Chapter 342
In the afternoon, Xu Jie was watching a publicity video made by Song Huanhuan and Liu Hua to help farmers live broadcast sales of goods, when his phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar local number, so he continued to look at it while connecting.


"Excuse me, is Xu Jiexu the screenwriter?"

Screenwriter Xu?
Hearing this name, Xu Jie couldn't help being a little puzzled. People in the TV station called him Director Xu or Teacher Xu, and audiences and fans called him Lao Xu. As for screenwriter Xu, he really didn't hear a few people call him that.

However, the voice sounded somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"I am, are you...?"

"I'm Song Wen. We met in Mr. Guo's office of Forbidden Pictures a few days ago."

After being reminded by the person on the other end of the phone, Xu Jie finally remembered the voice.

Yes, the person who tested him.

"Hello, Mr. Song, do you know what you can do with me?" Xu Jie didn't wonder why the other party had his mobile phone number. It must have been given by Mr. Guo. Mr. Guo even gave him the phone number of Director Zhang Weiqiang early this morning. , but he never called, and then he was too busy to forget about it.

"It's like this. Director Zhang and I read your script and think the overall content is very good. The characters are prominent and the story line is clear. I don't know if screenwriter Xu is free recently. Let's make an appointment to find a place to sit down and talk about the script. Some of the details..." Song Wen said.

Although Xu Jie couldn't see the other party's expression, the tone of the other party's speech was obviously much better than when they met on Tuesday, but he didn't know whether it was passing the written test that made the other party put away his contempt, or Mr. Guo said something behind his back.

As the old saying goes: Don't reach out and hit a smiling face.

Now that the other party has already called on his own initiative, there is no need for him to carry on. After all, we still need to cooperate in the future, so he said: "Okay, today is Thursday, and I will go on a business trip on Sunday. How about it, Friday and Saturday you Pick a day."

"Then tomorrow, at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, there is a teahouse called Qiye opposite the Forbidden Pictures, let's meet there and finalize the content of the script as soon as possible," Song Wen said.

"okay, see you tomorrow!"

When Xu Jie put down his phone, he couldn't help but think of Director Jiang's words. Song Wen is also a very famous screenwriter in the film and television circle. It's a bit unexpected that he would take the initiative to call him today. I don't know if he is really anxious about the script. , or because of something else.

"Director Xu."

Xiao Wei came to Xu Jie's side at this time, and said in a low voice: "I have contacted Qianduyou, and they do not plan to cooperate with this live broadcast sales."


Xu Jie frowned when he heard it.

They said they were looking for a cooperation with Qiandu Optimal, but in fact they wanted to find a sponsor to reimburse the round-trip train tickets.

Although this live broadcast sale was carried out under the program brand of "Delicious History", the expenses during the whole process cannot be counted in the program, so the program group is now facing a very real problem, That is: money!

In Taili, there must be no hope.

To publicize, no problem.

Ask for money, no.

He personally doesn't care if he pays for it himself, but he can't let the program crew pay for it with him.

Reimbursement for local fruit growers?

This is even worse, contrary to the original intention of public welfare to help farmers.

What's more, how much can be sold is still unknown.

With so many people eating, drinking, and living, the cost of staying for a week must not be small. Once the live broadcast overturned, the pears did not sell much, but they were notorious for eating and drinking.

"What did they say?" Xu Jie asked.

The so-called food and grass, to put it bluntly, is money, so before going to Ningzhou, the money problem must be solved.

Isn't there such a sentence?If you have money, you can travel all over the world, but if you don't have money, you can't go anywhere.

"Manager Shen said that they are doing community group buying, not buyers. They can sell the products of fruit farmers in their mini program, but they won't..."

"Wait a minute!" Xu Jie interrupted Xiao Wei by raising his hand, "The Manager Shen you mentioned just now is..."

"It's Shen Zi, Manager Shen, the marketing manager of Qiandu Optimal." Xiao Wei said.

Xu Jie looked at Xiao Wei with a wry smile and said: "I said sister, why did you find her? Don't you know that we have a festival with this manager Shen? At the beginning, Qiandu preferred to shoot her to participate in our program, and finally left in despair thing, have you forgotten?"

"I know, but she is in charge of this matter, and I don't have the mobile phone number of their company president, so I can only tell her." Xiao Wei looked aggrieved.

Xu Jie thought for a while, Xiao Wei was not to blame for this matter, it was indeed a gunshot wound.

He found Shen Zi's cell phone number from his cell phone and dialed it himself.


The phone was connected, Xu Jie smiled, it seems that he was not blacklisted.

"Excuse me, is this Manager Shen from the marketing department of Qiandu Optimal? I am Xu Jie, the director of Beijing TV's "Delicious History", do you remember me?" Xu Jie asked.

"I remember, I don't know why Director Xu is looking for me." A cold voice came from the microphone.

Xu Jie thought to himself: What can you do with a sponsor, of course you need money.

But thinking about it, I definitely can't say that.

Xu Jie said with a smile: "Manager Shen has a really good memory, it's like this, our program group is going to do a live broadcast event to sell goods for public welfare and help farmers. I wonder if Qiandu Optimal is interested in cooperating?"

Xiao Wei on the side watched quietly, that's what she said to the other party just now.

"Just now a woman who claimed to be from your program group called and told me about this matter. I have given her a very clear answer. Didn't she tell you?" Shen Zi asked.

"She told me, but I want to make sure again." Xu Jie said: "You really don't want to cooperate with this event of our program group? Although your Qianduoptimal is just a community group buying platform, I think it's important to let It is also very necessary for your users to understand the products sold on your platform, and this event is a good opportunity. When you put your thousand-degree preferred mascot on the table of our live broadcast, the effect will be immediate There is."

"Your so-called cooperation means that you want our company to pay for the advertising fee?" Shen Zi hit the nail on the head.

"Manager Shen, you're offended by saying that. How can it be called an advertising fee? Your company has always been a sponsor of our program. When we have an event on the program, we first think of cooperating with you. This is called mutual help. Besides, our company The purpose of this activity is to help farmers and help rural revitalization, and you, Qianduyou, have always contributed a lot to the work of helping farmers and benefiting farmers, and you have also opened up a column for some special agricultural products. Since our purpose is the same , why not join forces? We must know that our director has spoken about this event, and we will definitely promote it vigorously, so I think this kind of thing has both social and economic benefits, like Manager Shen Such a shrewd person should not refuse..."

Xiao Wei and others were dumbfounded.

This business ability, no one else!
"Manager Shen, if you still don't agree, then I can only find someone else to cooperate with. Then don't blame me for not leaving you such a good opportunity, bye!" Xu Jie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Director Xu, why did you hang up the phone?" Xiao Wei asked strangely.

"She sees that we are upset, so let her calm down first." Xu Jie said.

"What if she still doesn't agree?" Xiao Wei asked worriedly.

Xu Jie laughed after hearing this.

"Don't worry, now that live streaming is so popular, an Internet trendy hero like her will definitely follow the trend and cooperate with us."



When Xu Jie returned home, he heard jingling sounds as soon as he entered the door.

You don't need to look to know that this is Su Yun preparing dinner.

He put down his bag and went back to his room, and found the long-unused suitcase from under the bed. He bought it when he was in college, and accompanied him through the bus and subway. I took a rag and wiped off the dust on the surface, and the suitcase glowed with new life again. The sword is still usable.

"What are you doing with your suitcase?"

Su Yun stood at the door and looked at Xu Jie suspiciously. The cartoon cat on the pink apron made her look a little cute.

"On a business trip on Sunday, I will go to Ningzhou. It will take about a week. I took out the suitcase to dry the smell, and it has been useless for a long time." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

It was the first time for Su Yun to hear the word "business trip" from Xu Jie's mouth, and she was a little surprised, "Are you going to go to another place to shoot a show? Aren't your shows all about the traditional cuisine of the capital? What about a business trip?"

"This time it's not filming a show, it's going live to sell goods." Xu Jie said.


Su Yun had a disbelieving expression on her face. She quickly walked across to Xu Jie, looked at the man and asked, "What did you say? Selling goods live? You? Selling goods live?"

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

"Sell what?"


After hearing this, Su Yun smiled and said, "Don't make trouble, you don't go back to inherit your own fruit and vegetable base, but go to other places to help others sell fruit? Tell the truth."

Xu Jie blushed, a little embarrassed by what the other party said.

"What do you know, our program is to help farmers, help rural revitalization, and help sell fruits in places where fruits are unsalable. My family's fruits and vegetables are easy to sell, so I don't need my help." Xu Jie said.

Seeing Xu Jie's serious appearance, Su Yun gradually put away the smile on her face, "What you said is true?"

"Is it true? Let's see you in the live broadcast room at 10 o'clock next Friday night." Xu Jie said to Su Yun, and then called "Old Iron"!
This sound stunned Su Yun.

This is really going to sell fruit live!

"Who came up with this idea? It's the first time I've heard of a TV program group going live to sell goods." Su Yun questioned this matter.

The main reason is that the filming of the movie "Mulan" is about to start, and she spends less and less time at home. Now that Xu Jie is gone, she is the only one left at home, so lonely, so lonely, and so boring.

"I came up with the idea. It's an experiment and exploration. What do you think?" Xu Jie asked.

Su Yun was taken aback, thinking it was the idea of ​​a certain leader in the TV show, it turned out to be...

"Well, it sounds very novel." She changed her words immediately, but she was a little bit reluctant.

After all, the two of them have been together almost every day for the past six months, and suddenly another person has to leave for a week, and it is inevitable that they will feel a little sour.

In fact, she knows very well that when she gets busy with work, not being at home will become a norm. For example, the next two films "Mulan" and "Stranger Road" need to be filmed in other places, so these days She herself is also very entangled, and she cherishes it even more.

Is this going to separate the two places?

(End of this chapter)

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