Chapter 340

Director's Office of Satellite TV Program Center.

Although Lu Hong has been promoted to deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station, he still presides over the work of the TV program center, so the work location has not changed.


"Please come in."

Jiang Hai pushed the door open after hearing the voice, and said with a smile: "Editor Lu, what are you busy?" Then he walked in with a bag of pears, Xu Jie followed behind, and closed the door.

Seeing these two people, Lu Hong immediately smiled, stood up and walked out from behind the desk, pointed to the sofa in the reception area and said enthusiastically, "Lao Jiang, Xiao Xu, sit down quickly."

What he wants to see most now are these two people!

Because "Crossover Actor" has ended, there is an urgent need for a new variety show to take over. The problem is that although there are many variety show brands such as "Crossover Singer" that can be launched, the popularity of the show is not as good as before. "Actor" is even more incomparable, and even the sponsorship fee has been greatly reduced.

So now he is facing a very difficult multiple-choice question, whether to continue broadcasting the seventh season of "Crossover Singer" according to the plan at the beginning of the year?Or give up "Crossover Singer" and launch a brand new variety show?
He hesitated.

As for the two people in front of him, one is the director of the art program center, the other is the best program director in the station, and is also his lucky star. The arrival of these two people may help him solve this problem.

"Editor Lu, this is a pear my subordinates gave me. It's natural green and pollution-free. I'll give it to you to taste." Jiang Haijiang put the pear on the coffee table, took out a pear and handed it to Jiang Hai. Jie's routine just now.

Lu Hong was taken aback when he saw it. Usually, he would pass a cigarette, get a drink, order some tea, etc. Why did he give pears instead today?Is there any moral?
Are you going to leave?

I haven't heard of the recent personnel changes about Jiang Hai and Xu Jie.

He took the pear, and found that the two people in front of him were staring at him, as if they were looking forward to him eating it, so he tried to take a bite, and smiles appeared on their faces immediately.

"Is it sweet?" Jiang Hai asked.

Lu Hong nodded slowly, looked at Li, then at the two people in front of him, and asked, "Are you guys busy? Just tell us, there are only three of us here, there are no outsiders, why are you being polite to me?"

Jiang Hai shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's really okay, by the way, do you want to know where such sweet pears come from?"

Xu Jie on the side was speechless after hearing it.

Although the routines he used before are useful, they can't be completely copied, so why ask?Isn't this 300 taels of silver here?
Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai strangely, and said, "Didn't you say that someone under your command gave it to you when you came in just now?"

Jiang Hai was shocked, turned to look at Xu Jie, and asked, "Did I say it?"

Xu Jie nodded silently.

"Haha." Jiang Hai smiled awkwardly, and then asked Lu Hong, "Don't you want to know where the people under my command got the pears from?"


Xu Jie lowered his head deeply, and silently moved his butt to the side, trying to distance himself from Director Jiang as much as possible.

Otherwise, if you get too close, people will catch Director Jiang when they look at him like an idiot.

Is this what a director of a cultural program center said?
Lu Hong saw something at the moment. Lao Jiang would not come to his office for no reason, and Xiao Xu was by his side. Presumably what Lao Jiang didn't say must have something to do with this pear, so he followed the other party's question and asked: "Where did you get the pears?"

"Oh, this pear is sent by relatives in his hometown..."

Jiang Hai hurriedly told about the origin of pears and the situation of Zhang Jiao's family.

Lu Hong listened carefully, but after listening, he was at a loss again.

What's the matter?

Just eat it with pears?
Still didn't say anything.

Jiang Hai was also anxious, wondering why Lao Lu's reaction was different from his own?Don't you think it's a pity that pears rot on trees?Can I have a little sympathy?It's a pity not to say, how can I say the live broadcast of selling pears?
He looked at Lao Lu eagerly, you look at me, I look at you, just like bastards look at mung beans, after a while, he couldn't help it, leaned back, and said helplessly to Xu Jie next to him: " Xiao Xu, you should tell him."

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief and was almost suffocated to death by Director Rang Jiang.

Before they came, the two had discussed it. One led the snake out of the hole, the other beat the snake seven inches, and in the end, the deputy editor-in-chief Lu was directly taken down.

As a result, Director Jiang didn't bring the conversation to the topic for a long time, and he couldn't get on the kang through the pot, so he could only hold the words in his stomach, sitting on the sidelines and worrying.

Well now, I can finally spit it out.

"Editor Lu, it's like this. After listening to Zhang Jiao's words, I suddenly had an idea in my heart. There should be many such fruit farmers. Can we help them through the program? After all, "Delicious History" is about Food, in this way, there are both social and economic benefits.”

Lu Hong was startled, looked at Jiang Hai next to him and asked, "Old Jiang, is this what you want to say?"

Jiang Hai nodded.

Lu Hong smiled, looked at Xu Jie and said, "You are helping farmers, it's a good thing, you can support them, how do you want to help them through the program?"

Xu Jie was a little surprised. He didn't expect Editor-in-Chief Lu to support him so happily, so he hurriedly expressed his thoughts.

"Isn't it very popular to sell live broadcasts now? There are also many people watching our show from all over the country. After filming for more than half a year, I believe it has accumulated a large number of fans. I think using this form is also a kind of exploration and experimentation. "

"Selling goods live..." Lu Hong pondered for a while, then nodded, and said, "Your idea is good. It can not only help farmers, but also expand the social effect of the show, and add luster to our station. But you are confident that you can sell goods." Going out? Selling goods live is not an easy task, I have seen a lot of news about the overturning of goods sold live, doesn’t it mean that the water is deep here?”

"Editor Lu, we are helping farmers. We sell some fruits, not fake wine. How deep can the water be? As long as the quality is checked," Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Lu Hong thought about it, and felt that what Xiao Xu said was right. Fruits and vegetables cannot be faked, as long as they are fresh and delicious, at most they should be a little sour. Can't we not sell big black plums?

Thinking of this, he immediately stood up and said, "Lao Jiang, Xiao Xu, the station director just came today, let's go and report this idea to him, after all, this is the first time our station has done live broadcast sales."

The implication: Our station is doing this kind of thing for the first time, and selling goods live, the impact is very big, and the station director must agree to it.

Xu Jie expected this to happen, so he stood up.

The three of them were about to go out when Jiang Hai suddenly stopped, looked back at the bag of pears on the coffee table, and asked, "Do you want to bring the pears?"

Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai: "Lao Jiang, didn't you say you gave it to me to taste?"

Jiang Hai pointed to the two-bitten pear on the coffee table, and said plausibly, "Haven't you tasted it?"

The corner of Lu Hong's mouth twitched, and he cursed shamelessly, but then he thought it would be more intuitive to hold a pear in his hand, so he turned around and went back to pick up the bag of pears.

Xu Jie watched silently, not daring to speak.

This bag of pears was given to him by Zhang Jiao, he gave it to Director Jiang, Director Jiang gave it to Editor-in-Chief Lu, and now Editor-in-Chief Lu is going to give it to the director. If the director knows that he is eating four-handed pears, Still not angry?
The three of them took the elevator to the director's office upstairs.


"Come in!"

Lu Hong pushed open the door and walked over carrying the pear.

"Director, this is a pear grown by our Taiwan employees at home. It is natural and green and pollution-free. Let me give you a taste."

Xu Jie, who was following behind, bit his lip tightly, so, not only did Lianli have several hands, but even words were several hands.

Director Zhao Juncheng couldn't help being a little puzzled when he heard it, should three people deliver the pears together?

"What's the matter?" Zhao Juncheng asked.

"It's nothing serious." Lu Hong took out a pear and handed it to the director, but seeing that the director took it and put it on the table, Lu Hong couldn't help asking: "Director, don't you want to try it?" ?”

Zhao Juncheng rubbed his throat and explained: "The throat has been a little uncomfortable for the past two days. I just put a lozenge in my mouth. Thank you for your kindness. I will take it later."


Lu Hong and Jiang Hai were completely dumbfounded!

This is too coincidental, right?

If you don't eat, how can you speak?
Can't just stand here all the time, wait for the director to melt the lozenges, and then let the director eat it?
Lu Hong thought for a while, and finally decided not to use routines, but to talk about the matter directly. After all, the director is so busy, so if he doesn't talk about it now, he doesn't have to wait until the next time he sees him.

"Director, it's like this. Xiao Xu's program is "Delicious History". I want to hold a farmer assistance event, which is to live broadcast and sell goods for those places where fruits are unsalable..." Lu Hong recalled what Xu Jie said to him before. , and relayed it to the director again.

Xu Jie watched the director's expression intently. The leader listened very seriously, but there was no expression on his face, which made him start to feel uneasy.

Lu Hong finished speaking quickly, Zhao Juncheng turned to look at Xu Jie, and asked with interest: "How did you come up with this idea?"

Xu Jie naturally didn't dare to lie in front of the director, so he said: "Director, the pears on your table are grown by members of our program group, but because the price given by the purchaser is too low, they don't sell pears and lose money. Selling pears pays more, and I can only let the pears rot on the tree. I feel a little sad when I hear this, there must be places like this, so I think since our show has a lot of viewers, why use the influence of the show , Do something for these fruit farmers? So I came up with the method of selling goods live, which can be regarded as a public welfare aid to farmers and rural revitalization.”

Jiang Hai turned his head to look at Xu Jie, his eyes widened, and he thought to himself: All right, boy, you can talk a lot. Selling a pear has risen to the height of national strategy, not to mention the head of the station, you have to approve of everything!


I saw Zhao Juncheng looked at Xu Jie appreciatively, nodded frequently, and praised: "Well, what you said is very good. Our TV station must not only guide the correct value orientation, but also shoulder social responsibilities. This matter must not only support , but also vigorously promote..."

Hearing this, Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face.


 Some book friends who listen to books say that the later thanks and rewards affect the feeling of listening to books, so I won’t write in the future, and will silently remember them in my heart
(End of this chapter)

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