Chapter 341

Xu Jie walked out of the director's office, full of energy in his heart at this moment.

He didn't expect that his idea would not only be praised, but also supported. With the support of the director, it is equivalent to owning a Shang Fang sword. From now on, he no longer has any worries and worries.

"Xiao Xu, when are you going to broadcast live?" Lu Hong asked as he walked.

"Delicious History" is not only a program broadcast by the satellite TV channel, but also a brand of the satellite TV channel. Now that the brand wants to sell goods live, he must do his best to ensure that the brand can't let the program's hips, let alone let his peers watch it. joke.

Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "Today is Thursday. I want to go to Zhang Jiao's hometown for a field trip before the live broadcast. The goods will not be sold until next week at the earliest."

Lu Hong looked at the date on his watch, and then said to Xu Jie: "Today is July 7th, and the August program will be broadcast soon, how about this, next Monday to Friday, in "Delicious History" After the broadcast, broadcast a promotional video about selling goods live and helping farmers, so that more people will know about it, what do you think?"

Now that the director has expressed his support, he, as the director of the satellite TV program center, cannot remain indifferent.

After Xu Jie heard it, his eyes immediately lit up. With the advertising promotion of the satellite TV channel, wouldn't the effect of live broadcast sales be better?
"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu!" Xu Jie thanked.

Jiang Hai took a look, how could he miss this matter?So not to be outdone, he said: "Although the influence of our art channel is not as good as that of the satellite TV channel, there are still many loyal viewers. In terms of publicity, our art channel will also broadcast it on a daily basis."

Xu Jie smiled. With the full support of several big bosses, I don't believe that this live broadcast can't do well.

He returned to the art program center, and before he could speak, he was surrounded by people from the program team.

"Director Xu, where did you and the director go?"

"Mr. Xu, does Director Jiang agree with the live broadcast of selling goods?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree, after all, our station has never done anything like selling live broadcasts."

Someone asked, and someone comforted in advance.

Xu Jie pretended to be profound, did not speak, glanced around, and after everyone quieted down, he said: "With regard to the matter of selling goods live, not only Director Jiang agreed, but also Editor-in-Chief Lu. The director also expressed his support after knowing about it!"


Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded and shocked.

Even the director was shocked?

"Director Xu, is it real or not?" Zhang Jiao couldn't believe it, his voice was trembling.

If this is true, the pears in my hometown may really be sold.

"Yes, Teacher Xu, don't tease us."

It is impossible for a TV station to switch to e-commerce live streaming and selling goods.

"Of course it's true. Can I make up such a big thing?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Everyone thinks about it, and thinks that there is nothing wrong with what Director Xu said.

First, Director Xu is not the kind of person who loves to talk nonsense, and second, when it comes to the director, who dares to talk nonsense?
After a short period of thinking, everyone finally came to their senses, but they were more curious about how Director Xu persuaded the big bosses than the live broadcast of the show.

"Director Xu, how did you convince the director and editor-in-chief Lu?" Song Huanhuan couldn't help asking.

Among the people around, Tian Haobo had the shortest working time in the TV station for one year, the others had five or six years, and the longest one was Liu Zhanpeng, ten years, but no one had heard of any program on the TV station. There is such a thing as live broadcast selling goods.

"Seek truth from facts." Xu Jie said lightly: "Public welfare helps farmers and helps rural revitalization!"

After everyone heard it, they were shocked again.

Can you explain that?

This is probably the art of speaking.

"Old Xu, you're awesome!" Liu Jinbao gave Xu Jie a thumbs up.

Not everyone can come up with this reason, even if someone can come up with it, no one dares to say it in front of the director.

"Director Xu, you still have a high level." Liu Zhanpeng said.

"Well, it's as high as the atmosphere." Song Huanhuan said.

The most important thing is that he is so courageous that even the head of the station dares to fool him.

Only Zhang Jiao didn't think so.

"Thank you Director Xu, I thank you on behalf of the people in my hometown!" Zhang Jiao said excitedly, and then bowed to Xu Jie.

"Don't!" Xu Jie quickly stretched out his hand to stop the other party, "They are all our own, so why not be polite, besides, it is not certain whether they can be sold."

In fact, Xu Jie himself has no idea.

Although "Delicious History" has a high ratings and has driven related food culture and tourism industries in the capital, it is limited to the traditional food in the capital. As for whether selling fruit will be successful or not, no one knows whether the audience will buy it or not. We can only wait until the live broadcast It was clear that day.

"The live broadcast sale is tentatively scheduled for next Friday at 10 pm, which is the end of the last episode of "Delicious History" in August. Before that, the satellite TV channel and our art channel will promote the live broadcast sale. So whether it’s for the pears in Zhang Jiao’s hometown, or the agricultural aid activities that may continue in the future, we must do a good job in this live broadcast, and we must not embarrass our program, let alone the station.” Xu Jie is serious looked at everyone and said.

After hearing this, everyone became serious.

"Old Xu, let's assign tasks, we will do whatever you want!" Liu Jinbao said.

The others nodded, all following Dao Xu's lead.

In the "Delicious History" program group, everyone has always been like this, not only because of Director Xu's super professional ability, but also because of his excellent leadership ability.

Who doesn't like a director whose program ranks first in ratings, who can bring everyone popular and sweet drinks, and who is also very generous at critical moments?

So for this live broadcast sale, even if you don’t think much about it, you will do your best to support it, let alone for the people in the group, who hasn’t encountered a difficult time and hoped for help?
"Okay, then I'll assign some tasks." Xu Jie looked at the people gathered around him and said, "Song Huanhuan, you and Liu Hua are going to make a promotional video, live broadcasting a promotional video about selling goods for public welfare and helping farmers. 15 seconds, do it and show me."

"Yes!" Song Huanhuan and Liu Hua said in unison.

Xu Jie looked at Zhang Jiao again, and ordered: "You contact your family and ask how many pears like this are in your village. Remember, it must be done in secret, without fanfare, and without alarming anyone, because we This is the first live broadcast to sell goods, and I don’t know whether the audience will buy it, and I can’t make any promises to your village.”

"Understood, I'll call now." Zhang Jiao said.

"Xiao Wei, go and contact the sponsor of our show, Qianduoptimal. Aren't they doing community group buying? Ask them if they are interested in cooperating."


"Brother Bao and Brother Peng prepared the camera equipment and live broadcast equipment..."

"no problem."

"Haobo, go and book tickets for everyone. On Sunday afternoon, any time is fine. The destination is Ningzhou."

"Yes, Teacher Xu."

The crowd dispersed quickly.

Xu Jie turned on the computer and searched for information about live broadcast sales. As the old saying goes: sharpen your guns in front of the battle, and you will be happy if you are unhappy.He wants to learn from experience and become a qualified live broadcast sales anchor.

As soon as I opened the webpage, there was a gust of fragrant wind, and then I saw Qin Yan leaning over and asked in a low voice: "Hey, is there any big move in your "Delicious History" program group? Why does everyone look like Like a chicken blood?"

Xu Jie felt that there was nothing to keep secret about the live broadcast sale. After all, Director Jiang also said that he would promote it on the art channel, so he said casually: "It's nothing, I just plan to conduct a live broadcast sale."

"What?" Qin Yan was startled, and asked in surprise: "Your "Delicious History" program group is going to sell goods live? What are you selling?"

"Pear!" Xu Jie said.

"Why?" Qin Yan was very puzzled. Why did such a good food and cultural program suddenly start selling live broadcasts?Could it be that there is something wrong with the funds?
"Public welfare helps farmers, and fruit is unsalable in some places. We decided to help." Xu Jie brought up this sounding reason again.

Qin Yan was stunned after listening, because she was narrow-minded. When she looked at Xu Jie, she felt a golden light shining on him.

Is the realm so high?

"Director Jiang agrees?" Qin Yan asked.

"En!" Xu Jie nodded.

"Where are you going?" Qin Yan asked again.

"Ningzhou, I'm leaving this weekend. I think I will stay there for about a week. Would you like to go together? The female anchor will sell goods live, and the effect must be good." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"I'm leaving, what about the entertainment broadcast?" Qin Yan said.

Xu Jie thought for a while, yes, the other party’s program is broadcast every Monday to Friday, which means that he must stay on the station to record the program from Monday to Friday, unlike his "Delicious History", which is only broadcast on the monthly The first week it aired, there was plenty of time to do other things and then come back and make the show.

"No!" Qin Yan suddenly looked at Xu Jie and asked, "If you leave, what will happen to our program "Deep Talk on Film and Television"?"

Xu Jie was taken aback, and yelled in his heart, how could he forget this show.

By the way, it will air tonight.

"You won't forget, will you?" Qin Yanxiu frowned. Xu Jie's blank expression made her very upset. After all, it was also a program on the satellite TV channel. How can I forget it when I forget it? "Delicious History" was born, so could it be that "In-depth Film and Television Talk" was raised by the stepmother?
"No, how is it possible!" How could Xu Jie admit what the other party said?

"Then what do you say about the second episode? As far as I know, the station has not yet found a sponsor for our show. First of all, the production budget is a big problem, and there is another problem. Which crew will be invited for the next episode? Director, shouldn't you explain this clearly before you leave?" Qin Yan asked.

"I've already thought about it." Xu Jie said while thinking: "Let's see how the ratings are after tonight's broadcast and how the audience responds. If it's not good, don't need me to say, the station will stop. If it's good, I will definitely settle the production fee and interviewees for you before leaving!"

The ratings are good, the response is good, and you still worry about not being able to find sponsorship and the crew for the next episode?

"Really?" Qin Yan asked.

"Really!" Xu Jie nodded
"That's about the same. By the way, what good things will happen in the future? I'm also thinking about the program group of "Deep Chat in Film and Television". We are not raised by your stepmother, but your second child. We need a bowl of water, understand? ?” Qin Yan said.

"Understood!" Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party, and said it as if selling goods live is a good thing.

That's right, selling goods live is a good thing, but what if the effect is not achieved?

The local people don't appreciate it, the show will become a laughing stock, and good things will become overwhelmed.


(End of this chapter)

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