Chapter 352 Arrival
It used to take nearly six hours to take the green leather train from Beijing to Ningzhou. Since the opening of the high-speed rail, the time has been shortened to two hours. The most important thing is that the seats are comfortable to sit on.

Along the way, Zhang Jiao told everyone interesting stories and legends about his hometown, such as the number one scholar in the village more than 300 years ago, the prime minister in the village more than 200 years ago, which river has a water monster, and which mountain has a Guanyin Temple Sure, anyway, when I went on a trip and listened to the local tour guide's bragging, Zhang Jiao talked about it all.

Xu Jie looked at the other side of the aisle. Shen Zi, who hadn't said anything since the meeting, took the initiative to chat and said, "Manager Shen, come to Ningzhou with us for a live broadcast this time. I don't know what's your plan?"

After Shen Zi heard it, she immediately frowned. The word "again" sounded too harsh.

The old saying goes well: hit someone without slapping his face, and expose someone without revealing his weaknesses.

This man is shameless.

"Are you mocking me?" Shen Zi asked coldly.

"No, how could it be? You are the partner of our program group's trip to Ningzhou. How could I be sarcastic about you? I just want to understand Manager Shen's thoughts and communicate with each other before arriving." Xu Jie was serious Said.

For the sake of the event sponsorship fee, he will definitely not confront the other party this time. After all, he is not a person who holds grudges. Of course, the premise is that the other party does not confront him.

Shen Zi snorted, and then said: "You are busy with your work, don't worry about me."

"How can that work? After all, this is our first cooperation. I think it's better to have a clear division of labor. I don't know what you want to do, Manager Shen?" Xu Jie asked enthusiastically, the smile on his face was brighter than the sun outside. Even more brilliant, of course, but also more vicious. .

Shen Zi turned her head and glanced at the man, finished the sarcasm, and started to check on her work again?This is for fear that she will make trouble, isn't it?

"This time I will cooperate with you all the way." Shen Zi gritted her teeth and said, but before she came out, she had to swallow her broken teeth.

She wants to see if the other party can do this.

Anyway, she is not optimistic.

That's right, she's here to wait for a joke.

"Oh, we are cooperation and an equal relationship. How can I let you cooperate with me? But since you have said so, how about it, the logistics support of our public welfare team will be entrusted to you. You must know that a If the team wants to win the battle, logistics is very important, don't thank me, I trust you so much." Xu Jie said seriously.

The corners of Shen Zi's mouth kept twitching, responsible for logistics guarantee?Food, drink, and housing, isn't this just asking her to pay for it?
What trust, I bah!

Now she regrets going to Ningzhou again.

"Manager Shen, there seems to be a live broadcast on the Tuantou platform of your Qiandu preferred community. You must be familiar with it? Can you tell me the main points? It's my first live broadcast and I don't have much experience." Xu Jie watched said the woman.

"You don't sell live broadcasts on our platform, how can I provide you with experience?" Shen Zi sighed secretly. The other party contacted her for business cooperation after confirming the live broadcast platform. This is what she feels the most regretful about. .

If she had chosen to sell goods live on their platform from the very beginning, maybe she would have been happier.

"Although the platforms are different, the groups we are facing are the same." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

In fact, he also wants to use Qiandu’s preferred community group buying platform for live broadcasting, and the sponsorship fee can be doubled. However, the popularity of this group buying platform is too low, and it is still in the stage of business development, so he can only choose the official website of Beijing TV Station. Cooperate with the live broadcast platform to sell goods.

"But your situation is very special." Shen Zi said: "Ordinary live broadcast anchors rely on their accumulated popularity and fans to sell goods. This is your first live broadcast to sell goods, so I'm not sure."

"Popularity and fans? The most important thing for our program is popularity and fans." Xu Jie said.

"The problem is that your program is not a TV shopping program. No one knows whether any fans will pay for you." Shen Zi shook her head and said.

She didn't know, and she didn't want to give the other party any advice, in case the other party blamed her after the live broadcast failed to sell the goods.

"I remember that the anchor of Huaxia TV once brought goods, do you know..."

Xu Jie finished speaking halfway, Shen Zi turned to look at the colleague beside her and said, "Xiaoxiao, let's change seats" and stood up after speaking.

China TV anchor?Do you have a house fire?Do you have a big platform?
Pan Xiaoxiao looked at the manager, then at Director Xu on the other side of the aisle, and finally chose to listen to the manager and changed seats.

After Shen Zi sat down, she took out an eye mask from her bag and put it on, turned her head sideways to look out the window, not knowing whether she was sleeping or pretending to be sleeping.

"Manager Shen is sleeping? Didn't sleep well after working day and night for our live broadcast and selling goods these days?" Xu Jie looked at the female employee of Qianduyou who had changed to the aisle and said, "Your manager Shen is still really busy."

The word "machine" is particularly important!
Pan Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly and not politely, what could she say?

Before coming with Manager Shen, she had heard from people in the company that Manager Shen was severely reprimanded by the vice president of the company for participating in the "Delicious History" program. Now seeing Manager Shen's attitude towards Director Xu, After thinking about it for a while, he knew that Manager Shen must have conflicts with Director Xu, otherwise the leader of Beijing TV Station would not have reported the call to the vice president.

"What's the beauty's name?" Xu Jie asked familiarly.

"Oh, my name is Pan Xiaoxiao." Pan Xiaoxiao said in a low voice, and the reason for answering was also out of politeness.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Don't be careful.

"Manager Shen only takes you on a business trip. I think you must be the right person she has accepted? This time I need to ask you to take care of me and give me more advice. We are all in the show, and it is really a layman to sell goods live. ..."

Pan Xiaoxiao looked at Director Xu who was eloquent, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. She remembered that Manager Shen had told her before leaving that this Director Xu was headstrong, arbitrary, and self-righteous, but now, he is quite approachable.

Two hours passed quickly, and everyone arrived in Ningzhou after chatting.

A group of 11 people left the station, and a group of people rushed up at the door, which made Xu Jie feel the hospitality of the people of Ningzhou.

"Can Tangcheng go?"

"Ten yuan and ten yuan in Quanyang, there are still two people short."

"Beauty, do you want to stay in a hotel? You can use the Internet, you can take a shower, the door is anti-theft, it's very safe, and it only costs [-] per day for a single room."

"Handsome guy, come and live with us, we have baths and massages."

Xu Jie and others squeezed out of the crowd, and everyone looked at Zhang Jiao. This is his hometown, and how to get there depends entirely on the other party's arrangement.

Zhang Jiao pointed to the north of the station and said, "There is a return bus there, you can go to our town, and then take a private car to our village."

The so-called private car is a black car, because the village is too far from the town, there are no buses or taxis, so I can only take a private car.

After everyone heard it, they didn't think there was anything wrong except the distance. After all, Zhang Jiao had already heard about it before coming back, but then again, if it wasn't far away, the pears wouldn't fail to sell.

However, Xu Jie heard something wrong.

"When we come here this time, in addition to live broadcasting and selling goods, we still have a lot of work. We will inevitably run around, express stations, post offices, and other villages. If you don't have a car, it will be inconvenient to go anywhere." Xu Jie said.

After the others heard it, they nodded in unison.

Indeed it is.

This time I came to Ningzhou not to sell pears for the Zhang family, nor only for Zhang Jiao’s village, but for all the nearby fruit farmers.

Although it's not sure how many can be sold, at least we need to make exact statistics before the broadcast. This process will inevitably run around, and we can't rely on two feet at that time, right?

"Zhang Jiao, is there a place to rent a car near here? For the eleven of us, renting three cars is enough, and it won't cost much for a week." Xu Jie thought for a while and said, anyway, there are logistical support.

"Yes, this is a good way." Song Huanhuan said after hearing this.

Others agreed.

"I haven't rented a car, but I know there is a car rental company across the street. Let's go and have a look." Zhang Jiao said, and then led the way.

When we arrived at the car rental shop, the boss saw so many people, and immediately greeted them warmly, pointing to the seven or eight cars parked at the door to introduce them.

Xu Jie took a look, and finally decided to rent three off-road vehicles, one for traveling and the other for carrying things.

After negotiating the price and going through the formalities, the three cars looked towards Zhang Jiao's hometown, Lishu Village.

Lishu Village used to be named after pears, and even many nearby villages planted pears. However, as people's living standards improved and transportation became more convenient, all kinds of pears flooded into the market. There are all kinds of fruits and pears, so the crispy pears in Lishu Village cannot be sold.

In Lishu Village, the young people have basically gone out, only some middle-aged and elderly people aged 50 to [-] are left. They are not familiar with anything except growing pears, so even if the purchase price is very low in previous years, everyone will They choose to plant, but today's purchase price is too low, the villagers not only can't make money, but even lose money, so they don't even pick the pears, planning to let the pears rot.

After more than two hours of continuous driving, Xu Jie finally arrived at Zhang Jiao's hometown.

This is a village surrounded by mountains on three sides. It is very narrow and long. The surrounding mountains are full of pear trees. You can see the crisp pears hanging on the trees from a distance. When you open the car window, there is a pear fragrance in the air.

Everyone is breathing greedily. They are used to inhaling smog. Who would have thought that the air could be sweetened?
As soon as the car entered the village, the dog started barking.

Almost every household here has a dog, even the fruit farmers, so the car drives from the beginning to the end of the village, and the dog barks from the beginning to the end of the village, and the dogs in the whole village are boiling.

As Zhang Jiao's first car stopped on the side of the road, the two cars behind him also stopped.

Xu Jie got out of the car, the beginning of August should be the hottest day, but the air here is cold, even the sun is not so hot, Xu Jie thought that his home was already very good, but he didn’t expect Zhang’s home to be better, It is simply a paradise, no, it is a paradise.


(End of this chapter)

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