Chapter 349 Iron Man
At night, when Xu Jie returned home, he didn't hear the familiar sound of smashing pots. It seemed that Su Yun was not at home.

Since the end of "Crossover Actor", Su Yun has been busier than him, accepting commercials and shooting magazines, as if she has regained her peak popularity.

Xu Jie knew very well that Su Yun would not have a schedule for a long time to come, so the other party wanted to take advantage of the filming of the movie "Mulan" before it started, to hurry up and finish all other work, put aside distracting thoughts, and focus on filming Movie.

For the other party's idea, Xu Jie raised his hands to support it, which is why he didn't want the other party to continue filming "Delicious History", but he didn't expect the other party to be reluctant to part with this show, which puzzled him .

I used to participate because I didn’t have the opportunity to show my face. Now I have to shoot one after another, and the scripts are sent to the other party’s studio in piles. What is there to be reluctant?
Xu Jie simply ate something and began to prepare for next week's live broadcast.

This is the first time he sells goods live, and he will inevitably feel a little worried. When "Delicious History" was broadcast on TV for the first time at the beginning of the year, he was not as nervous as he is now.

In fact, Xu Jie is quite confident in his professional ability, his ability to fool people, oh no, his ability to persuade people is first-class.

What he worried about was whether the audience of "Delicious History" would buy his account. Wouldn't it be a shame if few people placed orders during the live broadcast?

It doesn't matter whether he loses face or not, who made us thick-skinned?
The key point is that he is not representing himself in this live broadcast, but the "Delicious History" program group, the Beijing Satellite TV Channel, and even the entire Beijing TV Station.

You must know that in order to support this live broadcast of public welfare and agricultural assistance, the Taiwan leader has decided to take turns to publicize the matter on the satellite TV channel and the art channel. Once the live broadcast pulls his hips, what face does he have to face the Taiwan leader?

I'm afraid that not only will people laugh at him for being overconfident, but also people will laugh at the Beijing TV station's live broadcast of a farce.

It really is make or break!
He doesn't regret bringing it up, though.

First, it can help colleagues and those in need, and second, it can explore the program mode, which can be regarded as a breakthrough.

This should be the case on the road of life, not only to solve the awkwardness found by others, but also to find some awkwardness for yourself sometimes.

Two words: toss.

Life is about tossing!

If you don't struggle, how can you know if you will succeed?If you don't toss around, how will you know what you are doing?
Su Yun is already so busy, he can't be idle, can he?

After an unknown amount of time, there was the sound of the door opening outside.

Xu Jie checked the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

When he walked out of the room, Su Yun was changing her shoes. When she saw him coming out, her tired face showed a bit of apology, "I interrupted you to rest."

"No." Xu Jie shook his head, seeing the other party's tired appearance, he couldn't help but feel distressed, "Why are you so busy so late, do you really think of yourself as a desperate third wife?"

I used to slaughter pigs at night because I had a good rest during the day, but now the other party is busy day and night and has no time to rest at all.

Su Yun didn't explain, but said with a smile: "Not next time."

She understands Xu Jie's intentions, but her career has just picked up, can she refuse the business cooperation that comes to her door?

To a certain extent, commercial value represents the value of the artist itself.

Now with the help of Xu Jie, she has successfully entered the film industry. If she always wants to have a good development in the future, in addition to improving her acting skills to be recognized, there is also the need to increase her own commercial value.

The higher her commercial value, the more people will find her, and the more opportunities she has to star in good movies.

"Have you eaten? I'll eat it for you next time?" Xu Jie asked.

I don't know if it's because I don't wear much in summer, but Zhong feels that the other party is thinner than before.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, why did this sound so hooligan?
"No, no, I ate something on the way back."

She suspected that the other party was driving, but there was no evidence.

After hearing this, Xu Jie said: "Work is never finished, don't tire yourself out, I don't want to become a widow in the marital status in the household registration booklet."

Su Yun thought to herself: You still talk about me, how much better are you than me?

When she didn't get out of the car just now, she saw the lights in the other party's room, and she knew that the other party was in the "home class" without thinking about it.

But after thinking about it, Su Yun didn't say that, otherwise, wouldn't it be like a dog biting Lu Dongbin and ignoring good people?
"Don't worry, I haven't won the actress yet, how could I die so easily?" Su Yun said ambitiously.

Now that she has decided to enter the film industry, of course she must be the best actor, just like she entered the music scene and became a queen.

"That's good."

Xu Jie turned around and returned to the room in relief.

Su Yun followed behind the man. Seeing him sitting back at the desk again, she immediately knocked on the door with her hand, and said loudly, "Hey, do you want me to be a widow?"

Xu Jie looked at the computer, then at Su Yun, the way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the sky spare?

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to save the files." Xu Jie saved the things he had just sorted out, and then turned off the computer.

Su Yun smiled, then walked upstairs.

Xu Jie went to the bathroom to tidy up his personal hygiene, and then went back to his room to get ready for bed.

The night was very quiet.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.


Xu Jie got up and opened the door, only to see Su Yun standing outside wearing a white silk nightgown, exuding the scent of just taking a shower.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked.

According to the plot in the movie, the faucet should be broken at this time.

Su Yun didn't speak. After entering the room, she looked left and right, then came to the laptop and put her hands on it.

Xu Jie immediately understood what the other party meant when he saw this.

This is checking to see if he is working secretly.

Alas, where is the trust between people?
"A big man, why close the door to sleep, open it." Su Yun said, and then walked out.

Xu Jie looked at each other strangely, can't a man close the door when he sleeps?
Besides, the closed private space will bring people a sense of security, and sleep well.

Just when he was about to close the door, he saw the other party lying on the sofa with his head resting on a pillow and his body covered with a blanket. The problem was that he couldn't see the other party playing TV, watching computer and playing mobile phone.

What are you doing lying on the sofa so late?
"Are you planning to sleep on the sofa?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes." Su Yun replied.

"Why?" Xu Jie was puzzled,
Don't all men sleep on the sofa?How did you turn into a woman sleeping on the sofa?

No, no, the two didn't quarrel.

Even if we quarrel, in such a big villa with so many rooms, which room can't sleep, why do we have to sleep on the sofa?

"Maybe it's because I slept here for too long a few days ago, I'm used to it." Su Yun explained.


Xu Jie's head was full of black question marks.

Still have the habit of sleeping on the sofa?
"What's that expression on your face?" Su Yun patted the sofa under her body with her hands, and said, "My sofa is several times more expensive than the bed in the bedroom."

Xu Jie thought to himself: This is not a question of whether it is expensive or not. Your limited edition bag is still expensive. Why is it not on the sleeping bag?
Forget it, the other party can sleep wherever he likes, anyway, he likes to sleep on the bed.

Xu Jie closed the door and lay down on the bed. As soon as he covered his stomach with a quilt, the door was pushed open. Xu Jie turned his head to look at the door. No one was there. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he should have already left, and he didn't bother to go. Close, close your eyes and go to sleep.

I don't know if it was the reason for opening the door, but Xu Jie, who was already a little sleepy, became more and more awake as he lay down, always feeling that a woman from outside would sneak in.

If she opened her eyes in the middle of the night and saw a woman in white clothes with long hair standing by the window, no matter how beautiful she was, she would be frightened to death.

"Can't you sleep?" Su Yun's voice came from the living room.

"..." Xu Jie didn't speak, thinking to himself: Why can't I fall asleep, don't you know why?
"Stop acting. Tossing and turning is like frying sausages. I can't sleep because of the noise. Let's talk." Su Yun ruthlessly exposed Xu Jie who was pretending to be asleep.

"Say what?" Xu Jie asked.

"You're leaving the day after tomorrow, don't you have anything you want to tell me?" Su Yun asked dissatisfied.

"It's only a week, as if I will never come back again." Xu Jie turned over and didn't take it seriously.

"But by the time you come back, I may have joined the team." Su Yun sat up from the sofa.

Xu Jie was startled when he heard this. He just met Zhang Weiqiang this morning, and the other party also approved his script and ideas, so what Su Yun just said is really very likely to happen.

It was only a week when he left, but it was not a week or two when the other party left, but a month, two months or even longer.


Xu Jie suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll go to see you on weekends, I made an agreement with President Guo of Forbidden Films, and I will guarantee two days a week to stay on the set."

When Su Yun heard this, she fell back angrily and lay heavily on the sofa.

Really straight man of steel!

Xu Jie continued: "I met Director Zhang at noon today. He is generally pretty good and can listen to other people's opinions, but his partner Song Wen is quite stubborn. You should pay more attention when filming. By the way, Zhang The director has already read my script, and there should be no changes, do you want me to show you the script?"

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds...

Xu Jie waited for a long time, but did not get a response from Su Yun, so he raised his voice and asked, "Are you asleep?"

"I don't want to talk to you anymore." Su Yun said angrily.

"Why? Didn't you want to talk?" Xu Jie got up and looked outside the door.

"I just don't want to talk anymore, will you listen?" Su Yun said angrily.

Xu Jie was at a loss, and didn't know why the other party got angry suddenly.

Is that the one here?
Well, it is possible!

(End of this chapter)

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