Chapter 351 The Second Spring

"Is that so?"

Su Yun was not satisfied with this answer, it sounded very forced, a feeling of being forced to admit it.

"Can you, a big man, answer other people's questions more neatly? Yes, yes, no, no, what's the matter?"

She stared at the man intently, just like a woman in love who expects to be confessed by a man, waiting for a positive answer from him.

Xu Jie felt a little embarrassed when he was asked such a question. Just now, he just expressed his feelings and revealed his true feelings. Now that the atmosphere is gone, he wants to say something but feels he can’t say it.

"Actually, it's very simple to understand. You just need to take these three characters apart and read them separately." Xu Jie decided to prevaricate indiscriminately.

Su Yun was very curious. Could it be that there are other explanations for the word "is it?"
While pondering seriously in her mind, she said, "Let's take it apart, the first word is to count..."

"Yes, count!" Xu Jie confirmed.

"What is it?" Su Yun asked in confusion, how many words are there in the other party's confession?

"That's right." Xu Jie said.

"What's the matter, you should explain it." Su Yun was anxious.

The confession scene suddenly turned into a Chinese character dictation conference.

"Forget it, the dumplings are not just the garlic with half the flavor of garlic," Xu Jie quoted the classic.

Su Yun was stunned for a while, then returned to the kitchen, took a head of garlic and threw it on the table, "Is that what you mean?"

"Yes!" Xu Jie nodded.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, and one-third of the good mood just now evaporated instantly.

"Then what about the word 'yes'?" Su Yun asked again, she wanted to see how the other party would explain it next.

"Didn't I just say that?" Xu Jie said while eating dumplings.

"What?" Su Yun was stunned for a moment, then asked in confusion, "When did you say that?"

"Did you forget? You threw the garlic on the table and asked if it was it, and I answered yes." Xu Jie explained.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to predict." Su Yun gritted her teeth and asked, "What about 'right'? How do you explain it?"

Xu Jie pointed to the garlic on the table, and slowly said a word: "Grill!"

Su Yun opened her mouth, this time she could understand what the other party meant without asking carefully.

Well, it's grilled garlic!

Can this make him explain?
"You really speak concisely!" Su Yun's good mood just now was gone.

"Time is tight." Xu Jie smiled, then lowered his head to eat the dumplings.

Su Yun glared at the man angrily, then turned around and went back to the kitchen, and put the remaining dumplings into the pot.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the woman, recalling the joy in the other party's eyes when he heard his confession, did his explanation just seem too cowardly?

Why can't you just admit it?
In fact, he has had a crush on Su Yun for a long time, but because of the "cooperative" relationship between the two of them, he didn't dare to say it out, because he was worried that once he showed his heart, it would be embarrassing to each other if he had intentions and ruthlessness. , if the other party dissolves the current relationship between the two, they will not even have the chance to have dinner together in the future.

He is a wounded man, so he is very cautious in this matter.

Recently, the relationship between the two seems to have improved by leaps and bounds due to the rehearsal of the program, especially the last "reward", which made the relationship between the two of them have a qualitative leap. It is precisely because of this that they say "can't bear it Hold on to you" Those words are the confession that the other party thinks.

But it was precisely because of the joy of the other party after hearing the confession and the loss after hearing the prevarication that he completely understood the other party's intentions.

I was worried before, but what about now?Since Lang has concubines and concubines, what else does he have to worry about?

If you like it, you can confess it. Is it necessary for women to take the initiative in this kind of thing?

If it is a misunderstanding, it doesn't matter, then I will pursue you.

If you like it, chase after it, what a simple truth, anyway, it's not like you haven't been scolded before, so why suppress yourself?

Xu Jie stood up again, came behind Su Yun, and hugged Su Yun tightly.

Just as Su Yun was about to twist her body to break free, she heard a man's voice next to her ear.

"I like you!"

Su Yun froze for a moment, compared to the previous "probably", this time it was very straightforward.

But whether he is a man or not still needs to be tested, otherwise he will be as sentimental as before.

"Do you still need to take these words apart and interpret them?" Su Yun asked angrily.

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

"Tell me, what does each word represent." Su Yun listened attentively.

"I'm Xu Jie. Xi means liking Xi, Huan means liking Huan. You are Su Yun. I've finished the interpretation." Xu Jie explained seriously. He had never been so serious when he went to the TV station for an interview.

Moreover, he found that after expressing his thoughts that had been accumulated for a long time, he felt much more comfortable, as if he had opened up the second channel of Ren and Du.

Sure enough, I have to speak out when I have something in my heart.

After hearing this, Su Yun's eyes flashed with joy, but she asked lightly, "Are you sure?"

"Sure!" Xu Jie not only said, but also tightened his arms around the woman.

The corners of Su Yun's mouth turned up, she opened her mouth to speak, but held back, she bit her lips tightly, and said after a while: "If you like it, you can like it, you are free to like whoever you like, and I didn't stop you , let go, the dumplings are about to boil again."

Xu Jie smiled. In fact, what the other party said was the same as he just said, but he was embarrassed, and the other party was hindered by a woman's reserve.

"Hold for a while, time is running out." Xu Jie said, without letting go of his hand.

It was originally planned to leave at 11 o'clock, but now, the time displayed on the range hood is 10:51, and there are only a few minutes left.

Alas, it will be good to make dumplings this morning, can I hug for a while longer?

Su Yun didn't say anything, and let the man hold her. Her free hands could turn off the fire and serve dumplings.

1 minutes……

2 minutes……

3 minutes……

Different people have different understandings of time.

People with high EQ will say that when people in love are together, the time is always short; people with low EQ will say that they did not perform well today.

As for Xu Jie, it was Su Yun who spoke first.

"Take it easy, I'm going to be out of breath." Su Yun looked up at the time on the range hood, "It's 11 o'clock, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

"I said, if you cook the dumplings again, I will hug you and don't want to leave. I can't keep my word." Xu Jie was unmoved.

"Okay, I asked you to pick garlic for you just now." Su Yun twisted her body a few times, a golden cicada shed its shell, squatted on the ground and got out of Xu Jie's arms, and then pushed the man out while Said: "Go eat a few more dumplings, I'll go upstairs to change, and I'll drive you to the station later."

Xu Jie looked at the back of the woman hurrying upstairs, did he usher in a second spring?
He returned to the dining table, although he was not very hungry, but he also knew when the next meal would be eaten, so he stuffed as many dumplings as possible into his mouth and ate up the whole plate of dumplings before giving up.

Not long after, Su Yun changed her clothes and came down from upstairs, Xu Jie also packed his travel bags into the trunk of the car, and they left home together.

At the train station, the car pulled into the parking lot.

After Xu Jie got out of the car, he put on his backpack, and was about to let Su Yun go back, but he saw that the other party had already got out of the car, and was wearing a three-piece camouflage set of cap, sunglasses and mask.

"I'll see you off." Su Yun said.

"No need, there are many people at the station, if you are recognized by your fans, can you go by yourself?" Xu Jie said to the woman.

"I'm dressed like this, who will recognize me? Let's go." Su Yun took Xu Jie's hand and walked outside.

Xu Jie and others made an appointment to gather at the entrance on the north floor of Beijing West Railway Station.

It was just 11:30 when he got here, but someone had already arrived.

"Haobo, you're here so early!" Xu Jie and Tian Haobo met, and the other party only carried a bag, like a schoolbag when going to school, and probably only brought a few changes of clothes.

"Mr. Xu, there was no traffic jam when I came here, so I arrived a little earlier." Tian Haobo said after hearing this, and saw the woman beside Xu Jie, although she was wearing a hat, glasses and a mask, but he always You can tell who it is just by looking at it, so I called out respectfully: "Hello, sister-in-law."

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded to the other party. She has filmed many episodes of "Delicious History", and everyone can meet each other every month, and she is already familiar with the people in the program group.

"Mr. Xu, let me help you." Tian Haobo reached out to pick up the backpack in Xu Jie's hand.

"No, why are you being polite to me?" Xu Jie carried the travel bag behind his back.

While chatting, two women came from not far away, dragging a suitcase each, and stopped in front of Xu Jie.

"Hi, Manager Shen." Xu Jie greeted the other party with a smile.

It was Shen Zi, the marketing manager of Qiandu Optimal, who came, and the other one didn't know him, and it seemed that he should be Shen Zi's subordinate.

Shen Zi didn't say anything, she just stood aside quietly.

Regarding the matter of cooperation, she disagreed at first, but after that phone call, she went home and thought about it for a long time, and felt that what the other party said was not unreasonable.

Moreover, she made a mistake before and was severely scolded by the vice president. Now she urgently needs a chance to make up for it. Isn't this ready?
If the charity event is successful, she, as a partner, will certainly be able to contribute. If the event fails, it can be used to prove that the other party's decision is wrong. The vice president knows about it After that, I won't blame her for participating in the filming of the program last time.

But she learned how to behave this time, she played support the whole time, and she was not even ready to say anything.

As time went by, more and more people came. Before 12 o'clock, all eight people from the program group except Xu Jie, plus the two people from Qianduyou, were all present.

"Everyone is here, let's go." Xu Jie said to everyone.

After everyone heard it, they walked into the gate one after another with their luggage.

Xu Jie turned to look at Su Yun and said, "I'm leaving, I need to call."

"Give me a call when you arrive, take care of yourself, and don't get tired." Su Yun instructed, the other party said she was a desperate Sanniang, so why isn't the other party a desperate Sanlang?

"Well, you too." Xu Jie hugged each other.

On Friday night, he still felt that a woman made a fuss out of a molehill, wasn't it just a week away, but now, he felt a little bit reluctant in his heart.

He didn't hug her for too long, after all, there was still someone waiting for him, so he let go of Su Yun quickly.


Xu Jie waved at Su Yun, and was about to enter the station, but one hand was held by Su Yun. When he turned around, Su Yun had already removed the mask on his face, raised his head and kissed Xu Jie, and then Thinking about putting on a mask.


A smile appeared on Xu Jie's face, he nodded at the other party, turned and walked into the station.

(End of this chapter)

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