Chapter 356 Being Tracked

In order to confirm his guess, Xu Jie continued to walk forward for a while pretending that nothing happened, then stopped suddenly, and asked the people around him, "What time is it?" Without leaving the phone screen, he kept staring at the two suspicious people behind him.

Stopped, stopped again, the two people pretended to chat, but their eyes looked at him from time to time.

Really stalked!
If he walks, the other party will leave; if he stops, the other party will stop. Isn’t this stalking?
After Xu Jie confirmed his guess, he couldn't help being surprised. He and his colleagues were targeted after walking around the farmer's market. I have to say that this group of people is very powerful, otherwise there would be no news. Will be so well-informed.

"It's 9:50." Tian Haobo replied.

Xu Jie nodded and continued to walk forward until he came to the hotel. Instead of entering the hotel, he loaded the fruit into the car, and then drove directly out of the town to Lishu Village.

Looking at the two young people standing in front of the hotel in the rearview mirror, Xu Jie stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and soon he could no longer see the two young people.

After a few minutes.

Just when Xu Jie thought he would get rid of him, a motorcycle appeared behind the car. Although the person on the motorcycle was wearing sunglasses, he could tell from his familiar clothes that this was the two men who followed him before. a young man.

Can this also keep up?
Xu Jie wanted to speed up, but there were potholes on the road and the conditions did not allow it. Although there were not many, he did not dare to drive fast. However, the mobility of the motorcycle was at a great advantage at this time, and the distance between vehicles was constantly increasing. Close, and finally kept at about 20 meters.

"We are being watched!" Xu Jie said in a deep voice.


The other three were taken aback, and turned their heads to look behind.

"Is that the Wuling?" Song Huanhuan asked.

"It's that motorcycle!" Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, how did you know?" Song Huanhuan asked suspiciously, there is only one road here, and isn't it normal for cars to follow behind?

"I met these two people in the town. On our way back to the hotel, they followed us all the way here." Xu Jie said.

Song Huanhuan was shocked. She had been followed for such a long time, and she didn't realize it at all.

"Could it be that they know the purpose of our coming here? The news is too well-informed, right?" Tian Haobo said with a nervous expression.

It was the first time he encountered such a thing, and he would inevitably feel uneasy.

"As expected of a local snake, maybe it was the boss of the courier station who told me the secret." Liu Jinbao said.

"It may also be the female boss who sells cardboard boxes. We are upset that we didn't buy her cardboard boxes." Tian Haobo said.

"Director Xu, what should we do now?" Song Huanhuan looked at Xu Jie, feeling a little worried.

"Wait and see." Xu Jie said indifferently: "As long as it doesn't hinder our live broadcast sales activities, let them follow. If they want to make trouble, we are not easy to provoke."

Song Huanhuan was still a little worried, as the old saying goes: A strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, if a conflict does arise, outsiders like them will not be able to take advantage of it.

"Yes, in broad daylight, the sky is clear, what else can they do to us?" Liu Jinbao said while pressing his fists, his knuckles creaking, "At worst, we will fight with them."

"Look at what you said, it's not professional at all. We are reporters, can we do things like fighting?" Xu Jie said after hearing this, "Don't confront them head-on, ask Zhang Jiao about the situation, and then do it." Intend."

Liu Jinbao, Song Huanhuan, and Tian Haobo nodded. They didn't know this group of people well enough, so they were really not easy to act rashly. Zhang Jiao is a local, so he should know something. Even if he didn't know, Zhang's family members must know something. There is a saying in the art of war: Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles.

The car drove for more than half an hour, and finally stopped in Lishu Village. The four of them followed the road they walked yesterday to the foot of Zhang Jiao's house.

Zhang Jiao and the others had already arrived and were enjoying the shade under the shade of a tree. It was already past 11 noon, which was the hottest time of the day.

"Director Xu, we took two scenes and took a few pictures, what do you think?" Lu Zhanpeng brought the camera in front of Xu Jie, found the file and played it back.

Xu Jie took a look. There were long-range views and close-up views. He basically recorded the surrounding scenery of Lishu Village and the fruitful orchards on the mountain. It would be better if there were some close-ups.

"That's right." Xu Jie nodded, then looked at Zhang Jiao and asked, "I remember you told me that the purchase price offered by your purchaser here is very low, why don't the fruit growers transport the pears to the town themselves?" Sell ​​it?"

Although Zhang Jiao didn't know why Director Xu suddenly asked about it, he still explained: "Crispy pears are a specialty of our town, and many villages grow them. It’s better to find some mountain products and sell them for value, and you can earn more money than selling pears if you go to work in the town.”

"Really?" Xu Jie didn't think so.

Even though there are many villages that grow pears, but Miaoshan Town is so big, there are always villages that don’t grow pears, and when he was at the farmer’s market this morning, he found that there were many people from other villages visiting the market, and even city people came here by car. Can't you sell to these people?
As for the cost, since it is going to be sold in the town, it is enough for the family to go up the mountain to pick it. The Zhang family also has an agricultural tricycle, depending on the size yesterday, it is no problem to pull one or two tons.

Even if it's one ton, two thousand catties, one catty, that's 2000 yuan, isn't it better to sell than those green apples?Better than letting them rot on trees.

"Well, what my dad said, can it be false?" Zhang Jiao said.

"Your dad may not be telling the truth." Although Xu Jie didn't want to say that, there are some things that must be faced, and only after facing them can he find a way to solve them.


Zhang Jiao was stunned, question marks were written all over his face, and then he looked at the other three people who came with Director Xu, their expressions were also very strange, as if there was something wrong.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jiao couldn't help asking, why did the four of them become weird when they went to the farmer's market?
Xu Jie told what he had seen and heard at the farmer's market just now, and Song Huanhuan and others added from time to time, even including the matter of being followed.

Hearing Xu Jie's narration, the entire Zhang family was stunned.

If it's what Director Xu said, his father has indeed been lying to him.

"Why didn't my dad tell me about such a big thing? I'll go back and ask." Zhang Jiao said that he was about to leave, his eyes full of anger.

My parents are being bullied, but I don't even know it. As a son, who can bear it?
Xu Jie grabbed Zhang Jiao and said, "Wait, your dad didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry. By the way, don't you have a big brother? Let's ask him."

"Hmm." Zhang Jiao nodded.

A group of people walked towards the village in a mighty way. In order to avoid accidents, Xu Jie and others did not enter the village, but stayed by the side of the village. Zhang Jiao also called and called his eldest brother out.

Not long after, a middle-aged man came over, and looked a little like Zhang Jiao, except that his skin was darker, his hair was less, and his face was very simple and honest.

After the man approached, he nodded at Xu Jie and the others with a silly smile, then looked at Zhang Jiao and asked, "Second son, why did you call me here if you don't go home?"

Zhang Jiao looked at Xu Jie, and then said to the middle-aged man: "Brother, I just came down from our mountain, there are so many pears on the tree, don't you have a car, why don't you take it to the town to sell?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Our pears can't be sold at a high price, and they are also worthless if you take them away. Why waste that time."

"Could it be that no one buys it for a dollar or a catty?" Zhang Jiao asked.

"No, everyone grows it and owns it. Who will buy it?" Brother Zhang Jiao said.

"Miaoshan Town is so big, there are always villages that don't grow pears. Brother, don't lie to me. I haven't seen a single pear seller in the town. What's going on?" Zhang Jiao had a showdown.

The eldest brother's expression froze, but he still smiled and said, "Second son, it's fine. I'll sell pears in the town. Why don't I sell some mountain products? Didn't my father tell you?"

"Most of the mountains around our village are planted with fruit trees. It is true that the mountain products need to be found, and pears grow on the trees. To be honest, we came back this time to help sell pears in our village. If you don't sell them, then Okay, I'll sell it!" Zhang Jiao said seriously.

After hearing this, the eldest brother said quickly: "Second son, you don't need to sell it. Really, what are you wasting that time for? You can go back to work in the capital as soon as possible. You don't need to worry about family affairs."

"Brother!" Zhang Jiao grabbed the elder brother's shoulders and said seriously: "The pears you have worked so hard to grow for a year, are you going to let the goddamn rot on the tree? It will rot this year, and it will rot next year too?"

The eldest brother lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Zhang Jiao, obviously a little guilty.

Xu Jie looked at Zhang Jiao's elder brother, and it seemed that his guess was right. Zhang Jiao's family really knew everything, but they kept it a secret from Zhang Jiao.

"Brother, just tell us." Xu Jie looked at Zhang Jiao's brother and said, "The reason why so many of us came here from the capital is because we heard that Zhang Jiao said that your pears cannot be sold. I came here to help sell it. It doesn’t matter if you have any questions. We are all journalists, and we are best at solving problems. But if you don’t tell us, we will be caught off guard when we encounter these problems when selling pears. We will be really passive at that time. gone."

"Yes, brother, Zhang Jiao is your younger brother, we are Zhang Jiao's colleagues, we are all on our own, there is nothing we can't say."

"It's a waste of such a good pear to rot on the tree."

"A year's hard work is in vain, are you willing?"

Others followed suit.

After Zhang Jiao's elder brother heard it, he began to hesitate.

After Xu Jie saw it, he felt that it was a strong medicine.

"Brother, let me tell you, we have been followed this morning because of selling crispy pears in the lobby of the town. If you don't tell, not only us, but your brother may also have an accident."


Brother Zhang Jiao immediately panicked, looked at his younger brother, gritted his teeth for the last time, and finally said, "Okay, let me say..."


(End of this chapter)

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