiqiang and a screenwriter named Song Wen are watching." Xu Jie replied.

"What?" Jiang Hai was taken aback when he heard it. He knew that Song Wen was a very famous screenwriter in the film industry. Because of this, he was very puzzled, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Aren't you the screenwriter? Why?" Another one popped up? Besides, what is your script for Song Wen to read?"

"Written test." Xu Jie said concisely.

When Jiang Hai heard it, he immediately understood Xu Jie's meaning, frowned and said, "This old Guo, isn't he too unreasonable? How could he do such a thing? He asked Song Wen to read the script, why didn't he find someone else to do it?" interview?"

"Director Zhang interviewed me." Xu Jie said, "But I didn't accept it, so I came back after finding a reason."

Jiang Hai nodded and said: "You are right, don't talk about those directors and screenwriters, even Lao Guo is not qualified to test you, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, don't give them face, give them to those who are capable, I see them Even big and small kings can’t tell the difference.”

Xu Jie smiled.

With Director Jiang's words, he felt much more comfortable.

In fact, what he wants is very simple: respect.

No matter who you are, no matter what you want to talk about, you must first respect me, otherwise I don't care who you are?
"When Lao Guo comes to you again in the future, you just say you don't have time and let him go. Don't worry, with me here, he can't do anything to you!" Jiang Hai said in a deep voice.

"Understood the director."

When Xu Jie returned to the art program center, without the ratings pressure of "Crossover Actors" and the script pressure of the movie "Mulan", he felt much more relaxed.

But it is definitely impossible to be lazy and take a break, because July is coming to an end, and August will soon be ushered in. The new issue of "Delicious History" will start shooting soon, and he will write down the story script for August.



In a blink of an eye, the day of the premiere of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" has arrived.

Xu Jie finished his morning meeting and was walking to the office when his phone started to vibrate.

He looked at the caller ID, and it was the number of Mr. Guo of Forbidden Films. He thought that he had finished reading the script, so he connected the phone.

"Hi Mr. Guo."

"Xiao Xu, good morning, are you busy with work today, do you have time?"

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked cautiously. If it was related to the script, he could have time. If he had another interview, I'm sorry, he is very busy.

"It's like this. Director Zhang and Song Wen have already read your script. They think the overall story is very good. They want to make an appointment with you to discuss the details." Guo Chuan explained.

When Xu Jie heard that it was Zhang Weiqiang and Song Wen, he immediately frowned.

Another interview?

"I'm sorry Mr. Guo, I'm afraid I can't do it today, because I have a new program to premiere on the satellite TV channel tonight. If I leave, the work of the program team will not be able to continue." Xu Jie remembered Director Jiang's words, so he searched casually A reason to cope with the past,.

"How about this, I'll give you Director Zhang's mobile phone number, and you can make an appointment to talk with yourself, just remember, 156..." Guo Chuan thought to himself that he was also the general manager of Forbidden Pictures, so why did he become a microphone?

Xu Jie wrote down Zhang Weiqiang's mobile phone number, and after being polite to Mr. Guo, he hung up the phone.

"Director Xu, the pears my hometown sent me are pure natural and pollution-free, how about one?" Zhang Jiao handed Xu Jie a yellow-skinned round pear the size of a fist.

"it is good!"

Xu Jie took a bite and put the phone in his pocket.

"Well, it's crispy and sweet, delicious." Xu Jie said while eating.

"I'll pack some more for you." Zhang Jiao said and found a shopping bag, went to the work station, filled a large bag of pears, and put it on Xu Jie's work station.

Xu Jie was stunned when he saw it.

There are at least a dozen of this big bag. Is this going to be eaten as a meal?

"There are too many. Your family sent you, why did you give them all to me? Just take two or three." Xu Jie picked two out of the bag and put them on the desk.

"I still have two big boxes, and I will share one with others later." Zhang Jiao said with a smile.

"It seems that your family misses you enough." Song Huanhuan leaned over and said at this moment.

"That's not true. My dad said that we had a bumper harvest of pears this year, but the local purchase price was too low to cover the labor cost, so I didn't plan to pick them. No, he deliberately sent me a few boxes to let me feel the pears. It tastes like home, but I can't eat it all by myself, so I brought it for everyone to taste." A simple and honest smile appeared on Zhang Jiao's face.

"The local purchase price is low, so you can sell it online. Now a lot of fruits are sold online. I think there are quite a lot of people buying them." Song Huanhuan said after hearing this.

"Our pears are not well-known, and outsiders don't recognize them at all. In fact, there is a Taobao store in our village, and we can't sell a few boxes a month." Zhang Jiao said.

"Then what will happen to these pears in the end?" Xu Jie asked.

"Most of them will rot on the trees." Zhang Jiao said with a wry smile.

"That's a pity, isn't it?" Song Huanhuan thought for a while, and said, "Why don't we mobilize the people in our art program center to buy one box and two boxes for each person?"

"Well, that's a good idea." Xu Jie nodded.

"No, please don't!" Zhang Jiao shook his head when he heard it, and he seemed to be in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked puzzled, isn't this a good thing?

"Director Xu, Sister Huan, thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to owe you favors, and our relatives grow a lot of this fruit. Once I let them know that my family has sold hundreds of boxes, they will ask me to continue selling At that time, it will not be hundreds of boxes, but thousands of boxes, tens of thousands of boxes. To be honest, I remember one year when I went to college, because I sold ten boxes of fruit for my family at school, all my relatives came to the door .” Zhang Jiao showed a helpless expression.

Xu Jie was stunned, it turned out that this was the case, no wonder Zhang Jiao reacted so much just now.

Just imagine, if there is no market for fruit, and suddenly someone can sell it, who will not come to ask for help?
They are all relatives and neighbors, who has the nerve to refuse?
If you refuse, you will hurt your feelings. If you don't refuse, you have no ability. It's better to do nothing.

"This move of yours can be said to kill one thousand enemies and harm eight hundred." Song Huanhuan patted Zhang Jiao's shoulder.

"No way, I'm afraid of being begged!" Zhang Jiao said.

Xu Jie looked at Zhang Jiao, and then at the pears in his hand. His family also grows fruit. He knows that these growers are not easy.
The point is that it's an insult to good food to watch such good fruit rot.

At this time, he suddenly had an idea in his mind. He looked at Song Huanhuan and Zhang Jiao and said, "Hey, tell me, what will happen if we sell goods live on the show?"


(End of this chapter)

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