The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 354 Why Wasn't It For Sale?

Chapter 354 Why Wasn't It For Sale?
The next day, just after dawn, Xu Jie brought his team to the farmer's market near the hotel.

Miaoshan Town is very rich in natural resources, including mountains and rivers, so many villagers in the surrounding area will rush to the farmer's market early to sell some vegetables and fruits produced by themselves.

The Miaoshan Farmers Market is divided into two parts, one is the indoor market and the other is the outdoor open-air market.

The indoor market has fixed stalls and sells all day long. The open-air market is prepared for villagers, and the stall fee is paid once, and it is only allowed to sell until 08:30 every day, similar to the morning market.

Xu Jie walked around the outside first, and then inside the room. It was strange that none of the hundreds of stalls sold crispy pears.

"Director Xu, is something wrong? There are so many fruit sellers, why is there no one selling crispy pears?" Song Huanhuan also saw the strangeness and raised a question in his heart.

"Yeah, we've been walking for so long. I saw that the cheapest one is apples, which cost one yuan a catty. They are far worse than crisp pears in terms of appearance. Didn't the Zhang family's father say last night that the purchase price in the town is three yuan?" Dime? I think if it sells for one yuan per catty, it must be better than the apple just now." Tian Haobo said.

"Is it because there are too many pears, and everyone is tired of eating them for so many years?" Liu Jinbao asked.

"Nonsense!" Song Huanhuan said after hearing this: "I asked Zhang Jiao, the pears here are not available all year round, and besides, do they grow pears in every family?"

Xu Jie nodded.

His family grows vegetables and fruits, and he never gets tired of eating them for so many years.

And the so-called specialties are not only named because they are available in a certain place, but also because the people in this place like to eat them.

When he was in college, there was a classmate from Lu Dong who brought pancakes and scallions every year when he came back from home, and a classmate from Qinglan who ate beef noodles every now and then, didn't he get tired of it?
Xu Jie couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Jiao.

"Zhang Jiao, I want to ask you something, why don't you sell crispy pears in your market?" Xu Jie asked.

"No? No way? I went to sell with my brother before, did you go to the wrong place?" Zhang Jiao on the other side of the microphone said.

"How could it be possible to go wrong with such a big sign in the farmers' market? We are not illiterate." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

But thinking about it again, Zhang Jiao has been working in the capital for six or seven years, and he usually only goes home during the Chinese New Year and National Day holidays. Six or seven years is enough time for earth-shaking changes to take place. The man who drove past the town yesterday afternoon At that time, the other party also lamented that his hometown had changed a lot.

Putting down the phone, Xu Jie said to the other three people around him, "Zhang Jiao doesn't know either, let's go eat first."

The four of them came out too early and hadn't eaten yet.

"it is good!"

A few people found a stall selling breakfast near the market and sat down, ordered four bowls of tofu nao and eight fried dough sticks.

Although the store is small, the taste of tofu nao is very good. The tofu is smooth and tender, and has a faint bean fragrance. , and very affordable.

After the meal, Xu Jie called the waiter to pay the bill. While the waiter was changing the money, Xu Jie asked, "Sister, I have a question, which direction is the freight station?"

The waiter was a middle-aged woman in her forties. After hearing Xu Jie's words, she pointed to the right side of the farmer's market and said, "The east side of the market, you can see it when you walk there."

"By the way, I heard that your Miaoshan is rich in crispy pears. I went to the market just now, but there was no one for sale. Did I go to the wrong place?" Xu Jie asked.

"You came to the right place. Miaoshan is indeed rich in crispy pears, but there are no more for sale here now." The waiter said while looking for money.

"Why? I heard that the crispy pears here are very delicious. We're here for a trip, so I really want to try it." Xu Jie pretended to be a tourist, and he had acted in dozens of episodes of short plays, and even rehearsed with Su Yun for the small shows. His acting skills are still good. little by little.

The waiter handed the money to Xu Jie, hesitated for a moment, then looked around cautiously, then bent down and whispered: "Customer, if you want to buy, you need to go to the village below. There is Lishu Village to the west. The pears there are very good, you can just find one after you arrive, but it takes more than half an hour to drive there.”

Finished talking and left.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the waiter, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Why was the other party so careful and mysterious when he said crispy pears?
It's just a crispy pear, and it's not the ginseng fruit of Immortal Zhenyuan. As for fearing that others will know it?

Besides, why do you have to go to the local village to sell pears? Couldn't those villagers drive the pears to the town for sale?So how to explain these street stalls outside the farmers market?

"Waiter, another fried dough stick." Xu Jie shouted at the elder sister just now.

The waiter came over with a fried dough stick and put it on the plate in front of Xu Jie.

"Sister, wait." Xu Jie quickly stopped the other party, picked up the fried dough sticks and pointed to the morning market opposite, and asked, "I see that there are many local villagers selling what they grow themselves, why are there no crispy pears?"

The waiter showed a troubled expression on his face, "It's hard to say about this."

"Twenty fried dough sticks and twenty cups of soy milk!" Xu Jie said.

"So much? Can the four of you finish it?" the waiter asked in surprise.

"Pack!" Xu Jie took out the money, and then said in a low voice, "Sister, just tell me, I spend so much at your house, so I can be considered a big customer, right? Besides, I just want to know why there is no Those who sell crispy pears didn’t ask you about those who sell noodles.”

The waiter thought for a while, probably seeing Xu Jie's sincerity, and felt that Xu Jie was a foreigner, so he took the money and said in a low voice, "Someone won't let you sell crispy pears in the town."

Xu Jie, Liu Jinbao and others were all stunned.

Not allowed to sell?
The four looked at each other, and it seemed that things were not as simple as getting tired of eating.

"Why? Isn't the crispy pear a specialty here?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"Because crispy pears are a specialty here, people have been following them. We can't go into too much detail about this. Anyway, you definitely can't buy them in the town." The waiter turned to leave.

"Big sister, another twenty fried dough sticks and twenty cups of soy milk!" Xu Jie took out the money again.

The waiter didn't take the money this time, so he said with a bitter face: "Little brother, can I stop selling it? You can go away quickly, I can only say so much, no matter how much I say, I can't keep my business."

Xu Jie was stunned, saying that the consequences of one incident are so serious?

Who made Miaoshan Town's specialty crispy pears a taboo here?

He was curious.

Xu Jie didn't make things difficult for the eldest sister any more, and left with his colleagues carrying twenty fried dough sticks and twenty cups of soy milk.

"Who is it that doesn't allow crispy pears to be sold in the town?" Song Huanhuan asked.

Xu Jie shook his head, the elder sister didn't say anything, how could he know?

"Why don't we ask someone else?" Liu Jinbao pointed to a fruit shop on the side of the road.

Xu Jie thought for a while, crispy pears are fruits, but there are no fruit shops in Miaoshan, and the owner of the fruit shop will know about this.

He walked over, looked at the fruits in the store, pointed to the most expensive one and said, "Boss, here are four durians."

There are four in the box.

The store owner saw that this was a big customer, so he immediately went to move durians.

Xu Jie looked in the store again and asked, "Boss, I heard that there is a kind of fruit called crispy pear in your place. What kind is it?"

"Crispy pears? I don't have any here." The store owner replied very simply.

"Why not? Isn't it a specialty of your place?" Xu Jie still used the same routine.

"Yes, but also no," said the shopkeeper.

"What do you mean?" Xu Jie asked.

"Our Miaoshan specialty is crispy pears, but you can't buy them here." The shop owner's answer was exactly the same as that of the previous waitress.

"Boss, are you kidding me? I've never heard of a product that can't be bought in the place of production." Xu Jie said.

The store owner just smiled and didn't speak.

Xu Jie frowned, then gave Song Huanhuan a wink, Song Huanhuan immediately understood, and said, "Director Zhang, I want to eat crispy pears, not durians."

"Boss, I'm sorry, my friend doesn't want to eat durian anymore, let's go and see the crispy pear." Xu Jie said and was about to leave.

"Come on, I've weighed everything, how can you not buy it? Also, didn't I tell you that you really can't buy crispy pears in the town." The shop owner was anxious immediately, four durians cost more than 1000 yuan money.

"I don't believe it. You must have said that because you wanted us to buy durians." Song Huanhuan had a good grasp of the waywardness of a woman.

This kind of role is only suitable for her.

"Really." The store owner stopped Xu Jie and others.

"Why, you still want to sell by force?" Song Huanhuan stared at her round eyes, pinching her waist with her hands.

"No, I definitely didn't mean that." The store owner thought for a while, and then whispered: "Someone won't let me sell it."

"Who won't let people sell it? Why not let them sell it? Could it be that the crispy pears here are poisonous?" Song Huanhuan asked loudly.

"Hush, shush, keep it down!" The store owner stomped anxiously, wanting to cover Song Huanhuan's mouth with his hand, but he didn't dare to.

"Well, if you can make it clear, I want not only these four durians, but also grapes," Xu Jie said.

"Director Zhang, I don't eat durians and grapes!" Song Huanhuan protested.

"I'll eat!" Xu Jie said.

The store owner looked at Xu Jie, his little face flushed with excitement, and then hesitated again, should he say it or not?
"Don't say? Then you are lying, let's go!" Xu Jie turned and left.

"No, I said!"

If you don’t make money, you don’t make money for nothing. Durian and grapes can make two or three hundred yuan together.

The shop owner looked around, then turned his back to the direction of the street, pointed at the durians, and said, "Because our crispy pears are so famous, someone came up with the idea of ​​buying them all and giving them away." I went to other places to sell them, but the purchase price they offered was too low, and the fruit growers refused to sell them. Later, the fruit growers took them to the town to sell them by themselves. As a result, the car was smashed by those people, and the fruit was also trampled by those people, and they even uttered cruel words , whoever dares to sell in the town will cut down their fruit trees, well, I’m done, the total is 1621.”

Xu Jie looked surprised, there is such a thing?

(End of this chapter)

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