Chapter 350 Confession?


Maybe it was because he was too busy and tired recently, it was already past nine when Xu Jie woke up.

When he rubbed his eyes and walked out of the room, he found that the person who slept on the sofa last night had disappeared.

Did he go back upstairs to sleep while he wasn't paying attention?

Or to produce pure natural pollution-free fertilizer?

He wanted to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When he passed the kitchen, he saw a plate on the dining table with a sausage and two fried eggs in it, and a piece of paper next to it, which said: "Eat slowly, don't eat Choking to death."

Xu Jie smiled, seeing the meticulous care from his wife, a warm current surged into his heart.

So sweet!
It's just that the presentation is a bit ugly.

I remember when I was in school, whenever I took an exam, my mother would put the sausage in front and two eggs in the back, meaning 100 points.

However, Su Yun put the sausage in the middle of the two fried eggs, and it was still slightly on top.

But Xu Jie can also understand, after all, the opponent's rank is not that high, it is already very good to be able to do a good job of "taste", as for "color" and "fragrance", ordinary people cook and eat at home, and there is no requirement for these two , it doesn't have to be like a restaurant restaurant outside.

Xu Jie reached out to grab the sausage, but when he touched it, it broke into two pieces.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

This presentation, plus this broken sausage, is the person who cooked it trying to express something?
At this moment, Xu Jie suddenly remembered that the other party seemed very angry before going to bed last night.

He turned around and came to the stairs, and shouted upstairs: "Hey, what do you mean by the breakfast on your plate?"

Upstairs is very quiet, no sound.

"Where did I offend you, can you remind me?" Xu Jie asked again.

Still no one answered him.

"Can I take the breakfast you prepared for me as a provocative act?" Xu Jie asked loudly.


Seeing that Su Yun didn't speak, Xu Jie found his mobile phone and called the other party. After the call was connected, he immediately asked, "What's the matter with breakfast today?"

There was a moment of silence in the phone, and finally a voice came out.

"Director Xu, I'm Huang Xiaorong."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and looked at the number he dialed. It was indeed Su Yun's mobile phone number, and it was undoubtedly a private number.

"Is my wife's mobile phone with you?" Xu Jie asked, could it be that Su Yun was too tired last night and forgot to ask for her mobile phone back when she got off the car?

"Well, Sister Yun is being interviewed by a magazine. I'll hold her phone for her. Are you in a hurry to find Sister Yun?" Huang Xiaorong asked in a low voice.

Xu Jie's body shook.

Su Yun is being interviewed?

He looked up and looked upstairs, no wonder it was so quiet all the time, it turned out that no one was at home at all, and there was a ghost only if there was a sound.

Go out to work so early?Today seems to be Saturday.

Oh, by the way, entertainers don't have weekends.

He actually forgot about it.

If the other party is really at home and pretends not to hear, they will not answer the call.

"Does my wife have a lot of work today?" Xu Jie's voice eased a little.

In fact, he wasn't angry with Su Yun, he just wanted to know why the other party did this, and if he did something wrong, can't he change it?If he's right, we have to be reasonable, right?

"Yes, there is a lot of work today, even more than yesterday." Huang Xiaorong said.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm just asking casually, by the way, I'll give you a task, I will urge her to rest in the future..." Xu Jie instructed Huang Xiaorong.

Even if Su Yun wants to be a desperate third wife, she must have a good body to be able to fight, right?
After talking on the phone, Xu Jie went back to the restaurant, ate up the egg sausage in three mouthfuls, then changed his clothes and went out.

In fact, he also has something to do today, which is to buy some things that will be used on business trips.

According to Zhang Jiao, although his hometown is in Ningzhou, the village he lives in is very far away from the urban area, and it takes more than two hours to drive there. If the road was not built a few years ago, he would not even be able to drive in.

He bought a large-capacity backpack, which is more convenient to carry than a suitcase. He also bought a pair of hiking shoes and a few quick-drying clothes. It is inevitable to go up the mountain and down the river there, as well as some first-aid medicine and insect repellent. Spray, the bugs in this season are no joke, each one grows as strong as a fruit, and it bites people unambiguously.

When he bought everything and returned home, the sun had already set, and as expected, Su Yun was still busy.

But tonight, instead of waiting for Su Yun, he went to bed early.

Because the people in the program group have already made an appointment to gather at the train station at 12 noon tomorrow, and take the high-speed train to Ningzhou at 1 pm, and as the director of "Delicious History", he is also the captain of the charity team, I have to leave home before 11 o'clock.

What's more, after arriving in Ningzhou, they have to take a car to the village of Zhang Jiao's hometown to learn about the output and quality of local pears, as well as the packaging and transportation after sales, etc. There are many things waiting for them to do, definitely not in It's as simple as showing your face in front of the camera.

A night without dreams.

In the early morning, the alarm clock rang and Xu Jie woke up.

He opened the door and walked out of the room, and the sound of zigzag reached his ears.

He walked in the direction of the sound, and saw Su Yun wearing an apron standing in front of the stove frying steak.

Is it too tired to eat steak early in the morning?
"Good morning!" Su Yun saw Xu Jie with a gentle and sweet smile on her face.

"You haven't left yet?" Xu Jie was a little surprised, isn't he very busy with work?

"Where are you going?" Su Yun asked.

"Go to work, shoot commercials and magazines." Xu Jie said.

"Didn't you tell me to pay attention to rest? So I gave myself a day off today." Su Yun said with a smile.

Actually she lied.

She didn't give herself a day off, but half a day, that is, this morning.

She knew that Xu Jie was leaving at noon today, so she deliberately arranged the work that originally belonged to this morning to yesterday, which is why she left early yesterday and came back late, just to see the man for the last time.

"Yes, you must know how to combine work and rest." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Su Yun turned off the fire, put the fried steak on a slice of bread, then put a slice of cheese, put some cheese, and added some tomato slices and pickle slices, a simple beef burger was made .

"You can make do with breakfast first, and I'll go to the market to buy some dumpling wrappers later, and I'll make dumplings for you at home in the morning, isn't there a saying? Get the dumplings in the car and get the noodles in the car." Su Yun handed the hamburger to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie looked at the hamburger in his hand, it was bigger than his face, and there was a large piece of steak in it, at least four taels, plus side dishes and bread. This is the real Super Big Mac, and other hamburgers are in it There are brothers in front of you.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just eat whatever you have at home." Xu Jie didn't want to bother the other party too much, and, after eating the super Big Mac in front of him, he might not be hungry at noon.

"It's not troublesome, it's idle anyway." Su Yun said.

She knew that what she could do for Xu Jie was limited, since she couldn't do other things, it was still very easy to make dumplings.

Just do it.

She took off her apron, changed her clothes, put on a sun hat and sunglasses, and after a simple disguise, she left the house and went to a market near the community to buy materials for making dumplings.

Dumpling wrappers, pork, cabbage...

She was looking at her phone while shopping, for fear of missing something.

Soon, Su Yun returned home with her shopping.

From stuffing to making dumplings, the whole process was done by Su Yun alone. The former killer of cooking skills has suddenly become a small culinary expert.

Xu Jie leaned on the dining table, looked at Su Yun who was cooking dumplings in the kitchen, and gradually became fascinated.

This scene is so beautiful.

It's not that Su Yun is beautiful, but that this scene looks very warm and comfortable.

Although Xu Jie has lived here for a long time, he has always regarded himself as a long-term tenant. He doesn't know how long he will live here, but he will leave one day.

Yet today, at this very moment, he felt at home here for the first time.

As long as you are here, your mood will be very peaceful, as long as you look at her, you will feel a warm feeling in your heart, and even leave with some reluctance.

Xu Jie suddenly made a bold move at this moment.

He walked behind Su Yun, raised his hands, put his arms around Su Yun's waist from behind, and gently hugged Su Yun in his arms. Other than that, he didn't make any other movements.

Su Yun's whole body shook, and she was taken aback at first, but after realizing that the man had no other actions, she let him hug her, and even leaned her body gently back.

At the same time, her face was also red, from her cheeks to her eyes to her ears.

No matter how strong or successful a woman is, she needs such a reliable man.

She didn't think so before, but now she believes it.

The two just stood like this, neither of them spoke, only the sound of boiling water in the pot.

Su Yun didn't speak until the dumplings were boiled.

"Relax, the dumplings are ready."

"En." Xu Jie responded, and then took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of the woman, and then let go, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Su Yun put the dumplings on the plate, but half of them were broken, and the stuffing was scattered everywhere.

"It's all your fault!"

Su Yun originally wanted to show off in front of men, but turned over.


Xu Jie didn't feel disgusted, and directly grabbed one and put it in his mouth.

"Hiss, good, delicious!"

The dumplings were too hot, and Xu Jie's tongue was so hot, but this didn't affect his compliments, it was just a bit of a big tongue.

Su Yun laughed, her face was flushed probably because of the heat from cooking the dumplings.

"Don't force it." Su Yun said, "There are still dumplings, I'll cook another pot for you."

"Don't waste it!" Xu Jie said while eating, "Besides, I'm afraid that when you cook dumplings, if you can't help but hug you, then you won't want to leave."

Su Yun was slightly startled, and her heart trembled accordingly. It seemed that this was the first time she heard such words from a man. It was very plain, but it seemed like sweet words.

"Is this a confession?"

"That's it!"


(End of this chapter)

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