The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 339 2 Full of Beauty

Chapter 339 The Best of Both Worlds
As soon as they heard the live broadcast of selling goods, everyone around gathered together.

"What is the live broadcast of selling goods?"

"Which big anchor is going to sell again?"

"Show me something good for sale, and I'll place an order too."

Today's young people watch live broadcasts of selling goods, just like their parents were addicted to TV shopping back then.

Song Huanhuan stared blankly at Xu Jie, his whole thinking was shattered by the opponent's brain circuit, and he couldn't keep up with the opponent's rhythm at all.

How can I say that I am going to sell goods live?
"He!" Song Huanhuan pointed to Xu Jie, and said to other colleagues: "Director Xu wants to sell goods live on our show!"

Hearing Song Huanhuan's words, the entire program group exploded.

"Director Xu, are you kidding me? Our show is recorded and broadcast, so how do we sell it live?"

"That's right, isn't that a TV shopping?"

"Mr. Xu, is it because the sponsor has withdrawn their investment, and we have no production fee? Haven't you always refused to intersperse hard broadcasts in the show?"

Everyone asked.

Xu Jie waved his hand, signaling everyone to keep their voices down so as not to disturb other people, and then explained in a low voice: "It's not selling goods on the show, it's selling goods live in the name of our show."

"Why do you want to sell live broadcasts?"

Everyone looked at each other, but still couldn't understand.

Ever since "Delicious History" became popular, everyone has always enjoyed delicious food and never worried about funding issues. Why did Director Xu suddenly want to sell live broadcasts?Is there something unspeakable?

Besides, everyone is engaged in food cultural programs, and they are suddenly asked to sell goods. Such a contrast is really unacceptable for a while.

"Is such that……"

Xu Jie briefly told everyone about Zhang Jiao's hometown.

After hearing this, all the people present were stunned by Teacher Xu's idea. To put it mildly, this is called: a powerful and unconstrained style, or to put it bluntly, this is called thinking out as soon as you think about it.

In order to help colleagues sell pears, they actually want to conduct a live broadcast to sell goods?
To be honest, everyone was really moved by Mr. Xu's righteous deed of helping colleagues when they were in trouble, but the idea is too random, right?

"Director Xu, no need, really no need. We also tried live broadcasting to sell goods there, but not many people watched it, so we were asked to buy it. You eat pears and pretend I didn't say anything." Zhang Jiao said. to leave.

Xu Jie smiled at this time, looked at Zhang Jiao and said, "Do you think I did this to help you sell pears?"

Zhang Jiao scratched his head in confusion, otherwise?
Xu Jie looked at the other colleagues in the program group and asked, "You think so too?"

The others nodded, but also looked at Director Xu in confusion.

You didn't do this to help Zhang Jiao sell pears, could it be that you wanted to marry Zhang Jiao?
Xu Jie took a bite of the pear and said contemptuously, "Naive!"

Everyone immediately lost their composure.

Who is to say naive?
The pears in Zhang Jiao’s hometown can’t be sold, so you just want to sell pears live, and there are many single dogs in the group, do you still want to sell dogs live?
Who is naive?
Xu Jie said while eating pears: "This is a new type of program exploration. While expanding the influence of our program brand, it also brings certain social and economic benefits. In addition to selling pears, we can also sell some pears." other..."

Xu Jie talked so eloquently that it confused everyone around him. They were thinking about individuals and programs, but Director Xu was thinking about social and economic benefits. In this way, they have a low level.

"You work, I'll give it to the director to taste." Xu Jie took a pear and walked to the director's office.

Everyone looked at Director Xu's back, and they knew that Director Xu had reported to Director Jiang.

Live selling?

does it work?
At this moment, a big question mark popped up in everyone's mind.


Xu Jie knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Director Jiang's voice came from inside the door.

Xu Jie pushed open the door gently, first leaned half of his body in, and then walked in after seeing Director Jiang was flipping through the newspaper.

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter?" Jiang Hai asked cheerfully.

"Director, the sky is dry and things are dry. You said you were tired in the meeting just now. I'll give you a pear to moisten your throat." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then handed the pear over.

"Oh?" Jiang Hai was slightly taken aback, and after taking the pear, he looked at Xu Jie strangely and asked, "Xiao Xu, are you okay?"

Xu Jie smiled, looked at Director Jiang and said, "Director, eat a pear first."

Jiang Hai looked at the pear, and then said, "You can eat pears, but I haven't promised you anything."

The so-called: Cannibalism has a short mouth and short hands.

He still understands this truth.

"Director, who do you think I am? Am I the kind of person who digs holes for you to jump into?" Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai thought for a while, and the other party was really not that kind of person, so he took a bite of the pear with confidence, and the rich juice immediately overflowed from his mouth.

"How is it?" Xu Jie sat down with concern in his eyes.

"Well, it's crunchy, sweet and juicy, yes, what kind of pear is this?" Jiang Hai asked, it didn't look good, but it tasted really good.

"I don't know, it was sent from Zhang Jiao's hometown. Their pear harvest is bumper this year, but the purchaser keeps the price very low, even the labor costs are not enough, so they can only put it on the tree and wait for it to rot. Dad picked a few boxes and sent them to Zhang Jiao." Xu Jie explained the situation.

"Really? That's really a pity." Jiang Hai said while eating.

"Director, you also feel that it's a pity, don't you?" Xu Jie pulled the chair forward and moved forward.

Seeing Xu Jie's reaction, Jiang Hai gradually slowed down his chewing movements, why did he feel like he was being blocked?But what kind of tricks can a simple pear have?

"By the way, don't you have something to do? What's the matter?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Director, I think a good program should not only have ratings, but also have a certain social effect, what do you think?" Xu Jie said solemnly.

"Yeah." Jiang Hai nodded, appreciating: "That's right, your program has done a good job in this regard. "Delicious History" not only attracted ratings, but also drove the food and cultural tourism in the capital, otherwise you would not be attracted by it." Elected as the promotion ambassador of Beijing cuisine."

"Director, you are right, but the promotion ambassador is just a name. If you don't make some actual achievements, you will always feel ashamed of the leadership's trust in me and the love of the audience across the country." Xu Jie sighed softly in one breath.

"Xiao Xu, it's great that you have such an idea." Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie admiringly. He was young, promising, thoughtful and responsible. He only hated himself for not getting married earlier, but if his girl was born a few years earlier, it is Isn't there nothing wrong with Su Yun?
Xu Jie continued: "Director, to be honest, I have been thinking recently, since "Delicious History" has such a strong influence, why not start with the program itself and make it produce certain social and economic benefits?"

When Jiang Hai heard this, his brain was a little dazed for a while, thinking: Isn't this the line that the director of the station speaks every time there is a study meeting in the station?

"What did you come up with?"

Jiang Hai felt that if the other party hadn't figured out a way, he wouldn't sit here and talk to him about this.

Xu Jie thought that the time had come, so he said: "Just now when Zhang Jiao told me about pears being hard to sell, I suddenly got some inspiration. Now that live broadcast sales are so popular, can we also have a live broadcast to sell goods? How about sharing good things with everyone, and helping local people solve problems, with social and economic benefits, wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds?”

Jiang Hai was stunned after hearing this.

Let the program group sell goods live?

Only Xu Jie could come up with this idea, and no one else dared to think about it.

Just now he felt strange, what happened to Xiao Xu today?Why did the sense of social responsibility and personal honor explode all of a sudden?
Dare to sell pears to colleagues!

Having said so much, it was finally exposed.

Jiang Hai put the pears aside, looked at Xu Jie seriously and asked, "Tell me the truth, is it because you want to sell pears for Zhang Jiao's family, that's why you want to sell goods live?"

Xu Jie quickly shook his head, "No, absolutely not. I admit that Zhang Jiao inspired me, and I also admit that I plan to try Zhang Jiao's pears, but I really want to..."

Jiang Hai waved his hand at this time and interrupted the other party directly, "You admit it, what else are you thinking?"

"I want to expand the influence of the program and be a socially responsible media person." Xu Jie said seriously.

Jiang Hai couldn't help narrowing his glasses, and carefully looked at the young man in front of him. Although the original intention of the other party was to help his colleagues, if it was done, it would really achieve a double harvest of social and economic benefits as the other party said.

Isn't there such a sentence?
All great actions and thoughts have a humble beginning.

Although this idea is bold, it is not impossible. Even the anchors of Huaxia TV have done live streaming, so why can't the people from Beijing TV do it?
He thought for a while, and finally said: "Xiao Xu, this matter is not ordinary, and I'm afraid it will alarm the director in the end. If you follow your explanation just now, I'm afraid you won't be able to get rid of the suspicion of using public affairs for personal gain. You have to think of a better explanation. Row."

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, he looked at Jiang Hai in surprise and asked, "Director, so you agree?"

Jiang Hai said: "How can I disagree with my own affairs? But the problem is, it's useless for me to agree. Your program is broadcast on the satellite TV channel, and its influence is even more nationwide. This matter requires Lao Lu Only if you agree, I guess if Lao Lu knows about it, he will report it to the station director. Think about it, the program group of Beijing TV Station conducts live broadcasts and sells goods, which has too much influence."

"Then let's go to Editor-in-Chief Lu. With you and him as the director, the director will seriously consider your opinions." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai felt that this was not a violation of discipline principles, at most he just disagreed, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I will go with you to find Lao Lu when the time comes."

Xu Jie hurriedly stood up, "Director, don't wait until the time is up, I think it's better to hit the sun than choose the day."

"In such a hurry?"

"It's not that I'm in a hurry, it's that the pears on the tree can't wait. You are the hope of the whole village now!"

Xu Jie couldn't help but dragged Director Jiang and walked out.


(End of this chapter)

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