The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 357 Fighting violence with violence?

Chapter 357 Fighting violence with violence?

After listening to Brother Zhang Jiao's narration, Xu Jie roughly understood the whole story
It turned out that the owner of the purchasing station went to the city to do business a few years ago, and he handed over the purchasing station to his brother-in-law Wu Liang before leaving.

This Wu Liang is a well-known gangster in Miaoshan Town. Since he took over the purchase station from his brother-in-law, the purchase price for crispy pears has been getting lower and lower every year. It used to be one piece, and later it was eight cents. I have to make money, so I endured it.

However, in the past two years, the situation has intensified. Last year, it was [-] cents, and this year it has become [-] cents. If the fruit farmers don’t sell it, the other party will drop it to [-] cents. They also say that if they don’t sell it now, the purchase price will be lower in the future.

For those who tried to sell pears by themselves, Wu Liang used all kinds of despicable means to deal with them. The more common one is to smash the stalls, because they are not worth much. Even if they are arrested by the police, they will be released in a few days. Some trees were felled secretly at night. Since there was no evidence, even if everyone knew it was done by Wu Liang and his gang, there was nothing they could do about it.

"Second son, go back to the capital with your colleagues. You don't have to worry about the family affairs. At worst, I will go to the town to work. Next year, our family will not grow any more." Zhang Sheng tried hard to persuade his younger brother, for fear that he would encounter any trouble and Danger,

In his thinking, his family are ordinary people who do their duty, don't mess with those ruffians, one thing more is worse than one thing less, take a step back and the sea and the sky will be brighter.

"No!" Zhang Jiao said angrily after hearing this: "Pears are the only source of income for our family. If Wu Liang does this, won't it cut off our family's livelihood?"

"He just pushes his feet, and he must not bow his head to this kind of person." Liu Jinbao continued.

"There are so many fruit growers in the whole town, why are you afraid of him alone? At worst, let's see who has the most." Song Huanhuan said.

"Don't, they are all gangsters who don't do their jobs properly, let's not make trouble." Zhang Sheng said worriedly.

"Brother, it is because of your idea of ​​not looking for trouble that Wu Liang and his gang are becoming more and more rampant." Zhang Jiao looked at his elder brother and said, "Tomorrow I will drive to the town to sell pears and see if they can do it." What to do with me!"

"Second son, don't go..." Zhang Sheng kept persuading, even begging, but Zhang Jiao remained unmoved and asked his eldest brother to leave it alone.

Brother Zhang Jiao left with a sigh, his face full of worry.

"Zhang Jiao, I'll help you sell pears tomorrow!" Liu Jinbao said.

"I'll go too, I want to see what they can do to us!" Tian Haobo was also filled with righteous indignation.

"At that time, I will take a camera and take pictures of them all to expose them!" Lu Zhanpeng said.

But Xu Jie shook his head at this moment, and said: "It's not that I discouraged your enthusiasm. Even if you sell it, it's useless, and it won't have any influence on that group of people."

"Why?" Song Huanhuan asked puzzled.

"Going to sell pears in the town is nothing more than two results. One is to be smashed by Wu Liang's gang, and the other is not to be smashed. Brother just said very clearly that even if they are smashed, the gang will be arrested by the police. , we will be released after a few days of detention, and we are outsiders, after all, we have to leave. They can choose not to smash them. Behavior is meaningless, we really have to calm down and think of a perfect solution once and for all." Xu Jie said to the crowd.

Everyone thought about it carefully, and felt that what Director Xu said was indeed reasonable.

Even if it is to help, you can't do it recklessly. When they leave, the village will not be able to leave, nor will the Zhang family's family. In the end, the fruit farmers will be the unlucky ones.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think we should do?" Tian Haobo looked at Xu Jie.

"There are generally two ways to deal with people like Wu Liang. One is to collect his criminal evidence and hand it over to the police. However, this method has a flaw. Our time here is too short, and the locals I am very afraid of them, they may not be able to collect them, and even if they are collected, there may be fish that slip through the net." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

Everyone nodded. In fact, they thought so at the beginning, but after Director Xu said this, they realized the flaw, because even if the evidence of Wu Liang and his gang was collected, it is impossible to sentence them all to ten or eight years. , Just like some gangsters scaring the common people, how long can they be sentenced?It won't be long before the sentence is over, at most it will be a warning, and after it is over, people will continue to make trouble behind their backs, and the problem is still not resolved.

"What about the second method?" Zhang Jiao asked.

"The second method is to use some special means to deter them and prevent them from continuing to do evil. In layman's terms, it is to use violence to control violence!" Xu Jie said slowly.

"Use violence to control violence?"

Everyone was stunned.

We are all journalists, and we are accustomed to using legal means to protect the rights and interests of ourselves and others, so when we heard the second method, we were a little hesitant. Controlling violence has never been a means for journalists.

"Old Xu, didn't you say that we reporters don't do things like fights?" Liu Jinbao asked.

"So we need to pay more attention to methods." Xu Jie said.

Everyone is puzzled, isn't using violence to control violence just to fight? Is there any way?
"Director Xu, what do you say, we all listen to you." Song Huanhuan looked at Xu Jie and said.

"Yes, we all listen to you." Others echoed.

Director Xu is the person in charge of the program group, and is also the captain of the charity team handpicked by the station leaders. If you don't listen to him, who will you listen to?And they are used to letting Director Xu make up his mind.

Xu Jie met everyone's trusting eyes, thought for a while and said: "Since Wu Liang and his group already know that we are going to sell crispy pears, from now on, let's do it with great fanfare, Zhang Jiao, let's go to the village committee first , Contact your village chief, tell him our purpose this time, and promote it in the whole village, if you want to use our pear sellers, go to the village to sign up."

"Director Xu, what if those people take revenge on Lishu Village?" Song Huanhuan asked.

"I did this because I wanted them to take revenge." Xu Jie said with a smile.


Everyone was puzzled, did Director Xu really want to fight Wu Liang and his group head-on?Just by a few of them?

No matter how you look at it, there is no chance of winning.

It's not Ye Wen, one hits ten.

"I'm going to the village committee now." Zhang Jiao said impatiently.

In his opinion, no matter what method Xu Dao thinks of, he will do it, even if it is a fight, after all, this is his home, others can stand by and watch, but he can't!

Under the leadership of Zhang Jiao, a group of people came to the village committee. The village committee was at the entrance of the village, and it was a bungalow.

"Huh, Zhang Jiao? Aren't you working in the capital? When did you come back?" After entering the door, a woman who was about the same age as Zhang Jiao saw Zhang Jiao with surprise in her eyes.

"Liu Yi? I just came back yesterday, why are you here?" Zhang Jiao asked with surprise.

"I'm the accountant in the village now, what are you doing at the village committee?" Liu Yi asked.

"I'm looking for the village chief," Zhang Jiao said.

"Go, old classmate, I'll take you there." Liu Yi said and led the way.

Zhang Jiao and Liu Yi chatted while walking, Xu Jie and others followed behind, and soon came to the innermost village chief's office.

Because of the hot weather, the door was left open, and as soon as I got to the door, I saw a middle-aged man inside the room fanning himself with a fan.

"Village Chief, Zhang Jiao is looking for you." Liu Yi said directly.

The village chief was also taken aback when he saw Zhang Jiao, stood up immediately, and said with a smile on his face: "Zhang Jiao? Why are you back? Come in and sit down." When he saw a group of people behind Zhang Jiao, he asked suspiciously: "these are……?"

"Village chief, these are my colleagues from the "Delicious History" program group of Beijing TV station." Zhang Jiao explained.

""Delicious History"? I know, I've watched it." The village head said after hearing this, "But, isn't your program filming the traditional cuisine of the capital? What are you doing here?"

"Village chief, it's like this. After learning that our village's crispy pears are unsalable, our program team plans to use the form of online live broadcast to help our village sell pears, respond to the country's call, and help farmers and rural revitalization." Zhang Jiao explained.

"Really?" The village chief's eyes lit up, he even stopped the fan in his hand, and said excitedly: "Zhang Jiao, if you can help the village sell the pears, then you will be a hero of our village, and everyone in the village will know it." Thank you, thank you for the program team." At this point, the village chief seemed to think of something, looked at Zhang Jiao and asked tentatively: "Do you know why the pears in our village cannot be sold?"

"I heard that the purchase price given by the purchaser is too low, and they bully the market and threaten the fruit farmers." Zhang Jiao said with a serious expression.

"Since you know everything, how dare you sell it for the village?" the village head asked suspiciously.

"If he dares to make trouble, I'll expose them." Zhang Jiao clenched his fists.

"I know you work at a TV station, but you are a Beijing TV station, how can you manage the affairs of our Miaoshan Town?" The village chief said with a wry smile.

"Let's expose it on the Internet!" Zhang Jiao said.

"Someone exposed it on the Internet before, but... alas!" The village chief shook his head and sighed.

"Zhang Jiao, you don't know, those people are so bad. A man from the next village went to the reporter to expose it. As a result, dozens of trees in the orchard were cut down that night, and a man from the city drove A big truck came to our village to harvest pears, but it punctured the tires and smashed the windows, and the driver ran away in fright." Liu Yi said angrily.

"Village Chief, don't worry, we have a solution." Zhang Jiao said with a smile. He didn't think of a solution, but he believed in Director Xu.

The village head looked at Zhang Jiao, and saw that the other party was full of confidence, so he relaxed his frown, especially when he thought that the second child of the Zhang family was now working at the Beijing TV station and was the most promising person in the village. Maybe he really had the ability to deal with those People's way, so I feel relieved.

"Okay, I'm going to broadcast right now."


(End of this chapter)

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