Chapter 358 Big fanfare
"Attention all the villagers, all the villagers, I want to tell you a piece of good news. The Beijing TV station's "Delicious History" program team came to our Lishu Village to help the farmers with public welfare and help our village sell pears. Villagers who want to sell, come now! The village committee signed up, and those who are not at home, call each other to inform each other, repeat again, all villagers pay attention..."

The voice of the village chief spread throughout the village through loudspeakers distributed in several places in the village.

The villagers in the house ran out of the house one after another, and the villagers working in the field stopped their hands and listened carefully to the broadcast on the loudspeaker.

A few minutes later, the broadcast ended, but the village erupted, and people came out one after another, discussing together.

"Second aunt, you heard the radio. The TV station wants to sell pears for us."

"Yeah, I don't know if it's true or not."

"What the village chief said should be true. Are you going to sign up?"

"It's certainly a good thing that someone sells pears for us, but will Wu Liang and his gang take revenge on us after they find out?"

"Yeah, I'm also worried about this. The pears will not be sold and the pear trees will be cut down. How will we live on in the future?"

"But the price offered by the buying site is too low, thirty cents a catty, and potatoes are not so cheap. I heard that it will drop in a few days. If it goes down, it will be meaningless to grow pears."

Several women got together to discuss.

At this time, a woman passed by on a bicycle.

"Sister, where are you going?"

"Sign up at the village committee."

"Ah? Are you really going? Are you afraid that Wu Liang and his gang will chop down your pear tree?"

"It's better to cut it down, and it will lose money if you sell it to them. My old man said, cut half of it in a few days, and plant apples next year."

"Growing apples?"

"Well, I'm not allowed to sell pears in the town, and I'm going to sell apples in the town, so I can't stop selling apples, right? Let alone, I'm going to the village committee."

The woman got on her bicycle and left.

The other women looked at each other. It was a pity that such a good pear tree was cut down. Moreover, the pears in Lishu Village had a history of hundreds of years. The experience of growing pears was passed down from generation to generation. Kind of different, really a bit reluctant.

However, when they thought of Wu Liang, everyone became entangled again. The price offered by the purchasing station was getting lower and lower every year. Everyone used to grow pears to support the whole family, but now they have lost money by growing pears. It seems that there is really no need to grow pears again.

"How about we go to the village committee to see?"

"Yes, let's see how many people signed up."

Several people went to the village committee together.

Seeing that more and more people went to the village committee, some hesitant people also followed, and they went to join in the fun first.

Xu Jie stood by the window and looked out, and soon saw someone coming on a bicycle.

"Village chief, you just said on the radio that the TV station will sell pears for our village, is that true?" asked the first woman who came to the village committee.

"Sister-in-law, of course it is true. With such a big matter, can I lie to the villagers?" The village chief pointed to Zhang Jiao who was beside him, and said, "This is the second son of Zhang Zhongde's family, who works at the Beijing TV station. He came to find me." , can there be a fake?"

Zhang Jiao said at this time: "Aunt Zhang, it's true. These are colleagues from our TV station, and Beijing Satellite TV has been promoting it since today. It is about our program group, you You can see it when you get home, and this Friday we will be selling pears through live broadcast.”

"Selling pears live? Isn't someone here to collect them? Can they be sold?" the woman asked suspiciously.

"Whether it can be sold or not, won't you know on the day of the live broadcast? Try it, it's better than rotten on a tree." Zhang Jiao said with a smile.

"Does your house also sell?" the woman asked.

"Sell, of course sell." Zhang Jiao said.

"Okay, then I'll sign up too. My family has about [-] catties this year..."

"Okay, let me register for you, but let me tell you in advance that we only sell high-quality large fruits at present, and the price is set at 1 yuan and 5 catties, and a box of ten catties is 15 yuan, plus packaging and postage. It will be around 25 yuan, and you need to pay for the packaging and postage yourself, and the money will be called to you after the buyer confirms receipt of the goods..." Zhang Jiao briefly explained the situation, and the program team is only responsible for providing a platform to help everyone Sales, as for others, depend entirely on the fruit growers themselves.

When the woman heard the advance payment, she couldn't get the money immediately, and she immediately showed a hesitant expression on her face, but then she thought about it, the second child of Zhang Zhongde's family helped sell the goods, and she worked at the Beijing TV station, so she couldn't run away. I could find it, so I nodded and said, "Okay, as long as it can be sold, there is no problem with paying in advance."

The main reason is that the sales price given is too attractive.

1 yuan and 5 a catty. Although the pears in Lishu Village are good, they have never been sold so expensive. I used to go to the town to sell them for 3 yuan per catty. You must know that the purchase station only gave [-] cents.

"Aunt Zhang, when you've made up your mind, sign your name here and leave a phone call. Don't regret it." Zhang Jiao reminded.

"If you can help me sell the pears, whoever repents will be a puppy!" The woman picked up the pen and happily signed the book.

Not long after, a few more people came to the village committee.

"Village chief, is the pear sale true?"

"How much is a pound?"

The village head told these people what he said just now.

"What? 1 yuan and 5?"

"Really? Can someone buy it?"

"My pears have never been so expensive before."

Several people were surprised, and they all expressed disbelief. The highest price given by the buying station in the past was 1 yuan a catty, and it was several years ago. It was only two or three years ago, 1 yuan and 5?They dare not even think about it.

"Of course it's true, but it doesn't matter how much you can sell." The village chief said.

"At this price, it doesn't matter how much you sell, as long as you sell it, I will sign up."

"That's right, you'd be a fool if you don't sign up, count me in."

Later, several people also wrote down their names and contact numbers in the notebook.

"Old Xu, the people who followed us at noon seem to be outside, do you want to drive them away?" Liu Jinbao pointed out the window and whispered to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie had seen it a long time ago, and shook his head at Liu Jinbao, knowing that it didn't matter, just afraid that those people wouldn't know.

More and more people came to the village committee, and many of them were just to join in the fun, but when they heard that the selling price was 1 yuan, they all became restless.

Some ran home quickly, and some took out their mobile phones directly. They had only one purpose, to discuss with their family members.

The village head saw that there were too many people asking, so he was too lazy to explain over and over again, so he turned on the radio again, and said the sales price and advance payment twice.

More and more people came to register. In front of the purchase price of 1 yuan, Wu Liang and tree cutting were all forgotten.

When some people from other villages passed by Lishu Village, they heard the discussions of the villagers in Lishu Village, and they all joined together.

"Crispy pears cost 1 yuan and 5? Who are you selling them to?" asked a villager from outside the village.

"Selling goods live is live streaming on mobile phones," said a villager in Lishu Village.

"Can it be sold?" the outsider asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. If we can sell it, we can sell it. If we can't sell it, we don't have any loss. Anyway, the TV station helps us sell it. It's better than rotten on a tree."

"TV station? When did the TV station start selling goods live?"

"This is called public welfare to help farmers and help rural revitalization!"


It didn't take long, not only the villagers in Lishu Village knew about it, but also the villagers in several surrounding villages.

These villages are very close to each other. Sometimes the broadcast in this village can be heard in the neighboring villages, and between the villages, many are relatives. A phone call can immediately tell whether the news is true or false.

Some people from other villages are very envious, some people from other villages doubt whether they can sell so many pears, and some people from other villages are waiting to see a good show. If Wu Liang knows, the people in Lishu Village will not be unlucky?
A motorcycle left Lishu Village and drove quickly to the town.

"Brother Liang, it's not good, something serious happened!" A young man with yellow hair yelled and rushed into an office in the purchasing station.

"What's the matter, what's all the fuss?" The man who spoke was a man in his early thirties, shirtless, athletic, with a carp tattoo on his back.

"A group of people came from the capital. It is said that they are from the capital TV station. They went to Lishu Village to help them sell pears." Huang Mao said out of breath.

"Fart, what are people from Beijing TV station doing here? This is not Beijing." said the person named Brother Liang.

"Really, we have followed them all the way, and we have heard what the head of Lishu Village said on the radio, saying that it is for public welfare to help farmers and rural revitalization. It seems that one of the people in this program group is Lishu The villager’s name is Zhang Jiao, yes, it’s called Zhang Jiao, and all the villagers in Lishu Village have registered with the village committee.”

Wu Liang saw what the little brother said had a nose and eyes, and immediately put down his leg that was knocking on the table.

"Are there many registered people?" Wu Liang asked.

"Many, I think most of them have gone." Huang Mao said.

"How much are they going to sell?" Wu Liang asked again.

"1 bucks 5."

"What?" Wu Liang stood up from the chair suddenly, and his whole person was not calm, "Can they sell it at this price?"

"I heard that they are preparing to sell goods live."

Wu Liang frowned. If he bought it locally, he would definitely not be able to sell it at this price, but if he sold it live, then he might not be sure.

In fact, he also wants to do live broadcasting to sell goods. Fruits that are very cheap in the place of production can be sold in the live broadcast room. The price is higher than the price of the place of production, except for packaging and transportation. It’s just that he can’t find a way. Hu, can this be tolerated?cannot!
"Are there many people here?" Wu Liang asked.

"Not many, about ten, there are men and women, and the women are quite beautiful, hehe!" Huang Mao said wretchedly.

"Brother Liang, they went to the courier station and the carton store in the morning. They seem to know about you." Another man in a basketball shirt said.

"You know how to get involved?" Wu Liang clenched his fists and said, "There are also people from Lishu Village who dare to sign up. It seems that they don't take me seriously."

"Brother Liang, what should we do? Should we call the brothers to teach those people a lesson now?" Huang Mao asked.

"Lessons must be learned, but you should find out the matter first, and see who the Zhangjiao is. After you figure it out, let's kill chickens and monkeys and cut down all the fruit trees in his family. "



(End of this chapter)

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