Chapter 355
A group of people left the fruit stand.

Xu Jie was holding a box of grapes, Liu Jinbao was holding a box of durians, Song Huanhuan was carrying [-] fried dough sticks, Tian Haobo was carrying [-] cups of soy milk, and the morning harvest was full.

"Too much, too much, isn't this bullying the fruit farmers?" Song Huanhuan said angrily as he walked.

"That's right, it's simply bullying the market!" Liu Jinbao echoed.

"Mr. Xu, why don't we call the police? Arrest all those people." Tian Haobo asked.

Xu Jie glanced at Tian Haobo lightly, this kid is too naive.

"Who? Call the police and arrest who?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's the people who don't let fruit farmers sell pears." Tian Haobo said naturally.

"Who are they, where are they, and do you have evidence?" Xu Jie asked a series of questions.

"Didn't the owner of the fruit shop know about it just now?" Tian Haobo looked back in the direction of the fruit stand.

"Do you think he will tell you?" Xu Jie looked at the other party.

"It's a big deal to buy a few more boxes of fruit!" Tian Haobo said after thinking about it.

"Haobo, things are not as simple as you think." Liu Jinbao turned his head and pointed in the direction of the farmer's market, and said, "There is not a single pear seller in such a big market, which means that the locals know about it One thing, since this is the case, why are those people still rampant in the village, why are the fruit farmers and the people in the town afraid of those people, have you ever thought about this question?"

Tian Haobo was stunned when he heard it, then frowned and fell into deep thought.

People who can do such things as bullying and dominating the market must be very powerful in the local area.

Local snake?
"Director Xu, what should we do?" Song Huanhuan looked at Xu Jie and asked.

Someone wants to monopolize the pears in Miaoshan Town, and they are here to help sell pears here. In this way, the interests of that group will definitely be touched.

Will the gang stop them from selling pears?Will it take revenge on the fruit farmers who sell pears?All this is an unknown.

"Can we still do that? Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, and the stage has already started to promote. Do you think we have other options?" Xu Jie looked at the three people around him and said, "Let's come here with high spirits." Let’s go back in such a disheartened way, when the leader in the station asks, what shall we say? Because of a few bosses? We are also reporters after all, how can we bow our heads to the evil forces?”

"Well, that's right, I can't just go back like this, I can't afford to lose that person!" Liu Jinbao said after hearing this.

"Teacher Xu is right. Since ancient times, evil has never prevailed over good. We should not be afraid of them. If they dare to make trouble for us, we will expose them." Tian Haobo said seriously, with a resolute appearance of fighting the evil forces to the end.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said: "Let's go to the freight station first, ask about the packaging and transportation, and then study the pears. In fact, we have nothing to worry about, even if the entire Miaoshan Town No one dares to ask us to help sell it, isn’t there Zhang Jiao’s family? Doesn’t Zhang Jiao have relatives who grow pears? It’s enough for us to sell.”

The other three stayed for a while, yes, if they can’t sell tens of thousands of boxes, then selling hundreds of boxes is not in vain, not to mention that the purpose of their coming here is to help Zhang Jiao’s family sell pears, the day before yesterday People are all piggybacking.

Thinking of this, everyone finally felt better, talking and laughing and walking towards the freight station.

Several people came to the freight station.

The venue here is very open, as big as half a football field, but compared with the bustling farmers market next door, this place looks deserted.

The freight station is divided into two parts, one for logistics and one for express delivery. More than a dozen large and small trucks are parked on the side of the road, most of them are waiting for work. The drivers are standing outside the cars chatting, and some even played poker. After playing chess, only a small number have jobs, and a small number are still unloaded at the express station.

Fruits like pears must be sent by express delivery. First, because the package is small, and second, because express delivery is faster than logistics. If the fruit is on the road for more than ten days, it will be strange if it does not rot when the customer receives it.

Xu Jie walked into one of the courier stations, and the staff inside were playing Doudizhu. When he saw someone entering, he just glanced at it lightly, then continued to play the game, and asked nonchalantly: "Pick up or send? "

"Send it." Xu Jie said.

"Where to send? What to send?" The staff asked routinely.

"Crispy pears, send them all over the country," Xu Jie said.

"What?" The staff member raised his head again and looked at Xu Jie in bewilderment, not understanding what it meant.

"I have a batch of crispy pears, and I send them all over the country. A box of ten catties, how do I bill them?" Xu Jie asked.

The staff didn't answer right away, they kept looking at Xu Jie, and after looking at it for a while, they asked, "Are you an e-commerce business?"

"Hmm." Xu Jie nodded without denying it.

He knows that for e-commerce companies that ship goods in large quantities, the courier fee is generally very cheap, unlike single-piece express delivery, which costs ten or even a dozen yuan at the beginning.

"Sell crispy pears?" the staff asked.

"Is there any problem?" Xu Jie looked at the other party.

"Crispy pears are only delivered in one piece, large batches are not accepted, and other fruits are free." The staff said.

"Why?" Xu Jie was puzzled.

Although the express delivery fee for large quantities is very low, it is the same reason for large quantities and small profits but quick turnover.

"No reason." The staff's answer can be said to be very capricious.

"What kind of attitude is this!" Song Huanhuan said dissatisfiedly: "Director Xu, let's go, this is not just his family, let's go and have a look."

When the staff heard this, instead of being angry, they laughed and said slowly: "It's useless to go to the next door. Whether it's express delivery or logistics, they don't accept big orders for crispy pears. I advise you not to order crispy pears in Miaoshan Town." Pear's idea is useless."

Xu Jie took a deep look at the other party, then turned and walked out.

Several people went to the courier station next door to ask again, but the answer they got was the same. Crispy pears only send single pieces and do not accept large-volume express business.

"Are these people sick? They don't even make money?" Song Huanhuan said angrily. She thought express delivery was the easiest thing to solve, but it turned out to be the hardest thing now.

Without express delivery, you can’t send items out, and pears can’t get out of Miaoshan. How can you sell goods live?
"It's not that they don't make money, maybe they don't dare to make money." Xu Jie said thoughtfully.

"Don't dare to earn?"

"That's right, it's like the fruit shop is afraid to sell crispy pears."

Song Huanhuan frowned slightly, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "You mean, those people won't let me?"

Xu Jie nodded, he couldn't think of any other reasons besides this.

"Aren't these people too much? Isn't this not giving people a way out?" Song Huan stared angrily.

"It seems that these people are determined to eat these pears." Liu Jinbao sighed, it was really a bad start.

Tian Haobo looked frustrated, his fighting spirit just now was gone.

Xu Jie saw a sign saying "Carton Wholesale" standing nearby, so he walked over there.

"Handsome guy, buy a cardboard box? My home has the most complete directions in Miaoshan, and I can customize patterns." The seller is a 30-year-old elder sister. When she sees Xu Jie and others, she immediately greets them warmly.

Xu Jie took a look at the samples, there were three layers, there were five layers, and the sizes were still quite complete.

"Ten catties of crispy pears, what kind of box do you use?" Xu Jie asked.

The sales lady was taken aback, then pointed to a sample in the middle and said, "This one can hold exactly ten catties, how much do you want?"

"What price?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course, the larger the quantity, the better the price. The more you want, the cheaper it will be." The sales lady said with a smile.

"Do you dare to sell us the cardboard box?" Song Huanhuan asked strangely. Why is this eldest sister's attitude different from that of the courier station boss just now?

"Do you dare to open the door for business?" said the sales lady.

"It's for crispy pears." Song Huanhuan reminded.

"I didn't hear that." The sales lady said without changing her expression.

"Crispy pears!" Song Huanhuan said loudly.

"I sell cardboard boxes, not crispy pears." The sales lady turned her head to one side.

Song Huanhuan walked over and wanted to say something, but Xu Jie grabbed her and motioned the other party not to ask. Isn't this obvious enough?

Never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep!
Xu Jie told the elder sister how many cartons he wanted, and the elder sister changed the way she had lost her ears just now, and immediately gave a price. Xu Jie returned the price to the other party, and the elder sister also said the amount. After a round of competition, the price was finally negotiated. , It also proves that the eldest sister is indeed not deaf.

"A few words need to be printed on the outside of the carton: Ningzhou specialty, Miaoshan crispy pear." Xu Jie finally made the request.

The sales lady froze, and then said: "Handsome guy, can't you not print this word?"

"No!" Xu Jie said.

"I'll lower the price for you a little more," said the sales lady.

"No." Xu Jie shook his head.

"Handsome guy, I just heard this beauty's questioning, and you already know what's going on here in Miaoshan, so why bother me?" the sales lady said with a wry smile.

"Since eldest sister knows everything, why didn't she remind us?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Hey, it's hard to do business now. I finally got a big customer like you, can I not sell it?" said the sales lady.

"Yes, business is difficult. Let's go back and study it." Xu Jie walked out after speaking, and Song Huanhuan and others followed.

The morning market outside the farmer's market has been evacuated, and the street that was bustling just now became much quieter.

On the way back to the hotel, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was very dull, completely different from the talking and laughing on the train when we came here.

Xu Jie never thought that selling a pear would be so difficult.

When he was in the capital, he wondered why the price given by the buyer was so low. Zhang Jiao's family would rather rot the pears on the tree than go to the market to sell them. It turned out that there was something wrong.

But when Zhang Jiao called Zhang Jiao to ask why the town didn't sell crispy pears, the other party didn't seem to know. Didn't Zhang Jiao's family tell him, so he didn't want him to worry?

Well, it is possible!
Xu Jie stopped, put the grape box on the ground, then took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Jiao.

"Zhang Jiao, where are you?"

"On my mountain." Zhang Jiao replied.

"Let's go over later, let's meet at the foot of the mountain." Xu Jie said.


After talking on the phone, Xu Jie picked up the box, only to find two young men looking at them furtively not far behind him.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone again, turned on the selfie mode, pointed the camera at the back, and watched as he walked. Sure enough, the two people followed up again.

This is, is it being targeted?

(End of this chapter)

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