The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 353 The investigation begins

Chapter 353 The investigation begins

"Director Xu, this is my home." Zhang Jiao walked to a house with an open door, and shouted loudly inside: "Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Xu Jie and others walked in. Zhang Jiao’s house was very large, more than ten meters across, with three gates in total. In some rural areas, sons never leave home when they get married. Living in Zhang Jiao's house is like this.

When I came here, I heard from Zhang Jiao that he has an older brother who is ten years older than him. He is [-] years old this year. After getting married, he has been living with his parents, taking care of his parents' colleagues, and planting pears with his parents on the mountain.

With such a big house, the yard is naturally not small. It looks about as big as a basketball court. On one side is a warehouse with some sundries piled up. , Seeing a stranger appear, he immediately got up from the ground and screamed wildly.

At this time, two old men, a man and a woman, walked out of the middle house. They were not tall, their skin was a bit dark, their faces were covered with wrinkles from the vicissitudes of life, and their clothes were very simple.

"The second son is back!" Seeing Zhang Jiao, the woman immediately showed a happy smile on her face, and her eyes kept looking at Zhang Jiao with concern.

"Dad, Mom." Zhang Jiao also smiled, somewhat resembling a woman.

"It's good to be back." The man nodded with relief, and then turned his attention to Xu Jie and others who entered the door, "Second son, these are the colleagues you mentioned on the phone, right?"

"Yes, Dad, let me introduce you." Zhang Jiao looked at his colleagues, pointed to the two elderly people beside him and said, "This is Dad, this is my mother, and this is Xu Jie, the director of our show." , this is Song Yiyi, this is Liu Jinbao, this is..." Zhang Jiao introduced everyone.

"Hello Uncle, Hello Auntie!" Xu Jie took the lead in greeting people, and others followed suit.

Xu Jie finally looked at Tian Haobo and winked at him. Tian Haobo immediately understood, walked forward with the things in his hands, and said, "Uncle, aunt, a little gift, these are the characteristics of the capital."

"Oh, how can you be so embarrassing?" Zhang Dezhong said while looking at his son in a panic.

"Dad, this is a wish from my colleague, please accept it." Zhang Jiao said.

In fact, when he was in the capital, he persuaded Director Xu not to bring gifts, but Director Xu refused to listen and said: It's not for you, you have no right to refuse for your parents.

"Thank you, thank you!" Zhang Zhongde quickly followed up.

Zhang Jiao turned to look at the house on the far left, and asked, "Dad, where is my brother's family?"

"Go to the town to see the market." Zhang Zhongde said.

"What's the purchase price now?" Zhang Jiao asked with concern.

"Three cents a catty."

"What?" Zhang Jiao frowned immediately.

He remembered that when he talked on the phone on Friday, his father still said thirty-five cents, and it has only been two days since it dropped by another five cents. Five cents may not seem like much, but multiplied by a thousand catties or ten thousand catties, it will become a lot.

Zhang Jiao couldn't help looking at Xu Jie, showing a helpless wry smile.

However, Xu Jie was very optimistic after hearing this.

Compared with the local Sanmao per catty, its pricing space will be larger, and the more affordable the fruit, the more viewers will buy it.

"Don't stand outside, go inside and rest, it's hot, drink some water." Zhang Jiao's mother said enthusiastically.

Xu Jie entered the room, and he always felt a little impolite not to enter the room when he came, but there were too many people in the group, so he found a reason to go out after staying for a while.

"Uncle and aunt, let's go out and look around to see the scenery here." Xu Jie said.

It's past five o'clock now, and while it was still bright, he hurried to the surrounding mountains for a walk. Regarding the live broadcast of selling pears, he didn't ask Zhang Jiao to tell his family. He did this to avoid causing a stir in the local area. unnecessary trouble.

The reason why he came so many days in advance was that he wanted to conduct an on-site investigation first to understand the real situation here, and then contact the local area for packaging, transportation and other related matters, and finally announced the live broadcast of selling goods when the inspection was almost done. Not too late.

As for the current name of coming here, it is very simple, to engage in team building.

Xu Jie and others left Zhang's house, and Zhang Jiao led them up the mountain.

The surrounding mountains are full of pear trees, and the mountains outside the mountains are still pear trees, each of which is as big as a fist hanging on the treetops, and the branches are bent down.

Many pears are covered with paper bags. The purpose of this is to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. At the same time, it can also make the skin of the pears thinner and the taste becomes very delicate. The most important point is that they look good, just like people. People who work in the office must have more tender skin on their faces than those who work outdoors.

However, paper bags also have its disadvantages, that is, the cost is too high, which is why most people do not sell them.

Xu Jie randomly picked some pears from the tree to taste, no matter the size, taste or sweetness, they were all the same as the pears eaten in Taiwan. Just take a bite, the skin will be split, and the sweet juice will spread into the mouth in an instant. It tastes very moist and refreshing in this hot season.

He also took a sweetness tester, and the result showed that the sweetness of the pear was 16. You must know that the sweetness of the milk tea we usually drink is between 15 and 20, which is enough to see how sweet this pear is.

When Xu Jie and others went down the mountain, it was already dark. Everyone first drove back to a nearby town, found a hotel to solve the problem of accommodation, and then got together for dinner.

"Zhang Jiao, didn't you say that some of you here have done online sales? How's the effect?" Xu Jie asked while eating.

"Not good, sometimes I can't sell a few orders a day." Zhang Jiao said after hearing it.

"How is their packaging and transportation solved?" Xu Jie asked.

The pear has been confirmed, it is the same as the pear he ate in Beijing, so the next step is packaging and delivery. The so-called packaging is a carton, which can protect the fruit during the mailing process.

"The packaging is a carton purchased in advance, and then shipped to the express station in the town." Zhang Jiao said.

Xu Jie nodded, then looked at the others and said, "Everyone has seen the fruit, and I don't know what you think, so please speak freely."

The so-called rocket is high when everyone gathers firewood. If he has no idea, he should first seek other people's opinions.

"Director Xu, the key is our pricing. If the price is too low, fruit farmers will not be willing to sell it. If the price is too high, fans will definitely not buy it either." Liu Jinbao thought for a while and said.

"That's right, but pricing should be the last thing to do. Before that, we need to look at the price of the carton and the price of the express delivery." Song Huanhuan said.

"Zhang Jiao, is there anyone selling cardboard boxes in your town?" Xu Jie asked Zhang Jiao.

In fact, the biggest problem with selling live broadcasts is the pear. Since there is no problem with the pear, then other things are not a problem.

"Yes, there is a freight station near the farmer's market in the town, where there are cartons for sale. In the past, the pears from the villagers were sold to purchasers. The purchasers directly packed them at the freight station and shipped them to the city, and then transferred them to other places. I usually buy some in advance." Zhang Jiao replied.

"Isn't the problem solved?" Liu Jinbao said with a smile after hearing this.

Xu Jie thought for a while, looked at the people present and said, "I'll assign work to everyone. Tomorrow, we will be divided into two groups. Me, Brother Bao, Song Huanhuan, and Haobo, let's go to the farmer's market. Zhang Jiao, you take With Zhanpeng, Xiao Wei and Liu Hua, go to the mountain to take some pictures and videos of pears, and use them as promotional videos."

Having said that, Xu Jie paused for a moment, then turned to look at Shen Zi and Pan Xiaoxiao and asked, "Are you two going to act on your own, or are you going with us?"

"Let's go by ourselves." Shen Zi said lightly.

She would go to the market too, but she didn't want to go with this man.

Xu Jie nodded and didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't want to take the other party with him. Who knows if this woman will suddenly get sick and interfere with their plan.

"Everyone, let's eat quickly. After driving for four hours and climbing the mountain for another two hours, go back tonight and have a good rest. No one is allowed to go out," Xu Jie said.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

They are already exhausted, even if they are asked to go out, they don't want to go out now.

Xu Jie returned to the room after eating, and immediately took out his mobile phone when he was free, and opened WeChat to make a video call with Su Yun.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The video was connected, and Su Yun's beautiful face appeared on the screen.

A smile appeared on Xu Jie's face immediately, and he quickly reported safety: "I'm here, I just returned to the room, how are you, did you not get noticed by the fans when you returned?"

"It wasn't discovered by the fans, but it seems that it was discovered by the reporters." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Reporter? Like?" Xu Jie was puzzled. If he found out, he found out. If he didn't find out, he didn't find out. What's the matter with being found out?

"Didn't you watch the news?" Su Yun asked.

"News? No, what's the matter?" After getting off the train, Xu Jie was either driving or going up and down the mountain. He didn't even have time to call the other party, let alone watch the news.

"We're on the news." Su Yun said, with a shy smile on her face.

"What's going on?" Xu Jie asked.

"The photo I sent you to the station was taken by the reporter and sent out as news." Su Yun explained.

"Oh, isn't it just to take a photo, it's okay." Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that the cooperation matter had been discovered, he was also surprised, this matter is well known, he knows Su Yun, how could it be possible to be discovered? Find?What's more, with the current relationship between the two, the period of cooperation may last forever.

"You'll know it when you see it." Su Yun was shy and embarrassed.

Xu Jie didn't take it seriously. Her husband was on a business trip and his wife saw him off. He didn't know what to shoot, and he didn't even expect to be on the news. Entertainment reporters nowadays are really boring.

Hey, I seem to be considered an entertainment reporter now.

The two briefly said a few words, both wanting each other to rest early, so they ended the call.

Xu Jie entered a news app and found the entertainment section. A photo was prominently displayed on the headline, and there was a line of words below:

"Su Yun and Xu Jie are reluctant to leave the station to kiss goodbye."

That's right!

It was the photo of Su Yun kissing him.

Xu Jie froze for a moment, then smiled, the shot was pretty good.

He quickly saved the photo to his phone as a souvenir.


(End of this chapter)

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